~Soul POV~
Glancing at the person in front of me I began to use my Stand [Foo Fighters] at the ready with my sword of PLUCK. Shame I can't use my bound stand [Anubis] at this time.
Raising my blade though I'm not completely defenseless as I seem to be as I have my Hamon to help me through this. After all, Johnathan was able to match with DIO in his vampire state that was at least faster or can react to light I believe if my knowledge of Death Battle has failed me.
Taskmaster sees this as he raises a pair of daggers that is modified with two barrels on between the blades as he looks at me with his smirk present, "Hmm… a plain old sword? Tch. I would think a man causing trouble like this would need a long-range weapon hmm…?"
Yeah, I do have a weapon it's called a pistol dumbass.
Readying my nerves as I have he suddenly vanished from my sight as I narrowed my eyes trying to see-
That was when I noticed he spoke to me behind my back as my eyes widen in shock of this, "Ha. The first rule in a fighting kid is always to look where your attacker is."
Swinging my word in a circular motion as I made a circle wide swing the man in question already left as I have a gaping stab wound on my abandon as F.F. already began to stitch me up as Taskmaster was now on top of a building as he spoke amused, "Hmm… that's a first. Never seen someone with aura heal like that. Must be that semblance of yours boy?"
He was quick almost gone in a blink of an eye kind of speed.
Such a thing was hardly a thing I could fight before unlike the others he seems to move whenever he likes. But to do that instantly like that-
There he is gone!
[Foo Fighters]!
Just as I summoned my stand using my blood wound as an opening I glared at the Taskmaster as he looked surprised to see a Stand in the flesh quite literally as he changed his daggers into pistols, "What the fuck! What – no fuck that shit I'm gunning it down."
Channeling my Hamon with plankton covering my fist…
Fortunately for me though Taskmaster is easily distracted by F.F. that he hasn't realized that it was pointless to fight as a stand that has no weakness to be able to heal faster than he can wound as I have enough charges for an attack.
[Hamon Overdrive: Plankton Shot]
Multiple shots of Hamon-powered water of Plankton were launched from my hand as Taskmaster saw this and – motherfucker is just gone again! But I'm closer to his ability now with this clearly seeing his power first hand.
The ability to instinctively be away as he places no wind and no traces of where - and his gone….
That was when he tried to attack me again from behind as this time F.F. was ready for him as he caught his weapons as shout out surprised, "The fuck is the thing? This can't possibly be a semblance its too well-"
Launching a fully powered Hamon strike to his stomach sending him flying to a nearby building as he crashed I got another [Plankton Shot] ready as I replied, "Your power… or rather semblance. At first, I thought it was increased thought processing or simply increased speeds. But no… Taskmaster your semblance is [Teleportation] you can only send yourself to places where you can visually see but can't teleport objects within a certain range."
Suddenly like that he was in front of me clearly not amused but the smirk is betraying him a lot as he gave me a score, "Hmph. Not bad you got close though. What you said is about right but fuck you can land a punch. But tell me how did you notice the first one that almost hit you?"
Smirking at that it was actually simple how the first one managed to almost hit me without noticing that I should've seen it coming. Laughing at the man in front of me I replied to his question with my answer, "Simple. You coated that blade with blood or something from you. So long as you have something belonging to you are able to teleport it within a certain range. From what I can tell maybe about say 6-8 meters at best."
Next were sounds of clapping from the man as he looked honestly impressed as he replied to me his answer with a whistle on the end, "Man… scary how the young folks are getting smarter these days. It took ya a glance and a bit of insanity to guess that one where others die trying to figure it out. Whew…. Scary. Welp, I'm convinced."
That certainly take long enough but since I have a teleporter with me I can tell he will be a fine addition to the team when I establish a rule on Kuchinashi. Helping him would help me in the long run of things as I got closer.
When things were done TM has finally agreed to my rule as he spoke to me, "Now then Boss is it? What's the next step."
Laughing a bit at the simple question one needs a simple answer as I spoke, "Oh that's simple will simply head towards the Hana Guild to take them out."
However, what stopped that was TM thinking about something as he replied something I wasn't concerning myself till later, "Hmm… that sounds good. But from my sources, though it seems that your ploy rustling the Hana Drug Lords managed to get Wave attention."
Wave huh?
I never considered much of them but I couldn't help but ask the reason why to TM to which he provided an answer to why.
The simple answer was that Hana Guild was vulnerable at this time that their leader of Wave Lemon began to take this chance to take them out. However, there was also mention of another fabled Huntsman group that was a legend to their strength seemingly taking interest in destroying them.
Well, that makes my work perfectly easy as I intend to get rid of them in a day. But if I come across this group then…
I would rather not think such a fate.
Shaking my head of this I began to speak to TM as he replied of my change of plans now targeting Wave leader as he responded, "Now that's something we can do. Plus with her having a private Huntsman team as well as having her forces thinned to deal with your bullshit of trouble…"
Yes, I see the picture. While all the kids are dealing with my mess we take care of the nanny in charge by killing her leaving us with all the goodies…
No that's a bad analogy but I get the gist of it. Kill the head of a snake but that was when TM explained to me how to deal with this criminal group of Huntsman, "But the real issue is those annoying group. Team SMMK (Smoke) are an annoying bunch of pussies but they are good at what they do."
Team SMMK?
Seriously is there has to be something that relates to some color here in this world?
According to Taskmaster Team SMMK (Smoke) is a team of corrupt Huntsmen in Mistral, active in Kuchinashi. The team is composed of Sil, Marton, Mina Lavender, and Khaki. They have carved themselves a reputation for being annoying, in part due to their overly self-indulgent theatrics.
Tch. His right they sound highly annoying to deal with.
But luckily for me though they won't be much of a threat once everything has been said and done as I followed Taskmaster of where they are located. It's about time these people here have some cleaning of scum and for once it's scum themselves that does the job.
How funny the world works.
TM also gave me some info about Lemon the boss of Wave as he gave me a personality check on this person. There was venom in his tone of voice perhaps some bad history or was a former employer of hers.
But regardless gave me the info about this person and some life accomplishments.
Lemon from how he describes is shown to be a cruel, power-hungry crime boss as she managed to kill whoever just for a seat in power to control the Grimm for herself. She also hired corrupt Huntsmen like Team SMMK to act as extra security and to keep people from looking into the Wave's plans.
Not bad options but that tell a lot of a person. She's not confident in her skills in a fight like this. To me, this screams more of a schemer than a fighter and if she hired those to TM words annoying group of Huntsman turned criminal to protect her…
Well, that alone speaks she can't fight for her life even if it depended on it. At least though I take care of one crime boss while the other group takes care of… wait…
As we continue forward to Wave base I asked TM about the fabled group of where they graduated from, "Huh? Do you mean the remnants of team STRQ? Did they graduate from Beacon Academy under Headmaster Ozpin's eyes? Why does it matter?"
Shaking my head he shrugged as we get to work. But from Beacon he said right?
Isn't Ozpin from there as well- Wait Ozpin and Ozma…
It can't be that simple to put the pieces together right…?
F.F. I need you to confirm something for me with one of your colonies hosting a body…
A/N: So, his power is teleportation how did you like it? Should I have made it longer or not? Also how big brain is the MC connecting the dots so far?
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