Catherine 's POV
He is in the dinning hall, with Miss Rose. Lana said in response to my question.
The moment I heard the first half of her sentence i got exhilarated and was about heading to the dinning hall but upon hearing the other half my excitement snuffed out and halted in my steps.
With Rose?. I asked again to confirm her words and clear the doubt from my heart.
Yes, Miss Catherine. Lana answered more clearly.
"Why am I suddenly excited about is arrival". I asked myself dubious of my feelings.
He means utterly nothing to me, it's all just a doomed deal and in the fullness of time it will end in catastrophe and misfortune resulting Unwanted cicatrix and immense pain.
I thought to myself as the image of his immense vexation at the hospital before his business trip flashed before my eyes. Remembering his words and flare up before he left, made me feel some sort of mixed emotions.
Why was he so angry?...His ego and pride must have been hurt. A man such as himself would have never been able to handle being rejected by a Nobody such as myself.
Why do I have to bare with getting pregnant with the child of an heartless man?.He doesn't deserve a family, it's all just a deal, no strings attached.
Excuse me, I said to Lana snapping out of my thoughts and Walked towards the staircase.
I was about to take my first step when I heard a cheerful voice call my name.
I rolled my eyes upon hearing my name being called with so much enthusiasm took in a deep breath to subdue my previous emotion, summoned my courage then turned back.
Upon turning back I was met with a shocking sight which left me speechless.
The man Standing next to Rose is not Kelvin, but someone similar. He has the same grey eyes but not the same facial features.
Kelvin has a chiseled shaped face, with the tip of his nose as sharp as that of a pencil. His black hair complementing his full eye lash and eyebrows, his thin and pink lips harmonize with his cold aura. He is about 6ft5 with broad shoulders giving off the vibes of a retired soilder.
But this man has a long face the tip of his nose is not has sharp adms that of Kelvin's. He has a brown crew cut hair with clean shave , unlike Kelvin who has a temple fade hair cut and often gels it. He is of the same height as Kelvin but with a more broad chest than that of Kelvin.
Rose called me snapping me out of my thoughts.
Yes?. I answered, finally taking my eyes off the man.
Do you know Felix from somewhere?....Rose asked facing me.
Catherine's POV End
When Rose and Felix got to the living room . They saw Catherine going up the stairs.
Rose called out to her. When Catherine turned around she was shocked to see someone else and not Kelvin.
Felix was even more astounded to see his Little angel at his step brother's mansion.
Do you know Felix from somewhere?. Rose asked Catherine observing the stares from both people.
Getting no response from Catherine. Rose decided to ask Felix.
Have you two met before?
Not really. Felix said knowingly as he sneered.
Felix ? he not Kelvin's step brother. Catherine asked out of curiosity.
Yes, I am.
Felix answered politely.
Oh.... Catherine said being speechless.
And you are?
I'm Catherine Smith.
You are the new recruited secretary stay with Kelvin?.....Felix asked with a frown.
Yes. Catherine answer honestly and meaninglessly.
It's nice to meet you. Felix with a broad smile revealing his deep dimples with his hand stretchwd forward.
It's an honour. Catherine answer awkwardly extending her hand to accept the shake.
Soft palm. Felix said complementing Catherine's hand. Feeling uncomfortable Catherine immediately retracts her hand as if she'd been burnt.
Rose told me alot about you.
Has she?. Catherine asked turning to Rise with a sneer.
Yes, tell me why a beauty such as yourself would accept help from the devil himself. I honestly don't believe Kelvin Black would do a thing without any hidden motive or benefits.
Catherine signed inwardly at Felix's words.
I mean marrying my step nephew is bad but getting involved in a deal or being tangled with Kelvin is worse's a literal case of "Frying pan to Fire". Felix said with a smirk.
Catherine raised a brow at Felix's words and was about bti make make a comment when he continued. He brought out his business card out of his suit jacket and stretched it out towards Catherine.
Call me when you need any help or In trouble, my mansion would always be open to Angels. Felix said with pride and confidence.
Catherine accepted the card and stared at its contents with a frown and mixed emotions, when I train of thoughts was interrupted by a dominanting voice.
"She Won't Be Needing That"....came a cold voice from behind Rose and Felix.
They all turned in direction of the voice and were stunned to see it's source.
Kelvin?. Said both Catherine and Rise in unison.
Welcome brother. Felix said with a smirk.
"What are you doing in my house", Kelvin said and calmly walked towards Felix , his gray eyes flitting with anger.
Your fiance called me over for some work.....guess you haven't been keeping your woman busy. Felix said mockingly towards Rose.
Rise glared at Felix angryly and then turned to face Kelvin. She was about to say something when Kelvin beat her at it .
"Kel" ...said Rose before she was cut off.
My business and woman dies not concern you in any way possible. He pressed, his eyes fixed on Rose Probing.
True, but you can't keep two beautiful ladies to yourself, thats selfish. Felix said winking at Catherine.
Wink at her one more time and I would feed your eyes to my dogs. Kelvin said in a spine chilling voice.
We both know very well you don't dare .. Felix said casually with a broad smile.
Kelvin leaned over to Felix's ear: "you'd threaten me?, Just give it a try even your Mistress of a mother's dirty tricks will be of no use this time.
Felix smiled at Kelvin's words: "What? No! I just want to make a clear situation for you."
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