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28.57% Kurose Reiji gets reincarneted in Cote after his double suicide / Chapter 2: Year 1: Represantatives

Capítulo 2: Year 1: Represantatives

After the students ended there shocking state of silence, Mashima-sensei left the room, because there were no other questions.

"I think we should introduce ourself first. Afterall, we will be in class A for the next three years together." It was Sakayanagi. Most in the room agreed and so she started herself.

"Well, then I'll start by introducing myself. I'm Sakayanagi Arisu. I like playing Chess and would like it to be on good terms with you all in this class." She likes chess? I'm not very good at it, but I know the basics from my tutor. She's most likely really smart.

"Then I'll continue." It was the bald guy. "My name is Katsuragi Kohei. I'm doing some martial arts and hope we as a class will get along with the others." He also seems very smart. The'll most likely be the two class representatives.

Then the introduction went on. Now they made it completely random. I don't see a system in how they choose which was next. The name of the blonde guy Hashimoto and the name of the girl sitting to my back was Kamuro. "Hey, you with the white hair. You're the only one left who didn't introduced himself."

'Oh, everyone introduced already.' "My name is Kurose Reiji. I'm good at cooking and don't dislike reading. I hope we all get along." Cooking was a skill I learned, because I was often alone at my new home. With me everyone had introduced themselves.


The entrance ceremony was pretty irrelevant. We stood in lines and the principle told something. I didn't really pay attention to him. Next to me was, because we left the room in order of our desks, Sakayanagi-san. She also payed more attention to the other students next to us than the principle, although he was her father.

After the principle ended the ceremony, the students left the gymnasium. Most of them returned to ther dormitory in groups, while some went their alone. Other made their way to the mall.

"Kurose-kun, do you have a moment?" It was Sakayanagi.

"Sure, what do you want to do?" I didn't get what she was up to.

"Just a little walk." She left the gymnasium and I followed her.

We went through the school park. She didn't say anything since we left, but now that changed. "I saw you smoking today in front of the school gate."

"Oh, you did." 'Does she want to blackmail me.

"I did. I just wanted to come to an agreement with you."

"If you want to say it to the teachers or the principle, then do it. I won't do anything for such an unimportant thing."

"Oh, so you got what I was up to." I looked at her. She had a scary smile on her face. Some would interpret it as cute, but for me it was just irritating. "Then you aren't scared, by the idea of getting expelled."

"Even if you threatened me with my life on the line, it wouldn't work."

"Oh, so you don't hang on to life."

"I don't."

"So do you have a reason you don't want to live?" This was the first question she asked out of curiosity and not because she was up to something.

"I don't have a reason I want to die anymore, but neither do I have a reason to live in this world."

The girl laughed. "You for sure are an interesting person. What do you think about working together?" 'For what? Working for what? That was an offer to join forces with her. It has most likely to do with the fixation from everyone on the classes.'

"Maybe, we'll see."

"I'm looking forward to it."

We returned to the dorms together. I don't know why, but I just walked in her pace. As we entered the dormitory, some students were already about to leave them again to go shopping. '100,000 Yen is something, huh.'

I said goodbye to Sakayanagi and searched my room. It had the number '402'. I entered my new room. My baggage was already inside.

At first I took out the underwear I prepared and put them into a closet. Same for the uniforms and thetracksuit placed in my room. I removed my blazer and the tie from me and clear out the rest of my baggage. There was the panda case. I immediately put it on my phone. It fitted perfectly.

But there also was a little box I didn't placed there. I opened it. In it there were a new silver lighter, a letter and two packs of cigarettes. I knew who put it in without having to read the letter. I read it anyways.

'Dear young Master,

thanks to your efforts and you being accepted in ANHS, I just hade to give you a little reward, because your mother doesn't. It's nothing much, but I hope it'll help you getting into school life. The lighter was selected by your brother and consists out of pure titanium. Your Mother and I were very pleased about you going to ANHS, so don't scream it up.

Enjoy your time, Sanchez.'

He was with my brother the only one who knew about my bad habits. It was really nice from him to give me these, but if the staff finds out I' have to leave ANHS a few years earlier than planned.

I left my room and went to an convenience store. When I entered the store there already were some students. The black haired girl and the apathetic looking guy were here too. They stood together this time too. Maybe they're friends and knew each other earlier. But it doesn't seem like they like each other, so it's unlikely for them to be friends. The black haired girl glanced at me, as soon as she saw me entering. 'Guess she doesn't like smoking. Smoking's bad, so maybe she got a point there.'

