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4.76% Just Another Isekai Story in Fairy Tail World / Chapter 4: Chapter 4

Capítulo 4: Chapter 4

Leaving the hut, ready to begin my journey, I lifted the protective barrier that had guarded my territory for the past two weeks. Every three days, I filled the barrier with energy so that it would not dissipate and could continue to perform its function.

Although at first it was just a precaution and perhaps paranoia, I have never regretted putting it on. First, because I could feel safe and sleep peacefully. And secondly, because it really came in handy. It happened on the ninth day of my stay here.

In the middle of the night, I jumped out of bed because I heard a terrible noise outside. When I went outside, I saw the cause of the noise. It was a bear-like four-meter monster that was pounding into the barrier, trying to destroy it.

From his crazy red eyes, it was immediately clear that he had not arrived with friendly intentions. Later, thanks to 'Analyze', I found out that he was an S-Rank Magical Creature named Lava Armored Bear.

As the name suggests, it had an armored hide and could create lava attacks. In general, in the end I was able to kill him. Although, at that moment, my instinct told me that I could defeat him with the usual methods, but he looked really creepy, so I decided not to risk it.

With that, I decided to use one of my trump cards. And at the same time to conduct a small 'test drive' of my first transformation. It turned out that "Light" is really a strong transformation.

At least, definitely stronger than what Freed showed in the anime with his "Darkness". And Light Magic turned out to be really awesome, and I really liked flying on my wings. As a result, the bear did not last even three minutes. I just bombarded him with Beams of Light from the air until he died.

Of course, all this required a lot of ether, but not as much as I was afraid. At that moment, I could hold out for another twenty minutes of the same 'battle'. Unfortunately, the bear's meat was inedible, but its armored skin was well preserved, and there was also a Core inside the monster.

I decided to take his Core and skin with me, because usually in such worlds you can sell this and get money. And the money is good for me. I decided not to take the Cores received earlier from other Creatures, there is not much sense from them. Left them lying in the hut.

Taking a last look at the hut, which I decided to leave in case it might be useful to someone, I threw over my shoulder a bag with provisions and parts of a bear, which I had previously reduced with a spell.

- 'Light Écriture: Wings'. - I created a combination of runes, which I immediately put on my right wrist. The spell worked as it should, and ethereal wings of light appeared behind me.

- 'Light Écriture: Navigation'. - I used another spell that will help me navigate and show me the way to the nearest settlement.

The combination of runes in front of my fingers merged together and turned into an arrow of light hanging in front of me, pointing somewhere to the southeast.

Jumping into the air, I rose into the air for three hundred meters and flew in the direction indicated, gradually picking up speed. I decided not to go through the forest on foot, because in two weeks I had climbed the forest enough and already realized that I was stuck in its very depths.

For all the time I have not met any signs of the presence of people. There were only animals and Magical Creatures around. On foot, it would take me forever to get out of this forest. And when I took to the air, I only confirmed the correctness of my decision.

All I can see is a sea of trees stretching to the horizon. There was not a single free space, except for my clearing, which, it turns out, had the shape of a perfect circle. Seeing this entire forest, I could only sincerely thank all the Gods I knew that I had my Magic.

If not for her, I would definitely die here. Gaining a decent speed, about 150 kilometers per hour, I flew after the arrow. Unfortunately, I did not immediately think of putting up a barrier against wind and insects, so one bug nevertheless crashed into my face.

As a result, I continued to fly until sunset, for more than ten hours straight. But I did not see any signs of human activity. Even the general appearance has not changed much, all the same sea of forest, except that the mountains appeared, and even then, somewhere far away. It turns out that the feeling of pleasure from the flight passes quickly. Well, at least the view is beautiful.

The flight turned out to be extremely boring and mentally tiring, so when the sun had almost gone below the horizon, I decided to stop. Plus, Ethernano I have less than half.

Flying, maintaining the GPS arrow and barrier burned up about 6% of my reserve per hour. I do have an abnormal amount of Magic Power after all.

Stopping in the air, I decided not to spend the night in an unfamiliar environment, but to return to my clearing. After putting a mark of Magic on the highest tree to come back here later, I teleported back to the clearing.

