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80% Military Demon Lord / Chapter 6: We're Building a Town with Modern Soldiers! And escorting a Merchant!

Capítulo 6: We're Building a Town with Modern Soldiers! And escorting a Merchant!

"Why the fuck that every day theres something troublesome if I left base?" (Kanemoto)

"Sir, they just came here for no reason. I don't know how they found this place, seeing our base is in the middle of a thick forest. We checked and all of them are Demi-Human. We separated them on what subspecies of Demi-Humans they are, half of them are Cat Folk, and the other half are Dog Folk. We just called them CF and DF so we could know in a shortcut way." The american soldiers said

"Did you count on how many?" (Kanemoto)

"We counted them when you are gone. They number around three hundred, Sir." (American Soldier)

"Three hundred?!" Kanemoto was shocked by the number

"Yeah, three hundred. Also while we counted them. They look very malnourished and thirsty. So we gave them food and water. They just consumed many food like they haven't eaten for days. Also I saw one of them are the slaves that we saved from the Bandit raid." (American soldier)

"No Shit?" (Kanemoto)

"Yeah. No shit. Like literally its been two and a half months since we raided that base. Now they are in trouble again." (American soldier)

*Sigh* "I will go down there and talk to them. They might have reason to come here. But i wanted a answer on how they found this place" Kanemoto goes down on the tower

"Onayashi! Hiroshiba! Follow me!" (Kanemoto)

"Hai!" (Onayashi and Hiroshiba)

As the three goes to the group of Demi-Humans

"Alright! Did you guys know that you are trespassing here? There serious consequences especially that you guys number, three hundred in total. May I know why? Everyone who knows why, please step forward to tell me, why?" He said on the loudspeaker

The Demi-Humans are discussing and two old men, being one from the CF and one from the DF, came forward to tell Kanemoto

"I guess you are the chiefs, right?" (Kanemoto)

"Y-yes." The CF said

"Absolutely" the DF said

"OK, can I say this? How in the world, did you guys find this place? This place is very hidden deep in the forest. Theres also no way did you guys got passed by my other squads that patrols out of this territory. Also what is your guys names?" (Kanemoto)

"My name is Prafa. Chieftain of the Cat Folk" the cat folk man said

"My name is Knotvok. Chieftain of the Dog Folk" the dog folk man said

"Good afternoon, my name is Kanemoto Momoru, Prafa and Knotvok. May I know why you are here? Possibly how did you get pass the guys who is patrolling outside?" (Kanemoto)

"We didn't meet one of your people. We just used a secret pathway and we end up here." (Knotvok)

'Secret passageway?' "First why are you this many? Is there something the matter to be this many people in one group?" (Kanemoto)

"We are running away from the Empires soldiers. We heard one of our people about you people saved them. You possess very strong and devastating weapons, you have iron beasts that can shoot flames. So we made an idea to live here with you." (Prafa)

'Running away from the empires soldiers? Deveststing and strong weapons, you mean our rifles and MGs? Iron Beatle? You mean the tanks?' "How did you find us here? In this very thick forest that we are literally hidden in." (Kanemoto)

"We just followed the tracks that lead here." (Prafa)


Prafa pointed the the tracks he meant


'Shit. I forgot about the tracks.' (Kanemoto)

He looked up to the sky and it is getting late

"It is getting late. You can stay here for now. We need more discussing to do. My boys will gonna build tents for you stay in. Note that this is temporary and I'm only, ONLY leeting you stay for the night. I didn't agree to what to do with you. So make yourselves at home so you will have a discussing time with me." He said as walked away

They stayed in the "Open Area" part of the base

They first got security checked and the K9s, the wolves that the dog folk was entirely shocked that their here and Kari's pack, didn't check anything suspicious

Ohh! I forgot! About Kari. She has been living here in the base since she was accepted to help Kanemoto. Sometimes she would sleep on Kanemoto's bed and tried to seduce him but didn't work and making him move to another room

The K9s (the wolves) have a building specifically ment for them and they didn't complain because they have soft beds

As the people are asleep. kanemoto at his office still awake. He was interested on who this empire is

