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100% Naruto of Universe six / Chapter 2: Chapter 2

Capítulo 2: Chapter 2

Hey guys, glad you guys liked the first chapter of this story. I honestly thought some of you guys might have disliked it due to it not being a typical "Naruto is a part of Universe 7 and takes the place of Goku or Vegeta" story. However, I'm glad I got some positive feedback. Anyways I hope you guys enjoy the chapter and just know that the idea for the pairing is still up in the air. Anyways let's get on with the chapter.

Naruto, Hit, and Vados appeared in a destroyed city. By the looks of things one would imagine it was abandoned after being used as a war grounds, which honestly wasn't too far off from the truth. The trio's attention was drawn to the unmistakeable sound of fists colliding. Naruto noticed a flash of pink collide with a flash of blue.

He watched as his brother along with the apprentice of Gowasu fought two blue haired saiyans, which could only be Goku and Vegeta. Looks like Hit wasn't kidding when he said they had a transformation similar to his own. He'd have to talk to them once this was over.

Hit meanwhile had his own thoughts on the matter, though they weren't on Goku, Vegeta, or the white haired kai. Rather, it was on Black. "Something is off with his transformation, his version of Rose is much weaker than Naruto's. In fact, it seems similar to his accomplice."

Hit wasn't the only one thinking this as Naruto had extended his senses to get a feel for everyone on the battlefield. Doing this he quickly deduced what was wrong. "He's been granted the same power as Zamasu, that's why his Rose isn't as powerful. He's using a tainted version. Idiot".

They watched as Vegeta landed punch after punch on Black before kicking him through a couple buildings. Zamasu seemed like he wanted to help but was being stopped by Goku who hit him with a strong kick leaving him in a crater on the ground.

"So what are you going to do?" Hit asked still watching the battles. He was impressed, it hadn't been too long since the exhibition match and the two had gotten much stronger, especially Vegeta.

"For now we watch until we get an idea of just what my brother is trying to do." He responded. As it turned out they wouldn't have to wait too long to get their answer as Black detached himself from the wall Vegeta had embedded him in.

"You mortals are becoming more of a nuisance." Black says as he looks over at Zamasu. "Playtime is over. For these mortals who continue to ignorantly desecrate the gods, it's time to show the true power of gods." He says as he flicks his potara earring.

"So he believe's he's no longer a human huh?" Naruto said out loud as he listened to his brother monologue.

"If I had to guess I'd say he's been corrupted by his accomplice." Said the Angel of universe six.

Once more naruto extended his senses, only this time he focused it a little more on the two and found out Vados was correct. They had almost completely similar energy. At this point in time they're basically the same person, who knows how long it's been like this for.

Not only that but he also felt the energy of two others in the area, one was familiar while the other was similar to the first. Gowasu, was here. The Supreme Kai of universe ten was someone Naruto always got along with.

"Then let us begin." Says Zamasu as he removes his potara earring and holds it up.

Having enough of this the elder Black decided it was time to go. "Hit" the assassin nods and they disappear from the dome Vados had them in. Said angel stayed, wanting to see how this would play out. Something about this saiyan was interesting.

"Just to make sure this goes on without any interruption." Black says as he begins charging up black energy in his hands. Just as Goku and Vegeta were going to counter with their own attacks something happened. One minute Black is about to attack, the next minute both him and Zamasu are shot in opposite directions.

"What the hell just happened Kakkarot?" Asked Vegeta as he looked around for any new threats.

"I don't know, but we should be more alert." Goku responded

Before they could say anything else two warriors appeared in front of them, one of which they both quickly recognized. The other stood there, Zamasu's potara in hand.

"Hit!" Goku says joyously. Vegeta wasn't as enthusiastic, his defeat still lingering in his mind. "What are you doing here?" Goku continued. "And who's this?"

"So you two are the Saiyans Hit told me about." Naruto began "My name is Naruto Black." The moment the words left his lips everyone tensed up. Goku and Vegeta put a bit of distance between them as a precaution.

Seeing their reaction Naruto spoke "There's no reason to get so tense and on guard, I'm not like him. And incase any of you were wondering yes, we're related. He's my younger brother by a year." They all look up as they saw Black had pulled himself out of the rubble he'd been thrown in and was floating ominously over them, though he was glaring at both Hit and Naruto.

"Naruto" Black said through clinched teeth, unhappy with the unexpected turn of events. The appearance of his brother wasn't something he was expecting just yet. This would make things more difficult.

"What are you doing here?" He followed up. Zamasu appeared next to him, wiping the blood off his mouth from the kick that had sent him away.

"I should be the one asking you that. We have no business in Universe 7, so imagine my surprise when I hear you're over here causing problems. And what the hell is all this about mortals you keep going on about?" Naruto asked in disappointment.

"Tsk. You wouldn't understand Naruto. You've always hung around with the insects of our universe. Even after meeting the gods you went back to those bugs. I used to be like you, until I saw how despicable Humans can be.

