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1.63% Mutually Satisfactory Arrangements (Harry Potter Post-Canon) / Chapter 1: Astoria & Narcissa Malfoy
Mutually Satisfactory Arrangements (Harry Potter Post-Canon) Mutually Satisfactory Arrangements (Harry Potter Post-Canon) original

Mutually Satisfactory Arrangements (Harry Potter Post-Canon)

Autor: CambrianBeckett

© WebNovel

Capítulo 1: Astoria & Narcissa Malfoy

Harry Potter sat behind a desk filling out paperwork. And despite the mundanity of his current task, the man was happy. At a mere twenty six years old, Harry had been the youngest wizard to be appointed to the Head of the Auror Office in history. Now, just about a decade later he had not been idle in his position, using his influence both as the savior of Wizarding Britain and the head of the Potter and Black Families to seek reform throughout the Ministry of Magic.

He'd mostly succeeded so far, and as of yet, nothing and no one had been capable of standing against him. Case in point, where once gold would have gotten the little shit out of trouble, now Draco Malfoy sat in a cell beneath Harry's feet, awaiting his trial and potential sentencing to Azkaban. Harry would probably speak at the blonde fop's trial, maybe in his defense if Draco wasn't too much of an arrogant prick about things.

Admittedly, Harry just didn't think that anyone deserved Azkaban, especially if they hadn't committed murder. No, all Draco had been busted for was trafficking illegal artifacts. Certainly a crime and certainly not something that Harry intended to let the man get away with, but nothing worthy of having the Dementors watch over him.

If Harry had his way, the Dementors would eventually be 'let go' permanently though. They'd returned to Azkaban after Voldemort's death, and seemed to have become manageable again, but neither Harry nor anyone else who had fought by his side would forget how easily the soul-sucking creatures had switched to the side of the Dark once it became convenient to do so. The Dementors were not ever to be trusted, that much was clear to the dark haired man.

Quite suddenly, he was jolted out of his thoughts and distracted from his work by a loud banging sound on his door.


The feminine voice that came through the door brought a slight smile to Harry's lips. He'd been wondering when this particular witch would show up, though it had of course been a tossup between whether it would be her or the other that would try to barge into his office demanding his time first. Try being the key word here, as this specific lady was finding out currently.

The banging stopped after a moment, no doubt as several of the aurors outside of his door pulled their wands on the intruder and ordered her to stand down. As well, Astoria Malfoy-Greengrass had probably realized by now that she wasn't getting through Harry's door without the magical equivalent of a siege engine at her fingertips. And her own magic certainly could not be equated to such a device.

Listening carefully, Harry's smile grew even further when there was a firm but far more polite knock on his door. Pausing for only a moment, he finally spoke and the door opened at his words.

"Come in."

The wizard kept his tone casual, and his eyes down on the papers in front of him as the Lady Malfoy was frog-marched into the room by two Aurors, while a third he was very familiar with walked in front of them to place Astoria's wand on his desk.

"Wotcher Harry. Seems we have ourselves an intruder here. She was quite insistent on meeting you, so I figured you'd like the opportunity to say a few words before we took her down to the cells and put her next to her husband."

Until that moment, Astoria had been sullen but mostly docile, angry but held in check. At Tonks' words however, the witch's eyes widened and she struggled just a bit in the restraining grip of the aurors on either side of her.

"W-what?! I haven't done anything wrong! I just need to talk to Auror Potter! You can't arrest me for that!"

Tonks turned to give the other woman a wicked grin, but before she could speak, Harry stood up and stepped in.

"The Auror Office is a restricted area Lady Malfoy, and I don't believe I see a magical pass keyed to you that would grant you the proper access anywhere on your person. In fact, given that I have not received notice of your arrival from any official source, as well as the fact that you still have… had your wand on you, I am inclined to believe you did not bother checking in with the front desk whatsoever."

Slowly, the dark haired man stepped out from behind his desk. Gone was the shy child, gone was the awkward bumbling teen that Astoria may have known from afar or from Draco's stories. In his place was something built upon the foundations of Voldemort's defeat. Harry Potter had become a handsome, tall man. Still a bit skinny, but he did not sit idle, and his body was more that of a lithe runner than a weight lifter.

More than the changes to his physical appearance was his mental fortitude. Harry Potter did not fuck around, something it seemed he had to teach those who wished to fuck around WITH him, over and over again. Though, he thought with a moment of savage satisfaction, Draco had finally learned that lesson on their most recent encounter. The blonde had come quietly, subdued as soon as Harry himself had barged into Borgin and Burkes at the head of a group of aurors to arrest the pureblood man.

Now it seemed, it was time for Draco's wife to learn that same lesson. Harry could only hope it stuck before she got herself into true trouble.

"Trespassing, failure to check in your wand, assault on the office of the Head Auror, and intentions to commit general mischief. If I didn't know you better Astoria, I could even argue for intentions to do me harm, but I think we both know you wouldn't dare try. Still, perhaps a couple nights in our cells will do some wonders for that attitude of yours. Not to worry, you'll be allowed to witness your husband's trial in the meantime. It's tomorrow, after all."

