Before Gao Peng even took two steps, one of the voices said from across the flower bed, "Oi, the duck's mad. It tried to attack me!"
"Careful now. It's still a monster. However ridiculous it looks, it's not something we can deal with on our own."
"Chill, I have my familiar with me..."
Something heavy fell to the ground, followed by Goldie's angry quacking and someone's dog yelping.
"Brother Chai, you all right?"
"I'm all right. Help me up, quick. The duck tried to kick me! Thank god I moved out of the way in time."
"Li Xiao, quick, get that duck under control with your familiar."
"Not interested. You guys picked on it first. Let's just go get breakfast. Why are we even trying to pick a fight with a duck in the first place, anyway?" said a voice with a heavy Yuzhou accent.