Kali Team had two really genuine girls, and they had no idea what the people over here were talking about.
Lin Xiaotong appeared to be small and sweet. She considered herself very thoughtful and understanding, but in fact, once there was a conflict, she instantly thought that it was other people's fault.
This kind of person would never realize that it was her who crossed boundaries, causing a conflict.
"OMG, I'm so sorry that Kali is not famous enough for you." Lin Xiaotong said peculiarly, then added. "It's just that, young master Fu, you really should watch your behavior so that you can match the real Supreme Alliance standard. As a Supreme Alliance player, you should really think before you talk."
Fu Jiu lifted her eyebrows. "I thought it through very clearly, which is why I have a question to ask Secretary Liang."
The youth's eyes moved to the side as she said, "Is this really our Supreme Alliance's partner team?"
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