I looked at the articles in the store. There was a Staff only section full of alcohol and cigarettes. There was also a section for food. A lot of instant ramen and other ramen are already missing. 'I think most people can't cook here.' I bought some groceries to make me food for the next days and also for a few bentos for school. But I kept its small. I don't want to waste money, I mean points. This is a mindset I hold on to from my last life, where we often were short on money.

Then I discovered something unexpected: Free supplies which are limited for a student every month. That only strengthens my feeling I got since Sakayangis question about the amount of points every month. Next month we most likely won't get 100,000.

I took as much free supplies I could for this month. Then I draw my id card and payed for everything.

As I was about to leave the store I saw the from earlier tieding up a cup of noodles. I kneed down and helped him.

"What happened her?"

"A guy from my class started a fight with a senpai."

"And he didn't want to clean it up himself." The guy nodded.

When we finished, I felt like starting a conversation. "What do you do know?"

He looked with emotionless eyes at me while saying "I have no one to do something with and nothing to do in the first place, so I'll just return to the dorms I think."

"Want to accompany me, uhh." He was silnce at first, but then he realized that we hadn't introduced ourself. "Ayankoji Kiyotaka." "Kurose. So waht about go eith me to the mall. I was about to buy myself a new hoodie. I left mine at home.

"If you have nothing against it, I think I can accompany you."

"Ok, do you perhaps know where it is?"

"We just have to turn there and …" He explained exactly where we have to go.

"Where did you know that from?"

"I saw it at the map earlier." We started making our way towards the clothing store.

"You've a pretty good memory?"

"No, I haven't. I just memorized where the clothing store was, because I wanted to go there anyway."

That was a lie. He said before, he has nothing to do in the first place and was about to return to the dorms. But I didn't want to confront him with that. There is alway a reason for someone to lie. That's something I learned the hard way.

After quite a while of silence I saw Ayanakoji thinking about something. It was most likely about starting a conversation, so I did it for him.

"You seem emotionless and apathetic. Why's that?"

"I do?" 'He didn't know?' "Yes."

"For me you were the emotionless from the both of us."

"I guess you could see it that way." I'm not really emotionless. There's just a sadness overwhelming every other feeling and emotion.

There was the silence again. 'He avoided my question earlier didn't he?'

This time Ayanokoji started a conversation. "Uh, which class are you in?" 'He's definitely one of the worst in smalltalk I've ever met.'


"I'm from class D."

We entered the store and I bought myself a pair of white hoodies and Ayanokoji tried a white jacket. It kinda suits him. I bet if he was be better in talking, he would be popular among the girls. In the end he bought it.

We returned to the dorms. In the elevator I asked him for his number.

"I can give it to you." We exchanged contacts and went to our rooms, were a little surprise was waiting for us.

"Looks like we're neighbors." "Seems like that."

We said goodbye and entered our rooms.


It was about 2 pm, when I returned. The rest of day nothing really happens. As the Night falls, I decided to sleep early.

The second day on school and the first actual day of class started with me making a bento. It was kind of a ritual for me to start day since I got transported into this world. Then I opened the window and looked out of it. I could see the school park from here. Some students were already heading to the school, even tho classes are only starting in half an hour. I took an unlightened cigarette in my mouth and put on headphones, hearing a little bit of music.

I put on my uniform, left the dorms and head towards school. On my way I saw Ayanokoji. He also go to school pretty late. I thought say he avoids social interactions with other, so I didn't disturb and called out to him.

A little later I entered our classroom and I noticed that I was the last one missing. Even Mashima-sensei was already here.

I went to my desk.

"Good Morning."

"Morning, Sakayanagi-san."

"Have you considered to accept my offer?" She had such a irritating smile again. I just couldn't describe it.

"I haven't made up my mind yet."

Two minutes later the teacher started the lesson.

"Good morning class. I hope your first day in school came up to your expectations." He looked at the class. "I see that no one's missing. Perfect. Then let's just start with some organization. I'm sure you guys know that as a class you have to select two representatives. The only thing the school asked for is that there's each one male and female student selected. The way to select them and who you select is up to you."

"What about a simple voting?" A girl from the back asked.