While Harry talked, his aurors had stood stoic and silent. Though Nymph hadn't been able to keep the wicked grin off her face from growing wider and wider. Meanwhile, the Lady Malfoy's eyes had grown at a similar rate as the metamorphmagus' smile, and any remaining traces of anger had bled away to be replaced by fear and surprise. As Harry gave a nod to the aurors holding her and they nodded in return before beginning to turn her away, she cried out in desperation.

"W-wait! No! Auror Potter… LORD POTTER!"

And everything froze. Harry grit his teeth at that, even as the aurors were left very uncertain. Even Tonks was a mixture of anger of trepidation as the Head Auror let out a sigh and gestured for the two aurors to bring the girl back. There was just a bit of confidence in Astoria's face now, as she composed herself.

"Lord Potter-Black. As the head of your house and the most Ancient House of Black, I beg you for a few moments of your time. Please."

And now they were in the utterly moronic murky waters of Magical British Politics. Harry was not obligated to allow Astoria's request, but it would probably be just a bit more of a headache if he didn't. And she did only ask for a bit of his time, meaning that once he'd let her plead her case, he could always have her sent down to the cells anyways. Letting out an explosive breath and never taking his glinting gaze off of Astoria's big blue eyes, Harry gave a curt nod.

"Release her and leave us. I will entertain the Lady Malfoy's request for now."

"But Harry-!"

That was Tonks of course, and a growl escaped the Head Auror's throat as he wrenched his eyes away from Astoria's for a moment to glare daggers at the female Auror.

"Auror Tonks, I gave you an order. Follow it."

The metamorphmagus visibly wilted at that, finally realizing that he was no longer in the mood to be questioned. Together, she and the other two aurors trudged out of Harry's office, the door closing behind them with a sense of finality. Astoria now stood before him, seeming almost as if she didn't know what to do next.

Harry took that opportunity to whirl around, snatching her wand up off his desk where Tonks had left it, and moving back around the large wooden thing to settle back down in his comfortable cushioned chair. Leaning back, Harry lifted an eyebrow as he played with the witch's wand brazenly.

"Well Lady Malfoy? You have asked me for a few moments of my time. Do not waste them."

Swallowing hard, Astoria stepped forward, stumbling a bit and ending up planting her hands on the edge of his desk and leaning forward. It was rather obviously on purpose, given that she gave him an excellent view down her blouse at her cleavage as a result of the 'slip', but that didn't stop Harry from taking advantage. There was no crime against looking after all, and so the wizard stared for a few seconds longer than was appropriate, before bringing his eyes back up to meet her blushing face, conveying the impression that he was distinctly unimpressed with her.

Seeing that she wasn't getting anywhere fast, the Lady Malfoy straightened up and clasped her hands in front of her primly.

"I would beseech you Lord Potter, to show mercy to my husband the Lord Malfoy. There is… talk of Azkaban. I am sure that you would agree he does not belong there for something as small as being in the wrong place at the wrong time, with the wrong item in his hand."

Harry's smile was far from warm as he appeared to consider the witch's words for a long moment before answering her.

"Your husband was found in the possession of a moleskin pouch Lady Malfoy. Once the security enchantments on it were disabled, the contents of the bag could have filled an entire home with dark artifacts. Draco has been attempting to sell the majority of the Malfoy collection of such items for nearly six months now, and we've been watching him for just about that long, building our case. He is without a doubt guilty."

The look of shock on Astoria's face was gratifying, if a bit old by this point. Harry did so enjoy surprising purebloods with the facts and the truth, after many noble families had spent the past decades dealing with a slightly more incompetent and altogether negligent Auror Office.

"S-so you know then, he was trying to get rid of them! Draco was trying to go clean Harry!"

Harry's eyes flash at the familiarity.

"That's either Auror Potter or Lord Potter to you Lady Malfoy. And if he was truly trying to turn over a new leaf, as you would so laughably have me believe, he would have either thrown them away, destroyed them, or even turned them into us, the proper authorities. Instead, he tried to sell them piece meal to a dozen magical pawn shops across three continents. And he got caught. Your husband is a criminal."

Astoria lets out a shuddering breath. It's clear that the woman is realizing that Harry is unmovable on this matter, that she had no way of convincing him Draco is actually innocent. Her eyes dart back and forth for a moment as she tries to find a new way to come at things. Harry allows it, or will for a couple minutes more. She hasn't expended his good will quite yet after all.

When the witch speaks again, she's far more subdued, almost as docile as Draco himself when they'd brought the blonde fop in.

"Please Harry… I know my Draco has done wrong. You're right, he's… he's a criminal. But he doesn't deserve Azkaban, surely. There must be something I can do to help my husband. Please Harry, if there's anything, I beg you to tell me!"

The Head Auror's eyes trail down from the tears welling up in Astoria's eyes, down to her trembling pouty lips and even further still to her heaving chest. The beautiful witch is on the verge of a break down, until of course, she notices him looking at her body once again, as if assessing her. Seeing a possible avenue to leniency in Potter's eyes, Astoria leans forward, bringing her arms together and causing her breasts to push out towards him invitingly.

