Razor: "We got two places to go first we are gonna check on the stock of guns near the old school after that we are heading to the new bar that open up in our territory we have to make sure they aren't from another gang and of course we are also going to inform them of the monthly pay for protection"
Roman: " Well let's go, I don't want to make them wait now"
Roman gets in the pickup truck and sits in the passenger sit while Razor get in the driver sit and starts the truck, but before they leave Razor turns his head to look at roman
Razor: Next time you make me wait for more than 3 minutes, I'm going to make sure you regretted"
Roman doesn't even answer, he just smiles at Razor and nods his head
Edward POV
Madam Everly: "Good luck in school kids"
School the nightmare of every kid until you realize having to work a job from 9 to 5 is way worst and even more when you get a manager that thinks they are a God and judge you for everything, I don't get how does people even get married
Matt: "Hey Ed, you think we can actually become a huntsman?"
Edward raises his eyebrow at the question Matthew just asked, he never thought a kid would be questioning his dreams this early
Edward: "believe we can or at least I want to hope we can but remember Matt as long as we keep on trying there will always be a chance now let's go we got class"
Third POV
In a lonely street you could see two people getting out of a pickup truck walking towards a Bar
Razor: "Watch and learn Kid, maybe one day you will get my job"
Roman: "Yes sir"
Razor: "Now that's the right tone you should be talking with me"
Razor and Roman get to the front door of the bar Razor is the one who takes the lead and opens the door being followed by Roman from behind as soon as they get inside they could see a man cleaning a glass cup
Bartender: "What can I get you guys"
Razor looks at the bartender in the eyes and unbuttons the top part of his shirt, showing off his spider tattoo
Razor: "You know what this is?"
Bartender: " Oh my well that would be a tattoo sir also why are you showing it off?"
Roman tries to hide his laugh but ends up sniggering anyway, which makes Razor even more piss off at the bartender
Razor: "You motherfucker, you know I was going to be nice and only make you pay up, but now you are getting the package deal"
Razor starts walking up to the Bartender, cracking his knuckles, which makes the bartender flinch
Bartender: " Wait gentlemen I was just playing I will pay up and even give you free drinks look here all the money"
the bartender starts grabbing all the Lien in the cashier and giving it to Razor, who just snaps the money out of the man's Hands
Razor " This would barely cover the monthly protection fee, plus it looks like you owe me for your little comment"
Bartender: "Of Course sir I will have the money, matter of fact I have some more, let me get it for you"
the bartender reaches below the counter to get more Lien, but what he pulls up is a shot off shotgun which points at Razor chest
Bartender: "Now you pieces of shit, give me my money back and leave the fuck out of my bar, or I swear I'm going to kill you"
Roman doesn't even look surprised by the outcome of the situation, while razor also doesn't even flinch when the man point his shotgun at him
Razor: "Sure man here's your Lien I'm just going to leave it in the counter, is that cool with you"
Bartender doesn't and answer he just slowly nods while Razor start putting the money in the counter Roman call to the bartender which makes him take his eyes from razor for a second razor grabs the shotgun from the man and points it at the ceiling the man surprise by razor shoot the shotgun but only ends up hitting the ceiling
Roman takes his gun out and shoots the bartender in the head
Razor " Roman what the hell I wanted to beat him up and scare him not kill the bastard now we lost another potential customer"
Roman: " he was too trigger-happy, plus you were the one who push him into that position"
Razor just sighs and leaves the shotgun on top of the counter
Razor: "Just get all Lien also grab some drinks"
Roman walks up to the counter and start grabbing the Lien while Razor turns around and start walking to the door, but roman picks up the shotgun and turns to Razor
Roman: " Razor, look at this"
Razor turns around to look at Roman but the moment he looks at him a loud Bang sound is all he could hear while looking at Roman with the shotgun in Hand.
if you enjoy the story so far please give me all those delicious power stones 🤤🤤
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