Aron stood at the very back of the long queue that he found upon reaching the library entrance. Students of all ranks where lined up leading him to believe there was some sort of event taking place.
"What's all this about?" Without wasting time guessing he tapped the shoulder of the student in front of him and asked what was going on.
"Tch, if you don't even know them get los..." The young man that stood in front of Aron was irritated after being tapped on the shoulder, however when he turned to confront the person who did that to him, he could only trail off until his voice could no longer be heard.
He looked up at Aron's towering figure and eyes that looked non too pleased by what he was about to say. Aside from Aron's intimidating looks, what really got the young man sweating like he had ran a marathon was Aron's cloak, the cloak of a rank four title holder.
Sorry for the mass release delay, it’s opening week at my university so I’m all over the place