The pulling force was too great for us to resist and the moment I opened my eyes I already found myself in the middle of a forest.
"AAGHHH *Hic* *Hic* She is gone I wont see her again FUUCK!" Arthur cried.
*Hic* "Art..." We grew to love her during this short time we have been together, the way she treated us was like a mother, and so we loved her as her children.
I knew that this was probably the last time I was going to see her, it hurts... It hurts so bad. My heart feels like exploding.
But this crying is meaningless, it will change nothing or bring her back.
"Arthur, calm down..." I tried to calm him even thought I was everything but calm.
"How can I calm down, huh? She died because of us man, we killed her! *Hic*"
I slapped Arthur making him look at me confusedly holding his cheek with his palm.
"ARE YOU STUPID ARTHUR? She died for us so that we can go on and live our lifes not to cry for her. If you really feel that bad then you should get stronger, no, we should get stronger so that we can protect our loved ones to not have to do other sacrifices like these. This is our sin, its our weakness."
Arthur took some moments to process and understand what I told him and after putting his ideas in place he nodded his head.
"Yeah your right, if I feel guilty for that then I should become stronger to not let that happen again. Thank you Meliodas." He wiped the tear from his cheeks using his small fingers.
I smiled warmly to him, seeing that he understood and that he is trying to pass over it, "Shishishi, of course I'll be always here for you bro." I tried to keep a strong facade to help my brother feel better, even though I was devastated from the inside.
Suddently we started hearing voices inside out heads, just how Sylvia did the first time.
'Meliodas Arthur, if this message reaches you it means that I showed you who I actualy am, even though you've already reached light red, youre still not ready or strong enough to know the truth. As a small parting gift I infused both of you my unique will.'
I looked at Arthur and he seemed to hear the same things as me.
'My only wish for you is to embrace the joys and innocence of childhood. When you will reach the white stage, you will hear from me again at that time I will explain everything. Until then I bid you farewell, Meliodas, Arthur...'
"Thank you Sylvia, and don't worry I will enjoy my life and protect the people I love" I made a promise with her and with myself. I dont want to experience this again, ever.
After a while, we ended up by calming down and we tried to find a solution for the situation we are in.
"Art we have a small problem, we need to find where we are" I said putting my tiny hands on my small waist looking around.
"The best thing to do now is to just walk until we find people, but first..."He took the egg Sylvie gave him and wrapped the feather around it, then he infused mana in his whole body and climbed a huge tree to see where we are.
'Oh right, I almost forgot about the egg.' Following him I too wrapped my egg with the feather and followed him to the top of the tree.
When he reached the top he found me already there he was suprised to the point where he almost triped and fell from the tree, fortunatly I catched him from his arm to stabilize him.
"How the hell did you reach here before me, I left you down there standing." He curiously asked
"Like I said before Im a demon, maybe this is why im stronger and faster than others" I shrugged it off.
"Lucky bastard. Anyways, I think we are deep inside the Elshire forest" He stated.
"I see in that case let's make a fire here, we will start moving after we rest a little bit, I still feel deezy from the portal." I scrached my head.
We made a fire and I even mananged to catch a mana rabbit that we cooked and ate. It wasn't the best meat I ever ate but as long as it was still consumable and fill my stomach, it was all good.
After eating, Arthur took a nap since he was tired. But I decided to go and look around us. I was now jumping from tree to another without using mana since it wasn't necessary thanks to my strong body suddently I heard faint screems coming from my left side.
I was getting closer to the source of the sound and other shouts were heard, "NOOO! HELP! SOMEONE PLEASE HELP! MOMMY! DADDY! NOOO I'M SCARED!!!"
"DON'T HURT US PLEASE! STOP!" Another voice cried
"Someone shut them up! They are going to attract attention to us!"
Two strong thuds sounded from the place and the sound of the kids shouts stopped immedietly.
"Quick. Put them in the back of the carriage. We're only a few days away from the mountain range. We'll be safer then. Don't relax and keep moving." Spoke the boss of the group.
"Hey, Boss? How much do ya reckon she'll sell for? Elf girls go for a lot, don't they? Hehe, she's a child too so a virgin at that! I bet she'll fetch us a lot of money, huh!"
