-Land of Darkness, Konoha Year 38-
Deep within the valley, within the abyss, within the darkness, lays a vast horizon of land where nobody with a clear state of mind would land on. Land full of mystery, full of treachery, full of agony.
Full of despair, full of darkness.
The Land of Darkness is well known to be a hostile country with neverending war happening at anytime. Every scenery you'll see there will always be scenes of warzone. Death is an inevitability. Death is a certainty. Death is a normality.
This situation occurs because of neverending clash of pride and ego of the four great clans of Land of Darkness. Four great clans that if they united, they can conquer the world and yet they determined to destroy each other.
Lurking within the shadows of forest is where you will find the Inumaki clan. Individually, an Inumaki may seems laidback and not that tough. But to keep in line with the other three clans, the Inumaki clan make it up with their quantity. Their rise into one of the great clans of Land of Darkness occurs because of their unique kekkei genkai, Jugon or Cursed Speech. Jugon is a kekkei genkai that allows the user to control a person's whole nervous system by manipulating sound vibration. This kekkei genkai established the Inumaki clan as one of top dog because they can control a person just by a command. In war situation, this kekkei genkai made them into a formidable foe. Only someone with enough willpower can resist or break the order of an Inumaki.
Deep within the valleys is where the Zenin clan located. Zenin clan is a battle-oriented and prideful clan who respects power above all. They are rumored to be a distant relatives with Nara clan of Konoha with how similar their power is. Both of these clan use shadows in their skill repetoire. Nara clan use their Yin Release Technique to manipulate the shadows itself, whereas Zenin clan gain their popularity with their hereditary technique, Tokusa no Kage Bojutsu or Ten Shadows Technique. This technique uses shadowgraphic hand signs that creates shadow puppets of the respective summons. Thus calling a shadow summon to assist in a battle. There was a saying that "Fighting against a true master of the Ten Shadows Technique is like grappling with a thousand and one man."
High hidden behind the hills is where the Kamo clan situated. Kamo clan stands for their conservative nature and firmness on lineage and tradition. They are the epitomate a sturdy mountain who will fight tooth and nail for what they believe in. Yet the deep inside that mountain, lie a vast land of cleverness and cunning. Kamo clan is known for their water-related kekkei genkai, Sekketsu Sojutsu or Blood Maniputalion. This technique is very dangerous as they can control a foe like a puppet dancing to its tune by controlling their blood flow, they can even use their enemies blood as a poison by making their blood flow backwards. Tobirama once said, "I would rather face a hundred Suna's puppet master than a Kamo. At the very least I will face a puppet and not become one against my own will."
Last but not least, Gojo clan who settle themselves in vast greenland savannah. The Gojo clan has a unique kekkei genkai, a powerful dojutsu by the name of Rikugan or Six-Eyes. Six-Eyes is a dojutsu trait manifesting as a bright glowing blue eyes that grant the bearer y perception. This includes seeing all flow of chakra in extreme detail and use that flow of chakra to read chakra-related techniques. Six-Eyes also grant the user perfect chakra control to an extreme precision which is a requirement to use the most powerfulu Rikugan's technique, Limitless. The only downside to their kekkei genkai is that only once in a generation who is blessed with the Six-Eyes. All stars aligns and by chance of luck and fate can a Gojo bears their legendary dojutsu. That's why if you compare the Gojo clan to the other great clans, they seem unamusing and too "normal". To overcome this situation, the Gojo clan soak all knowledge of jutsu of any kind of form like a sponge. Millions of chakra theory and jutsu repetoire scrolls lies in their clan most precious treasure, Million Pavilion Library. A jack of all trades, master of none truly captivate Gojo clan's circumstances.
"Satoru-sama" said a young attractive girl who tried to make the boy in front of her who is currently gazing into the horizon trough the library's window to notice her.
"Hm, yes what is it Asuka-san?" said Satoru. His attention now focused towards her after she disturbs him of his daily reflecting time.
"The clan elders just called in. You will be going inside the council room in a few minutes", Asuka explains.
"Very well. Thank you for reminding me Asuka-san" said Satoru with a small smile. Asuka gives a small blush and immidiately leave the room.
