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81.81% Livestreaming My Pokemon Journey! / Chapter 9: Chapter 8: First Challenger

Capítulo 9: Chapter 8: First Challenger

Speechless is a frankly overused word that people throw around far too casually. Being truly speechless is not something most people truly experience.

It's certainly not something I've ever experienced, I've always had a comeback, a witty retort. Ever since increasing my Charisma stat, that's been the case more than ever.

Standing before Wally as he stared resolutely, awaiting my response, I could honestly and truly say, that I am speechless.

'Whose mans is this!?'

There's no way this is timid, sickly Wally!

Evidently, May and her father agreed if their wide-eyed expressions were any indication. Norman's reaction is far more expressive than May's, who is only meeting him for the first time.

Wally stared forward determined, unbothered by the reactions around him.

[TutPrince: gigachad Brave!]

[Brooklyn_Rage: 0_0]

[Golden: that was the coldest challenge I've ever heard!]

[Golden: no really think about it, some sick Phonk music is playing in the background, and just his words "Well, do you?" are heard loud and clear, that edit goes hard!!!]

[Dragon_Queen667: wtf! The_Brave is always in chat, its so weird seeing him in person!]

[Definitely_Not_Champion_Cynthia: If he accepts I'm interested in how well Dante will fare against an actual trainer.]

[InvincibleThunder: does this count as doxxing? I mean he doxxed himself.]

[PiplupSupremacy: are we gonna ignore how this is totally stream sniping?]

Regaining my composure I smirk, seeing this situation for the golden opportunity it was, 'This is going to go hella viral, though I'm not sure what kind of message this will send my viewers…'

I finally speak up, "I gotta say, I knew I would eventually get stream sniped, it was inevitable…, but I never thought it'd be you, Brave." I said between my smiles.

Wally's confident expression falters for a moment, "W-What, no! Gym leader Norman was bringing me back after he helped me catch my starter, I wasn't stream sniping; Our meeting is just a coincidence, really!" He pleaded in an effort to not come off as a stalker.

I chuckled, "That makes sense, you don't seem like the type. Alright, I accept."

"Really?" He asked seemingly surprised I accepted so easily, suddenly it seemed like a thought occurred to him, "Wait, you phrased that like you know me?" 

"Of course I do," I replied earnestly, "We talked a few months back about how you wanted to become a trainer but you were held back by your constitution."

You would've thought Wally had just obtained the keys to a castle the way his eyes lit up in joy, "You actually remembered that!?" He asked in disbelief.

I'm a tad offended he thought I wouldn't, and also offended at my chat who expressed their similar surprise.

[Nyxio: I was there when Green Boy made that donation! Pog!!]

[Perfume_Princess: Dante gets tens of thousands of comments and chat messages a day, I can't believe he would remember a specific one that far back.]

[Thorns: yeah right! This is so staged it hurts, Dante should've picked a better actor for his little vanity stunt 😒]

[Definitely_Not_Champion_Cynthia: it's admirable how dedicated he is to his followers.]

[PiplupSupremacy: I know Dante irl, and I'm still not convinced he doesn't forget who I am every other day, this is shocking, to say the least]

[Auburn_Cargo_Pilot: @Thorns, you're just jealous]

"Why wouldn't I remember?" I asked back.

"Anyways, as I said, I accept, though I would like to know the name of the person who challenged me," I replied, the implication in my words clear to see.

Of course, I knew Wally's name, I was just asking before I slipped up and revealed knowledge I shouldn't have.

"Oh, it's Wally." He replied in between a sudden burst of pained coughs.

"Whoa, are you okay?" I heard May call out in concern.

Wally takes out an inhaler and regains his bearings, I could see my chat expressing similar concerns.

I stay silent however, I doubt he wants my sympathy of all things.

"I'm fine," he wheezed out, "My condition has gotten better but that happens from time to time, less than before thankfully," Wally explained.

"Well if you're feeling better I say let's go right now, It's getting late and May and I were hoping to reach Petalburg Woods before it gets too dark," I informed him.

All of a sudden the confident smile was back and his hunched-over shoulders suddenly straightened, "Then let's do it." He called gleefully.

I turned to Norman and asked, "Is it alright if we use your arena for a quick battle?"