When using the spell, my body turned into runes and disappeared until it appeared, gathered from runes, above the already familiar clearing. As a result, I lost another 10% of the reserve. In principle, not a big price for an instant trip of 1500 kilometers.

I had to leave the mark, because I would hardly be able to return to exactly the same place where I stopped before. Everything was too the same, and my eyes are already rippling from all this endless greenery.

Landing in front of the house, I dispelled all spells, put up the barrier again, and immediately fell asleep.

'It's good that I left both the house and the bedding.' - I thought before passing out.


The next day, after breakfast, I returned to my original place and flew on. I was afraid that another boring day of continuous flying awaits me, but no, after five hours I saw the first signs of people.

The forest became less dense and gradually different paths trodden by people began to appear, and after a while the forest finally ended.

From above, I already saw a couple of people going about their business at the edge of the forest. At first I wanted to talk to them, but I decided to be patient and get to the city first.

After a couple more kilometers of flight, I saw the outlines of a small city, only a few thousand inhabitants. I decided to take a look at the city from above first, so after climbing another couple of hundred meters, I began to carefully observe the first settlement in this world that I met.

The city looked like a typical medieval city with two-three-story stone buildings with orange tiles and paved roads. Except that it was much cleaner. It was also surrounded by a fortress wall, most likely to protect the inhabitants from Magical Creatures from the forest.

The city had four entrances, and each of them was guarded by a detachment of soldiers in dark armor and each was armed with spears.

'It seems, the city is quite peaceful and well guarded. I don't think anything will happen if I just go into it. Although, it's probably worth first entering quietly in order to find out at least some basic information.' - I thought, looking at the city from above.

Maybe, I'm still paranoid, but once my paranoia saved my life, so it's best to trust her. Although my intuition is silent, I'd better check everything first.

After hovering over the city, I cast 'Light Écriture: Presence Concealment' and 'Light Écriture: Invisibility' on myself, and began to slowly descend towards the center of the city. The first spell is used to hide all signs of my presence, such as sound, aura and even body heat, while the second one simply made me invisible.

Landing on the central square, I began to walk around the city and look for any source of information. Mostly listening to other people's conversations and gossip.

As a result, two hours later, I had all the necessary information and finally, I received answers to many of my questions. First, I'm really in Fairy Tail World. True, not on that continent.

This city is called Alignon and it is located in the center of the Alvarez Empire, on the continent of Alakitasia. Yes, the same Empire as Emperor, which is Zeref, one of the bad guys of this world.

'And how I managed to end up on a completely different continent. Usually, the MC's are immediately almost at the doorstep of the Fairy Tail Guild, and I am thousands of kilometers away. Even though it's better than that continent with the Divine Dragons from the sequel.' - I lamented in my mind as I processed the information received.

Alignon itself is next to the Great Central Forest, which is exactly where I have been living for the last two weeks. It was a small and unimportant city, just one of the thousands scattered throughout the Empire.

Judging by my observations, despite the fact that this country is purely militaristic, people here are quite happy and certainly do not starve. It's pretty amazing.

Apparently Zeref's subordinates are sensible, since they can support the country when the ruler is constantly away, and the main focus of development is on the army, which is to destroy Fiore.

Secondly, I found a newspaper from which I learned the date. Today is March 16, X782. I ended up two years before the start of the main story of this world.

It's really good. I have two more years before the start of the whole star. And the fact that I will get into it, I'm sure. This is almost a rule for people like me. I didn't learn anything else like that, ordinary gossip.

Now I need to decide what to do next. To be honest, I don't really want to stay in this country. Although it is quite okay and even safe, I do not want to be close to someone like August, Irene or, God forbid, Larcade.

Moreover, this is still a militaristic country, where all strong people serve in the army, and they have no choice, because there are absolutely no Guilds in the country.

I do not want to be plowed to serve, especially if someone among the Spriggan realized my potential and forced me to comply. I may be strong, but I certainly can't escape the Spriggan 12, even though there aren't 12 right now, some of them are just too young. The same Brandish μ must be only about 15 years old now, it is unlikely that she already serves Zeref.

As paradoxical as it may sound, I would be safer with Fairy Tail. Although they constantly get into trouble and all the enemies are literally aimed at them, I know that for the next two years it will be safe there and I will get a comfortable environment for development.