"What a nice day" thought Satoru. This young man name is Gojo Satoru. He is currently the clan heir and soon-to-be the clan head of the notorious Gojo clan. From his birth, Satoru always dreams of snippet of things he doesn't understand. Like how does a heavy machine bird fly and carry humans, how does the small man get into the small box named television, and many other thing he does not understand. This turns him into a child full of curiosity and weirdness. Until finally at the age of five, Satoru remembered everything. His past life, his encounter with Death herself, and his past dream.
As he finally recollected all his memories, his eyes started to hurt. Hurts like hell. It felt like thousand needles prick into his eyes. His blue eyes started glowing and turning into a glowing bright blue. Eyes so blue that it makes you wonder if vast blue oceans course and stream through those eyes. After he finished recollecting all his memories, Satoru fainted. He dove into a deep slumber for a week. Every member of the Gojo clan preplexed and felt fearful for what could've happened to their clan heir that he fell unconscious for seven days.
"I remember everything. I guess it's real now that I reincarnated into the Naruto world as Gojo Satoru" thought Satoru. He resists his impulse to dance with glee and starts to dwell on his current predicament.
"Hmm the Land of Darkness is where many clans lies. But the four main clans seems to be the Gojo clan, the Zenin clan, the Inumaki clan, and the Kamo clan. These are the clan from Jujutsu Kaisen but I thought they will be allies so why are we warring against them anyway?", Satoru thought.
Gojo clan, Zenin clan, Kamo clan, and Inumaki clan are great clans who came from Land of Darkness since the Warring Era Period. They have always fight against once each other for necessities, land acquisitions, wealth plunderings, and something even for stupid and petty such as who have the prettiest clanwomans. Until to this day, these clans still war against one another postponing peace on the whole land.
"I guess all work on me to break this cycle of warfare and bring peace into this very land" though Gojo with a determination flow through his gaze from his brand new blue eyes.
Satoru woke up from his room and got ready to face the clans to explain his predicament. As he close the door and turns his face, silence reigns into the whole hall. Pure shock glued on the whole clan's face as their eyes stare at one thing and one thing only. Satoru's eyes, the legendary Rikugan.
A whole minute of petrification pass, and suddenly loud cacophony of shouts and cheers full of unadultred joy vibrates through the whole Gojo clan.
"IS THAT WHAT I THINK IT IS?!!" "Yeah I see it too! Is it real?" "Finally! The protector of Gojo clan born!" "Satoru, our savior! The one who will bring triumph and glory to the Gojo clan!" "Satoru-kun sure is beautiful with those silky wild white hair and bright blue eyes… Kyaaaa Satoru-kun please marry me!"
Elation and exhilaration was on every Gojo's facial expression. But only one expression radiated from Gojo Mamoru's face. Relieved.
"My grandson is the bearer of our clan's legendary kekkei genkai, the Six-Eyes! He will one day sit on my spot and protect the whole Gojo clan! ALLRIGHT EVERYONE THIS CALLS FOR A CELEBRATION", Mamoru shouted with pure glee gleams from his eyes.
And just like that, 1500 Gojo stop whatever they were doing start partying, comprehending that their clan's golden days is near, drinking the days out and singing as well as dancing hard as they realize that their bright future is within their grasp.
Satoru just took it all in. Noticing every expressions on his clansmen face. Joy. Relief. Delight. Pride. Warm feeling start to run through his heart and his body as all he could think about is how he will do to keep this serenity within his clan.
As the bearer of the Six-Eyes, Satoru is shoe in into becoming the next clan head of the Gojo clan. He took it with a good treads and start practicing all guns blazing to be the next clan head. Countless hours days and nights he spent soaking his whole clan's knowledge and controlling his newfound power.
Satoru keeps on practicing and readying himself so he could be the Gojo clan's shield. While doing so, he began to try to change his clansmens perception of the other three great clans. He tried to bring openmindness and willingness of understanding others into his clan. And little by little, the wall of disdain and hatred built on hundred of years of war crumbles bits by bits. The Gojo clan now view the other three great clans with wariness which is a great improvement on their part.
Not only that, Satoru tried to change the outside just like the inside. Whenever he goes to war, he always tried to spare his enemies lifes. He built his character as someone who hate doing what is necessary in other's view and try to bend and break the rules because of his own beliefs. He tried to be nice and projected his view of the four great clans predicament and how to achieve peace for them. Not one from the Zenin, Kamo, and Inumaki bats an eye. They even began to feel suspicious against Satoru as they think he's trying get into their good graces and stab them in the back later. And yet Satoru persevered.
