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2% MHA:UA’s Ghoul / Chapter 1: Accident
MHA:UA’s Ghoul MHA:UA’s Ghoul original

MHA:UA’s Ghoul

Autor: Mr_copy_your_story

© WebNovel

Capítulo 1: Accident

'Huff huff huff'

Izuku gasped heavily as he sprinted down the cold dark back alleys of Musutafu as he ran desperately for his life, Akuma hot on his tail.

Izuku gaping wound on the side of his chest, stretching from the bottom of his abdomen up to the top of his armpit, poured out with blood; the bleeding growing heavier and heavier with each turn he made.

The tense atmosphere which had been trailing behind him since the beginning of their night was finally all starting to make sense.

With the darkness of the night partially obscuring his vision through the moonlight which glowed dimly from above, izuku sprinted down alleyway after alleyway trying to shake the nearly revealed monster of his tail; tripping over the bins and waste material that lined the walls of each path he took.

With the river of free-flowing blood, pouring down the side of his body, Izuku was slowly beginning to lose his awareness of what was around him.


Akuma screamed out at him as her malice grin widened psychotically, her quirk lashing out at him while destroying anything which stood in her path.

Her words of insanity fell on deaf ears as the blood loss slowly began to take its toll.

Izuku vision was blurring, creating black splotches in the corners of his vision. His head began to make the world spin around him, as the feeling of lightheadedness began to affect him.

Izuku pushed and pushed his body though as he started swaying with each step he ran forward.

Because he knew if he stopped, he would die.

He was already good as dead as it was, and there was nothing he could do...

Izuku continued to push his body past the limits of what he thought was possible as he sprinted around bend after bend, only to have one last corner reach a dead end.

Izuku felt his heart plummet at the impossibly high wall in front of him.


No, he couldn't die just yet..!

He felt his head begin to shake with disbelief, his eyes widening with pure fear with the reality before him.

No! Why now.!

Everything had started to go right in his life. He had finally thought all his bad luck and begun to run out...

As he reached the end of the alleyway, his dark fate had started to sink in. Akuma whizzed around the corner behind him and watched as he took in the wall before him. Her lips coated in a thick layer of blood, dripping through the cracks in between her teeth. Her, what looked like, sharp tentacle quirk was covered in blood; where she had stabbed him in the side of his stomach only a few minutes ago.

As Akuma watched from the other end of the alleyway, a wide satanic smirk painted her lips as dark black eyes bore into him greedily.

As she slowly made her way towards him, small manic giggles heard every so often, with no one where to run; Izuku couldn't help feeling relatively dazed.

There was nowhere for him to turn as she dashed towards him at lightning speeds despite his situation, cornered at the end of a dark cold alleyway.

Izuku felt relatively unconcerned. He didn't know if it was from the blood loss or the fact that he was about to be killed by the only 'friend'he had made in the last decade of his life...

As she drew closer Izuku let his eyelids shut as he accepted his horrible fate.

Fortunately enough for him, her charging dash attack was cut short by a large explosion.

Why the hell did he always end up in these messes...


In an age where quirks mean everything to everyone, you wouldn't expect a story to be written about the unluckiest kind of people in such a strange society. Well, coincidentally this is.

200 years ago a child was born which glowed brighter than the sun. The phenomenon had brought the whole world into disarray. Soon, however, these new powers called 'quirks' started popping up everywhere causing a pandemic of chaos.

In amongst the panic and fear, a new profession arrived. Hero's. The peacekeepers who kept people safe, run by governments to a brighter and safer future.

Quirks soon were described into three official categories. Mutant, transformation, and emitters.

Unfortunately for him, Izuku was born into a reducing percentage of people, who were born quirkless.

Tormented and bullied for his "disability", this is where our story begins...

1 Month ago

The Midoryia family apartment.

"Hey there! It's really nice to meet you! I'm your new neighbour. I thought it would be nice if I came and met everyone since we're going to be living next to each other! Here, I even brought a fruit loaf!"

Akuma Sabishi, a tall, brown haired girl who had recently moved into the city from her home village had moved into the apartment block next to them.

When they had first met, Izuku had been drawn to her. Her smile. Her laugh. Her dare-he-say pretty face.

After introductions were done Inko invited the girl in to get to know her better. After only a few hours of talking Izuku was crushing on his new neighbour hard.

As the Midoriya invited her into their home, they discussed lots of different things and Izuku had soon discovered they were more alike than he had ever thought previously possible with a girl his same age...

They talked about a whole range of things from herd's to tv shows, from movies to video games.

Then the topic of quirks came up...

"So what's your quirk?" Akuma asked excitedly, making Izuku momentarily freeze before looking to the floor in shame. After a short silence Izuku spoke up.

"I….." Izuku paused, "I actually don't have a quirk... I was born quirkless." he lowered his head in shame. Akuma sat back and gasped, causing Izuku to flinch as he prepared himself to be degraded by yet another person; only for Akuma to reply.

