"Good morning!"
Yawning, Kang Sola greeted cheerfully as she walked towards the breakfast table. For the time being, she was left at the Chen dream house while the master and madame had things sorted out in the South.
She stretched her arms upwards and sat down across Xue Guangxi. "Did you sleep well?"
"Yes. You?"
The Second Young Master was already seated comfortably at the dining table and had already started munching his own breakfast. He gulped from his glass of milk. His eyes flickered with amusement with what he saw: Kang Sola in pajamas, hair in disarray, yet she seemed to be uncaring of her appearance. She remained candid and innocent. Other girls would have taken a good fit and fuss to fix their appearance in front of a guest or a guy.
The ends of Xue Guangxi's lips curled up.
Here's something light.
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