The first day
This is Operation Urban Blade (Well thats sounds Cliche)
Why the name "Urban Blade" it's because most of the located hideouts are in a Urban environment. They will feel the blade of Kanemoto there
Night time. 11 PM
Unkown location
Kanemoto "modified" All of the transport trucks to be silent so many of the residents will not hear the loud engines of SWAT trucks
There currently 60 soldiers from Kanemoto that is present in Dragonshear. He add ten more just to make sure (Exclude the other additional troops of Kanemoto's squad)
They are all split into 10 men so there are six 10 man platoons to "liberate" and raid these hideouts
Starting with this "hidden" hideout
Squad A will "breach" the front
Squad B will breach the Back entrance and windows
Main Objective: Save as amny Slaves as possible
Secondary Objective: Collect Illegal substances (Drugs, lethal potions, etc)
Secondary Objective: Capture Leader (Optional)
Second Objective: Collect as many information possibe (If possible)
Match is Starting
"Stack up on the door." Kanemoto ordered
They stack up on the door
Kanemoto is infront of the hideout entrance
"{Squad B. Are you ready?}" Kanemoto raidoed his other Squad
"{Ready to breach.}" Popyrin replied
Kanemoto got the message
He touched the wooden door and used [Senses]. This spell can locate anybody thag is on the other side of a solid object. Aslong it is not a boulder or a very Very thick tank (Example: WW2 German Maus) it doesn't count and it will not work
The wooden door is easy
He located at least four people that are possibly armed is on the other side of the wooden door
Two are in a seated position.
One is standing
The last one is next to this door
"I will use the Breaching charge and breach the inside. Then you throw a banger (Flashbang)." He whispered to Schmied who readies his flashbang
Kanemoto put one breaching charge on the on the center of the door and leans to the wall next to the door
He signal his hand to a count down
3... 2... 1...
*BAM!* The door ahs been breached
The one who went first is Onayashi
As she entered everything is in slow motion
'Breathe Calmly. Shoot you target Accurately.' she thought to herself as she aimed her AS VAL at the first thig she targeted
She aimed to another target
She killed all four thugs by headshotng them
"Clear right!" (McMahon)
"Clear left!" (Gerstacker)
"Room Clear?" (Kanemoto)
"Room Clear!" (Everyone)
"Good. Strip them for "gear" folks. We're not done yet." Kanemoto said as he searched the table that the two thugs are
He then looks at the dead thugs. "Nice shooting. I gove it a 9/10 for your accuracy, Onayashi-san." He compliments her
"Thank you commander" (Onayashi)
She said as she pointed at the door waiting for someone to come out
"{What is your SITREP, Popy?}" He radioed the team leader of Squad B
"{We had a few issues but we got it. There were three guys here but they are not a challenge.}" (Popyrin)
"{What did you find?}" (Kanemoto)
"{It appears this is some sort of storage area? Negative. This is a holding area or something for registering slaves that they are importing. A bunch of chains and slave collars here. Obviously a facility to register slaves. Bad news is that there are no slaves here. Sorry commander.}" (Popyrin)
"{Don't feel bad. I think they are held captive in the basement or the upper floors I think. Please proceed to the next room, Popy. Kill any thig you see. No mercy.}" (Kanemoto)
"{Affirmative. Ura.}" Popy exited the radio
"Is everyone found something interesting?" Kanemoto asked his squad
"I found Notebooks. These are names of the slaves. They are in order. Like one Notebook that has names of only Demi-Human, other is elf race, then the other is human race." (Hiroshiba)
"Is there anything else?" Kanemoto
"Nothing here sir. Tbsi room is already dried up." (Schmied)
"Alright. Move to the next room." (Kanemoto)
"Yes, Sir!" (Everyone)
As they move to two more rooms they found only little information. Maybe the office is at the upper floor of this floor or at the underground dungeon
Squad A regrouped with Squad B
All of them encounter a staircase
Of both directions of the staircase one leads down to the basement and the other direction leads to the second floor of the building
"Squad B. Pick?" Kanemoto
"Upstairs." (Popyrin)
"Then do it. We wait here." Kanemoto said
Popy nodded
Scene perspective. Squad B tema leader, Popyrin
Popyrin leads his team to the second floor and encountered a closed door
Thanks to Kanemoto's [Silent] spell. The noise when the dead bodies fell did make a singe sound to the other side of the rooms
But the difference is that every soldier doesn't have magic abilities or "Qi" to do it. So Popy will gonna have to guess if there will be an enemy on the other side if this door
He wanted to be quiet because there are no slaves located at the main floor. He guessed that some slaves are held here. Being raped or used as entertainment.