I learned that as long as humans exist we will never live in a peaceful world. The only way for that to happen is to erase all mortals and have a universe of gods only." He finished by slightly raising his hands and flaring his power.

"If you were smart you and your friend would get out of here and let us finish our business." Comments Zamasu. "Should you leave now we promise that the two of you will be spared when we get rid of the mortals in the other universes."

Naruto just shook his head "The two of you are stupid beyond belief. You." He said pointing to zamasu "You should know I don't take orders that I don't agree with, especially from someone weaker than me. Hell I even ignored some of Rumsshi's orders. And you."

He turned his attention to his brother. "I always knew you made stupid decisions but this one by far is the worst one. You took power from the wannabe Kai just to try and pull this little stunt off. You allowed yourself to be given power like some sort of charity case. You are a disgrace to the Saiyan race." He finished angrily.

"Heh, you got that right." Vegeta agreed with him. "So if you're related to him then that means you can also turn into this 'Super Saiyan Rose'." It was said more as a statement than a question.

Naruto looked at him before turning his attention back to Black. Suddenly the surrounding area felt differently as Naruto also transformed into his rose form. Everyone felt the change in the atmosphere as Naruto's rose form was on a completely different level than that of Black's. Somewhere off in the distance the supreme Kai's of universe seven and ten also felt the power Naruto was emitting.

Gowasu's eyes widened a fraction as he recognized who that power belonged to, it was one he hadn't felt in a few years. "That power, it's definitely Naruto." Gowasu says.

Shin looks over at him in confusion not having heard of such a person here. "Who is that Gowasu?"

The Supreme Kai smiled "A powerful warrior from my universe. Our chances of survival have just increased dramatically."

"So it's not just Black who can transform." Goku says interested in meeting another person who can do the rose transformation. "How did you achieve it?" He asked, and although Vegeta didn't say anything he too wanted to know.

"I achieved this form after fighting with the God of Destruction from my universe. I'm interested in knowing how you two came about getting a similar blue form." He said as he looked at them. He was going to same but they felt two jumps in power and watched as Black and Zamasu began powering up.

"Stay out of it, he's my brother. If anyone's going to put him down it's gonna be me." Naruto said as he seemingly disappeared from his spot on the ground.

He appeared between them and moved his head to the side allowing his brothers punch to miss him completely. He lifted his left forearm to block an oncoming kick from Zamasu and quickly grabbed the mans leg and threw him aside. He quickly had to move aside to avoid a pink energy blade that was being aimed his way.

Though throughout all of this he wasn't phased. He once more moved aside letting Black swing with the blade before stopping it with one of his own. He then caught a punch with his free hand, pulled him down and shot a knee to Black's chin propelling him upwards.

He seemingly teleports above Black and sends him crashing back down with a black ki-blast. He turned his attention over to Zamasu who was looking at him through narrowed eyes, clearly not at all happy with the turn of events.

Naruto lifted one hand and motioned him to try and attack. He then put both hands behind his back and flared his power some. He begins dodging and weaving through both their attacks without removing his hands from behind his back, making no effort to attack back at the moment. Simply letting them tire themselves out.

He smacked away punches and kicks coming from both 'gods' in unison before thrusting a palm at Zamasu. The green man dodged and ignited his hand with his purple energy, but before he was able to do anything he was met with a kick to the chin and the body of Black crashing into him.

Neither man got time to react as they felt themselves hit a stone pillar. Zamasu was barraged by well calculated punches that he managed to dodge…for the first three seconds. His guard was broken by a straight right that damaged his neck for sure.

Naruto relented and floated back in the air and looked down on them. He put his hands back behind him and waited for them to try again. This enraged Zamasu to no end, this mortal was playing with them. Even worse was that he had his potara earring, that was the key to their success.

Black appeared besides Naruto with his hand ignited with his pink energy blade and went to swipe at him to no avail. It was blocked by Naruto's own black one. Naruto looks at him before closing his eyes, "Pathetic" was all he said before appearing behind black and piercing him through the back and kicking his body down.

Down below many people had their own thoughts as to what was going on in the sky. Hit took notice of the form Naruto was using.

"That form, it's the same one he used when we first fought before he found out about my time-skip. He gave up using it against me after realizing my time skip would counter him. Now however…." He gave his friend a hard stare. Friends they may be, but they were also warriors. He wanted to know how he would fare now.

Vados, who still hadn't moved from where they landed also had thoughts to weigh in on the matter. "That's the form we teach the gods of destruction. His form has it's flaws but for a mortal that's the best i've ever seen someone replicate it in battle. To lower beings it's almost perfect. Seems like Rumsshi took an interest in him." She thought to herself, she wouldn't mention this to champa, but she'd have to have a talk with this saiyan.

"Vegeta, do you see it?" Goku asks not taking his eyes off Naruto. If he wasn't interested in this new saiyan before he definitely was now. Vegeta, knowing exactly what he was talking about nods.

"Yeah, he fights almost exactly like Beerus." Just who the hell was this guy.