"System. Is there a globe view option?" (Kanemoto)

"Sir, there is." (System)

"Good, can you show it to me?" (Kanemoto)

The system opened this world's world map

From Southwest to the north there are 4 empires. Names being very similar to his old world

Kanemoto is currently in the largest country of this world. This empire is the one responsible for the Deities problems. So this is his main target. Ostemor Empire

With Ostemor empire Kanemoto see the Gruidia Empire. An Empire of Demi-Humans

There is the Brifeothage Empire. An Empire of Elves. If he heard right. The fresh air there is very refreshing to a human

Then lastly the Eawizar Empire. A mixed species and race Country. So a free country. I hope what's the racism there

There are several kingdoms that is present. One of the largest kingdom he sees is the Lillirian Kingdom.

He checked for more. So the Ostemor Empire is the one to blame

He then checks the countries front the Northeast to the southeast and HOLY SHIT! THEIR NAMES ARE CHINESE

He read many Manhuas to know where this is going.

"I hope there are no cultivators like immortals because I read to much Manhua to know where this is going." (Kanemoto)

"Bad news sir, there are cultivators like immortals like the one you just said. From a Manhua. In this world. This world is like two different types comics mixed in one place." (Kanemoto)

"So I have to deal a part of the world where I can find in a Manga while I have to deal another half if the world where I can find in a Manhua. How strong Cultivators are when dealing modern weapons?" Kanemoto covered his face because how stressed up he was

"To a normal Martial Artists, a rifle can kill them but not instantly because they have regeneration powers. High Rankin Martial Artists will take little damage from rifles but high caliber weapons like the M2HB will do the job perfectly just remember the healing ability. Immortals are a very big problem they have immense strength and speed but the downside is when turning into an immortal the skin reduces defense so their bodies will have the same defense as normal Martial Artists so a rifle can kill them. But the problem is that their absurd speed. They can catch a hypersonic bullet with their bare hands. They have flying swords. And lastly they have absurd regeneration ability." (System)

"So the immortals just nerfed their defense and buffed in offense. That's the most bad idea on skill set I ever heard in my life." (Kanemoto)

"But to our strength now. They are easy to kill." (System)

"What makes you say that?" (Kanemoto)

"Even if they can catch bullets. A bullet is very deadly than swords and magic. So if you give them suppressing fire on cultivators and immortals there are is a high chance to kill them." (System)

"So like normal people when they die by a gun? But their healing abilities is the problem so my soldiers may need to bring more ammo into the fight if we were to declare war on them. Also I wanted to make sure. Do they use Qi oike in a Manhua?" (Kanemoto)

"Ues they use Qi sir" (System)

He then looks at the names. Only three names are only found. No kindoms

Praneian Empire

Rogaral Dynasty

Vosrathen Dynasty

"Great, I have to deal with condensed Qi users. I don't like a Wuxia MC to ruin my plans." He then looked at the south and there is the demon continent. Actually he was impressed because in how many times they are defeated they still hold on many ground. The size is like the same as the British empire if added the colonies in together. This puts russia to shame on the shear size of this demon country

"System, do you know anything why the empire is targeting Demi-Humans?" (Kanemoto)

"Sir, this is very cliche in the books of Manga rules. Human race always hated Demi-Humans because they see them as lower beings. I think the empire is not driving them out but to kill them so no Demi-Human is left in the empire. Just like one city in america where many white people hates black people." (System)

"Well I don't want them to die especially for the former slaves I saved. So if any of the empires knights shows up here. I'm gonna fucking shoot their asses till they get to the capitol. I have many men so I can go full on blitzkrieg on them." (Kanemoto)

"Why not do it now? Just instantly summon as many soldiers as you want and go straight to the Capitol." (System)

"The Deities are watching me. If they wanted them to suffer slowly then I will give it to them. Besides I'm just doing them a favor because I never accepted any favors from anyone. So this is my first to accept a favor." (Kanemoto)

"Very well then, master." The system went silent

Kanemoto thought 'How am I gonna deal with these people?' then a lightbulb appeared

The next day

As Prafa and Knotvok said everything and the reason. Kanemoto agreed

And in exchange for housing them they will help the builders build houses for them to live in and it will not be in the base but beside the base

There are 300+ people. So the builders and the helpers build many houses that they are uncountable.