Her next words are said in a husky tone, a coy smile growing across her face as she did her best to appear as seductive as possible. For the beautiful brunette pureblood witch, that was entirely too easy.

"Is there something I can perhaps do for you personally, Lord Potter?"

Harry's eyes moved back to her own gaze, and for a moment, Astoria felt a pang of fear. The man was emotionless, unreadable in that moment. Then, his lips spread into a small smirk and he spoke.

"One week."

Astoria startled at the non sequitur.

"W-what? One week?"

Harry inclines his head.

"I can move your husband's trial a couple weeks out Lady Malfoy, by claiming that the Auror Department needs a bit more time to investigate his crimes. For the next week, you will service me with your body in any and every way I deem necessary. To put it bluntly, I will fuck you however I like, and you will let me. There will be no debate or concessions. I will take what I want from you for a full week, and then you will have earned your husband leniency. Draco will not go to Azkaban."

The ultimatum given, Harry fell silent, continuing to stare at her as Astoria assimilated his words, clearly having some difficulty swallowing a few of them as she pursed her lips together. The pureblood witch opened her mouth and then closed it, grimacing and opening her mouth again before once more clicking it shut. Harry didn't comment on that, though the corners of his mouth did turn up just a bit more in response to her self-censoring.

Finally, Astoria nodded and when she opened her mouth, it was total and utter submission in her tone.

"I… agree Lord Potter-Black. One week, in exchange for leniency. Draco does not go to Azkaban, and you may do whatever you like with me for the next seven days."

Harry's smirk becomes a full blown grin and he suddenly opens a drawer, dropping her wand into it and snapping it shut. Astoria opens her mouth to protest but Harry just holds up a hand, forestalling any objections.

"I will return your wand to you once you're done here Lady Malfoy. Now, come around the table and let's seal our little deal with a kiss, shall we?"

Straightening up, Astoria's back was ramrod straight as the beautiful brunette walked almost robotically around the large mahogany desk and came to a stop beside his large chair. He turned to look at her, amusement etched across his face as the woman slowly leaned over him, her lips puckering up as she brought them closer and closer to his own.

Harry reached out and grabbed hold of the witch abruptly, his fingers lacing into her lush mane and grasping the back of her head as he pulled her in and kissed her roughly, his mouth dominating hers as he forced her half into his lap with his actions. Astoria let out a muffled little squeal against his lips as he continued to kiss her, but her initial struggles quickly petered out even as his tongue invaded her mouth, wrestling with hers and forcing her to submit, even in that action.

After several minutes of making out, Harry finally let Astoria pull away, the pretty witch's face flushed red and her breath coming out in gasps as she stared at him with wide eyed.

"Very good Astoria. Now, under the desk with you. I've got a lot of paperwork to get through, and you've distracted me long enough."

She nodded; eyes moving to Harry's crotch as she slowly began to move down to her knees to move under his desk. Harry stopped her by grabbing hold of her hair again and bringing her back around. Astoria's brow furrows questioningly as he gives her another wicked smile.

"Oh, and for the next week you will address me as your Lord or Sir in private. No exceptions. And when I tell you to do something, I expect to hear an answer. Is that understood?"

It seemed it was, because Astoria bit her lower lip for a moment before lowering her eyes.

"Yes… sir."

Harry smirked and let go of her hair, allowing the woman to slip under his desk. Of course, the space under his desk was enchanted to be larger, mostly to give him stretching room for his feet, but Astoria found enough space to almost amount to another entire room under Harry's desk as she knelt between his legs, which he graciously spread apart for her.

Reaching out with dainty feminine fingers, Astoria began to undo the button on Harry's trousers, pulling down the zipper and slipping a hand inside to slowly pull out his cock. Harry watched, a wide grin on his face, as he looked at the abject shock on Astoria's own when she finally beheld his full size.

"Y-you're so big!"

Harry laughed, not even slightly embarrassed by the exclamation. It was something he'd learned over the years, the fact that he had a huge cock. It had been a surprise at first, and something he'd blushed about and stammered over the first few times it was brought up by his bed partners, but now it was simply another thing to be confident about. Something he could be sure of was that any time a new woman saw his massive shaft, they would be awed and more than a little frightened of what he could do to them.

Poor Astoria had that same fear, but he didn't have to cajole her or convince her to give him a try, because she didn't exactly have a choice in the matter if she wanted to help Draco. So Harry stayed silent, watching and waiting patiently as the Lady Malfoy readied herself, her smooth palms gliding over his hard length as she held him in place.

Then, Astoria leaned forward and placed her soft full lips over his girth, sucking his bellend into her mouth and beginning to give him an expert blowjob surprisingly enough, her head bobbing up and down as Harry turned his attention back to the papers in front of him and let an even wider grin spread across his face.

This was going to be fun.


