At this moment inside the camp, the lights were still switched on in the second floor of a building. Someone was conducting a psychological test on all the soldiers – but he couldn't seem to focus. It was the third time Qin Mo had lifted his head to glance at the room door.
The smell from the shower was fresh in the air, the scent from the soap lingering.
Qin Mo felt uneasy not seeing her today.
The next time he glanced at the clock, Qin Mo reached for his jacket and walked out the room towards Bo Jiu's dorm.
At that moment, Prince had just finished his ten rounds of punishment and had collapsed on the bed like a dead corpse. It was a pity he wasn't in the right place. He was lying on Bo Jiu's bed.
That was the first thing that came to sight when Qin Mo entered the room. His beautifully defined brows arched.
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