He silently opened the door and to his surprised it didn't make a creeking sound
He looked at both sides of the hall way
To his left there are four rooms
On to his left there are three more rooms and a hallway
"Let's split into two. Three will go to the left and the other on the right. Got it? So who will volunteer?" (Popyrin)
The people who will go to the left is McNeil, Elmo, and Levin
The one who will go to the right is Popyrin, Joachim, and the Italian who is the only one that is not equipped with a AS VAL but his main shotgun the Benelli Nova
McNeil and the others silently breached the four rooms and killed only two thigs who are about to rape four or five slaves
They regrouped with Popy who breached the three rooms tat has no thugs in them. To much of their disappointment
They go to the hallway and found six more rooms and at the end of a hallway is a slightly armored iron door. Their best guess is thats the leaders office
McNeil breached the door on the left whil Popy breached the door on the right
They killed two thugs and saved four more slaves
"Room clear. Coming out!" Popy whispered to McNeil
"Room Clear! Coming out!" (McNeil)
They breach the other two rooms and they only found the storage room. They will mark this room as potential recourses
They now will breach the final two rooms and killed at least as many as 6 or 8
They then will breach the final room
It's locked
"Apollinare. Shoot the lock." Popy ordered him
Apollinare aimed his shotgun at the lock to break the hinges
He shoots the doors hinges and strongly kicked the door open
They quickly got inside the room and to their luck it is an office but the leader is nowhere to be found
They search for anything that is useful and to their immense luck. They found notebooks and papers of names of slaves
There also notebooks about schedules of the next slave trade. With their locations being put
They all confiscated everything that is useful in a bag for the investigation team
Squad B just stripped everything from the second floor as they regrouped with Kanemoto and the rest of Squad A
The whole squad moved to the basement door and opened it. Leading a stairwell going down
They moved down into the deep basement and as they finally got down they notice a door that is locked
Kanemoto asked Popy if they found a key or something and Popy said no that they didn't find anything
Kanemoto observed the lock and to his suprise it has a password. What in the world why this lock is in this era? It's too advance and to complicated for at least a person from the medieval era to make a lock password from 0 to 9
He also asked Popy if they find any four digit code or something and to his disappointment, No he didn't
"Try 6666?" Popyrin suggested
Kanemoto tried 6666 and it didn't work
"Let me try." Apollinare said
He tried the common code "1234"
Apollinare looks at the rest of his team
"Look at me and tell me I'm not the most valuable member of this team." he said with a shit eating grin
"Fix your fucking seal, Italian." Levin scolded
Apollinare opens the door and Kanemoto was the first to enter
This place is huge that they forgot it is literally a massive underground holding area for slaves
They also forgot how many steps they did when going down the stairs
Wechsler checked the staircase again
"My best guess is, this might be comparable to a four a five floors underground? But considering this room is massive this might be a third underground floor." Wechsler stated
All of them looked around and damn. There are many human size cages. Many MANY Human size cages that have been covered with a large cloth so nobody can tell what's inside
Popy looked at the first cage that is covered by a large blanket and checks
He leans down and slightly peeks what's inside
His eyes widen
He saw six slaves all huddled together. The more shocking is that they are still awake and they didn't make a sound
"Shh, don't make a freaking sound. We are letting you guys out of here." Popy whispered
They didn't say anything but just nodded. They are smart enough to follow orders from someone they don't know
Popy looked at Kanemoto "Sir. There are slaves here. Any orders?"
"Wait. System, can you locate how many enemies that are present here?" Kanemoto asked
"Sir, I've located 10 possible enemies and I marked them on your map but there are 15 unknown people that are near the enemies but I am sure they are not slaves." (System)
Kanemoto nodded
He uses his [Mini Map] on waht type of area they are in. Well shit it's a fucking maze
Kanemoto looks at front and saw two ways and he double check his mini map and both of em' leads to the center of the room
Kanemoto ordered Squad B to split again and they picked the path on the left
So Squad A will gonna go to the path in the right
They stick together and form a line near the cages and advance through the path
They stopped when they hear footsteps
Kanemoto and Onayashi crouched down on the floor and aimed what is gonna appear
A Thug appeared and it's minding his own business. Not even aware of Squad A's presence
Onayashi aimed at the thug on the head but Kanemoto stopped her
Kanemoto silently approaches the thug from behind and used his hands to take him down silently
He is behind the thug andthe thug notice him but it is already too late
"Wh- *hmph!* *Incomprehensible Muffling sounds*" Kanemoto covered his mouth and slowly suffocates him
The Thug passed out from suffocating
Kanemoto dragged the thug to a area that they will never see the body
"Ok. advance." He silently ordered
Squad A continuous to advance through the area
Scene skip
They killed at least thirteen thugs as they advance. This place is huge. Until they met up Squad B
"How was your side?" Kanemoto asked
"Killed at least sixteen?" Popy said
"Well good. Let's go" popy nodded and the whole squad advance
"Sir, You arrive the center of the large room. I count at least fifteen enemies and five slaves huddled in one area." The system said and Kanemoto peeked to thw side and saw many thugs surrounding at least five slaves no older than 10 to 15 years old
