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7.69% Naruto: son of Morning Star / Chapter 2: Hello everyone

Capítulo 2: Hello everyone

Lucifer walked into Silver City as he was flanked by his wife Kushina and his right-hand demon Maze. "Hello father. We need to talk." He said as he stopped before his father as the others stopped what they had been doing and looked at their troublemaking brother before them all.

God smiled down at his son. "What brings you back to Silver City my son?" He asked with an all-knowing smile.

"I am here to speak to you about something we talked about." Said Lucifer as he smirked back as he knew his father was playing the fool.

Maze and Kushina looked at all the Angel's gathered around their father. Maze glared at her former lover. As Kushina looked at the two with questionable eyes. Maze just shuck her head at the crimson hair woman as both turn back to look at Lucifer.

"I know Lucifer. You are here for the Angel's that will be protecting your son as well as helping in his growth as a shinobi." Said God as he smiled at his son.

The others looked at their father with amazement. As gasps could be heard all around.

Amenadiel stepped forth. "What is the meaning of this Lucifer?" He asked his brother.

Lucifer looked over at his brother and smirked. "Brother I'm surprised father hasn't informed everyone here. That as of tonight, I am a father and I had to leave my son alone on earth for some assholes have fucked up while I was away." He told everyone.

"A father?!" Asked a shocked Amenadiel as he studied his brother.

Kushina stepped forth. "We were forced to leave our son behind for Madara Uchiha attacked us after I gave birth to our son." She told them.

Whispers could be heard from all around them.

"I held Kurama with in me. I was his jinchuriki. The jinchuriki of the Kyubi no Yoko or Kyubi no Kitsune to others. He wanted the fox and waited till I was at my weakest point." Said Kushina as Maze looked at her with surprise. Lucifer nor Kushina never told anyone once they had appeared in hell. All Lucifer wanted was the file or scroll on Madara Uchiha.

"I thought Madara Uchiha was locked away in the deepest part of hell." Said Amenadiel as he turns to look back at his father. "Father is this true?"

"Yes, it is my son." Said God.

"Then I will go and help my nephew." Said Amenadiel as he looked at his other brothers and sisters.

Azrael stepped forth. "I want to help as well." She told her father as she stood next to her brother Amenadiel.

Uriel appeared from behind his brother and sister. "I shall go as well. For you would need to keep an eye on things." He said with a smirk.

"Very well. You three with go and be the guides from Heaven as Lucifer will have three from Hell as well to help. I am sure Maze will be the leader of the pack." Said God.

Lucifer smirked. "Yes, Maze will be there to make sure everything goes as plan. As well everyone will be training with Maze and my wife Kushina. For none of you are able to use Chakra and Maze has been using it for a very long time." He told the others.

Maze smirked at everyone. "I hope you three are ready to be my bitches." She told them as she turns to leave Silver City. She was getting tired of the place. If she had to be anywhere, she would like to be back in L.A. hanging out at Lux with her old friends.

The three looked to their father for his approval to leave with their troublesome brother. God nodded his head to his children as they fallowed after Lucifer and his wife Kushina. The gates of Silver City once more closed to the Fallen one.


Kurama Uzumaki stood before the Shinobi council as Sarutobi had ordered the Civilian council to leave. Many of the Civilian councilmen complained about this unfair treatment of them. But, Kurama had refused to speak while they where there. He felt that its shinobi business and those fools had no right to be there what so ever.

"I do not see why this foreigner is getting his way." Whine one pink hair banshee as she was pushed out of the council chambers by an Anbu wearing an Inu mask.

'Damn banshee. Always putting her nose where it doesn't belong.' Thought Kurama as he glared at the retreating form of her and the others.

Kurama held a small bundle in his arms as he looked over at the Shinobi side. Tsunade was sitting in her family seat. But by the looks of her. She was nursing a hangover from the night before. He looked over to the 3rd Hokage and saw Jiraiya standing behind the old man.

"I am Kurama Uzumaki and the twin brother of one Kushina Uzumaki-Namikaze. I arrived in the village during the fight with the Kyubi and was entrusted by her and her husband Minato Namikaze to watch over and raise their only son Naruto Morning Star Uzumaki-Namikaze." Said Kurama as he was hearing whispers from the people.

Tsunade opened her eyes and looked down at the man. "You are the last of the main Uzumaki family?" She asked him.

"Yes, I am. Kushina had feared me dead with the others of our village after the attack that took our home forever away from us." Said Kurama as he just wanted to get this over with.

"What other villages had you been too?" Asked Jiraiya as none of his spy net work knew of this man before him.

