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Mobs in Marvel Mobs in Marvel original

Mobs in Marvel

Autor: Antilene

© WebNovel

Capítulo 1: Mobs in Marvel


Washington DC S.H.I.E.L.D. Headquarters Director Fury's Office

A bald menacing man with an eye patch that contains an unknown history of what battle left the scar on the most dangerous person on the planet head director of the largest intelligence gathering and spy network organization in the world is sitting at his desk listening to the report of his long time partner and top agent, Phil Coulson.

The level 8 Agent spoke on his front desk. "Sir, we just got a report back from the Saudi Arabia SHIELD Quarters that a large explosion took place in several oil mines, we have confirmed that this was not done by a terrorist group but by a single person."

The bald man who was leaning on the back of his chair suddenly bent forward clasped his hands together and spoke. "Is this the same person that we got a report back from 2 days ago?"

Phil Coulson spoke confirming the Director's suspicion. "Yes Sir, we got reports on the oil companies of their workers seeing a female with green hair looking no less than 12. We have concluded that this person can somehow shoot explosions on her palms and feet."

The director thinks that this world is getting more and more dangerous by the minute with dangerous individuals such as the Hulk, the unexpected kidnapping of America's number 1 weapons dealer Tony Stark, and the alien invasion from 11 years ago.

The director was having a massive headache that the World Council was still holding his idea of the Avengers Initiative. He already has 2 candidates such as SHIELD's top agents Clint Barton, and Natasha Romanoff. But even a couple of highly trained assassins couldn't compete with the powerhouse of a hulk. He was already thinking of adding Carol Danvers as well but she was busy dealing with her Alien business. Now a person who could shoot explosions on their hands and take down several oil mines in under a day was walking in Saudi Arabia.

Already thinking of all of this was giving the director a massive bulging vein on his head, he then asked his agent who was waiting for his words; "Status report."

Phil nodded his head and answered, "SHIELD has already dispatched 5 squads equipped with anti-protest armor and shields, should I give the order to eliminate the target?"

The director rejected the idea, "No, it's best to capture this person especially when you said that they described it as a little girl who looks no less than 12."

Phil Coulson nodded. "Understood Sir, I'll relay the order right away."

The director gave another order to Coulson and said. "Phil, contact Maria Hill, tell her we're going to Saudi and visit this little friend of ours."

Phil Coulson nodded and headed out of his superior's office.


Several Shield Agents began circling the area where the target was last seen, among the squad was an agent whose real affiliation was hidden, this agent was Rumlow (surname), he was supposed to be in a search and rescue team heading towards Afghanistan to save the billionaire playboy Tony Stark, Rumlow wasn't a fan of that person not just because of his personality but because he was the son of one of the Founders of SHIELD, Howard Stark, the person who helped Dr. Erskine create Captain America who defeated Hydra.

Because he was close to Saudi when he was about to go to the Rescue mission he was reassigned to take on a mission concerning a person who could single-handedly explode several oil mines in Saudi and create an explosion on their palms, they got a direct order from Nick Fury himself to not eliminate the target. Rumlow wasn't unfamiliar with super-powered freaks like the Hulk or Steve Rogers, he has access to this information because he is a top Shield Agent as well as a top Hydra agent.

They were about to enter the building that was mining oil an hour ago when the target blew it up, they heard it was just a kid so they just brought some tranquilizer guns and for safety, a rifle(GUN) when they searched the building on of his teammates found the person turned around eating gunpowder for whatever reason and they handed it well without any conflict it seemed they neutralized the threat and put the enemy to sleep.

3 hours later (Nick Fury POV)

After arriving at our destination in one of our headquarters Me and agent Coulson went to meet our little friend who caused the Saudis millions of dollars of damages. Arriving in a glass cell we see a little girl who looks about 11 years old who has a confused look on her face when she can't move her hands on the handcuffs and looks around the one-way mirror in awe of her face. I asked Phil.

"What do we know about her, what was she doing and why?"

Phil answered me "We tried interrogating with her but she seemed to not understand or be able to communicate with us."

I raised an eyebrow and replied. "Did you find out where she came from?"

"We investigated her previous sightings in the past week, but we only found that she was spotted wandering around in (Saudi city) by the people 4 days ago and we only set our eyes on her when she destroyed an oil mining site 3 days ago. Our agents who were tasked with capturing her also reported that they saw her eating gunpowder inside the building before they took her out with a tranquilizer dart."