He looked resigned, "Fine. You're lucky I don't have any challengers appointed until later today. Just make it quick."

"Ooh! I'll referee!" May suddenly declared in excitement.

"No." Norman interjected, "I'll referee." He said leaving no room for argument.

May pouted but let it go, evidently not wanting to argue with her father.

We very quickly set everything up and took our positions as we did, I kept having random thoughts like, 'Will Wally still have a Ralts?', 'Why is he so different?' Though most importantly, 'Why was his inhaler shaped like a bong?'

I swiftly accepted his challenge remotely through the Trainer App and we were ready to go.

"Alright I want a nice clean fight between you two, Wally only has one Pokemon so it will be a 1v1! The first Pokemon to knock the other unconscious will be declared the victor!" Norman began reciting the standard referee procedure.

"Now are you two ready?" He asked us.

"Yes!" Wally and I simultaneously declared.

[Pokemon_Master12: finally we get to see a fight! I've been wanting to see what Mudkip is capabl3 of!]

[(MOD)Sparkles: opening another poll.]

[Flattery: thanks Sparkles very cool]

"In that case draw your Pokemon and-," Noman wasn't able to finish his words, however.

A sudden shout from Wally had everyone confused, "Wait!"

He rummaged through his pockets before pulling out his phone, he started fiddling with it before he places it back.

"Alright, I'm done." He said before unclipping his Pokeball.

As much as I wanted to move on, that got me curious, "What was that?" I questioned him.

"Oh, I just figured Sparkles had opened up another poll so I just bet all the points I had on myself." Wally casually spoke.

I burst out laughing, "Are you really that confident?" I asked somewhat rhetorically.

He grinned, "Of course! If I don't believe in myself, who will? Not Chat that's for sure, I saw those betting odds."

"Besides," he paused, his voice growing more serious, "what kind of pathetic loser goes into something expecting to fail? I don't give a shit about logistics, reason, or probability! I will win because I fucking said I will!" Wally declared with enough conviction that if this were another anime I'd be knocked out by his Haki by now.

I let out a feral smile at his words, unable to help myself, I'll be honest I didn't want to get my expectations too high since I knew Wally wasn't much of a challenge until much later in the games. 

I can't help myself, I feel like this fight's going to be much more important than I would've guessed.

"Mudkip!" My little blue friend exclaimed as I released him. 

Wally similarly releases his starter, which I can see is definitely a Ralts.

"All right Mudkip, I know you're tired, but I need you to give at least 200% this fight, do you think you can do that for me?" I asked.

"Kip!" As if I would expect anything else.

Looking over at the referee I could very clearly see he was upset, "Are you done?" He questioned impatiently.

"Yes," I replied, as did Wally.

He let out a deep sigh, "In that case, I'm not repeating myself, fight!"

Suddenly we were in it, if there's anything I've learned from every fight I've been in, it's how important the initiative is, setting a battle's pace is the single greatest advantage you can grant your Pokemon.

That being said, "Mudkip, blitz it! Using [Tackle]!" I commanded.

Mudkip charged with surprising speed, he must've taken my 200% comment seriously.

"Ralts dodge, and use [Confusion]!" Wally commands in turn.

Wally's Ralts dodged Mudkip's [Tackle] at the very last second and started forming a sphere of pink energy above its head.

"Bat it away with [Water Gun]!" I instructed.

Mudkip being mid-movement was able to turn its head and shoot out a burst of water before Ralts released its [Confusion] blast.

The two special attacks collide with each other in mid-air in a shockwave of pink and blue. 

"[Water Gun], again!" I ordered, there's only so much complexity you can add to a low-level battle such as this one. Brute force is a reasonable strategy.

"You as well, Ralts, [Confusion]!" Wally called out once again planning on meeting my attack head on.

'Ha! That's where you messed up, Wally.' I noticed from the little clash earlier that the only way Mudkip would be able to collide attacks, even though Ralts attacked first, was if Mudkip was quicker than Ralts.

Given that we both called our attacks at the same time, Mudkip will wreck Ralts before it can even think of finishing its own attack.

At least that should've been the case, however, I saw him smirk and that suddenly gave me a bad feeling, "Now Ralts, [Teleport] behind Mudkip!"