"I have been only to the small fishing villages in my travels. With my crimson hair it would not be wise for me to be at any of the major villages or villages close to them for an Uzumaki would be very valuable to the wrong people. We are seal masters after all, and we have very interesting bloodlines." Said Kurama as he looked Jiraiya dead in the eyes.

Everyone nodded their heads. They remembered when Kushina was almost kidnapped by Kumo. It wouldn't end well for Kurama if he was caught and turn into breeding stock.

"Only few people knew Kushina was the jinchuriki of the 9-tails. What of the fox. What happen to him?" Asked Sarutobi as he wanted to know.

Kurama sighed as he looked down at the baby in his arms. "He has been forsaken as the new Jinchuriki of the 9-tails. That is why I refused to speak of this in front of those fools on the civilian council for the boy is hero and should be treated as one and not seen as the demon he holds." He told them as he glared at the elders behind the old Hokage. "I still worry about telling you for I do not trust those old fools behind you Lord 3rd."

The Elders glared at the crimson hair man. 'Who is he to treat us like commoners.' Thought the old fools. What they didn't know was soon their judgement would be coming for them. Like the old saying goes you reap what you sew, and they had done a lot of shady dealings in the past behind their Hokage's backs.

"I understand your worry and fears Kurama-san. But, I a sure you. What is said here will not leave these walls." Said Sarutobi as he smiled at the man before him.

"I hope you are right about that. For if anyone finds out about this child holding the mightiest of all bijuus. There will be hell to pay." Said Kurama as his crimson eyes harden and a crimson aura surround his whole body.

Tsunade laughed as she looked at the man down before her and to her sensei. "He has a point. If word ever got out about this. We will know someone in this very room has lose lips and I will make their lives a living hell." She said as she also glared at the elders.

"Troublesome. She does have a point and we here as Shinobi know lose lips sink ships and it would place our village endanger with any of our enemies." Said Shikaku Nara.

"That is true. Since the attack T&I has been very busy with spy's that have been caught coming into the village. We do not need more from within our own very walls." Said Inoichi.

The other heads of the clan's nodded their heads. For right now their village was at its weakest it had ever been and their current Jinchuriki was no use to them what so ever. For what could a new born do and for that infant's uncle wouldn't do anything to help this village for it wasn't his true home and he was only there for that child. That child alone.

Kurama looked over the clan heads and sighed. "I would fight for this village. Do not forget, my family along with the Senju's and Uchiha's helped build this village. If my late Aunt Mito meant nothing to you people what so ever." He told them. Tsunade narrowed her eyes at the man. She knew Kushina was her grandmother's niece and her cousin.

Mummers could be heard as they talked amounts themselves. They knew he spoke the truth and there wasn't anything they could tell him. For Konoha was the sister village to the Whirlpool.

"Then when Naruto is older. I want you to enlist as a Shinobi of this village." Said Sarutobi as he looked down at Kurama.

Kurama just smirked. 'Good luck with that you old fool.' He thought to himself. 'Soon the others will be here, and they wouldn't know what hit them.'

During this entire time Shikaku watched Kurama with lazy eyes. He knew this man before him was up to something. But he didn't know what and the strange feeling he was getting from him. Was leaving him unsettling feeling within his stomach.


Lucifer walked back into his office as the others fallowed behind him. "Who will you be sending from here?" Asked Kushina as she wished she could return to her son. But it wouldn't be good for the dead to return to the living once more.

Lucifer looked up at his wife. He let out a sigh. "I haven't given it any thought so far. I know I couldn't entrust our son to many of the demon's here. Yes, they are loyal to me in Hell. But would that loyalty change once they leave to go to earth?" He questioned as the looked at everyone in the room.

"Then why not send one of the souls we have hear that you have befriend throughout the years." Suggested Maze. She could find a few souls that would enjoy returning to Earth.

Lucifer sat down thinking about it. "That could work." He said as he pulled a few files from his desk as his clones worked on the stack of files littering the whole office.

"Umm… Lucy how are there three more of you in here?" Asked Amenadiel as the others nodded their heads.

"They are just shadow clones. Physical clones of the person who uses the jutsu." Said Kushina as she looks at the others as if it wasn't anything major.

"Shadow Clones?" Asked Azrael as she walked up to one of the clones and touched it.

"You do know it is annoying aright?" Asked Lucifer clone one.

She jumped back frighten as she didn't expect it to speak and feel so real. "Its real." She gasped out.

"What did you expect to put your hand right through me?" Asked the same Shadow Clone.

Azrael nodded her head to the clone's question. For this is something she had never seen in her life.

Maze walks up to the clone and pulls a kunai form her back pocket and stabs it. The clone goes wide eye and goes up in a poof of smoke. As Lucifer glares at Maze. "See one good fatal hit and its gone." She told the others.

