Jin Yuan drove to the Chen house delivering the most-awaited results and left afterward once his errand was completed.
Chen Linyun went straight to his study room to finally unveil the mystery of his identity.
Xue Jinxu joined him there, still a bit groggy from her afternoon nap. Lately, the young Chen madame had been, more often than not, defeated by sleepiness.
Chen Linyun sat at his majestic chair behind his equally gargantuan desk. The missus placed herself on the armrest, perched like a bird on a branch, one foot stayed on the ground to maintain stability, while the other leg was swamped on the armrest. Her hands wrapped loosely around her husband's shoulders and neck.
"It's out?"
"Mhmm." Chen Linyun squeezed the lady's hand that was dangling on his left shoulder.
"That's fast."
"I requested its expediency."
"I see."
Please support the novel. I am forever grateful to all of you.
I'm a bit scared that I might disappoint you, guys.
I want to finish the novel with grace and finesse.
I love you all guys.
Thank you very much.
mwah mwah.