'Goddammit! It can dual cast?'

All of a sudden Ralts disappeared in a burst of speed lines, not unlike the way Goku did when utilizing Instant Transmission.

It suddenly rematerialized directly behind Mudkip who was locked in, shooting a [Water Gun] at nothing.

"Slam it down, Ralts!" Wally screamed.

His Ralts letting go of the abnormally large pink sphere, it shoots out and slams into Mudkip's unguarded back.

[PiplupSupremacy: holy shit Wally is cracked!]

[MyPowerIsMAXimum: that's cheating!]

[Flattery: did it just Teleport while maintaining it's confusion sphere? How did it not dissipate!?]

[Definitely_Not_Champion_Cynthia: I was not expecting a Pre-Evo to use two moves simultaneously, that's a very advanced technique.]

[Dragon_Queen667: I knew betting against the odds was the right call, I'm about to be a very rich lady, ho ho ho!]

[Future_Kalos_Queen: @Dragon_Queen667, ho ho ho?]

[Dragon_Queen667: @Future_Kalos_Queen, that's how rich ladies laugh you dumb fuck!]

[Dragon_Queen667 has received a 24-hour ban.]

Mudkip groans in pain from the assault, if there's any consolation, it's that Mudkip has an equally busted special defense as it does regular defense.

Not that I'm going to, "Mudkip, [Ice Ball]! Like with Poochyena, at Ralts feet!"

Mudkip lets out a rapidly formed [Ice Ball] encrusting a good portion of the arena in a thin, slippery sheet of ice.

Wally wasn't just standing there, gawking, however, "Ralts use [Double Team]!" He instructed.

The singular Ralts suddenly turned into three blurry figures of the original, I could see them semi-slip on the ice, but they retain their balance.

Though not for long if I have anything to say about it, "Mudkip, [Ice Ball] again, same deal!" My starter followed my orders flawlessly laying yet another sheet of ice on the ground, thickening the original layer.

Most seemed confused at my actions, my opponent and the peanut gallery included.

[Crack_Head: what is he doing?]

[LucarioOnIce: @chat1, he's obviously setting up an ice rink so they can have an ice skating dance battle!]

[PiplupSupremacy: he's setting something up, but what]

[InvincibleThunder: I see what he's doing]

[IGotAGreatAss: I think Dante is going to lose.]

"Ralts, use [Confusion] before he can set up whatever-" Before he could even finish his sentence, hell before Ralts could even think about executing his commands, I acted.

"Now Mudkip, [Water Gun] straight at the ground, I don't care about Power, focus on quantity!" Mudkip didn't question my bizarre instructions acting as per my orders.

A certified flood is released from Mudkip's mouth. Gallons upon gallons poured out from the 2-foot-tall Pokemon

The sudden rush of Water completely covered the arena and more specifically it flooded the makeshift Ice platform with an inch or two of water.

The water also served to break Ralts' double team who lost its balance from the water's force.

Wally seemed surprised and maybe a bit disappointed as well.

"What's this supposed to do, did you really create all this setup just to break the [Double Team] or are you trying to make an Igloo, because there are simpler methods to doing both," Wally smirked.

I raised an eyebrow, "You really have time to taunt? I didn't peg you for a shit talker, I'd be more concerned about your Pokemon if I were you." I replied dismissively.

"[Tackle]." I called out simply.

Wally seemed unconcerned, and he probably would've continued to be, had my Mudkip performed a normal [Tackle]. But aided by the Ice and especially the water covering it, Mudkup shot out like a bullet.

The signature colorless energy surrounding Mudkip when he performs [Tackle] almost seemed to flicker blue like I had recreated a pseudo [Aqua Jet].

At the speed Mudkip was traveling, it was far too fast for Ralts to even consider dodging, maybe if Wally was a tad more focused he could've called for a [Teleport].

The two finally collide, Mudkip's body slamming into Ralts in a direct hit. This isn't the games but it doesn't get much more critical than that.

[Burn_Baby!: holy shit!]

[InvincibleThunder: never mind, I didn't know what he was doing.]

[Crybaby: even I felt that one ouch!!]

[PiplupSupremacy: forget what I said earlier Dante's cracked is this a new move or something? I wonder if a Piplup could pull this off.]

