No sooner had he sat down than the door banged and the footstep of a person eagerly racing against the tiles on the floor could be heard.
For people like Jade who were humans, they had to wonder just who it was but the others knew.
They did not have to wait long though, as the next minute they saw the owner of the thundering footstep, standing at the doorway, panting a bit to catch her breath.
Yes her.
"Always the latecomer," Minerva commented.
"Tsk, if not that I am in a good mood today, Minerva, I would have shut you up for good." Saying that she stood straight and walked towards the dining table. "Greetings, Lord Xander, fellow council members. My apologies for being late."
"It's not like it is going to change," Minerva once again commented.
Happy weekend buys.
Hehe what do you think is the reason why Minerva is acting that way...?
Comment your answers.
Do you think her actions would Drive a wedge between Xander and Jade?