/ Fantasy / Little Touch
Night always brings peace and happiness to every human being. However, what if your night turns to horror and restlessness. When death begins to lurk from behind the dark night, draws blood and makes you a bloodthirsty vampire.
Alan is a vampire who is trying to find the main culprit named Hector who turns him into a vampire.
He must fight and destroy his own colony, he hates himself as a bloodthirsty demon.
Everything becomes chaotic, when a human Nayla enters his life. Alan fell in love with her. His life journey to kill his enemy, Hector is full of twists and turns until he is trapped in the Guild of Three Races, namely, vampires, humans/weirds, and werewolves. Interspersed with various romance dramas and blind jealousy, until finally they together eliminate the differences between the three races to kill their enemy Hecror.
Can Alan stick to his mission of destroying the vampire colony? Or it was Alan himself who turned Nayla into a vampire like him.
Check out the full story on Webnovel!
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Escreva uma avaliaçãoMarvelous! Kalo cerita cinta tentang vampir jadi ingat film Twilight. Cerita kakak dikemas dengan sangat unik dan ciamik. Sukses selalu kak.
Halo kaaa, cerita nya seruuu.. tetap semangat menulisnya kaaa, jangan pernah menyerah dan patah semangat!! 😘😘😘 btw mampir kelapak aku yuk kaakk, Follback, Collback dan Revback cerita aku yaaaa.. terimakasih 🥰
Aku penasaran bgt gimana cerita ini bakal berkembang nantinya! blurbnya bagus bangett soalnyaa mana tema ceritanya juga favoriteku😭💗 semangat terus nulisnya authorr!💗
The story is amazing, the conflict is felt and very good about the vampires. How this Author written was so good in character and the world building
Alan succeeds in his mission and can be happy with Nayla. good job thor[img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend]
I liked this work. The vampires are not my favorite subject, but I found this work to be pleasant and well written, although I had some problems understanding it at first, as I progressed I managed to understand it better.
Novel Berhasa Inggris pertama Yg saya Baca ,Dan Yang Paling Saya Sukai . Sangat Menjadi Referensi bagi para penulis pemula Seperti saya ,Semangat Terus Kak 👍
this is good story. I am support you. For author fighting. [img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend]
Dunia fantasi memang seru banget kak, i like this.. semangat yah! 💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪 langsung masuk daftar pustaka ku nih.. 😍🥰🥰🙏💪💪 semoga semakin sukses!
this story is very interesting... the idea of the story is also very unique, I like fantasy wrapped in romance like this. 👍👍👍👍🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩
Ceritanya bagus, aku jarang suka baca novel fantasi dengan versi bahasa Inggris, tapi kali ini cara penyampaiannya dapet banget, natural. Semangat, Kak lanjutin ceritanya
Very cool fantasy story. 🤗 Suitable for those who like fantasy.🤗🤗🤗 This story is really interesting.🤗🤗🤗🤗 always waiting for the update
good story about vampire and not just about vampire. this story including about his love. tha novel has good world building too [img=recommend]
Menarik, keren, walau pun bacanya harus teliti karena aku kurang bisa wkwk, tapi jujur ini alur dan pengangkatan temanya bagus banget. semangat kak
realy awesome book! Just already read version Indonesian, keep update author! your two book already in my library [img=update][img=update][img=update]
very interesting story. the plot is also good. I like[img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend]
interesting story, the content of the story is also interesting about a half-vampire man, looking for a vampire king who has a party. curious about the next story
Autor syafrida_wati06
ceritanya seru sekali kak, konfliknya berasa banget.. walaupun ini bahasa Inggris tapi penulisannya rapih sekali kak. saya suka dan akan selalu mengikuti ini😘😘❤️❤️