Also he said that they will give food every month but if they ran out of food they will grow their own food. They actually agreed but they don't have any seeds to plant

Kanemoto inwardly sigh as they gave them Potato, Tomatoe, Wheat, Carrot, Cabbage, And Strawberry seeds. Also Apple and Mango seeds because Kanemoto secretly likes to eat the two fruits

They didn't know what the seeds are because *ahem* they don't fucking exist *ahem*. He sighed again and teached them how to plant and how to cook with it. They got it on how to plant because it's that simple

About 2 months later. A big time skip. It's slready been... i think a year now or half a year, don't know I forgot how many years it's been but it felt like an eternity

The village beside them became a town and the population increase from 300 to 400. And more will come in reasing it to 700 in population

The Demi-Humans are spredding rumors to other places with Demi-Humans that have the same situation like them. They said they are strong protectors because they defeated a SS rank Fenrir

*Said defeated SS rank Fenrir

Kanemoto is actually "playing" ball with Kari. Well I don't know if it is playing because he is sitting their on the outdoor table reading report papers while throwing a tennis ball to play with Kari who is in her Fenrir form

Everytime Kari fetched the tennis ball and gave it to Kanemoto. Her reward is headpats and a word saying "Good girl"

The dog folk who knows what a Fenrir is and mostly because they worship them spread this absurd rumors

The people who listened to the rumor didn't believe it but because of the empire is hunting them down they have no choice to believe it. And ohh how they are not gonna regret it

The village is a paradise. The food here is extraordinary. The potatoes they call it is a popular plant in the village

The population increase to 2000

Kanemoto who saw the population rise. Ordered the builders to build a Hospital for them to get treated because he doesn't want a disease outbreak out of the blue

Because of the placement of the village and base they are well hidden. Any empire soldiers who came here will be happily get shot in the head by the soldiers who patrol and guard outside the base. For those who survived however will get hunted down by Kari's wolf pack. And also get praised by Kari and Kanemoto

Kari's wolf pack is title "The Blackfur Pack". Because of their black fur Kanemoto titled them. They actually liked it

A month has past

"Sir! You gotta hear this!" A Italian soldier said while huffing

The Italian soldier is a Assault type unit. His job is HQ Radio operator where he will get calls from other groups who is out on patrol or on guard duty


"This is the 1st division codename "Lazy Warrior" we, I think, have a "emergency" here we need some advice or help? Or something? i don't know contact command will you?"

The 1st Division codename "Lazy Warrior" is established by Kanemoto because he is not gonna call every soldiers names one by one so in order to be briefed by a whole squad instantly. He will gonna make divisions

The 1st division is a 50 soldier team comprises over 5 squads

Also most of them are lazy so thats why they are called "Lazy Warrior". But don't let that term lazy fool you. They are actually very smart. Making them the smartest division in Kanemoto's collection. Lazy to do any but Smart at planning

"Why do you need to contact the commander? You lazy warriors are lazy enough to contact directly to command?" The Italian soldier said

"I thought this IS command? Anyways this is urgent. Just bring me, Commander Kanemoto he surely will know how to deal with it." The 1st divisions commander is a American

"What is going on in your end?" (Italian soldier)

"Well there are poeple on horseback and wears armor but they don't came here with malicious intent. They just wanted to talk with the commander." (American soldier)

"Huh? They want to talk with the commander? I didn't have any notifications of any squads going out of bounds. Only the Commandercs squad can go out of bounds. Did you tell them their names?"

