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90.47% My Favorite Stories / Chapter 19: The Shadow Monarch By Curiosity44

Capítulo 19: The Shadow Monarch By Curiosity44

This is the best Harry Potter fanfic in terms of World Expansion. The way the author introduced new spells and ideas were amazing! For Example, the MC reverse engineered the port key(Something Like That)and incorperated the spell onto boxes and placed them in different countries. So if he walked through the box he'd be teleported far away and he could use it as an escape mechanism. It's also the first fandic I've read that has multiverse travel without a system(He created a machine that let him go to other worlds). He even went to Terminaot world before Skynet and snagged lot's of Support and Attack Robot's. It's a very good read, check it out!

Rated M


Words: 233,057

Status: Complete

Synopsis:Follow the adventures of the son of death, as he plunders worlds with his wives and just enjoys life itself. OP OC MC, journey through the harry potter world with a few minor stops and then jumping into danmachi. After that who knows.

Chapter 1 - 1600 Words


"Well, it was a fun life."

Looking around at the beautiful scenery before me, I can't help but smile, it looked as if it would seem in a storybook. The sights, the sounds, the smells, and the tastes were out of the world. The sky, filled with pockets of white clouds stretching for miles.

The lush green landscape, the warmth of the sunlight, everything seemed so coherent. You could hear the chorus of the pleasant-sounding birds. The trees looked like silhouettes in the glorious expanse.

I could smell the scent of the forest beneath me, and the light breeze flowing through the trees and into my face felt like the gentle caress of a mother I never knew. As the sun was setting over the horizon and the darkness grew more prominent, I knew it was time.

"Let's do this."

It was time to go so…. I jumped. As the wind intensified around me and the ground grew closer, I had the strange feeling of time slowing down and decided to recall my life up until this point.

My name is Magus E. Mor. I only know this because the orphanage I was left at had this name inscribed on the basket I was inside; my middle initial was always something I wondered about.

I didn't exactly have a lousy childhood considering my seclusive personality. I enjoyed learning new things, and for the first few years of my life. If my face was not in a book, then I was helping out the matrons of my orphanage.

They weren't forcing me or anything, and they were kind, but I learned that if you practice something enough, you can become good at it, and I wanted to learn as much as I could. My curiosity was insatiable, and I quickly became known by those around me as something of a small genius.

Around 10 years old, I attracted the jealousy of a few other kids, and when they tried to attack me and we had a basic child-level street fight, I discovered a new love in the act of fighting. When the adrenaline was pumping, and death was a possibility, it felt like my blood would boil. By the time I came back to my senses, I was the only one still standing, but it was not that bad, we were kids.

I wanted to learn more, but to do that I needed time and money. I spent a year studying specifically on how I could make money without needing to be seen (thank you internet for unlimited free information), and eventually made some online accounts under fake names and started investing.

It took me another year to turn the $100 I 'collected' from various people on the street into a few thousand, and while I might be intelligent for my age, I'm sure someone was watching out for me because it felt like everything I invested in ended up working out.

So I decided to test out of middle school, and at the age of 12, I earned myself some time, and while I left most of my money to continue investing, I started going to different martial art schools. And let me tell you most of my teachers were astonished at how quickly I absorbed everything.

A few years down the line, I got myself more time by testing out of high school and got permission from the orphanage to live in an apartment on my own as long as my guardian (the head matron) checks in on me every now and then.

Not a big deal considering all my time is dedicated to learning and training with a side of some casual reading of light novels, fanfiction, and watching anime.

I learned about languages, cooking, programming, survival skills, psychology, a whole bunch of stuff. On the physical side, I kept training in every martial art I could find as well as weapon training. I wasn't much into guns, but anything with a blade was extremely comfortable to me.

The only exception to this was a few handguns that I fell in love with after being inspired by anime I watched.

Anyway, this continued until I reached legal adulthood at 18, and using the significant funds I built up from investing and a few apps I made, I decided to travel and see the world.

I spent the next few years exploring the world, learning life lessons, improving my linguistic skills in their own zones, and making real friends.

I learned meditation and spiritual teachings from monks who spent their lives in the mountains. I learned everything I could and enjoyed the ride, as I got older, I began to mellow out and accept what comes at me.

It was when I hit 25 that things took a strange turn.

You see, I always felt comfortable in the shadows. Weird I know, but whenever I was in the shadow of things I felt invigorated, It was strangely comforting. I wasn't emo or anything, and I enjoyed the rest of the world, but when I was in the shadows, I felt truly alive.

Through my physical training, I developed my own style of being in tune with my shadow and lowering my presence in any given place. It worked great for pranks and sneaking around or for disappearing if I was attracting the wrong kind of attention.