The next day, Harry once again sat behind his desk, doing paperwork. The only difference was, this time he'd brought a playmate to work with him. After he'd finished with her the previous day, Harry had told Astoria in no uncertain times that she was to use his personal floo to enter his office incognito as soon as she'd finished with breakfast. The pureblood woman had followed his instructions to the letter, and now she knelt beneath his desk much like she'd ended up doing the day before.

It had been two hours, and he still hadn't cum. Harry's breath hitched involuntarily as Astoria's tongue once more traced around his bellend and tickled at the very tip of his cock. He had to admit, as she pulled her tongue back and then went back to languidly bobbing her head up and down on his member, that the witch was quite skilled at what she was doing.

He'd thought about asking where a pureblood lady such as herself had learned to suck cock like a Knockturn Alley whore. But while it would be fun to degrade and humiliate the woman further, he was enjoying her lips wrapped around his cock far too much to put them to use answering such trivial questions. No, as he continued his paper work, Harry was definitely of the opinion that Astoria's mouth was meant for sucking dick, not for talking. He would live by that opinion over this next week, so long as he had the proud woman submissive at his feet.

Speaking of which, it was just about time. Smirking, Harry pulled his wand from his robes and pointed it between Astoria's eyes. The beautiful witch froze up, eyes wide and going just a bit cross eyed as she tried to focus on the tip of the wand, while also sucking on his member. Harry just let out a chuckle and tapped Astoria on the nose as he incanted the silencing charm.


Immediately, the lewd slurping and sucking sounds Astoria had been making, as well as the muffled moans and whimpers that drifted free of her stuffed mouth every so often, were gone. Astoria blinked for a moment as she processed the spell he'd cast on her, but once she realized it was nothing harmful, she got right back to dutifully blowing him, pouty red lips suctioning down as she took more of him into her mouth than before.

Harry grunted, even as he looked up from where her head lay between his legs at the door to his office, right as a knock sounded. A glance at the clock told him what he already knew. Right on time. With a smirk, Harry stayed seated, for obvious reasons. A snap of his fingers and the door opened, revealing an auror escorting Lady Narcissa Malfoy in for the meeting she'd scheduled earlier that morning.

Unlike her more impetuous daughter-in-law, Narcissa's demeanor was demurred and submissive from the beginning. She'd learned how to bow to power long ago, but even if she hadn't, the beautiful MILF at the very least knew how to go through the proper channels to get what she wanted done. As a result, the woman practically glided into the room as Harry waved the auror escort away and used his magic to close the door of his office back up.

When Narcissa came to a stop in front of Harry's desk, standing there in silence with her eyes locked to his, the man just smiled at her. How would she react, he wondered, to finding out what her daughter-in-law was currently doing beneath his desk? Disgust and anger first of course. Once she learned WHY Astoria was doing it though, would her mood change? Harry had to wonder…

"Lady Malfoy. I appreciate you making an actual appointment with me. The younger Lady Malfoy was not quite so mature as you, when she tried and failed to barge into my office yesterday."

Narcissa nods, bowing her head and her upper body ever so slightly.

"Lord Potter. I appreciate your forgiveness of my dear daughter-in-law's lapse in judgment. It warmed my heart, to hear that you could show mercy to a woman who was simply distraught and not quite in her right mind. It gives me hope."

Harry raises an eyebrow at that. Beneath his desk, Astoria is still hard at work; though he's sure she was more than a little bit miffed by the way both he and her mother-in-law had talked about her like she was a child instead of a full grown witch so far. Personally, Harry is finding it a strange experience, having his cock sucked by a woman under the effects of the silencing charm.

The absence of sound coming from under his desk despite the sensations he's feeling, despite knowing what's happening even if he isn't looking at it and can't hear it, is… not exactly bad, but certainly different. A good kind of different, Harry decides, as Astoria takes it upon herself to begin diving deeper, possibly to grab his attention back somehow. The witch is deep throating him now, and he can feel her gagging on his massive size, but once again he can't hear a sound. At least the silencing charm is holding well enough.

Smirking, Harry turns his attention back to the waiting Narcissa Malfoy. He'd been staring down at his papers while he focused on Astoria, and judging by the slight, ever so slight irritation in the older woman's eyes, he'd managed to convince Narcissa that he was slighting her on purpose, NOT because her daughter-in-law was proving to be such a fantastic cocksucker under the very desk she was currently standing in front of.

"… And what kind of hope do my actions regarding Astoria give you, Lady Malfoy?"

Narcissa bites her lower lip quite suddenly. Harry is surprised, though he doesn't let it show on his face. The woman had been composed until this moment, but now it's clear whatever she's thinking about weighs heavily on her mind and strains her calm façade. But then, it's no secret why Narcissa is here. Harry doesn't know why the witch is hesitating. Does she think he might believe this is a simple social visit?

"Narcissa. Do not waste my time."

A vibration goes through Harry's cock and he has to stifle a grunt that threatens to worm its way free of his throat. Astoria had just moaned, more than likely happily, around his member currently buried deep down her throat. The sensation had vibrated the entirety of his length and now, Harry was catching a scent that had barely been there until now.