"Dammit Maze that bloody hurt." Said Lucifer as he makes another clone to replace the one that Maze took out.

"One is able to make clones like these with the use of Chakra and that is something we need to waken in the three of you." Said Kushina as she walks up to the others. "So, be warn it is painful."

Uriel looks down at the crimson hair woman. "Why are you with my brother?" He asked. This was something that had been bothering him for a while. Why would anyone willingly stay with Lucifer.

Kushina stopped as she turned around and looked at Uriel. "Why do you ask?" She asked him with confusion written on her face.

"What would make you fall in love with Lucifer? Even after you found out he is Satan you are still by his side and I want to know why." Said Uriel as he looked the crimson hair woman over.

Kushina looked over at Lucifer and back at his siblings. She sighed as she was starting to feel extremely tired now.

"I fell in love with him during my time in Konoha. But what really made me fall in love with him was the night I was kidnapped, and he fallowed after us and saved my life. For several shinobi from Kumo had taken me and had planned to turn me into breeding stock. For an Uzumaki was very valuable in the Shinobi world." Said Kushina.

"After that he and I grew close. We fell in love with each other. When I told him that I was a jinchuriki, he didn't judge me. He was open to me and told me the truth and who he was and why he was on earth. That he needed a break from Hell and wanted to try to have a life without all the darkness." Said Kushina as she walked around Lucifer's desk and lean down and kissed the man.

Lucifer smiled as he kissed her back. "She is special to me. Someone who never turn their back on me and welcomed me into her life with open arms and never once did she question anything I did. For she knew I did it to keep her and those I care for safe." He told the others.

"You found love and now you are in this mess with a mad man on the loose and an innocent child cared for by a demon?" Asked Amenadiel.

"Well if you put it that way. Then yes." Said Lucifer as he smirked at his brother.

"Have you thought about sending Chloe up to earth as one of the boys watchers?" Asked Maze as she was grinning now.

Lucifer looked at Maze for a moment. "I don't know. You know her soul is up in Silver City. I could send officer-douche. But he still isn't talking to me." He told Maze as she smirked at her boss.

"He would be fun to send back to earth." Said Maze as she thought about how the man would react to that fact the world had changed.

"Too bad I couldn't send Trixie. That child would love it there. She did always like playing Ninja with you Maze." Said Lucifer as he smirked.

"That little human was always so much fun to play with. I was shocked that she was willing to come to Hell when she passed away." Said Maze as she grinned.

As if she knew they where talking about her. Trixie walked into Lucifer's office. "Hello Lucifer."

Kushina looked wide eyed at the little girl standing at the office door. "She is just a child." She said with surprise in her voice.

Trixie smirked at the crimson hair woman. "No, I'm a grown up. Its just more fun moving around here as a child." She told the crimson hair woman.

Just then Trixie took her adult form. She stood at 5'10 with long black hair that was up in twin pigtails as it touched the ground. Her dark eyes had a beautiful glow to them. She smiled at Kushina.

"Ah... Trixie you are still the little scamp as always." Said Lucifer as he smirked at her.

"Well what can I say. I felt my ears ring and that only happens when you and Maze are talking about me. So, I had to come and find out what was going on. All I heard was something about playing ninja." Said Trixie as she smirked.

"I know I always like her. My favorite little human." Said Maze as she grinned at the girl.

"Trixie it is good to see you once more." Said Amenadiel as he walked up to the girl and hugged her.

"Its good to see you are well Amenadiel. But what brings you three from Silver City?" Asked Trixie. "Also, how's my mom doing by the way?" She asked as they broke the hug.

"She is doing well. But we are here for Lucifer had a child and we are going to be train to use chakra so we can move more freely in this new age of Shinobi." Said Amenadiel.

Trixie's eyes lit up at hearing about Shinobi. "For real? I would love to go and play ninja and meet your son Lucifer." She told him as her eyes sparkled.

Maze walked up to Trixie and hung her arm around the girl's neck. "Well I guess it was a good thing that you had been training with me on learning how to use chakra?" She asked the girl.

"Hell yeah. It was totally worth it." Said Trixie as she hugged Maze.

Lucifer smirked. "Leave it to you Maze to always having a backup plan for me."

"This will make it a lot easier with three of us to teach the four others on how to use chakra and learn their jutsu style." Said Kushina as she smirked at the girl.

"Hey, Lucy, who's the lady?" Asked Trixie as she looked at Kushina.

Lucifer smirked as he pulled Kushina into his lap. "She is my beautiful bride and the mother of my son." He told Trixie as Kushina wrapped her arms around Lucifer's neck.

"Wow. About damn time you found true love." Said Trixie as she smirked at the two.

"So, who will be the final member of this team?" Asked Uriel as he looked at the others.