Slowly, the others from the three great clans accepted Satoru's kindness on some level. They started to realize that Satoru is really determined to bring peace not only to the Gojo clan, but onto every person in the Land of Darkness. But years and years of war and hatred made them firm on their beliefs. That as long as the four great clans remains, true peace will never be achieved. Only one true great clan can mantain the peace within the Land of Darkness
And yet, Satoru still persevered. He endured. Because he truly knows that all good things happened to those who stay true. He even saw a glimmer of hope as he saved the Inumaki clan's heir, Inumaki Toge as he slowly dying after his clan battles against the Zenins. As all Toge's hope comes to a lost, Satoru arrived and use his knowledge of Iryo Ninjutsu to save Toge's life. Seeing that the person who save him is none other than his own enemy, Toge began to dwells on his belief, "Is he really truly felt and done what he preach? Is true peace really can be achieved through acceptance and understanding and not through triumph and glory? If the role were reversed… Can I do what he just did?" As he contemplates, his blindfold of skepticism began to unfold and he finally saw Gojo Satoru for the first time. A worthy leader. A good person. And maybe, just maybe, a new friend.
Thus comes a great friendship between the two clan heirs. Their relationship confused a great deal of people from both ends of clans. Toge Inumaki, fully believed of his new-found friend beliefs, tried to vocalize and express it to his own clans. It was a hard work. And slowly but surely, the war against Gojo clan and Inumaki clan subsided with only a couple of skirmish battles, nothing major happened. Confusion ran through every single person in Land of Darkness. Even the Zenin clan and Kamo clan stopped their own warring because of this situation. "Why did the stop fighting?" is the only question that stuck on everyone's mind. Looking at the current circumstances, everyone began to reflect on their whole life. A life full of war. A life full of anguish. A life full of death. A life full of darkness.
And for what? No one can really answer that question anymore after tens and hundreds years of fighting. Hatred was intergrated deep within their soul so they didn't even realize that this whole cycle of war brought no other purpose than ending.
Slowly the war ceased and thus ends the time of darkness. Time changes not into time of peace. But time of healing.
Years went on with only a small mock battles happened here and there for petty reasons and everyone was content with the current situation. Life and years full of war made people forgot the simplest thing. How to relax. How to calm yourself and just enjoy the present. How to heal.
Satoru and Toge's friendship brought a new dynamic onto their clans. Seeing that the clan heirs laughing and enjoying themselves made some clansmen from Gojo and Inumaki open up. Slowly. Surely. Bits by bits. The relationship between the Gojo clan and the Inumaki began to blossom and nowadays it's not even weird to see a Gojo and an Inumaki getting drunk together, laughing their ass off, just enjoying a good time between companions.
After dwelling of this, a content smile grew on Satoru as he said, "It's really beautiful how a simple understanding can do to-"
"Satoru-sama, didn't I told you before that you need to meet the clan elders?! Why are you still here and not preparing?! HURRY UP and stop wasting everyone's time!", Asuka roared as she see Satoru still thinking and hasn't even preparing yet.
"Alright alright already! Jeez.", murmured Satoru. Didn't I look like a wise sage looking at the window like that as if I understand life and all? Didn't I look cool just now? Why can't anyone let me feel cool!
He complains and complains until finally he reached the council room and he made a stern face and with back straights and sturdy walk, he entered the room.
"We greet you, the 13th clan head of the Gojo clan, Gojo Satoru!", the elders exclaims as the bowed to show their respects to the new clan head.
Satoru nods his heads as he lays down his gaze on every elders in the room. As he see his grandfather proud and content smile, Satoru's confidence grows and he takes the clan head seat.
"A fine day for you fine gentlemen here. Today, I, Gojo Satoru, as the 13th clan head of the Gojo clan brought you a prepositions for the betterment to our clan.", Satoru carefully dictated. He realized early on that he's on a fine line and he has to explains carefully.
"And what prepositions do you suggest, Satoru-sama?" Mamoru, Gojo's grandfather asked.
"War on the Land of Darkness has finally come to a stop. And with this, come a time for healing for everyone. A small peace if you asked me. That's why I proposed to fully embraced the meaning of togetherness and commeradorie to strive for true peace and build ourselves a new hidden village."