Astoria was getting aroused. Embarrassingly so. The witch had spent two hours sucking his prick at a casual slow pace, simply acting as his cocksleeve and keeping him hard and on edge for all that time… but until now, until he'd silenced her and began speaking to her mother-in-law, she had not been aroused. Harry wondered if Narcissa would soon smell it as well. Ah, but the woman was finally opening her mouth to speak, getting over her momentary shock at having him address her so bluntly.

"… As you wish Lord Potter. I wish to bargain for a more lenient sentence for my son, much the same as my daughter-in-law was here to do, even if she went about it the entirely wrong way. I have heard the same rumors as Astoria of course. That my Draco might be bound for Azkaban. I'm here to implore you to see reason. He does not belong in that horrible place; you and I both know that."

Harry cocked his head to the side, seeming to take a moment to think on her words. In reality, he was adjusting to having his member buried all the way down Astoria's humming through, her lips touching the base of his cock and his balls resting against her chin as she took every last inch of his giant member down her esophagus for a split second before pulling back.

It was certainly a new experience, but one Harry did not find objectionable at all. Letting out a low breath that could easily pass as a heavy hearted sigh, Harry shook his head.

"I do apologize Lady Malfoy, but your son broke the law. He must be held accountable for his actions. The court will decide his sentencing, not me."

Narcissa's back straightened at his playing coy. Her head came up and so did her chin as the older woman looked down her nose at him and for the first time, Harry could see the haughty pureblood hiding beneath the submissive façade.

"Please Lord Potter; do not treat me like a fool. You hold much sway over the courts. You hold power over my son's fate. Let neither of us beat around the bush. Astoria, despite her ham-fisted way of doing things, already convinced you somehow to postpone Draco's trial for a couple weeks, in the name of gathering further evidence. You can be reasoned with Lord Potter, and that is why I am here. To reason with you."

"You mentioned bargaining."

His words, coming so quickly on the tail end of her little speech, throw her off. Narcissa blinks stupidly for a moment, before nodding in agreement.

"… Yes?"

Harry grins, and it is not a nice grin. There's wickedness to his smile as he gives a nonchalant shrug of his shoulders.

"If you wish to bargain with me, I could be convinced. What would you offer me for leniency, Narcissa Malfoy?"

It's clear that he's completely taken the older witch off guard. Did Narcissa have him in this little box in her head, marked as the Poster Boy for the Light? More than likely, she considered him Dumbledore's man through and through. More than that, she probably saw him as the next Dumbledore. Perhaps Narcissa thought Astoria had begged and Harry, his big ole heart melting, had gallantly pulled the pureblood to her feet and given her what she wanted.

Perhaps Narcissa thought she could manage the same. But in two sentences, Harry had derailed such plans. As her daughter-in-law sucked his cock beneath his desk, the powerful wizard had bared just a bit of his true self to the woman standing on the other side of said desk. Narcissa now knew that Harry could be bought, that he did have a price. And he could see in her eyes that she was trying and failing to come up with exactly what that was.

"You're right to assume I don't want gold Lady Malfoy. I have no need for it of course."

He drawled the words out, and Narcissa stiffened up immediately. It probably did look like he was reading her mind after all, but in the end he was just studying her face. Her mask was not nearly as perfect as the witch might have hoped. He sat comfortable as she stood in pensive silence for a brief moment, and then a light seemed to go on behind her eyes.

"Her body… my son's wife offered you her body."

An involuntarily grunt escaped Harry's lips as Astoria startled at hearing her mother-in-law hit the nail right on the head. Quickly, the witch under his desk got back to work, and he could tell she was contrite for having disturbed him. Narcissa meanwhile, had taken the sound he'd made as evidence that she was right. Which to be fair, it was, though she had no idea how right she was.

Smirking slightly and thinking that she now had a leg up on him in this encounter, the older woman leaned forward in much the same way Astoria had the day before. But Narcissa wasn't trying to show off her cleavage or anything of the like. No, instead the witch was peering into his eyes searchingly, a small coy smile playing across her lips.

"She used her mouth I presume?"

Harry found himself lifting an eyebrow in response to that, even as he gave a simple nod as his answer.

"You don't sound surprised Lady Malfoy. Nor do you sound all that condemning of Astoria's actions."

It was most peculiar, that Narcissa would be so accepting of such things. The woman simply pulled back and stood up straight again, shifting a shoulder up and down in a half shrug.

"Women such as ourselves must be prepared to make sacrifices for blood and for vows. It is not infidelity so long as the two of you did not fully copulate."

A slow grin spread across Harry's face.

"Oh? Then I suppose we're lucky that you are a widow, Lady Malfoy."

Narcissa immediately stiffened at Harry's words, a callous reminder of Lucius death. But the dark haired man could care less as he leaned forward, his elbows coming down on his desk and his hands steepling together.

"You've come to bargain for leniency for your son Lady Malfoy. So I shall be blunt. Give yourself to me for the next week, completely and utterly, and I shall make sure Draco does not go to Azkaban."

