After pondering for a while, Wang Wei took out two brocade boxes from the treasure pile. The box was not big, only the size of a palm. Wang Wei handed the two brocade boxes to Ji Menghan and Bu Yueyue respectively, and said at the same time. "My two sisters, these two treasures will be given to you!"
Bu Yueyue and Ji Menghan opened the brocade box and saw that it turned out to be two silkworm clothes.
Just listening to Wang Wei said. "The two celestial silk clothes are made of top-quality celestial silk, which can defend against magic attacks below the fifth level. Although it is not a treasure of interest, it is not bad for self-defense."
After listening to Zuyi, he quickly jumped over and asked, "Wang Wei, do you have any more? I want one too!"
Wang Wei waved his hand and said, "No, only these two!"
Bu Yueyue raised the celestial silkworm robe in her hand and asked Ziyu "Damn fatty, do you want me to give you my celestial silkworm robe?"
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