I contemplated before asking for me to personally interrogate her.

I walked inside the cell and looked her in the eye intimidating her. But she only looked up at my face and had a look of wonder and confusion on her face and a little gaping mouth making it look like a child looking up at a cartoon scene being amazed by it.

I sit in a chair facing her with a metal table separating us 4 feet away making sure she doesn't do anything funny.

"Got a name?" I asked her while she was still looking at me with that look.

She didn't respond. "Do you need me to give you toys to make you talk?"

It seems she doesn't understand what I'm talking about, maybe we could teach and train her with her power she could become a great asset to SHIELD.

"You at least got a name?"

She responded "Cuh..pah.." she stated quietly.

"Cu-pa?... Alright, Cupa we'll take care of you."

'This could be beneficial for Shield if we could recruit and train this girl who doesn't seem to have a basic understanding of what the hell is going in the world then Shield itself could probably take on supernatural threats.'


Hel – 1995 Hela POV

It's been countless centuries since she's been trapped and banished in this wasteland and the hatred towards her father never ceased, It has been boring with nothing to do here except kill mindless undead who don't even put on a good fight even when she's weakened, yet she couldn't escape the All Father's spell and had to resort on waiting for him to die.

"I wish I could kill him myself!" Hela angrily shouted.

With nothing better to do, she went outside her castle made from the bones of fallen Asgardian Valkyries and hunted down some undead to cool off her undying anger.

2 hours of non-stop slaughtering moving skeletons, occasional stronger opponents would rise and take her on, yet she the Goddess of Death will never be beaten by a mere skeleton. But until now an enemy finally caught her attention, a skeleton whose ash-like bones were as dark as the night and whose armor of unknown origins even to her who has wielded Mjolnir made of the strongest metal in the Nine realms and enchanted by Odin himself has never felt more power in it, countless of enchants imbedded on its sword and armor. This made Hela's blood boil with excitement for a worthy opponent. And interestingly enough it doesn't seem to be rouge like all undead who kill anything in sight.

Approaching the undead Hela noticed that the undead seemed to be confused about why it was there. 'Could it be intelligent?'

Finally, the skeleton looked at me scanning if I was an enemy suppose. "Undead state your name I have never encountered an intelligent being here until now, you interest me." Couldn't wait any longer without a reply I spoke again. "Or you cannot answer with all that ash in your skull."

Suddenly the skeleton took a fighting stance readying itself. 'Well, I guess it took my comment as an offense.'

Hela declared "I hope you can give me a good fight undead."

The skeleton jumped almost reaching super-sonic speed, holding its sword ready to strike. I conjured myself a necro sword and we began to fight.

(I'm gonna call 'the skeleton' in Hela's POV 'he' because it's too long to write)

He swung his sword at me in such speed making me barely able to parry it. 'This is going to be entertaining'. Just then my Necro sword was being sliced, I immediately retreated backward jumping 20 feet away. 'That sword… It's so sharp, it could probably rival some of Odin's swords. Even though I'm in a weakened state it is still impressive for someone to cut through my weapons."

I countered with a sword throw followed up by a charge with a halberd. Distracting him with my projectile I was able to land a hit toward his chest plate only for me to see that it was scratchless.

POV Wither Skeleton – 30 minutes ago

When I saw a human invading our fortress busy fighting off my companions I snuck behind his back exposing weakness and being able to overwhelm him. Unfortunately, my fellow brethren died to the end by the human's overpowered netherite sword laced with powerful enchants. I knew netherite was a product of those bastard piglins but for this human to aquire a powerful metal baffled me. But it was a victory in the end, with the help of my fallen brethren I was able to kill the human, making him drop all of what was inside his inventory, I quickly replaced my damaged sword with the human's sword.

Even though the sword was forged with the same metal those piglin bastards invented, I couldn't lie that it was the best material he has seen compared to diamond, coupled with the human's ungodly amount of enchants "Daddy's belt" was written on it, I cannot understand the language of humans but it would probably be worthy for a sword of this quality.

Picking up the rest of the armor I spotted another human probably the previous human's companion with an expression of dread, probably fearing that I had this player's gear with me. That is right with this armor and weapon I could protect the fortress from these invaders forever.

But 5 minutes later I suddenly got transported to this barren wasteland with a green atmosphere very different from the nether. 'Is this the soul sand valley?" Looking around I see white skeletons fighting with each other in the distance using swords, which is weird because they always use bows.