"I'm against this simple idea. We only know each other since yesterday and couldn't make such an important decision based on a personal biases and prejudice." That was Sakayanagi.

"I am also against it." That was Katsuragi. "In my opinion, we should determine our leaders based on their abilities and capabilities."

"And what's your Idea. There wasn't any test or something like that." A boy said that. I forgot his name.

"There was one." I didn't get which one Sakayanagi meant. "The entrance exam."

"But they were kept secret from the students. We can't simply look them up to compare."

Now I catched what Sakayanagi was up to. "Teacher?" Everyone looked at me. We were supposed to do it alone.

"Do you have a question Kurose-kun? You know that I said you have to determine them yourself." I remembered a thing he told us yesterday. Everything on this campus can be bought with money

"That's not it. I just want to ask if we can buy the results of the entrance exams."

Mashima began to smile and also Sakayanagi grinned. Altough she was small, she's the scariest person I met on this campus.

"Of course you can. That's a brilliant idea, to make those the leader with the highest value in the point of view by the school."

"I'd say we start with the girls. Who wants to candidate for the position of class representatives?" Katsuragi took the lead of this election.

Two girls raised their hands. One was Sakayanagi and the other one was the girl who proposed the idea of an election earlier. Both came to the front of class.

"Sensei we didn't even asked you how much points the results will cost." Sakayanagi asked the obvious question, which could make the whole plan fail.

"Good Question, Sakayangi. Considering that this is the perfect possibility to select representatives and that you came up with it yourself, 20,000 points should be enough."

"But … That's too many!" It was the other girl.

"So you say you don't have the points he's asking for. Is your money managing that bad, that you waste more than 80,000 points on your first day."

"No that's not it. I have the amount asked for, but it's just-"

Sakayanagi interrupted her sentence. "So you're saying that your class isn't worth the twenty thousand points." Sakayanaho made it perfect.

"That's not what I meant, I just-" "Just what?" "I- I don't feel like candidating anymore." She ran back to her seat. 'Poor Girl.'

Sakayanagi had her smile again. It really made me feel uncomfortable.

"If no one one else want to compete, then you have no need to spend your points, Sakayanagi." Mashima sensei waited for some other girl to raise her hand, but no one did it. "Then it's decided. The first cass A representative is Sakayanagi Arisu. And now for the boys. Who wants to compete for the position?"

Only Katsuragi volunteered.

"So its decided then, Katsu-"

Mashima-sensei got interrupted by Sakayanagi. "Sensei, I want to propose someone as representative."

"Why do you want that?"

"I can't?"

"You're allowed to, but the one you want to suggest, has to pay for his results."

Sakayanagi smiled. I got what she was up to. "Then I want to propose Kurose Reiji as the second class representative for class 1A."

"Me?" The whole class looked surprised. Some of the other students asked "why him?" or similar things.

"You asked why him, but wasn't he the one who first came up with the idea to use the results of the entrance exam to decide class representative?"

Now most of students agreed to her idea. I heard the Hashimoto saying "It would be boring without a real compitition.

"So Kurose, are you willing to pay the 20,000 points?" The class fell silent. It could only came to a compition, if I would answered with yes.

I thought about it. 'I've got nothing against the idea of being class representative, but neither have I a reason for it. It would be better-" My thoughts got disrupted by a voice.

"There's no need for Kurose to pay the 20,000. I'll pay for him."

Now the whole class started whispering with a few exceptions. 'That sure will start rumors.'

"Why would you do that? You can tell that I have most likely no chance of winning against Katsuragi-san."

"That's not the only reason I want to see your results. I've genuinely got a interest in your overall capacity. And I still feel bad abou being class representative without paying the 20,000." That was a lie. She wouldn't even started to corner the girl before, If she was willing to pay for her results.

"Mashima-sensei, Sakayanagi-san and I am willing to pay each 10,000 points for my results on the entrance exam."

"I, Katsuragi Kouhei, am too willing to pay for my entrance exam results."

We three transfered the points and got an e-mail from Mashima-sensei about our test-results. My test results were way higher than expected. Maybe the school just goes easy on the students. But that wouldn't match the fact that the admission rate for this school is that low.

"How do we determine who's better?" I asked.

"We could just make an best of three." That was a good idea from Katsuragi.

"So you mean, we compare each our written exam, our physical exam and the results of the interview."

"I would say, we only compare the average result in the first two categories."

