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3.63% Naruto: Look to the Stars / Chapter 4: Chapter 4 Genius vs Genius

Capítulo 4: Chapter 4 Genius vs Genius

"Tentacle whip Jutsu", screams Naruto.

As he does a long dark green tentacle lash from his hand. Wrapping around a nearby post the tentacle begin to squeeze the post causing a low crack of wood. Naruto pulls his hand back the tentacle disappears in a puff of grey smoke.

Naruto looks at the small crack in the post, while not very big it is impressive for squeezing the wood rather than lashing out at it as he did before. He does a few hand signs molding his Chakra before whipping his hand out again.

"Tentacle whip Jutsu", he screams.

The Long appendage lashes out again this time striking the post with a loud crack much like a bullwhip followed by the sound of wood being scraped. A deep cut appears in the post. Naruto smiles as he walks up to the post breathing heavily.

"Wow, not bad for a B-Rank Jutsu. And that was supposed to be one of the hardest Jutsu in the book, I wonder why it was so easy", asks Naruto to himself.

It has been several weeks since the translation of the few dozen Jutsu in the Necronomicon. While only able to do two at the moment, the Tentacle Whip and an advanced chakra control exercise to massage the ligaments and joints in the body to acquire unbelievable levels of flexibility. While the supposed easy Jutsu were difficult to even create, two of the supposed hardest ones was as simple as could be. After the first successful cast of Tentacle whip Jutsu Naruto has been training in his free time attempting to cast it without seals or words. So far no such luck, as several times the Jutsu was cast so many times Naruto passed out, but the uses of an attack that can both be used for offense and to detain enemies was looking promising.

Laying against the post with his hands behind his head Naruto looks to the sky. Deciding a much needed break is in order he closes his eyes listening to the forest around him. As he does this he hears the sound of feet crushing grass. Opening one eye to scan the area Naruto sees a familiar sight of the Hyuga girl from his class. For the past few days when he trained with the Jutsu discovered in the Necronomicon the girl would watch as Naruto trained.

Naruto chose to ignore her while he would begin normal taijutsu training so as not to give away his tentacle whip Jutsu. Naruto believed that she wanted to ask him something apparently however the girl suffered from a crippling shyness, and it was starting to get creepy. Deciding that he no longer wanted to be watched from the shadows, Naruto decided to take the situation in his own hands.

"You can come out you know", says Naruto.

A soft shriek escapes the girls lips after being discovered.

"Might as well come out, I know you have been following me. I respect your privacy, please respect mine. I know you are shy don't be. I promise I will be pleasant company", says Naruto.

After a few moments the young girl walks out from behind a tree. Closing her arms in her jacket as if trying to hide in it she slowly walks up to Naruto.

"I-I'm S-Sorry for f-following you", says the girl stuttering on her words.

"Don't worry about it, so tell me why have you been following me, Is there something you want to ask me?".

The girl sinks deeper into her jacket.

"W-well I...", she says before turning a deep shade of red, she stops talking.

"That shy huh, it's not all bad. I read on human behavior. Shyness does have a few advantages going for it. People who are shy tend to criticize themselves, while that sounds bad it tends to make them high achievers in life. Shy people also tend to be more sensitive and nicer. While people who are to bold tend to be a little blunt. I'm blunt and look at the classroom incident, I think Mizuki thinks I called him an idiot", says Naruto.

Naruto scoots upright from his slouched posture against the post. Noting the deepening blush and small smile on the girl.

"Anyway I forgot to introduce myself I'm Naruto"

"I-I'm Hinata"

Naruto smiles causing her to blush.

"Well it is good to meet you Hinata", says Naruto offering his hand.

Hinata slowly reaches for it in a shake.

"Y-you t-to", says Hinata.

Naruto looks to the sky for a second before turning back to Hinata.

"Hey I know this is a bit weird, but I heard from Ino that you press flowers, I was wondering if you have a pressed Devine Flower, I have been reading on them for a while but can't find any pictures on them", says Naruto.

Hinata sinks into her jacket.

"Well I-I have a f-few flowers p-pressed in b-books at my house, I c-can bring the D-Devine Flower to the Academy t-tomorrow", says Hinata turning the brightest shade of red yet.

"That sounds good, I would appreciate it, anyway it's getting late we should probably Get home, I have some work to do anyway", says Naruto.

He stands up stretches for a second before helping Hinata stand as well.

"It was good meeting you", said Naruto as he leaves for his home.

"Y-you to", says Hinata.

He watches for a moment as Hinata slowly walks back to hers seeming reluctant about it. slightly confused at this Naruto continues to his home. Once home Naruto grabs the Necronomicon. He returns to a page viewed earlier and one that confuses him. The page has no words to translate only a set of instruction to create some kind of seal in 3 dimensions rather than a flat 2 dimensional paper.

While the information on the seal was vague at best, what it was made out as was some way to allow him to understand the Necronomicon without having to translate it, which was becoming a problem as time went on. Almost as if the symbols in the book were changing to become more complex.