There is a pause underneath his desk. Harry knows Astoria is undoubtedly put out by the fact that he's basically double dipping right now, right in front of her, while she sucks his cock and he demands sex from her mother-in-law for something he already promised that he would do for Astoria. The Head Auror half expects the woman kneeling before him to stop blowing him, crawl out from under the table, and rage at the sheer injustice of it all.

He's fully prepared for that to happen; in fact Harry thinks it will be rather amusing. But in the end, Astoria does nothing, to his surprise. The woman only pauses for a moment, before returning to the task at hand and sucking him off as dutifully as she'd been doing before. If anything, the scent of her arousal grew, filling even more of his spacious office as Narcissa stared at him in a considering manner.

"… Very well Lord Potter. It is clear that you are a man who knows what he wants. I will submit to you."

A wide grin splits across Harry's face, even as Astoria picks up the pace under his desk, sucking faster and harder and taking his enormous length to the hilt over and over again. It seemed the younger Lady Malfoy knew exactly what he intended. But Harry had excellent control of himself, and even with Astoria nursing on his member for the last two hours, he could hold off on cumming for some time if he liked. The fact that the pureblood woman seemed to so desperately want the load of cum that she was apparently afraid her mother-in-law was about to steal was more than a little interesting though.

With a flick of his wand, Astoria was pushed off his member and back into the magically enlarged space beneath his desk. Another flick had her bound in ropes and restrained so that she could make no moves… except to touch herself, as he'd thoughtfully brought her arms down so that her hands were right over her gushing wet crotch. Taking his mind off of the woman entirely, Harry turned his attention instead towards the MILF standing before his desk. The same one that had just agreed to submit to him, utterly and entirely.

Another flick of his wand and his pulsing hard cock was tucked back into his robes, at least for the time being. Only then did the Head Auror stand up, slowly walking around the length of his mahogany desk to where Narcissa stood waiting for him. He saw how she was trying to maintain her composure and she did a well enough job, almost seeming statuesque as he approached. But if Harry looked closely, he could see it. She was shaking, ever so slightly.

He didn't comment on that though, instead the man reached up to her face, taking hold of her jaw in a possessive firm grip and leaning in to place his mouth over hers. Narcissa did not melt into his kiss, but neither did she fight him. Her lips were soft and pliant, and opened easily as he pushed his tongue into her mouth in a dominating fashion.

The older woman was an active participant in the little make out session that followed, and ultimately when Harry finally pulled back Narcissa was breathing just as hard as Astoria had the day before, clearly flustered. She stared at him, wide eyed for a moment, but Harry just placed his hands on her hips, and then spun them both around, pushing her towards his desk. The witch yelped, landing awkwardly with her hands on the wood surface in front of her to catch her before she could stumble.

Harry didn't give her a chance to straighten up, instead he moved quickly to press up against her from behind, allowing her to feel the huge hard on that her daughter-in-law had worked to create over the last two hours. Narcissa let out a gasp, but stayed where she was, bent forward over his desk as he'd intended.

Using his wand to make precision slices into her dress, Harry cut away an entire section, making the Lady Malfoy look quite a bit like a hooker when he left the back of her creamy smooth legs and her shapely posterior exposed to the stagnant sexually charged air of his office. Tucking his wand away once more, the Head Auror reached out and grabbed Narcissa's big fat ass in his hands, groping and kneading the flesh.

All he got in response was a whimper from the older witch. But Harry was far too sexually charged by this point to bother with foreplay. Pushing her panties to the side, he brought two fingers up to her slit and roughly shoved them into the MILF's cunt, fingering her from behind and finding her surprisingly wet and ready for him. Grinning at his good fortune, Harry brought forth his still hard cock from the confines of his robe once more, and holding the witch in place, he guided his massive bellend up to her entrance, pushing past her slit and into her dripping pussy.

Narcissa let out a gasp as Harry sunk into her depths so very easily. She was certainly tight enough, but her own arousal was making sheathing his member inside of her even easier than it had been for Astoria to get his huge girth down her throat. Reaching forward, Harry curled a hand into the older woman's hair and pulled her head back as he began to thrust into her, fucking her from behind while bending the witch over his desk.

"Quite tight, for a woman of your age. Still more than beautiful enough to be a Lord's fuck toy though, aren't you? Oh, and I was a little impatient wasn't I? For the next week, you're to only call me by sir, or your lord. Is that understood slut?"

The Lady Malfoy had been biting her lower lip, trying her best to keep her voice contained as he plowed her like she was nothing but a common whore. But he'd asked her a question, and she knew she had to answer. She opened her mouth to speak, but the first thing that came out of her throat was a long pleasured moan. Narcissa tried to keep her pride, attempting to speak through the subsequent moans and whines that escaped her mouth as his crotch slapped against her fat bubble butt, but the ensuing effect was not very flattering.

"Oh gods, ugh. Y-yes… hah, yes sir. I, hnngh, I understand my lord."