"Really? I'm quirkless too!"

Izuku had looked up in shock, his eyes going wide as he looked her in the eyes to see if she was lying only for them to show how honestly she was being.

He honestly felt like crying...

What were the chances that a girl, who liked everything he loved, who was as passionate of hero's as he was who was also born quirkless no less had moved into the apartment next to him.

It couldn't be true!

Over the next few weeks Izuku and Akumas relationship only grew stronger as they went to school together. Watching videos of All Mights debut, playing video games and doing many other things together.

Izuku has never felt happier. He finally had a friend! Someone who cared about him. Someone who stood up for him.

Akuma has been placed into the same class as Izuku in Aldera Junior High middle school. During lunch Akuma decided to eat her lunch with Izuku much to his delight. Half way through their break a group, led by Katsuki Bakugou, a group of try-hard boys came over to their table.

"Why are you hanging out with that freak?" Katsuki started out in annoyance to Akuma, making her turn her head in confusion.

"What? A freak? What do you mean?"

Bakugou had sighed before turning his head and glaring at Izuku.

"A quirkless freak that's what!"

Akuma stared directly into Bakugos eyes, narrowing her own, creating a tense air around them.

Suddenly however, she burst out laughing. Taking everyone back by surprise.

"Well In that case I guess I'm a freak too!" She said cheerfully getting up out of her chair. She turned back around to Izuku and grabbed his hand, making him flush violently.

"Come on Izu-kun let's go eat somewhere else, away from this bunch of idiots."

Izuku didn't get a chance to reply before he was pulled out of his seat and taken up to the school's rooftop.

Their days would continue on in such a many for the next few weeks.

And as every Tuesday morning went. They were both back in school. During today's homeroom, their sensei has brought in the application forms for which high school they wanted to choose.

Of course he choice was obvious. Everyone wanted to get into the country's top program for hero's.

"Oh yea, Midoryia you want to get into the hero course too."

Everyone in his class turned around to laugh at his face. Degrading him for his dream when Akuma shot up from her seat and declared to the whole class

"I wanna get into the hero course too!"

Everyone stared at her in disbelief as she went on a tangent about how she would become the greatest hero she could.

No one questioned or taunted her as no one want to be seen as the guy who made the prettiest girl in school cry.

Once the day was over Bakugo came over to

Izukus seat

"If you want to be a hero you need a quirk.

Unfortunately, you can't just get one from just anywhere. Just pray you're born with one in the next like and take a swan di-"

A hard slap was heard across the room, as Bakugous face twisted slightly to the slide at the force.

Everyone stood motionless in shock as Akuma took a stand between him and izuku.

"How dare you." She said, eyes pouring through with tears.

"How could you say such a thing." She stood in shock before momentary grabbing Izukus hand and dragging him out the door.

They were about halfway home when izuku managed to feed himself from her grasp, making her turn around to look at him.

"I'm sorry but I think I'm gonna walk the long way home" She was about to take a step forward when he continued talking. " alone please, I need a movent to be alone"

Akuma crumpled up her face before sighing deeply.

"Fine but I'm coming over to your house later to make sure you made it home ok."

Izuku smiles at her, nodding in agreement, before turning down a side road. A road which had an under path at the far end.

So the sludge villain attack happened and Izuku was starting to really question the laws of how quirks were meant to work.

All Mights quirk was transferable from one person to the next.

All might had promised to give the quirk to him.

All Might had said that he could become a hero.

He had All Mights phone number.

(His phone was probably now worth millions. He had All Mights phone number. Not that he could do anything with that piece of information thought)

At this point, he wasn't sure what was real and what wasn't anymore. He kept checking and rechecking his contacts to make sure he wasn't actually dreaming.

After everything that had happened, he was really starting to believe his life full of unlucky coincidences and accidents was starting to pay off.

Sure there was the incident with Kacchan earlier in the day but besides that everything was starting to look so much brighter. He had real friends. He was so kuch happier than he had ever been before.

He was going to be getting a quirk.

He actually felt quite guilty about getting a quirk when Akuma was quirkless too. She was so much braver than him in his eyes. So much stronger but he had made a promise never to speak of All Mights quirk to anyone.

Izuku looked down at his phone one last time before the doorbell rang. He waited a few moments before Akuma burst through his bedroom door, dived into his bet where he was sitting, and gave him a crushing hug, knocking him over onto his back.

"Woahh!" Izuku said, surprised. Shocked at the slight inhuman speeds his friend had made it across his room in.

"Izu-Kun! Are you ok? I was really worried about you! I was planning on coming over after dinner but I couldn't wait any longer!" Akuma blurted out while pinning him down on the bed. Her head on his chest while unconsciously squishing his 'no-no' square, making his blush bright red.

"Akuma I'm fine honestly" he replied happily making her lift her head up to look him in the eyes making them both realize how close their faces were.

