Fu Jiu's head was buried in Qin Mo's chest.
The smell around her nose immediately became much nicer.
Although the Tokyo trolley bus was relatively clean, with that many people on board, it still smelled rather bad.
But not anymore…
Fu Jiu stroked her nose, and raised her head for a bit at first.
She found that the position she and the Almighty were in made her scream for a kiss as soon as she looked up.
The truth was…
You couldn't blame her for that thought.
Recently, the Almighty had flirted with her too much.
If Qin Mo had heard the young man's thoughts, he would have given one of his cold laughs and asked her, 'Who on earth was the one that kept flirting?'
There were people in the front and in the back. Only Qin Mo was like an isolated island.
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