"I guess it make sense. But who will we bring into this village?", asked one elder
Satoru takes a deep breath and said, "We will invite every person, every family, and every clan that recides in the Land of Darkness. And yes that means the Inumaki clan, the Zenin clan, and the Kamo clan."
Not even a second later and almost every elders begin to shout out their rage on this blasphemy. Some even look at me like I was mentally ill.
"QUIET! Keep your dignity and your voice down! You're all are our clan elders, act like one! So what brought onto your disagreement against my preposition?"
"I think it's a wonderful idea Satoru-sama. But I wonder why should we change anything? Aren't we already content with the current situation? The neverending war has stopped we found ourselves a kind of peace.", said one elder.
"I agree this situation has brought us a small amount of peace. And with that comes contentment to the current predicament. But didn't we all felt content with neverending war, life full of ending lifes, life devoid of peace years ago? All it took to end it was a small step from two teenage boys to understand one another. You all taste the fruit of peace brought by understanding and empathy, why should we not target for more peace? For true peace?", Satoru asked the room.
"And what is that true peace Satoru-sama?"
Satoru took a second to ponder his answer and finally he said, "I believe true peace is a fight. Not fight against one another. But fight to achieve other person's peace. By keep fighting on each other's peace, yours and everyone elses peace will remains and true peace will emerged!"
"A fine determination from such a young and frivilous person Satoru-sama! But I must ask, why should we bother to fight for those Zenin battle maniac freaks?! And those stuck up bitches Kamo too?! Have we forgotten about all brothers and sisters we have lost to them?!", an elder asked with rage in his eyes.
Feeling the situation may come out of his hands, Satoru quickly replies to appease the other elders, "And aren't you just years ago called the Inumaki a good-for-nothing lazybum? Yet here you are now buddy-buddy with Inumaki Kuzan as if you both grew up together! Did any of you get what I mean? What's the difference between the Inumaki and the Zenin or the Kamo? The Inumaki also killed alot of our own and we still could found a little bit of empathy and understanding towards them! Why can't we too project the same mentality towards the other two? Life full of darkness and death that we endure here in these world is too hard to endure, should we not try to share our burden to each other to endure it together? Didn't four people enduring with each other makes it more easier?", I explains with full confidence.
Silence fells within the room as everyone start to ponder the things that I've just said. It's true. Life with each other facing the same problem head on will make it a lot easier. Especially those who truly understand us. Everyone begin to realize the ironic thing is, the only people that can truly understand us is the people who are in the same predicament as ours. The one who we fought with. Our foes, opponents, enemies.
Inumaki, Zenin, and Kamo.
Every elders took a glance at each other and they realize something. It's time to stop dwelling on the past and looks onto the future as the past couldn't be change yet the future still exists to be written.
Satoru nods satisfied with the clan elders decision and continued, "I see that you have all come to an agreement. Very well, what is the next step we should take to achieve this dream of mine, elders?"
Murmurs broke within the room as they begin to think and finally someone answered, "I think we have a good shot with the Inumaki as we have a good relationship with them. I don't really know about the Kamo clan as they are very conservative and rigid so I'm they wouldn't agree to our prepositions. As for the Zenins…"
Satoru starts to think about the Zenin. Zenin clan are a battle-hardened clan so they would most likely start a battle with you if you start to use any kind of diplomacy. They are also a prideful clan who believe that their clan is the most powerful. The more I think about it, the more I realized the similarities between Zenin clan and Uchiha clan from Konoha.
Zenin. Uchiha. What does people like them answers to? What do you have to do to gain their acceptance and respect?
And it clicked to me. Power. Pure and simple.
With a resolute and an determined gaze, Satoru exclaims, "I have made my decision. Send words to the other clan for an open meeting to discuss the future. I want every living person in Land of Darkness to be there to see with their own eyes the rebirth of Land of Darkness. Send words that Four Great Clans Summit will occurs!"
Every elders felt chills seeing my resolution and they too become motivated to strive for a better future. A better life.
"Send the words that the Four Great Clans Summit will happened in a place of beginning after an ends. A place in the heart of Land of Darkness. Send words to go to the Death Valley!"
Age as in Konoha Year 38:
-Gojo Satoru: 14
-Gojo Asuka: 12
-Inumaki Toge: 14
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