The sound of mud flopping on the ground approached. Chen Ge leaned against the wall next to the door and raised the hammer in his hands. There was a flash of light in the dark, and then a white shadow walked out from the corridor painted white. The man was wearing a white coat and a thick mask. There was a flashlight squeezed under his armpit, and both of his arms were carrying two large red-colored buckets.
He moved very fast, and the content of the buckets, which looked sticky, kept getting splashed out from the bucket. As he walked near, the pungent smell hit Chen Ge. It was more than pure formalin; there was a worse stench mixed within. That… looks like a living human.
Chen Ge did not put down the hammer and kept his eyes trained on the man.
University staff? But why would he come down to the underground morgue at 10 pm?
Bonus Chapter 7/12
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