When I meditated in the shadows, it felt like I would sink into the warm embrace of the world, and I felt truly free.

It wasn't anything really supernatural just pure training and talent until I hit 25 and my shadow decided to start messing with me, a timer appeared in my shadow and apparently I was the only one who could see it. It showed as '364d 22h 25m 12s' followed by the words 'Forgive me son.'

As I began to ponder about what it could mean, the pain hit. It wasn't instantaneous, but it was gradual. Starting with numb pins and needles feeling and slowly raking up in the center of my body.

Thankfully, after all my years of training and self-discipline, It wasn't that bad, but I decided to go get checked out at a hospital. They did some scans and discovered the beginning of a heart disease.

They told me the healing process will require me to be hospitalized and could take a few years, but a quick look at my timer and I realized that whatever this was when that timer hit the end, it was my time.

Now, most people might freak out and break down, and sure it freaked me out for a bit, but after calming down and thinking logically, I realized I had a great life without any regrets.

So, I told the doctors that I would go to another country for treatment when in reality, I decided to continue my travels, the pain gradually increased, and I knew whatever it was wasn't really my heart. Thankfully like all things I learned in my life, my pain tolerance steadily increased, and I managed to continue at my own pace.

Interestingly enough, the more I accepted my situation and enjoyed the moment, the freer I felt in body and spirit. I still got a rush as an adrenaline junky, but I took whatever came at me.

In my final week, I donated everything I accumulated to the orphanage I grew up in and the few teachers and friends I felt closest to, which was a small fortune and decided how I wanted to go out. Ever ask yourself how you would want to go if you could choose?

Well, I decided to fly. I set up a thick line of rope between two giant stone outcroppings in the mountains in a European country because somehow it was legal there, hooked up a bungee cord to the center of the rope, and waited until nightfall.

The plan was to jump, and when I bounce back and reach my highest point ill cut the line and soar through the sky before well…plummeting into the ground and becoming fertilizer, but hey, it sounded cool in my head.

SO back to the present, the sun had just set, allowing me to see one of the most beautiful scenes on the planet, and the pain had begun to numb my body. Looking at my shadow, I saw the countdown hit the last few minutes, and the message changed from 'Forgive me son' to 'Do not fear, I'm waiting for you.'

Crazy as it may seem, I actually felt comforted by those words and let my body relax, and the shadows of the night fueled me. It almost felt like I was being cheered on by a collection of voices. I knew it was time.

"Let's do this."

I threw on some headphones, played what I felt was appropriate for the moment being the Skyrim intro soundtrack because damn is that an excellent way to get the blood pumping, and jumped.

The pain that became normal for me for the last year vanished with the shadows seeming to fill me as I passed them, and with the wind howling around me, the cord grew taught, and I got launched into the sky.

I drew out my two favorite black knives I personally created when I learned about forging blades and cut the line.

As I flew through the night sky and eventually began my descent I could swear the shadows opened up and welcomed me into its embrace, it wasn't the ground I hit but the shadows that swallowed me almost as if it were a mother welcoming its child home for the first time.

The shadows had welcomed back its son.

Chapter 2 - 1580 Words

How it begins part 1

As I slowly woke up, I realized I was surrounded by darkness, me being me, I just casually tried to understand my situation while my brain turned back on.

As if realizing I was awake, my body was gently set down onto a plush chair, and I realized I was in a small comfortable stone room with a warm green fire going. Around me, the flames showed a bookcase on both sides of the fireplace and a plush red carpet placed before it.

Next to me was a table with two mugs of some kind of steaming liquid with a wonderful smell and another chair similar to my own on the other side. The only difference was it was occupied, took me a second to realize that.

The man was over 6 feet tall, broad-shouldered with a hawk-like face that seemed to be sculpted like a Greek Adonis. I'm 100% sure I'm straight, and yet I could say this man looked badass without any strange feelings. So I did the logical and sane thing in this situation that I'm sure many others end up in and picked up the mug to enjoy whatever this drink is, turned out to taste like hot chocolate, and it strangely filled me with comfortable energy.

"Careful son, drinking nectar too fast could cause your situation to turn bad, take it slow."

The man's voice was soft, and I could swear I heard it before.

"Thank you sir, I'm magus, Magus E. Mors."

The man chuckled at this.

"I know magus, I named you. Let's take it slow and ill explain what's going on."

"Ok, I have no idea what's going on, but this is one hell of a comfy environment, so I'll just enjoy this um nectar."

"Quite the easy-going personality you have there."

"Hey, I'm a believer in taking things as they go, traveling does that to a guy. You wouldn't believe some of the places I've woken up in.

The man let out a good-natured laugh.

"Well, we have a lot of catching up to do. You see, I don't wish to make this sound cliché, but my name is Thanatos, and I am your father magus."