After hours of trying to figure out how it could be done Naruto thought of a possible way. Nailing twine almost to small to see to the wall, he ties it to thick black string, repeating the process he is able to tie the string and twine in such a way he completes what appears to be a floating circle of string when it is the twine that is used to keep it both in shape and in the air. Continuing the painstaking process he continues to nail twine to the wall on one end while tying it to the black string. After several more hours he creates a rough image of the Symbol outlined in the Necronomicon. While only a tenth done the seemingly floating ball of string is already an impressive shape. Bending and curving around the original circle. Feeling tired Naruto decides to go to sleep. As he lowers his head to fall into the nocturnal peace, the unseen tendrils and feelers of the Necronomicon reach out to the seal of string and twine. Knotting it into a more streamline shape, leaving no room for even the slightest error. once finished the book slowly shuts itself waiting and watching.

The next day Naruto awakens from a restless sleep, still feeling tired he lumbers toward a nearby sink splashing water in his face. He carefully maneuvers around the string and twine so as not to disturb the seal. Changing outfits Naruto goes out ready for a new day of the academy. Walking down the road Naruto ignores those around him as they glare a him with hate and mistrust. After a brief walk Naruto enters the classroom, once again being the first one there. Taking the time to read Naruto skims through the book. After a minute He sees the Door open. Turning his eyes to the door, he watches as Shikamaru and Choji enters the room.

"Hey Naruto, up for a game of Shogi", asks Shikamaru.

"Why not my losing streak cant get much worse", says Naruto.

"You did beat him once", says Choji.

"He fell asleep, I don't count disqualification by laziness", says Naruto.

Shikamaru shrugs. He takes out the board and begins setting it up.

"Look on the bright side, at least you come close to winning", says Shikamaru.

"Speaking on that you must be a mind reader or something, I think 3 moves ahead you thing 5, I think 5 you think 10. How do you even do that", asks Naruto.

"Don't get me wrong Naruto you're good but in strategy games your impulsive, outside of them even I can only guess what you're going to do. It's a good thing you aim to be a ninja scholar, because you would not make a good ninja general, no offence", says Shikamaru.

"None taken", says Naruto.

As they play Choji gives a few chips to Naruto, who thanks him for the gesture. As the class begins to fill Naruto sees Hinata enter the room.

"Can you excuse me for a minute I'll be right back. And no looking at the board for more than two seconds, otherwise you'll find some way to destroy me when I come back", says Naruto.

"Too late", says Shikamaru.

Naruto sighs. He shakes his head and walks over to Hinata who begins blushing as he walks by.

"Hi Hinata, sorry to bother you. Did you bring the flower", asks Naruto.

She nods her head before taking out a book. Flipping through it She hands it to Naruto shaking as she does. Naruto thanks her again as he takes it. Taped to the page is the Devine Flower. While flat and dried out, it's gold color still is a thing to be admired. Almost like looking at a Gold colored Tulip buy much more narrow.

"W-when I first g-got it, the flower w-would glow a s-soft yellow light", says Hinata barely above a whisper.

Naruto stares at the flower for a few minutes before smiling and handing the book back to Hinata.

"It is a beautiful flower, thanks Hinata, If I am ever out in wave country I'll at least know what I'm looking for, if I find any more I'll give one to you", says Naruto.

As the thought of Naruto giving Hinata a flower, a rather rare flower at that she begins to blush into the deep red color she displayed yesterday.

"I-It was n-no p-problem, and T-thank you Naruto-kun", says Hinata.

As she walks over to her seat Naruto turns back to Shikamaru puzzling the honorific choice Hinata made. Thinking nothing of it he continues the game with Shikamaru, only to be beat in two turns.

"Well that makes 32 to 0", says Naruto.

"You are getting better at least", says Choji.

Naruto shrugs.

"I guess", says Naruto.

After Shikamaru picks up the board Naruto continues to read his book waiting for his teacher. After only a few seconds the door opens revealing the much more pleasant Iruka. After a moment of using a giant head Jutsu and scream to quiet the classroom Iruka takes his place at the front of the class.

"Alright class after a few weeks of you all reading the materials I think it's time to go outside to see if you can perform the transformation technique Mizuki and I showed you last week as well as have our first full contact spars", says Iruka.

Leaving the class Naruto follows Shikamaru and Choji. After a leisurely walk to the outside training ground They stop.

"Ok as I call your name come to the circle to begin your spar, first up Kiba Inuzuka and Shikamaru Nara", says Iruka.

Watching the fight Naruto silently goes over the 3 dimensional seal in his apartment. Trying to come up with a timeframe on when it would be completed.

Lets see, after six hours of work I am just about ten percent finished, so baring any unusual circumstances it should be complete in eight to ten days. Not going to be fin maneuvering around string for over a week. Maybe I should practice those easy Jutsu in the book. After all I only can do two right now and the other one is more of a chakra control exercise than anything else. Still being near inhumanly flexible with using chakra to massage the ligaments that hold bones together is quite the work out, really you'd think that doing that to every single joint would be harder, why is it that the supposed harder ones come to me so naturally.

After a while Naruto tunes back into the spars just as Choji and Shino finish there's. Looking at that he discerns who his probable opponent is.