I carefully took a peek to see a small-sized carriage, enough to tightly cram in about foor or five adults. I turned back around just in time to see a middle-aged man hauling two little girls into the back of the carriage.
They looked to be around six or seven, with a silvery hue in both their hairs and the trademark pointed ears that elves were known for.
Attached to leashes were mana beasts that looked like a mix between a deer and a dog, with antlers that branched out, looking like a complicated satellite.
After stirring up the forest hounds with a carefully thrown rock, I made my move as soon as one of the two on guard went around to the other side of the carriage to quiet them.
The one that stayed behind was sitting on a fallen log, fiddling with something in his hands while the other two were sleeping inside the tent. Carefully, jumping to a branch directly above the carriage, I prepared for my attack.
I kicked the man in his head while infusing mana and with the help of the momentum wich resulted in the total destruction of the mans skull. The corpse dropped on the ground along the weapon. I took the weapon and went to my secong target.
He was checking the jewelry they stole in the carriage, I came behind and placed my hand on his mouth to stop him from making any sounds then I slashed his throat killing the second bandit on the spot.
The moment I wanted to exit the carriage I saw the boss of the group slashing down with his long sword, it was too late to dodge the attack all I could do was lift my hand up to avoid getting my head chopped off.
"AAAGHHH" This bastard just cuted my whole arm. It fell to the ground with blood coming out of my bicep. It was painful, but not as bad as I expected. I held my bicep to try to stop the bleeding.
"Well what do we have here, a kid palying the hero I see." Spoke the boss with his golden teeth.
"I cant belive you already killed the other two though." The boss expressed after giving a look around the place.
I woke up in the cave where me, Arthur and Sylvia were, I looked around to find them still deep in their sleep and I decided to go back to the world of dreams as well but turning to the other side, I noticed next to my head a paper.
"What is this doing here?" I asked myself.
I took the paper and unfolded it to find a short message in there, it said. 'Yo it's your favorite god, uncrucified Jesus. It already has been 4 years in your new life can you believe it? Time sure goes fast right? Do you enjoy your time there, I can always give you a new life if you want though! Just kidding hahahah...'
He really didn't change huh? I continued reading the letter, 'Anyways I sent you this letter just to let you know that now you are old enough to handle and use your demon powers, When time comes I will give you other things and items you own. As for other forms you will unlock them once you reach certain levels of strengh. Until then stay alive and have fun!'
'YES! Finally my demon powers are here, I was wondering when I will get them' After checking that there was nothing left on the letter dark flames with a purple hue appeared on my hand burning the letter to ashes not keeping any clues.
"I wont try them right now since they give off a bad aura which can wake Art or Sylvia up, or even worse, Sylvia can think im an evil being or something like that. Well I actualy im, but im nice... right?'
The atmosphere around me was getting heavier but the bandits ignored that fact and focused on me. A black mark appeared on the right side of my forehead as the color of my eyes that once were green like emeralds matched now this visible mark.
My arm that was on the ground now had a sort of black tentacles moving towards me, when they connected to my shoulder my arm attached itself back and healed instantly as if the man never cuted it in the first place.
"What the fuck is that, did his arm just move back to his shoulder?!" Spoke the boss.
"Is he even human? This is not normal at all!"Asked the other bandit.
When I lifted my head and looked at them with my at the same time devilish and friendly smile, the pressure that fell on those two guys was too heavy for them to keeps standing as they both fell on their butts.
"Sate sate sate~, it seems your time has come, so let's get done with this at once." My voice now was clearly deeper and sort of emotionless.
"Please kid, we will leave the girl and the carriage so let's all forget what happened okay?" The boss spoke after having a taste of the oppressing aura that was eminating from me. It didn't take an expert to know that a single moment of inattention could mean the end of their days.
I lifted my right hand with my palm aiming at them, dark purple flames ball appeared on it. The flames were so hot that the bandits started sweating even from that 7 meters distance between us.
The purple dark flames were sent towards them, the moment it touched the bandits reinforced with mana bodies they instantly turned into dust, this is just how hot those flames are.
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