Their lewd eyes are affixed to them andthe slaves are scared. Scared of being raped and gangbanged
One thug approaches a little girl (Loli if you imagine)
As his hand was inches away from her
A black colored bottle like thing suddenly appeared beside him
The fifteen thugs and especially the slaves are blinded
"EVERYBODY HANDS UP!" Levin shouted
"FBI!" McMahon shouted
"ALL OF YOU PUT YOUR HANDS IN THE FUCKING AIR WHERE I CAN SEE THEM!" Kanemoto shouted as he aimed his gun at the leadr
The first to gain sight was the thug next to Apollinare
He unsheathed his short sword and tried to swing to Apollinare
"Shit!" He quickly aimed his shotgun and fured point blank
The thug's upper torso got decimated
"Shit! Open fire!" Kanemoto ordered
*Several Gunshots Later*
They successfully killed all the thugs here. There an additional sixteen thugs because they heard the gunshots
After that chaotic ordeal they saved all the slaves here
They number in a stagering 231 slaves. More than what they did when they raided the bandit base before
They are mostly female. Most likely being sold in a hire price so they can be raped or anything that is beyond that
The males here are actually... Pretty buff and still if you ask me. Popyrin was actually astonished by a male dragon race because Levin ordered him to destroy one of the cages and he did it without any problems
Most likely be sold for being a slave guard or something
They then escorted all of the slaves to the outside where several large truck are waiting for them
Kanemoto used his [Gate] to teleport the truck here to the base. Because he is still not familiar with his powers yet. But he can only do at least three big portals each day just to make sure he doesn't accidentally made a worm whole
Winner! Kanemoto!
And after all the slaves been saved they rigged the whole building with C4 and a little bit of gasoline
They are gonna destroy this building so noone will know who did it
"Commander! C4 has been rigged and ready to charge!" Popy said
"Good." He then summons a [Gate] "Then let's go to the mansion. I think we can see the fireworks from there." (Kanemoto)
Popy amd the rest of them nodded and goes through the gate
Scene skip
Squad A and B and especially Kanemoto are all at the roof watching the scene
Ela brought them drinks. Vodka, Whiskey and Sake. And some snacks
"Where is the switch?" Kanemoto asked
"Here sir!" Schmied said as he throws the switch to Kanemoto
Kanemoto catch the switch
"This is gonna be an exciting fireworks." (Kanemoto)
Then a bright light was seen
*Distant Boom*
The explosion was so large that it made a mushroom cloud
The buildings surrounding the slave hideout are long been abandoned so no Collateral Casualties
"Shit! How many explosives did we put?" Wechsler said whipe being astonished
"Maybe compared to a five hundred pound bomb? Well at least I can see the fireworks here." Popy said
They enjoyed the explosion
*Whistles* "The Gov will gonna look through this incident by the very next day, Commander. But at least we are covered now. Maybe take an entire month to, for them realize about our suspicious doings." (McMahon)
"If there is a witness we will deal with them easily. Besides" *yawns* "It's getting late and we have a big day tomorrow. I wil deploy some russians, americans, or irish guys to do the info gathering" he then stands up "You guys rest to. Don't worry there would be no one that is gonna break into this safehouse. If they did Ela would take care of it." He then goes inside
Meanwhile in an unkown area in a random building
There are dozens of people around a round table discussing what happened to one if their major slave trading buildings
It happened in one night. 5 major Slave trading hubs and 13 minor ones. This is a slap to the face for them
All of the major players are the CEOs or the people who manage thise slave trades
"Is there anyone that survive?" The one wearing a white robe asked his right wing man
"No, sir. There are no survivors. They are all wiped clean." His Right wing man said
"What about the slaves?" The white robe man asked
"They are all taken. Nothing left. No slaves." He said
The white robe man nodded
He can't comprehend how large the loss of slaves
2,477l slaves lost in one night? That number literally mounted over 30 to 60 millions gold coins, maybe more!
They all argue and talk about what will happen to the others that are not affected
Hire more guards to strengthen security?
Well one major slave hub had 130 guards and they are all killed and if they hire more the budget would skyrocket
Well they don't have any choice
"Also. Are there any witnesses?" The white robe man said
"Well yes sir."
This raises his curiosity more "Well tell me what they say." He said
"They said there are twelve people wearing all black clothing and weird masks and their eyes glowed red in the dark. They wield strange weapons. They didn't see what the "supposed" weapons were but I think they did devastating damage. In a silent way. That for the others they did say the same. 12 armed black cloth men wield strange weapons then came out with the slaves. For my opinion I don't know how they did it but they are so professional on what they are doing as if they are told to do so." His right wing man said
He then holds his chin very shocked and bizarre at the same time
These people are dangerous and they are a threat to the slave trading industry
"I want informats. Give them the necessary recourses to locate or gather information of these people. I know this is difficult for them but this is necessary. This order is granted by me and me only. Please leave." He said and his right wing man nodded and left the room
They continue to argue more
To be continued
Next Chapt title "Meet the Aussies, Russians, Irish and the amazing Popy"
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