This had confused them a bit at first, but fortunately Miguel and Elias had taught them to control this new power so that it would not become a nuisance.
After all, whether it was Alan or Erik, both were obsessed with each other and so on the first day of the appearance of this power, they did not stop teleporting constantly.
But Miguel and Elias had taught them to recognize the presence of the other and they could now choose to teleport to the other or not, as for the shield of golden particles around Erik, it was Alan sharing his powers with him, so that he would feel at ease and could focus on his own opponents.
Erik, thanks to the teaching of the Warrior Spirits and the extra training he had done with Nolan every evening, was now capable of using his Stage 2 at will, and he had become accustomed to his new powers.
Kevin was really impressed with his progress, although he wasn't too surprised about it.
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