Then I saw a human who had strange and tattered armor different from the ones I always saw from those invaders.

"Undead state your name I have never encountered an intelligent being here until now, you interest me." It was speaking towards me, this was the first time a human has tried to interact with me and my race.

Keeping my guard up I tried to reply, only to find out I have never spoken with anything my whole life, coupled with the fact I don't even have vocal cords like those piglin bastards who squeal all the time. I was never meant to speak or communicate with anything I didn't know who told me this or why but I knew that we shouldn't, but why am I having these thoughts?

The human spoke again. "Or you cannot answer with all that ash in your skull."

This made Wither Skeleton annoyed, I'll show this human what it's like with a skull full of ash after I burn it with this sword's Fire Aspect looking at the enchants I was surprised, 'It's like it got even better.'

(A/N: Marvel World duplicated the mob's strength by 10x It also affected enchantments in weapons and armor, that's why Wither Skeleton easily sliced up Hela's necro sword, its Sharpness 5 was multiplied with 10, think of Thor's Mjolnir enchanted with Channeling 100 or something, also if you don't know in java enchantments exceeding 10 can be already powerful.)(Also give me suggestions on what to name Wither Skeleton, I couldn't think of anything, I'll pick the one with the most likes or just stay with Wither)

I then took up a fighting stance ready to defend and attack, the human smiled at my reaction and strangely conjured a helmet.

Present 3rd POV

The two entities clashed in the wasteland for hours, nearby undead were mercilessly affected by the conflict like being in between two armies.

Hela had a huge smile on her face for having a good exercise today, enjoying the fact that she actually got hit by this creature and somehow got an illness that is healing her even if it is minuscule and it still hurts her.

'An undead incapable of dying? This is getting very interesting.' Hela thought to herself if she could make this her soldier.

Meanwhile, Wither was so confused about why he kept resurrecting even though he was sure that he was killed several times by that human.

Hela shouted. "Undead, you clearly cannot outmatch me for eternity for your attacks are helping me recover even though you cannot die you will never defeat me, the Goddess of Death.

So this is my proposal, become my soldier and help your queen retake what's rightfully hers, and I will proclaim you as my executioner in my returning army to Asgard."

Hearing the proposal Wither thought it was okay, after battling for hours he saw that this human reeked of negative energy far superior to his god the Wither. Serving her would be beneficial as well as he does not know where this place is and considering that she has defeated me several times I will accept this offer.

After thinking about the offer made by this human Wither sheathed his sword at his back and walked towards Hela.

Stopping right in front of her he stood.

"So?" asked Hela with a smile.

Wither accepted it with a nod.


SKELETON POV - 2008 – America City slums Google it

This had been the craziest day she had been in, first, she gained flesh which was the weirdest thing she had felt in all her bony life, experiencing hunger and fatigue was not something a skeleton was used to second suddenly transporting into this place where tall pillars of glass reached the sky. 'Is this a village? I cannot afford to meet a Golem without my bow as well as this hunger slowing me down.' Having been running away from attempted kidnapping I swallowed my pride and asked the three humans in a dark alleyway for some food before trying to suffocate me with a cloth.

Grabbing a wooden plank I used it efficiently hitting the enemy in the head followed by a kick in the balls and hitting another person in the side of his ribs.

I saw one of the thugs pull out something from his pocket that looked like a metal bar when it suddenly fired a nugget towards me hitting my arm.

"ARGH!!" Dropping my wooden weapon and holding my injured arm I screamed in pain by this burning sensation in my arm. 'Is this what humans feel when I shoot them?' I thought to myself before returning to my senses and running towards the thug with the metal bar, now knowing what it does I instinctively dodged the second wave of bullets and finally kicked his arm from holding the gun and punching him several times in the face and chest. Before catching the gun mid-fall.

I followed how he fired this weapon, and with my marksmanship from my skeleton life, I was able to get a headshot and kill the other two men by shooting them in the chest.

I was not used to the recoil set by this thing but it proved to be very useful. Looting the thugs' bodies I was able to recover some lunch in their backpack and some form of paper, probably currency.

Before I was ambushed in all two ways of the alleyway by several more thugs, I reacted quickly drawing my pistol efficiently killing 4 more men with headshots, and jumped towards a bin to shield myself from incoming bullets.

Surprised by my enhanced marksmanship and killing spree I thought to myself 'I could never kill two humans from my previous skeleton life, but now I think I could take 12 people at once.'