[Dragon_Queen668: @InvincibleThunder, who asked?]

[Definitely_Not_Champion_Cynthia: Dante's ingenuity never ceases to amaze me.]

"Follow up, another [Tackle]!" 

Wally finally wises up, "[Teleport]!" He yelled out, not even specifying where, somehow as damaged as Ralts was it managed to teleport away from Mudkip's attack.

It's too late however, the damage has already been done, literally. Ralts aren't exactly known for their great defense, after all, one more good hit should put it down for good.

"Mudkip don't stop, keep on using [Tackle] until I tell you to stop." And off it went again, like a cannonball it sent itself barreling towards his opponent.

"Ralts, [Teleport]!" Just like that an almost comical game of cat and mouse began where Mudkip charged at the psychic Pokemon, just barely missing it every time as Wally yet again called for a [Teleport].

It might seem pointless, but it was a strategy, my Mudkip was getting tired from its repeated use of [Tackle], but so was Ralts from using [Teleport]. In fact that move the little empath was using was far more draining than Mudkip's.

Even if it weren't, there's no way my Mudkip would lose in a battle of attrition, not with how much of a beast he was.

Wally seemed to realize this too, as he switched up his strategy, "Now is as good a time as ever to reveal my trump card!" He called out dramatically.

"Ralts use [Double Team]!" The three blurry mirages appeared yet again.

'How is that a trump card-'

"Then use [Psybeam]!" He yelled out.

'-what the fuck!' 

I'm still left reeling by the fact that it already knows [Psybeam], what in the overpowered starter is this shit, ain't no way homie really found this in the wild randomly.

The three mirages stood side by side, all charging up their [Psybeams] it's taking them a while to charge up, but there's not much I can do.

I don't know which of the Ralts is real, and if I impulsively attack one of them, and it's not the real one, I'll be in close range of the real one and I'll be completely toast!

'I'm trapped, there's nothing I can counter this with… is probably what Wally is expecting me to think.' Never have I felt like Light Yagami more than I do right now.

Given that Wally apparently watches my stream you would've thought he'd look out for what I'm about to do. I was tempted to do it so many times earlier in the fight, every time he called for a [Confusion] I was tempted.

Either he forgot about one of my trump cards or he somehow thinks I did, either way, the battle was over.

The Ralts all finished charging and they simultaneously released their attack, all three attacks racing towards Mudkip, only one of them real. Though it doesn't really matter at the end of the day.

Waiting until the very last moment, the powerful swirling beams approached my Mudkip, getting closer and closer.

Mudkip despite not knowing my plan held resolute, not an ounce of fear on his expression.

Right before impact, I roared, "[Mirror Coat]!"

Wally looked on in shock as the powerful attack was absorbed into the semi-translucent barrier that suddenly appeared before Mudkip, before being shot back out at the same level of strength.

Only one of the beams ricochets the rest fizzling out, making the real attack and subsequently the real Ralts completely obvious.

The Ralts in question being as exhausted as it was had no hope of tanking it. The beam collided, exploding upon impact.

The dust settled and Ralts was laid out unconscious, like I said before the battle was over.

"Ralts is unable to continue, therefore Dante Cross is the winner!" Norman declared.

[PiplupSupremacy: he won!]

[Dragon_Queen668: fuck I lost so many points! Damn you Wally I know your face now, It's only a matter of time…]

[Pokemon_Master12: that was awesome now go heal and fight again!]

[Long_OakWood: @Pokemon_Master12, do you have some type of mental illness?]

[IGotAGreatAss: I knew he would win, my faith never wavered!]

I let out a sigh of relief, I almost thought I wasn't going to win for a bit there. 

I got an alert from my phone alerting me of not only my win but my payout as well, quickly checking it over I realized I barely got 300$ of that battle. 

No wonder most trainers quit, a couple of bucks per fight is just not sustainable, it gets better the higher up, but still.

Wally recalled his unconscious Pokemon and started consoling the Pokeball the same way Ash usually does, 'Kinda cringe, but okay.'

"Good fight," I called out, I meant it too. I always knew I'd enjoy battling, how could I not? But it still surprised me how much.

His frustrated look seems to bleed away as he smiles as well, "Yeah, you too." We shake hands to seal the ending.

