Ye Jie was being excessively reticent about the surprise he had for Xu Mey. She asked loads of times during the drive from office to home but he didn't bother telling at all.
His silence left Xu Mey with her wildly ingenious mind to run amok.
"Are you ready for the surprise?" Ye Jie turned to ask Xu Mey at the doorstep of their house.
Xu Mey shrugged her shoulders nonchalantly trying to attest that she wasn't that eager. "Ready as I can be."
Ye Jie smiled and opened the door wide for Xu Mey. She swaggered indoors with her eyes darting around to look for the surprise. But all she noticed was that everything was precise as she left it in the morning.
'Ha? Where is this damn surprise?' She howled inside her mind. But all of a sudden, her ink-black eyes fell on a slender figure clad in a completely white dress with her long hairs falling over her face in a mess.
Apparently, our Ye Jun is everywhere these days...
Hope you liked the chapter.
Let me know your thoughts.