Arriving back at the house, I fall into and start being absorbed by my bed. It's only been two hours since I left, but it felt like days have passed.
"Hey, Kazuya, you wanna air out your mattress?"
Burying my face into the mattress, "Ehhh... Do I have to? I wanna fuse with this mattress, it feels so warm."
Jumping onto the mattress with me, I nearly fell off. We both laid there on the bed. I slept on the floor with a makeshift mattress last night so this was an experience.
Staring right into each other's eyes, I could feel my cheeks burning up.
Resisting the instinct to look away, we just stare at each other. Being this close together, I started becoming more and more conscious there's a woman in my room.
From this distance, I started noticing the small features all about Minami. Her fair skin that shined in the sun, her thin eyelashes that seemed to wave every time she blinked, her plump and full lips, her round breasts that pressed onto the bed.
"...They grew, huh," I slipped out.
Giggling, Minami nuzzled my face before closing the distance and kissing me.
Her lips felt like a bed with how soft they were. Swirling our tongues against one another, we broke our kiss with a thin tread of saliva between us.
"Hey, Minami?"
"What is it?"
"I love you."
She smiled.
"I love you too."
Wrapping my hands around her hips, we embrace each other.
A few hours later, we finally aired out the mattress. It got a lot dirtier than it was a few hours earlier.
"Hehe, sorry about that," Minami said as she stepped out of the bathroom.
Wearing my shirt that was a size or two larger, she sat down on the bed frame. I couldn't help but gawk at her breasts which, like I let slip earlier, had only grown more.
"At least hide your intentions," she stated with a giggle.
Scratching the back of my head, I apologize.
"It's fine. At least you're honest."
The atmosphere around was awkward. What happened earlier was definitely new to both of us and we didn't know what to say. It's like being thrown a surprise birthday party by people you didn't consider friends.
Trying to break the ice, I ask a question.
"Not gonna ask what my outing from earlier was about?" I blurt out.
Am I an idiot? That was the worst topic I could have picked to talk about.
Putting her cheek on her palm, "It was with Amiya, right?"
"You knew?"
"Well, now I do, haha!" she replied with a hearty laugh. "It's fine, I don't really mind."
"You're rather calm."
Standing up, she walked over to me and booped my nose.
"Of course, I do. I trust you, remember?"
And so, the story draws into its conclusion.
So, if any of you have read the info section in the auxiliary volume, you'd know that I initially wrote this as a middle finger to cheating stories all about getting revenge. But the more I wrote it, I realized that I could actually say a lot more than just parodying something.
And so, I did. It became a story more about the difficulties of moving on, something I experienced firsthand a few years ago. I had just broken up with my girlfriend at the time and I spent months crying myself to sleep.
In an attempt to heal the pain, I desperately tried getting back together with my ex, but she thankfully never answered back. I spent many, MANY months after that thinking about what she meant to me.
And, despite our breakup being quite messy, I still hope that she's happy with life. So yeah, I guess you could say Amiya's just a reflection of the desperation I felt when dealing with my breakup.
Also, I'm quite happy to say that this is actually the first published work that I finished. All the others I dropped because of a lack of motivation. It's not perfect but I think I'm happy with how it came out, even with all its faults.
Anyway, enough of that depressing topic. What I wanna ask you guys now is this; do you want me to write a few special chapters about Minami and Kazuya's future life, an epilogue of sorts. Or a version of the story where Kazuya stayed with Amiya despite finding out she was cheating.
I'll be writing both but whichever one you guys want more, I'll write first. They'll only be a handful of chapters long at most. Comment which one you wanna see more.
Much love to all of you who read my web novel!
The side stories are now being uploaded! Check the story synopsis for the link, or just click my profile for it!
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