Harry just laughed, and the older woman felt nothing but humiliation as he reached up and practically tore the front of her cloak open with one hand, the other still holding onto her hair to pull her back even as he began to fondle and grope her covered chest. Narcissa Malfoy was old enough to be this man's mother, and Harry himself was nearly forty by this point.

But witches and wizards aged far slower than normal humans, and as a result, Narcissa was still quite the looker, coming across as more of a fit thirty year old than her true age. And she was moaning wantonly like one too, taking Harry's huge cock up her tight clenching cunt as he thrust into her again and again, filling her repeatedly with the biggest cock the pureblood woman had ever taken.

"H-Harry, you're so big…"

The words slipped out in a moan before she could even register what she was saying. She certainly realized her error when he snarled and mauled her breast with his fingers, pinching and tugging on one of her nipples through the fabric rather harshly. Narcissa was quick to beg for mercy, not used to such rough treatment.

"Please! I-I'm sorry my Lord! It was a momentary lapse! A-ah!"

Harry didn't let up though, instead he let go of her hair and brought the suddenly free hand down to her ass, smacking her posterior and making the flesh jiggle as Narcissa fell forward onto his desk, trying and failing to maintain her equilibrium as he quite thoroughly fucked her across the polished wood surface. She couldn't control herself, it came without warning for the older witch and she was completely unprepared.

As the Lady Malfoy climaxed right then and there like a common slutty tavern wench, her pussy clenched down rhythmically around Harry's cock, and with a grunt the Head Auror pushed forward and began to cum finally. It was a truly prodigious load of seed as Narcissa's tongue lulled out of her head and her eyes rolled back in her head.

The older woman felt him painting her insides with his white hot sticky cum, and for a brief moment, considered what might happen if he got her pregnant, a possibility for a witch like her, even at her age. The thought of being heavy with Harry Potter's child sent Narcissa over the edge again into a smaller but still explosive orgasm, and left the poor woman completely exhausted as Harry finally pulled out of her, his cock covered in a mixture of his seed and her pussy juices.

Without his member pinning her to the desk, the pureblood witch began to slide back, falling from the desk to the cart below and turning to lean back against the front of the mahogany wood that the large piece of furniture was made of. Completely disheveled, the Lady Malfoy tried to look up at Harry's face, perhaps to beg for mercy. Instead, her eyes landed on his huge member, still hard and still as full mast as it swung ponderously in front of her face.

"T-that thing was inside of me?!"

It was one thing to feel it, Harry supposed, but apparently a whole other thing to actually see it. Still, the auror just laughed in Narcissa's face. He was still hard, and still raring to go. But it seemed that he'd exhausted the older Lady Malfoy. He would have to depend on the younger now, if he wished to get his jollies off again. Pulling out his wand, Harry cancelled both the rope and silencing charms on Astoria, and waited patiently with a small smile on his face as the witch scrambled free from under his desk and up to her feet, walking hurriedly around the big piece of furniture to join him and her mother-in-law.

Narcissa's eyes widened at the sight of her son's wife, disheveled and messy in much the same way Narcissa herself now was. Both witches looked nothing like the proud pureblood women they had always carried themselves as. Instead, they looked like nothing but the sluts they were. Harry smirked, his wand spinning in his hand as he looked between them.

"She was under my desk when you came in Narcissa. She had been for two hours by that point. Using her mouth isn't infidelity though right?"

Narcissa could only gape. That was fine, because Astoria had words for the older witch.

"You stupid cow! I'd already agreed to a week in return for leniency for Draco! You've done nothing but sell your body for a promise Harry already made! Not that you don't seem to be enjoying yourself anyways. Do you care about Draco at all, or was this just so you could get fucked by a big thick cock without feeling guilty about it?!"

The other woman's mouth opened and closed, but no sound came out. Harry chuckled, before his expression turned dark.

"Astoria. Did you think I wouldn't notice? Addressing me so casually is worthy of punishment."

The younger Lady Malfoy stiffened up, turning to face the Head Auror with fear in her eyes.

"A-ah, I apologize my Lord, I wasn't thinking…"

Harry just chuckled darkly in response.

"No, you Lady Malfoys don't seem to do much of that. Still, I don't need either of you for your looks, do I? Bend over the desk Astoria. Right where your mother-in-law was. Lean over her if you have to."

Blushing furiously, but too scared to disobey, Astoria did as she was told and moved to stand right in front of Narcissa, planting her hands on the desk and leaving her crotch right in the exhausted flustered woman's face. Luckily, she was still covered… that is until Harry took his wand to her clothing as well, cutting her garments from her with a simple spell and leaving her as bare as Narcissa. Even more so, because Harry cut her panties away as well, leaving her ass completely naked before his eyes.

Smirking, Harry looked around Astoria's body for a moment, locking eyes with her mother-in-law.

"So long as I do not actually copulate with her, it's not infidelity. Isn't that right Narcissa?"

The older woman stares at him in confusion for a brief moment before nodding hesitantly. Astoria looks back over her shoulder, just as confused. Until of course, Harry taps his wand against her ass and she yelps, eyes wide as she feels the magic cleaning out her back door quite thoroughly. A moment later, and the tip of his huge cock is against her virgin butthole.