I put on a serious face and looked this man straight in the eye and asked him the first thing any sane man would do.

"Can I use the for…"

"No, you can't use the force. I mean technically yeah, but no this isn't Star Wars you brat."

"Damn, you're killing a hot-blooded dream right here old man."

As we enjoyed a good laugh, I decided to try to understand my situation.

"So, I have a few ideas, but I think its best if you explain what's going on."

"Indeed, well let's start from the beginning you see the multiverse is a real thing and as the.."

"You mean anime and other fiction worlds exist!" I couldn't help but interrupt

"Yes, it's real now don't interrupt me again, here are some snacks so eat and shut it."

He waved his hand, and the table got covered in different snacks while his mug of nectar turned into a glass cup with liquor. I went with the flow, started eating, and shut up and well not make the guy whose name resembles the Greek primordial of death angry.

"The multiverse is real, and as the aspect of death, I have many clones. One in each world in different forms, however, some dimensions are run by individuals who grew powerful enough to set up their own cycle of reincarnation, and I get shut out.

For a god like me to visit these dimensions, I have to get these 'pillar gods' (don't know what to call them) permission to roam it. So to make a long story short, I entered that dimension, got approval, got incredibly drunk due to the night out I had with that pillar god, and woke up the next day to find out I got the woman I slept with pregnant."

In response to this I could only give him a flat stare while munching on some pretzels, he seemed to understand the look in my eyes and quickly waved his hand

"Wait wait, now you have to understand how incredibly rare this situation is. For a primordial god of death like me to have a child, I would have to be in a dimension where my powers are not affecting said dimension, which is a rare position for me to be in, and even then the chances of me knocking a woman up is literally less than .1%.

The more powerful something is, the less chance the universe itself would allow offspring to be born. In the millions of years I've been alive, this has never happened before, even my own parents have barely ever had more than one. Only aunt Gaea was a special case."

I thought about it logically for a sec, and I could accept that, hell, if I had sex for a century without any signs of kids, I would lose my inhibitions to. I still wanted to know what happened though.

"Now, this became a problem for multiple reasons. First, as my child, you would be a demi-god from a primordial, if you were another race like an elf, it would be fine, but as a human, your demi half would continuously evolve your human half until it couldn't handle it and your body would fail.

The second was that the pillar god of that world refused to hand over a living soul from his dimension. We agreed that he would give you an easy life, and when your time came, your soul could come to me.

And finally was that the world you grew on could not know about what you could do or you would end up dissected in a research lab and believe me I made my point known to that world's god.

What we ended up doing is sealing the majority of your demi half's power so you could live for at the very least two decades. The only thing you had was your constantly enhanced intellect and physical body which combined with your insatiable curiosity made you one hell of a beast."

"Hahaha, thanks for the compliment."

"No seriously, son, did you not pay attention?"

"What do you mean?" I mean yeah, I was strong but what's the problem.

"Heh.. son.. you were incredibly famous."

"Wait what?"

"Son, any martial arts competition you entered, you won, and you scored record-breaking high scores on your academics. Due to your demi half, you had an incredibly attractive aura to humans. If it wasn't for your insane affinity to shadows that erased your presence when you didn't want to be bothered, you would have been hounded by people endlessly. NO ONE could find you!"

"Oh.." that explains a lot actually….

"I swear if you become one of those Nara clan members….."

"Oh! those were my favorite Naruto characters!"

"And that explains a lot about you! Anyway, I am very proud of you son, you never became arrogant or let your abilities go to your head, you helped others when you wanted to, and you stood up for yourself and ended the lives of the trash you found along the way."


It felt good to get praised by my father, and I didn't feel awkward to call him dad. I never precisely felt alone with the shadows always comforting me. Thanatos smiled at me and continued.

"Back on track here, eventually the seal couldn't hold it back, so I set up that timer to let you know when your heart would completely fail. I know it might drive an average person insane, but your my first and only child. THE SON OF DEATH ITSELF! I had faith you could handle it. And I'm glad you chose a unique way to go out, honestly, humans are incredibly cliché. It's the same suicides over and over, building, overdose, wrist cutting."

"Thanks dad, let's not get into the topic of the sheep mentality of humans, we will be here for days. So, what going to happen now?"

"HA, good point. Well, before we get serious, I've watched parts of your life but just enough to make sure you were safe and so that I didn't intrude on your privacy. Let's catch up, I've always wanted to have a father-son talk."

"Yeah, that sounds fun interestingly enough."

For the next few hours, we just continued to trade stories, laugh, eat, and all around have a great time. I never knew what was going to happen when that timer hit zero, but I'm sure as hell happy I didn't waste my time in depression. I'm the mother****ing son of DEATH!"

crese1967 crese1967

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