"So it's decided. You can start."

"My average score in the written exams was 78.5." That's pretty high, if we think about the fact that every test contained a few questions far exceeding the abilities of a middle school student.

"My average score in these exams was 89.5." That shocked everyone, as it means I solved many of the way more difficult questions.

But that was not a real surprise for me. My old owner studied until he was eleven everyday. When he was eleven, he already gone through the whole school material, but he hadn't memorized all of it. When I came into the possession of the body. I got all the memories of this body with an undiscribable pain. I couldn't forget any of the things hammered into my brain on this day. Due to the fact that I didn't have to repeat the middle school stuf, I could focuse myself on more difficult subjects.

"So you got a point. Be happy, you earned it." Katsuragi was a fair looser. But in his eyes he hadn't lost it.

Mashima-sense noted a point for me. Sakayanagi smiled.

"In the physical abilities test I've only got 65 Points in average." As expected my results in the physical exam was only a little above average.

Katsuragi had a way higher average there than me, so a point was noted for him.

"You two make it really thrilling." Hashimoto was surprisingly interested in who becomes class representative. Kamuro remained silent the whole lesson.

"You can begin with your interview results, Kurose. We should accept the results and don't complain about it." He seemed pretty confident

"Yeah, that would be for the best. My interview results are 87 points."

Katsuragis eyes widened in shock. "Katsuragi, you need to tell us your results." Mashima pulled Katsuragi back out of his state of shock.

"There's no need for that, it's my loss." Katsuragi sighed. I don't know why, but my interview results are pretty high. My academic results are higher, but I would have thought that they make the interview stricter.

"But that's not fair. Katsuragi would-" A boy, I think his name was Totsuka Yahiko, spoke up."

"Yahiko, it's enough, I lost." "But-" "No but, no anything. I lost in a fair and open battle." It seems Katsuragi already had some followers. He would make a way better leader than me.

"So we've got our new two class represantives. Please come to the front Sakayanagi Arisu and Kurose Reiji real quick."

We did as he said. "Have you any words for your class." I didn't know what to say, but Sakayanagi started right away.

"In my duty of class A representative I want to request of you to be the best students possible just for this month."

The whole class looked confused with a few exceptions. "But why, isn't this simply natural."

"In the next weeks, you'll notice that the teachers here aren't strict, but that doesn't mean you should slack off. At the beginning of the next month, you'll get why that is, but till then just trust me."

Most of the class looked at me, as they wanted me to state my opinion.

"I also think that you should do what Sakayanagi said. In my personal opinion, you all should know that, this is the type of school that rewards students after their value, just as Mashima-sensei said yesterday." 'Sakayanahi sure meant that it'll affect our points. But she hadn't said that, so I shouldn't either.'

"Thank you Sakayanagi and Kurose, you may take your seat back." Mashima-sensei looked impressed.

The rest of the day were also mostly things regarding the organization.

Soon the lunch break came.

"Kurose, would you mind going to the cafeteria with me."

"I wouldn't."

We took a little longer to reach the cafeteria, thanks to Sakayanagis slow pace, so we soon were alone.

"Why did you do it?"

"What do you mean?" Sakayanagi played dumb.

"You made me representative. Why? You should've noticed that Katsuragi is way more capable than me."

"Fufufu. First, I don't think you're less capable than Katsuragi-kun. And second, Katsuragis way of thinking and mine just couldn't coexist."

"So he posed a threat to your position as leader?"


"But why is this position so important."

"Oh, Kurose. This school is way more competitive than you think."

"You mean the truth behind the points?"

"You noticed?" I nodded. "Just as I thaught, you are way more capable than Katsuragi."

"But why did you pick me then. Do you think I couldn't pose a threat to you?"

"No, it's the complete opposite. I think you're on of the most dangerous persons in this school." 'Me, dangerous?'

"Aha, then I still don't get why you chose me."

"There's someone I want to crush and for that, I think, I need strong allies. I just repeat my offer from yesterday. Do you want to work together with me."

I still hadn't decide on that topic.

"Should I phrase it a little different. Just help me to stay on top." 'On top of what?' was my thaught, but then a feeling came up inside me. A feeling I hadn't felt in this life before. I just had to do what she asked for.

"Then, I think I have no other choice to join forces with you, Sakayanagi-san."

She had that smile again. Everything went as she planned.

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