Akuma moved back almost a quickly as she came into the room in embarrassment.

The stayed like this for a few minutes before

Akuma started talking again.

"Izuku theirs something l've been meaning to talk to you about for a while now..." she spoke softly, moving her head to look down at her knees which lay folded in front of her.

"Before moving here I never really had a good relationship with how I saw and felt about myself. I moved here to start fresh in a new place and I think it was probably the best choice of my life.

Ever since moving in next to you l've never been happier. I've gotten the bestest friend I could ever have asked for. Your so much stronger and braver then I ever was. Seeing Bakugo saying stuff like that to you really have me a reality check. I was so angry at him for saying something careless at you that it made me realize something. Izuku I really really like you." She drifted off at the end with a trail of mutterings which izuku couldn't understand.

He sat in shock as he processed what she had said to him before building up the courage to reply a small " I like you too" making her head shoot up and look at him with wide eyes.

They sat staring at each other at the end of the bed for what felt like forever in disbelief.

Izuku" Akuma started quietly " would you like to go on a date with me tomorrow afternoon.'


The time for their date had finally arrived. He had asked All Might if he could go slightly earlier if he worked extra hard.

And extra hard he did because just before it was time for him to leave to meet with Akuma, he felt like he was gonna pass out.

Trying his best to keep himself together while running without falling over, Izuku made his way home to shower before he went out.

Izuku met up with Akuma and they both headed to a tiny coffee shop in the corner of Mustafu. It had been almost a whole month since he had met her and he truly believed she was the light in his life guiding him in the right direction. All Might might have been his hero but she was his saviour. Ever since that day when she had moved in next door he had been the happiest boy in the world and even if All Mights promise of being worthy of his quirk.

As they finished up their meal, Akuma went to the restroom while Izuku paired for the food happily.

He watched her walk back towards him and his eyes softened.

He truly was lucky.

The air was cold as they walked back in the dark towards their apartments. They both remained in a happy silence as they felt comfort in each other's presence.

After a few minuets of walking they were almost a little under half way home as their journey lead the pair into a small thin alley way which would cut there time down.

It was there that Akuma stopped walking.

"Hu? Akuma-chan what's wrong?"

Izuku turned around to face his date.

"That date was really nice Izu-Kun, it was very kind of you to pay" Akuma said softly, slowly moving towards him.

"Ahh it was nothing really. It should be me thanking you really" Izuku replied, unconsciously moving forward " if it wasn't for you to, I don't know where I would be.

"Your too kind izu-Kun"

It was at this point Izuku realized how close the two of them were. The girl in front of him slowly began to lean up to his cheek. Izuku tensed up and was almost tempted to close his eyes as she went to hiss his cheek.

Pain shot threw the artery in his neck. Forcing his legs to cripple his back making him fall backwards into his back as he tried to pull his body away from the danger before him.


He looked across to her eyes.

Black. They were black with blood-red irises staring straight back at him.

A quirk. She had lied to him.

Pulling him out of his thoughts four sharp black tentacles, with pulsing red lines going through them, grew from the middle of her back.

"W-whats -. Go in-g o-"

She snarled down at him.

"I'm sorry Izu-Kun, it's almost my feeding time, and human food iust makes me so much more hungry." She began lustfully. "Ohh! Your blood smells so good I NEED IT. IM HUNGRYY."

Akuma lunged forward and tried to grab him.

Missing by only a hair as he pulled himself to the side before getting up and running away.



NOT WILLING TO KILL YOU TO SURVIVE' She screamed psychotically, hot on his tail.

He reached the end of the alleyway his dark fate had started to sink in. Akuma was stood at the other end of the alleyway. Her lips coated in a thick layer of blood, dripping through the cracks in between her teeth. Her tentacles covered in blood too, where it had stabbed him in the side of his stomach while they had been running.

There was a satanic smirk painted on her lips, dark black eyes looking at him greedily.

There was no way for him to escape as she sped towards him and despite his situation, Izuku was relatively calm.

He didn't know if it was from the blood loss. Or the fact that he was about to be killed by the only

'friend' he had made in years.

As she drew closer he closed his eyes and accept his fate.

How the hell did he end up in this mess...

The building besides then exploded into thousands of pieces throwing back both Akuma and Izuku to the side.

Akuma, who had been stood up was hit by a large piece of debris knocking her into the floor. Izuku watched in from the side, where he was sat as a second piece crushed her from above. Covering her body.

His vision had almost completely turned dark at this point as he saw a figure running towards him.

"Hey! Kid!?"

A piece of rubble flew into his skull knocking his straight into unconsciousness.

Bright blinding lights.

"Move out the way-"


"We need an Iv line NOW"

Hurried pace.

"We're loosing him MOVE"


Blissful Pain.

"Get the girl, she's already dead"


"Organ transplant needed"


"Organ transplant successful!"

next chapter
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