Huo Jin stepped out of the carriage and thanked the chauffeur. He walked in and saw Wang Fuxing was walking in the garden. He bowed upon seeing him and walked to him.
"Master shall not roam in the garden. It is cold here," Huo Jin said worriedly while joining both of his hands.
"I don't get sick easily," Wang Fuxing said and smiled. "Where have you gone?" He then questioned him.
"To the Palace. The First Prince had some work from me," Huo Jin answered.
Wang Fuxing nodded his head. "Is General Wang back, Master?" Huo Jin asked him.
"Yes. He returned in the evening," Wang Fuxing replied to him. Huo Jin was relieved to hear that. "My son is not marrying the daughter of the Prime Minister," he suddenly said, and the statement bewildered Huo Jin.
"What happened, Master?" Huo Jin queried.
"He loves someone else," Wang Fuxing replied.
"Isn't it great? You will get married to the woman whom you love," asserted Huo Jin.
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