"Uhh yeah. There are five knights. All females. Their names are Elisa Ameline, Christean Higden, Ancreta Be Doiya, Mirielis De La Selva, and Tilda Iseut. Theres also a merchant claming to be a Master Merchant of Town Beninea. What do we do?" (American Soldier)


Present Time

"So that's their situation. I can't believe they also found this place. Ilyana is also here... God doammit." Kanemoto muttered as he covers his face in disappoinment and disatisfaction

"Bring my whole Team and get ready. If they are gonna ask why say it's important." Kanemoto looked at the Italian soldier with serious eyes

The italian soldier stomped his foot and nodded and ran

Meanwhile the 1st Division "Lazy Warrior"

"Sir, what are we gonna do to them? They look impatient." (German soldier)

"Just ignore it. The commander is on the way here. Also if things going south the other four squads that are separated come here." (American soldier)

"May I ask again. Is this whre Kanemoto Momoru and his team reside?" Elisa is impatient

Earlier, Ilyana hired her and her friends to escort her goods to the Empire's capitol (In other words Kanemoto's pruducts). But it will be a long journey so they needed to "borrow" Kanemoto's horseless magic carriages because they seem fast enough and they can arrive at the capitol with less time

But they don't know Kanemoto's location until burnt tyre tracks and dirt tyre tracks lead them to here. In this forest

As they follow the trail they are suddenly stopped by ten men. They first thought they are bandits because of their uniforms until they realize some of them wore Kanemoto's weird clothing design. They think they are soldiers

They are stopped because they are entering a "prohibited area". They are confused because they didn't have news about this area being private till they told who the owner is. The owner is Kanemoto Momoru. That same guy that is Ilyana' supplier. Owned parts of this forest

Now they are thinking what's Kanemoto's background is

Ilyana announced them that they are from Town Beninea, and her status as a Master Merchant.

The soldiers are skeptical but seconds later they are actually from a town, east from Kanemoto's base

But still they aren't allowed entry because of course, Kanemoto knows them but the 1st division doesn't know them and their background

Until the commander of the 1st Division got a call saying that Kanemoto is on their way

They had a few arguments

Kanemoto arrived

"Ilyana! How did you find this place?" Kanemoto said as Ilyana dismounted her horse

"We came to borrow your horseless carrages. But I think we don't know how and who to drive it so maybe I may hire you to escort us?" (Ilyana)

"For what?" (Kanemoto)

"Well we are delivering products and goods to the royal capitol of Ostemor Empire, the royal city of Dragonshear. Ohh you will not gonna regret coming to the capitol." (Ilyana)

Well. It is a stressing day so, maybe I will visit to capitol? Just for scouting reason that is

Well the system said last night that it is also the largest city in the world so He really needs to scout there

"Alright. i agree to escort you. So where the goods we are escorting?" Kanemoto asked

"It is stayed back at the town. We gonna go fetch it and of to Dragonshear!" Said in a energetic expression

"Ok" they then goes to town

At Town Beninea. They also bring Kari because well. She's an SS rank fenrir so more power

"How many days is it gonna take to reach the capitol?" (Kanemoto)

"It takes 2 weeks by carriage." (Ilyana)

"Takes 2 weeks huh? So if it changes that time then..... If we put the goods at the truck over there we should arive there about one week or so?" (Kanemoto)

"Your gonna put my pruducts on that thing?" (Ilyana)

She didn't trust the truck because well how large it is and made out of "iron". So maybe because it will gonna weight more

"Please. That "carriage" can hold 3 to 5 tons of stuff. There's no need to worry of changing it's wheel when it is overweight. Or do you want to travel just two weeks? These vehicles are faster than a horse and it has defensive weapons that is mounted." (Kanemoto)

"N-no, these things are fine. You can transfer the goods to that carriage." Kanemoto nodded and ordered Squad B to carry the good to the truck

The items that Ilyana is brought weighted over 4.6 tons so it wasn't a competition for the truck. Besides it is the best American engineering they had in there arsenal

He also said to Elisa and her friends to leave their horses

They asked why and ws told they will be riding in the MRAP. The other Squad A members will gonna guard the goods because it's top priority

They were skeptical at first because they are Ilyana's supplier so what could go wrong?

Arriving at the capitol only takes one week

Capitol! Here we come!

Daoistmaster Daoistmaster

I need to at least rush this till chapt 8. I hope you guys enjoy this!

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