"W-what?! N-no! Please sir… my lord! Please, fuck me in my pussy! I've never had it up the b-butt before!"

Harry just laughs, not an ounce of sympathy in his frame as he grips her hips and slowly grinds his cock down on her cleaned out lubed up butthole, pressing in until her sphincter finally gives way before his advancing member.

"First time for everything darling. Just relax, or it'll be harder for you."

Astoria can only groan in response, turning back to lower her head as she falls forward onto her forearms and her hands clench into white knuckled fists as he buries himself in her tight behind inch by inch. The witch is left panting and moaning and grunting as Harry continued on, always moving forward, always carving more of her bowels out with his huge meat stick.

Once he was finally deep inside of her, over half his giant member buried in her unbelievably hot asshole, did he pull back only to thrust forward again.

"Aaaagh! Oh gods!"

Astoria was quite vocal as he truly began to butt-fuck her, his cock pistoning in and out of her poor posterior again and again. Narcissa was still struck speechless, stuck between her daughter-in-law being fucked in the ass and the desk she was backed up against as Harry enjoyed himself. The older witch could probably have crawled away if she moved to the side, but instead she simply sat there, frozen, watching where Harry was thrusting forward into Astoria from behind.

The two Malfoy witches were reduced to this, nothing but a pair of cunts for Harry's enjoyment. And Harry was most certainly going to enjoy Astoria's cunt, regardless of Narcissa's whining about infidelity. Both witches were his to play with for the next week as far as he was concerned, and he was going to enjoy them both to the absolute limit of what they could each take.

That thought was what finally sent him over the edge, a grunt and a growl the only warning Astoria got before he was cumming inside of her ass. He pulled out halfway through, leaving her butt with a nice cream filling and then coating her butt, back, and hair with a nice glaze as well before he was finally done.

Panting heavily, Harry stepped back even as Astoria slumped forward over his desk, just as exhausted as Narcissa. Grinning wickedly, Harry looked upon what he had wrought and found it to be good.


Harry sat at his desk. It was months after that day in his office. He'd enjoyed the two Malfoy witches thoroughly that week… and then enjoyed them some more when both came back for more of his giant cock after the week was up and Draco was sentenced to a few years in prison in a less taxing facility than Azkaban.

In fact, right now… Harry looked down for a moment, raising an eyebrow at the huge fat ass that filled his view as it was slowly pushed back onto his huge cock. Ah yes, that was right. Astoria was currently forcing her mother-in-law to take his cock up her ass for the first time. Narcissa had let him do practically anything he'd wanted to do to her over the last couple months, but this she had been terrified of, and begged him to hold off on time and time again.

Astoria had apparently gotten tired of being his go to for anal, and this was the result. Narcissa had had a nice big red ball gag in her mouth when the witches arrived in his office that morning, and when Harry had raised an eyebrow questioningly, all Astoria had told him was 'No more begging'. From there, the younger Lady Malfoy had taken the older Lady Malfoy into the magically enlarged space under his desk.

Now, she was making Narcissa bounce her ass back on his cock as he sat there, his legs spread wide to accommodate the older witch's big bubble butt, and his focus mostly on the paper work in front of him.

That was when a knock on the door came through for him. He smiled, knowing exactly who it was, even as Narcissa paused for a moment before starting up again, probably as Astoria's aggressive prompting. With a snap of his fingers, the door to his office opened up, and a familiar face attached to a smoking hot body with legs, tits, and ass to die for, walked right in.

Harry was unaffected by the allure of the quarter-veela, even as Fleur Delacour swayed her bountiful hips back and forth on her walk across his office to his desk. The beautiful woman smiled at him and leaned forward, showing off her expansive cleavage.

"Arry, thank you so much for meeting with me. I was so frightened to 'ear about my darling Victoire's incarceration. But then I remembered zhat ze head of the Aurors is a close personal friend of mine. I know you will see it in your 'eart to forgive 'er for zis mistake."

The Head Auror kept a remarkably straight face, given that his cock was currently impaled in a woman's tight, possibly virgin butt as he regarded the quarter-veela beseeching him for help. Her daughter Victoire had graduated from Hogwarts two weeks ago, and had been arrested for something so minor that Harry was already ready to let the girl off. Honestly, the young woman just needed to learn that there were certain places you didn't give your boyfriend a handjob. In public was just one of those places.

Still, something almost feral had been awoken in Harry's heart after he had taken both Astoria and Narcissa in hand. There was a desire that had always been there, but was now fully awake and raging. He couldn't make it go away. Slowly, a smile crept across the man's face as he regarded Fleur.

"I'm sure that we can come to a mutually satisfactory arrangement Fleur. Let's have a chat shall we?"

Perhaps it was just his imagination, but Harry couldn't help but see a flash of something like lust pass through the quarter-veela's gaze as she looked back at him. He definitely wasn't imagining the way the corners of her lips were up turning as she straightened up and very obviously crossed her arms UNDER her substantive chest.


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