"Next time, I'll destroy you." He said with a nonchalant expression completely in contrast with his words.

"Anyways I'll get going, I also want to make it to Petalburg Woods before it gets too dark," Wally explained before quickly exiting the Gym, he's probably in a rush to get to a Pokemon Center, I don't take it personally.

[Hard_Boiled: I like this Green Boy]

[LucarioOnIce: yo Wally is kinda cute?]

[LucarioOnIce: Dante x Wally… maybe?]

[Long_OakWood: @LucarioOnIce, you need Arceus, you sick freak]

[PiplupSupremacy: mods? Why doesn't Oak get a ban?]

[(MOD)Elite: he won't get a ban because he's being based.]

[Long_OakWood: ha suck it!]

[Flattery: there are other mods!?]

"I have over 10 mods," I said in reply to one of the comments. Sparkles is just the most vocal and the most active.

"You won!" May's voice, and more accurately her body, knocks me out of my thoughts as she jumps on my back in celebration.

"Are you going to do this every time I win a fight?" I asked, though not really upset.

"Maybe." She answered coyly.

[Future_Kalos_Queen has donated 5,000$]

(Not that you're done with Wally, are you not going to Challenge Norman for your first Gym badge? Is it because you're still new?)

'I really should do better about turning off donations.' I did so earlier when the whole debacle with Nurse Joy occurred, but I turned them back on as we traveled through Route 102 and forgot to turn them back off.

Norman is actually the one to answer, "Although you don't have to fulfill the Gym challenge in any particular order, not all Gym Leaders are equipped with a team to battle every level of trainer.:

"For example, my teams are on the stronger side, so much so that only Trainers between 4 and 8 badges can challenge me. Anything less and it wouldn't be a challenge, it would be outright impossible." He went on to explain.

"The Gym Leaders that do have a designated team for each badge level usually get their Pokemon from the league itself, I choose to raise all my Pokemon myself, that's where we differ." 

[Flattery: get off your high horse!]

[UnitOfPowerHarry: a tad elitist no?]

"What he said," I lamely reiterated after Norman stole my thunder, "We'll challenge him in a few months probably, whenever we fulfill the requirements."

"It's funny, your friend Brandon seemed to have forgotten about said requirements, earlier this morning as he stopped by my Gym he actually challenged me with only three Pokemon, I'd be offended if I wasn't impressed by his gall," Norman revealed.

"Also no…Harry? It's not elitist, simply a preference." The man said in reply to one of my Chatters.

I come to a sudden realization as I see Norman interacting with my chat. Norman hasn't questioned my streaming setup even once, he shouldn't know about it unless…

Before I could think about it any further, May drew my attention.

"Figures that dumbass Brandon would forget about something so basic, what a loser," May said with a mocking roll of her eyes.

"That's not very cash money of you, May." I expressed my disappointment.

"What? What does that even mean!? I swear half the things you say are complete nonsense!" She berated.

I make sure to play up how unbelievably shocked and offended I am by her words, "How dare you! Half? At least ninety percent of what I say is nonsense, not a mere fifty percent!" I cried out in mock outrage

"I work very hard to sound as incoherent as I do, I'd appreciate some recognition, thank you very much." I declared pompously

May just stared on in disbelief.

Norman looked unamused or is he amused? You can never really tell.

"That does remind me, Dante," Norman suddenly called out, yet again diverting my attention, "What's this I've been hearing of you seducing my wife and bribing my son while I was gone." He had a casual smile on his face but it was one positively dripping in malice.

The hand he had on my shoulder also ensured I couldn't run away.


That's all I could say.


[A/N: That's Chapter 8, sorry for the super long wait. I'm looking for an apartment and that's been a whole thing, also school like usual has been kicking my ass. I'm not dropping this nor am I suffering from writer's block like some have already declared. Like Jesus Christ, it hasn't been that long.

But new updates will probably be inconsistent for the next week, maybe even two weeks. Whenever I have time again I'll start steadily working on a stockpile so I don't have this issue again. I'm not dropping though! It is ironic that this happened directly after I announced a possible schedule, talk about unlucky.]

[QOTD: What's your favorite shiny Pokemon?]

next chapter
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