Sakumo stumbled into the doorway of Lucifer's office. He held a bottle of sake in his right hand as he looked at everyone in the room with a drunken smirk. "Send me." He told everyone.

Lucifer arched an eyebrow to this. "Why would I send an old drunker like you to watch over my son?" He asked.

Sakumo leaned against the doorframe. "Think of it as a thank you and a payback for caring for my son after my untimely death." He told Lucifer.

"Sakumo, you took your own life. Something I don't think you should have done." Said Kushina as she frowned at the silver hair man.

Sakumo smirked at Kushina. "I didn't commit suicide. Danzo jumped me with his little Root Anbu and hung me. Telling me it was for the good of the village for I was too weak, and he couldn't have me tainting the others with my weakness." He told her.

"That bastard. He took you from Kakashi-kun and sent that boy down a very dark path and he closed himself up to all those around him. But it took the death of his teammate to get him to open-up to the others. If just a little." Said Kushina as she was tearing up.

Sakumo tighten his hand around the neck of the sake bottle as it shuttled into a million pieces. "I want to go back and kill that bastard for what he has done to my family." He told Lucifer.

"Fine. But you will not be able to return the way you are now. You will have to change your appearance. For I do not know how it would affect Kakashi at this moment. For we where the last of the family he had." Said Lucifer as he looked at his old friend.

Sakumo smirked as he stood straight. "I guess it was a good thing I had become a demon." He said as his silver hair turned black and his black eyes took on a silver color to them. His face become more fuller from how it was once narrow. Even his built changed a little from a lean body of a swimmer. He became a little stockier. But he never gave up any of his speed or flexibility.

"Then it appears my team is all set to get these little angel's ready for what is to happen next." Said Maze as she grinned even more.

"Very well Maze. Take them and have your fun. I will send my wife to help you soon." Said Lucifer.

Maze nodded her head as she turns to the others and gave them a look. "Let's go." She said as she left the building with the others following behind her.

"Do you really think your siblings will be able to take care of our son?" Asked Kushina as she laid her head on his shoulder.

Lucifer wrapped her into his arms. "With you and the others. I am sure they will do fine." Said Lucifer. He knew she was worried about them messing everything up and placing Naruto and Kurama in more danger. But with Maze, Sakumo, and Trixie things will go find. Those three he could trust more than the other three.


Kurama glared at Tsunade as she was standing in his way. "What do you want blasted woman. I need to get Naruto fed and you just want to be in the way." He growled out.

Tsunade narrowed her eyes at the man. "I want to be here to help care for my godson. I know Jiraiya will be useless during this point of the boy's life and this would also free you up to take on missions for the village." She told him with a smirk.

"I do not think so. I will not have you getting in my way and placing the boy in danger. You are a drunk and a horrible gambler. You need to clean yourself up first before I will even think about allowing you to help me with my nephew. Till then you will stay out of my way." Said Kurama as he pushed past her and entered his home as a shadow clone fallowed behind him with all the supplies needed for baby Naruto. He knew Kushina had everything already. But he felt it would be good to get a little extra for one never knew if it would come in handy while all the shops are closed.

Tsunade stood there in shock for the way the man had talked to her. When she turns to fallow after him and give him a piece of her mind. The door was slammed shut into her face and seal appeared before her. It was blocking her from coming in.

"Until you are clean and sober. You will not be entering this house." Said Kurama as his voice carried passed the door.

Tsunade glared at the closed door and turned to walk away. At the gate stood Jiraiya. "So, he wants you to clean up your act before he allows you around their son?" He asked with a smirk.

Tsunade glared at him. "I'm pretty sure he will be telling you the same thing. So, I wouldn't be acting so high and mighty yourself." She told him with a smirk as Jiraiy's face contorted into a frown.

"I don't think he would be doing that to me. I am a God among men." Said Jiraiya with a cocky grin.

As the two Sannin spoke someone appeared before the two. "That also goes for you as well dirty old man. For when it comes time for you to train my nephew. You will not be dumping him on others or running off to do that "research" of yours that you claim to be so proud of." Said Kurama as he glared at the old pervert before him.

"WHAT!?" Yelled Jiraiya in shock. "Why would you do something so horrible to all of mankind." He cried.

"I don't give a damn. You are worthless to the boy once he is older. There is a time and a place for your bs. So, if you want to be in the boy's life you will also clean up your act and do what is right to stand next to this boy. For once the other's show. They will leave you two in the dust." Said Kurama as he turned to leave the two Sannin to their very own thoughts.

Both Sannin stood their stun in their very own thoughts as well as processing his very words of others to coming to be in the boy's life. For if they wanted anything to do with their godson. Then they will have to do whatever it will take to make things easier for their last remaining family.

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