"Next up Naruto Uzumaki vs Sasuke Uchiha", says Iruka.

Naruto turns his head to a smirking Sasuke. Both enter the ring at the same time.

"Ready to lose", asks Sasuke.

"Mind games don't work on me", says Naruto.

Sasuke Narrows his eyes ever so slightly before giving a faint nod. He says nothing more.

"Begin", says Iruka.

Sasuke immediately charges Naruto. As he throws a punch right for his chest, Naruto uses the flexibility exercise to bend back from the punch. As each punch and kick comes at Naruto he bends and twists around them. Not getting hit but not able to hit back. Arching his back at a seemingly uncomfortable degree he slightly twists and spins behind Sasuke. He throws his first Punch but it is immediately deflected by Sasuke who spins delivering a hard kick to Naruto's abdomen. Rolling with it Naruto is able to reduce the damage taken.

Naruto pumps chakra in his legs and leaps back. Seeing Sasuke charge him fist ready to go Naruto twists down below the punch before coming up with a punch toward Sasuke chest. However Sasuke leans back punching Naruto in the ribs as he does. Naruto again rolls with it but the hit causes a slightly painful bruise. Twisting back Naruto swings his arm around aiming for Sasuke's shoulder. This time it hits. In the second that Sasuke uses trying to will the pain away Naruto grabs his Shoulders bringing his knee right to his stomach. Out of breath Naruto does not let up, delivering hit after hit. Using his high stamina and flexibility to make sure Sasuke does not get a moment to collect himself. He attacks the spots already hit several times maximizing the damage.

After a few seconds of this however Sasuke gets his second wind and dodges the incoming attack. Going by Naruto's strategy he attacks spots already hit. While Naruto rolls with the punches using his flexibility Sasuke waits for his opening. After a heavy swing to his head Naruto ducks. Sasuke immediately brings his foot up kicking him directly upward into his chest knocking the wind form Naruto's lungs. Sasuke immediately dashes forward and punches Naruto to the ground. Naruto gasps for air before falling down.

"The winner is Sasuke Uchiha", says Iruka.

As Naruto begins to inhale deeply Iruka walks by him helping him to his feet.

"Not bad Naruto, you fight a little to dirty for my tastes but it is effective. Just add a bit of agility to your flexibility and stamina and you'd be a force to be reckoned with. Improvement to your strength and speed also won't hurt" says Iruka.

"Thanks' Iruka sensei", says Naruto as he begins to breathe normally again.

He walks next to Shikamaru and Choji.

"That was good, but how do you bend like that. Some of it looked painful?", asks Choji.

"Genetics and practice maneuvering around my apartment. I put up twine all over the place to practice my flexibility, it feels odd contorting like that, but doesn't really hurt", says Naruto coming up with a plausible excuse should anyone discover the 3 dimensional seal in his apartment.

"Sounds troublesome", says Shikamaru.

"Everything is troublesome with you", says Naruto.

Shikamaru gives a lazy shrug before everyone walks back toward the classroom. On the way Naruto notices Sasuke smirking at him. He turns to Sasuke returning the smirk.

"Feel superior if you must, I still got a few good shots on you", said Naruto.


Raising an eyebrow at the curious remark Naruto just ignores him. Once back in the class Iruka begins calling students up front to show there progress with the Transformation technique while giving tips on how to improve it. Naruto keeps an ear out for his name as he pulls out a book to start reading. After he finishes a chapter he hears Iruka call his name. Naruto marks his page and walks up to the front. Creating the necessary hand signs he prepares his illusion.

"Transformation Jutsu", he says.

He turns into a perfect copy of Iruka.

"Wow, no blurring around the edges or anything That may be the best I have ever seen. Very good Naruto", says Iruka.

Naruto transforms back thanking Iruka before returning to his seat. He gets back to his book as the class continues with the lesson. As the day Draws to a close Naruto heads home immediately. He continues to unwind string and twine adding to the seal. As it begins to take a strange geometric pattern Naruto adds the finishing touches before heading off to bed. Once again as he sleeps the unseen tendrils refine his work on the seal. However as Naruto slumbers Minds from beyond time and space pull at his consciousness.

Naruto awakens in a strange room one he had never seen before. As he lifts his head he notices he is much, much taller. He looks down but sees no legs. He inspects his body and realizes it is not his. He looks at his arm which is now a strange tentacled appendage ending is a strange almost insectoid claw. Fear encompasses him.

"Welcome", speaks a voice that seemingly enters his mind directly.

Turning his head Naruto looks at this creature in morbid fascination. It is a large cone-shaped being. The point of the cone ended in four long appendages. The creature had similar 'hands' to what Naruto Now possessed. One appendage ended in what could only be called four blood red trumpets. The last appendage was a large circular lobe with tendrils hanging from the bottom and three eyes. On top of it's 'head' were flower shaped sensory organs, possibly ears. Fearful Naruto backs away from the creature.

"You have no need to fear me Naruto, I am a representative of The Great Race of Yith, and we have much to discuss"

next chapter
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