"It is not easy to kill me, Human; I am Tyrant, not some puny Emperor!" It declared loudly, and the runes on its body behind shine brighter as it tried to move, but no matter what it does, my roses and strings would not let it move even an inch.
Suddenly, a resolute expression appeared on its face, and the next moment a powerful aura shot out from its body. This aura is so powerful that it was able to move its body slowly.
It had started to burn its core, and seeing that, I did not get alarmed; instead, I am happy as this is the moment I had been waiting for.
The second its started to burn its core, hundreds of fine strings separated from its heart and merged, forming a sharp spike and seeing the spike, even Grimm Monsters eyes widened in shock, and before it could do anything, the very sharp spike moved toward its chest.