"Yeah, except his movements aren't as smooth. It's not second nature to him like it is to Beerus-sama. There's something different about his way." Goku comments. While he may not be a genius in the conventional sense, his fighting IQ is part of the reason why he's so strong. To him and Vegeta seeing the difference was easy.

"I've indulged your foolishness for too long brother." Naruto says, whatever people were thinking or doing immediately stopped. Naruto used a burst of speed to kick Zamasu a few feet from him and picked up Black by his pink hair.

"You had your chance to stop this nonsense but you refused to listen, much to your disadvantage and to my annoyance. And that, is not forgivable." Everyone watched as the aura around Naruto began to get flare up once more.

combinations of black and pink lightning surrounded him as his power continued to grow. This kept up until next to Naruto, a clone of him appeared. The most astonishing part however, was that the clone was also in Super Saiyan Rose form.

Out of all the spectators in the audience non was more shocked than Shin.

"H-How?" He manages to croak out. "I've seen cloning techniques before, but there's an obvious flaw. Power needs to be divided equally between the original and the clones, so if there's one clone they should both have half power. But this clone is also in Rose form, and doesn't feel any less strong."

"Just who is this?" He thought to himself watching the fight.

"Now then" Naruto begins still not having let go of Black. "I'm afraid if I leave you alone you'll continue causing problems. Big enough to where even Zeno-sama might have to be called, and I can't allow that." He raised his right hand and summoned a dark purple ball of energy that caught everyone off guard once more.

"That's Hakai energy" Gowasu points out, wondering how Naruto got ahold of it.

"Hahahaha, I'm immortal brother. No matter what you do I can't be killed" Black laughs/coughs .

Naruto says nothing but slams the dark energy into his brothers gut and lets go in time to watch the ball trap him. Black stops his maniacal laugh and begins looking around, panicking as he watches his body begin to erase from existence starting from the feet and hands.

"What! How! I'm immortal, I can't be killed, I can't be killed…" The rest was cut off as his body deteriorated completely. Zamasu stood still, eyes wide open, feeling genuine fear for the first time.

He was about to flee when he felt an immense pain in his back and internal organs. As he hit the ground he managed to see behind him and found Hit, standing with his hands in his pockets looking down on him.

"Hit knew you'd probably try something stupid like running. He used his Time-skip and took you down for me. I appreciate that by the way." He adds at the end to the assassin. Hit just nods.

Naruto releases the clone and gathers some divine ki into his hands and forms another black energy ball and releases it to the immobilized form of Zamasu. When the blast finally calmed down they saw the destroyed body of the Kai. His lower half was gone as well as his left arm.

"I know you're immortal, however injuries taken by divine ki infused attacks take longer for you to regenerate from. He bends down and picks him up by the throat before tossing his form at the feet of Gowasu.

"Take him to Rumsshi." He told the universe ten Kai. "Have him erase him with Hakai."

Gowasu looks down at the dismembered form of his apprentice and sighs sadly at what he became.

"Son Goku" Hit calls out. "When the tournament begins, be ready. This time I won't be holding back." He comments.

Goku smirks already getting excited at the thought of a rematch with Hit. "Count on it"

"Naruto" Hit calls out as he nods his head in Vados' general direction.

"Right" with that the two of them disappeared leaving only the inhabitants of Universe seven and Gowasu.

"I can't believe it" Trunks comments looking at the body of Zamasu. This brought all the attention to the time traveler. "He handled black and Zamasu like nothing, who was that?" He asked the Kais.

"You know something don't you?" Vegeta asks Gowasu. The old Kai sighs and nods.

"Naruto Black is, or rather was a warrior from my own universe ten. He was always powerful, so much so that he became our God of Destruction's unofficial apprentice. Similar to how Zamasu was with me." He states.

"So that's why he fought so similarly to Beerus-sama. The angels teach the Gods their martial arts." Goku comments, things making more sense now.

"But wait, I don't understand." Vegeta added "If he was from your universe what was he doing with the hitman from universe six?"

"When Naruto was still training with Rumsshi, word was going around that he'd be succeeding him as the God of Destruction in the coming years, but they had a falling out. They had different views on how problems should be handled in the universe.

I'm not quite certain of the details but the arguments eventually escalated to a battle in which Naruto did manage to injure Rumsshi before leaving his domain. Days later he left the universe completely, how he did so I'm not sure, I hadn't heard from him since. I was quite surprised when I saw him appear today with the 'Universal Hitman' from universe six.

"So that's why he's so strong. If he was the apprentice of a God of Destruction Black and Zamasu were probably nothing to him." Trunks states.

"Do you think he'll be participating in the tournament?" Shin asked.

"I can almost guarantee it." Gowasu said as he picked up his apprentice. "Well I have to take this to Rumsshi-sama, I'll see you all at the tournament." He said as he disappeared.

"well we better go tell Beerus-sama that everything got handled and prepare for the tournament. It looks like it's gonna be harder than we first imagined." Goku said as they all left the scene.

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