Finishing that thought that lasted a second I unloaded 4 more shots on the other side of the alleyway instantly killing the other four people, thinking to leave behind this loot and not risk another confrontation I grabbed a few pistols from their bodies and grabbed my backpack to leave.

Before suddenly getting pounced by a person wearing all purple with such strength it blew me backward hitting the wall.

"KAAGH!" air slipped out of my lungs from the sudden force.

Before the person who slammed me to the wall grabbed my neck holding it up where I couldn't feel the floor and not being able to breathe pinning me to the wall as well as disarming my hold of the gun.

Quickly losing consciousness and blacking out.

3rd POV – Fisk Tower Basement

"Wake her up," a large man with a cane said to a purple-dressed man.

Grabbing a bucket he tossed cold water on the face of the girl with black hair that's tied up in a chair.

"HHHUA!" gasping the girl instantly woke up by the sudden splash of cold water all over her.

Putting down the bucket the purple-dressed man moved back to his original position and started waiting for a new order.

Coughing, she looked up towards her and saw three men one being the one who choked her and kidnapped her on her right side of vision, a huge man with an expensive shiny white tuxedo holding a cane with a huge diamond on top, being in the middle and a silver man wearing a clean dark gray suit with silver hair on her left.

The huge man said, "I gotta hand it to you impressive skills when killing all my men from that alleyway, Even Thombstone here was impressed." Pointing towards the silver-skinned man.

The man now named Tombstone didn't react to the comment and had a stoic and intimidating expression.

The girl with a tired expression looks up to who seems to be the boss and asks. "What do you want?"

Wilson Fisk smiled and chuckled. "Well your skill, of course, you seem to be lost and desperate earlier. I can help you, and in return I want you to work for me I'm gonna need your skills for a big plan coming up. And you already know what will happen even if you refuse after killing my men." Wilson made a dark smile waiting for the reply of the girl.

The girl contemplated for a moment about how right he was and how lost she was, she also couldn't take care of herself now that she had flesh. This man could probably help her, she could probably defend herself when a backstab appears after she regained her strength.

"Alright." She answered glaring at her capturers

"What's your name girl?" Wilson ordered.


"That's fine starting today you work for me, you'll be called Bullseye in this business. Prowler here will train you up, and don't get any funny ideas about betraying us. We'll find you if you do. Because I'll become the new underworld King in America." Wilson gave her a brief preview of what will be her future from now on.

Antilene Antilene

And this is just a one-shot of what I thought about at home playing Geometry Dash when there wasn’t any wifi,

If you want more please review and give your opinion on how I could make this much better for now this is a one-shot. This idea has been in my head for weeks now.

I am not that good at making fight scenes so I will try and make up for it if you would like as well as tell me if it has too much world-building.

This Fanfic is about mobs from Minecraft suddenly transported to Marvel.

It has character designs from other franchises.

This is in the Marvel Cinematic Universe with a tiny bit of Spider-Man Into The Spiderverse Kingpin elements, I’ll try to put all MCU movies together and not stall with fillers if you would like.

Let me know if I should add x men or some agents of shield fillers

This is my first Fanfic but not the first fanfic idea I tried writing about so my writing skills aren’t the best.

Mobs who were transported to Marvel evolved to either human-looking forms semi-human forms or fully own Minecraft look but not blocky just like what happened to Cupa and Nabe but not Wither

I plan to have each mob exist in each movie and groups like Shield, Spiderman’s School, GoG, Asgard (Hela), etc.

I already planned these mobs I won't spoil where they would appear next

Cupa the Creeper

Wither Skeleton

Nabe the Skeleton



Elder Guardian/Guardian


Pig ;-)

Dr. Trauyarus the villager?

Iron Golem



Suggest some mobs to get transported as well (if you want to see mobs like a cow, sheep, chicken, etc. give me an idea where they could fit perfectly in the MCU.)they aren’t that interesting on a Marvel story. I’ll make an exception on a pig because legends must live on

Also, each mob has their own unique powers

Like Cupa has Bakugou quirk from MHA and (this character) from One Piece

Nabe with a masterful marksman ship and infinite ammo (because Minecraft skeletons never run out of arrows) also turns into a stray skeleton which causes her bullets to have a slowing effect when they hit a target

Wither Skeleton, Let's spice him up with Immortality just like his Wither heritage

Let me know if should nerf some powers, I want the mobs to be balanced in the MCU, some as powerful as the Hulk, some as strong as Black Widow.

next chapter
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