And most importantly, there is freedom in the Guild. Although it is debatable, it is better than here. Perhaps I will come up with a better option than to climb into the thick of the Main Heroes, but for now this is my working option.

Plus, my knowledge of this world is mainly connected with this Guild. But first, I need to get to another continent. I need to get a map.

Of course, I can go again, following my GPS, I will be calmer if I know where I am flying. To buy a card, I need money, and to get money, I need to sell bear parts.

Luckily, a lady I overheard was praising a magic item store, I think they can buy a Bear Core. Finding the store wasn't a problem, but first I needed to remove stealth.

Entering the alleyway, I dispelled the spells, but following my ringing paranoia, I used 'Light Écriture: Transformation' to create a fake appearance, similar to Naruto's Henge.

By the way, I took his form. After making sure that everything was in order, I left the alley and entered the store. Opening the door, I heard the sound of a bell and almost immediately a short, a plump, middle-aged man who looked like a gnome. Even the bearded one.

- Welcome to Zagan Magic Items. How can I help? - Zagan apparently said amiably, smiling like a professional trader's smile.

- Good afternoon. I would like to sell the Core of a Magical Creature, is it possible? - I said politely as I approached the counter.

- Do you mean Lacrima? Yes, of course it is possible, but it depends on the Lacrima itself. We don't need regular Lacrimas. - the seller also answered in a friendly manner.

- I think you'll like it. - I said, taking out the bear's fist-sized Lacrima, enlarged beforehand to its real size, and placing it on the table.

Seeing the Lacrima, Zagan's eyes shone, and he quickly grabbed the Core and began to carefully examine it. After a couple of minutes, he finished and said: - So, this is the Lacrima of Animal Origin, apparently, it belonged to an S-rank Lava Armored Bear. Right?

- Right. But what does Animal Origin mean? - I asked, trying to get some new information.

- Not everyone knows, but Lacrima can be obtained from two sources. The first is to find it in nature, like ores. These are called Natural Lacrims. They are formed by absorbing Ethernano from the environment and their appearance depends on what kind of Ethernano prevails in the area where the Lacrima grew. For example, in the icy wasteland, Ice Lacrims will mainly grow.

Well, the second source is Magical Creatures. When a creature is old enough, Lacrima begins to form in its body, absorbing the Ethernano of the Creatures itself. The older and stronger the Creatures, the larger the size of the Lacrima and the more and purer the energy in it. In your case, this is a fairly large Lachrima, and for a professional like me, it is not difficult to determine its origin. - Zagan finished speaking with a smile looking at Lacrima.

- Clear. Thanks for explaining. So you want to buy it?

- Sure, with pleasure. But may I ask where you got it from? - Zagan asked, still smiling, but I sensed a threat from him.

'So as I thought it was a mask.'

- I inherited it from my father. He was a soldier and left it with me in case I needed the money. - I quickly lied, keeping a straight face.

- Oh, I'm sorry for making you remember sad memories. I'll buy it, how about one million? Zagan said.

'I don't know if it's a good price, but shouldn't agree right away,' I thought, and said: — 3'000'000.

- Well, dear client, this is too much for such a lacrima. 1'250'000.

- 2'750'000.

- 1'500'000.

- 2'500'000.

- Grr. Okay, 2 million. - said Zagan, whose mask had cracked a little and he had already stopped smiling.

- 2'100'000. - I said with a sweet smile.

- Tch, okay, you took it, here's the money. - said Zagan, taking out the money and throwing it on the table, while taking the Lacrima.

- Thank you for your cooperation. Goodbye. - I said as I took the money and left the store.

- Come again. - almost spat out, the new owner of my Lacrima.

'I think it's better not to sell the skin now.' - I thought at last, throwing a last glance at the annoyed salesman.

Leaving the store, I again went into the alley and again became invisible. Then, with the help of wings, I climbed the nearest building. From there I saw how into the alley, Zagan came in and began to look around in search of something, but finding nothing, he spat, cursed and left.

'A seemed like such a nice person. Eh... Well, at least I learned useful information. Okay, I think it's time to go look for a place to sleep.' - I thought.

Putting the money in my bag, I regained my true appearance and flew off to look for a hotel.

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