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80% Is It Wrong to Cook in a Dungeon? / Chapter 20: Ryo's Offer

Capítulo 20: Ryo's Offer

Ryo drummed his fingers on the table in the dining hall as he waited for his food to be served. While ruminating over the happenings of his day, his mind returned to Noel and her abilities, as well as her over-eagerness to become his subordinate even if that didn't make any real sense to him given how powerful she was. Ryo was not too certain what was holding the little girl back from using her powers.

Was she simply a new spirit that didn't know how to use her powers hence why she didn't defend herself? No, that didn't seem likely. Considering the trousers of those three thugs were covered in ice and frost, she must have at the very least used some accidental magic. But then again, she was a high level spirit so he would have expected more than just a light layer of frosting on the men's clothes. She should have had the capability to level the entire district with an iceberg using her powers.

Perhaps the inhibition was the girl herself? She was most certainly aware of her nature as a spirit, and from what he could tell she was finely attuned to her senses if she was able to sense him probing for her presence from wherever she was in the city two weeks prior. It was probably the case that Noel couldn't use her powers because she was afraid of using them to harm people, even if they were attacking her.

That notion...was not too alarming at the moment. He had no plans to make her fight just yet. She would serve well as a cute little addition to his company when he opened his business, a cute little face to attract the customers, and make their hearts melt enough that their pockets would flow. Noel was definitely cute enough for the job.

Then there was also the kid he'd hired as a dessert chef...Pas. Now that Ryo had been given sufficient time to recollect his memories, he'd remembered that particular boy's culinary talents...and his own special magic. If there was a chance that this Pastry kid was the same, then Ryo would have to experiment with that power and see if it could work on Cursed Techniques.

Because if it did turn out to be the case, then Pas would just be another Yuta Okkotsu...a development Ryo was not sure whether to tolerate or not. It was all just sorcery at the end of the day, a twisting of mystical forces to induce artificial and superficial temporary changes in reality. The possibilities were wide open.


Ryo heard the shuffling of little feet walking up to his table, along with the smell of freshly washed clothes and hair reaching his nose. Looking up, he saw the cute little spirit he'd taken in walk up to his table and shyly slide into a seat opposite him. Noel glanced down and twiddled her fingers as she felt her new master's gaze travel all over her.

Ryo had to compliment Martha's skills once again, though unrelated to anything culinary this time. Not a speck of dirt remained on Noel and her pale peachy skin was much more visible and soft looking. Her gray hair still had a slight sheen of damp to it but it was nicely brushed enough that all the knots were taken out and no bangs were in her faces. Also with her hair nicely brushed, Ryo could make out her ears underneath the long strands. They stuck out a little bit more than was normal but not enough that it made her look weird. In fact, it seemed to make her a little bit cuter.

All in all, you would not think that this girl right here was the same as the one he'd rescued not an hour earlier. She was dressed in what he knew to be worker's clothes given the material and the shape of the sleeves. As a matter of fact, he could've sworn he'd seen someone else wearing that outfit she was wearing right now.

"Adorable isn't she?" Martha's breath touched his ear as she leaned down beside him and whispered in his ear. "I have to say, I outdid myself."

"You are competent, that I can't deny." He replied without even looing at her.

"Saying that with a cold face doesn't make it feel like a complement, even if the word choice is to be excused." Martha folded her arms. "But you're welcome Ryo. I asked Yuni if she could lend one of her spare outfits. There was no way I was going to let her come back in here with those rags. I was going to wash them as well, because Yuni is going to need that outfit back in the morning-"

"Don't matter." Ryo said. "Just burn them."

"Huh?" Martha raised a brow as her eyes flickered between Ryo and Noel. "But what is she going to wear. She has to return those."

"I will provide clothing for her." Ryo said as he nodded pointedly at Noel. The little spirit just nodded. "Just burn the rags. Under my wing, she won't need them anymore."

"Right. If you say so." Martha said slowly as she watched Noel accept the decision. She leaned down to Ryo again and hid her mouth behind a hand as she talked to him. "Hey, you're not planning anything weird with her are you?"

"Why are you talking like an idiot?" Ryo asked. "Of course not. I've just decided to become her guardian is all. The kid is lost without a guiding hand. But that's my business okay. Just burn the damn rags and get back to work before Mosa yanks your ear again."

"Oh, right!" Martha shot up as she remembered her position, and she looked over to the counter to see her mother staring at her disapprovingly. The sweet woman though quite warm, had a strict and fierce side to her as well as Ryo came to learn when Martha had accidentally knocked over a pail filled with dirty water from mopping the hallway. Poor Martha had to mop it all again and then get on her hands and knees as she soaked up the extra water with a cloth.

Just as she was about to walk away, there came a loud growl which clearly sounded like someone's stomach. They both looked at Noel, who had suddenly gone red from the attention.

"You hungry?" Ryo asked Noel.

"Yes, Master Ryo." Noel said, not willing to lie to her new lord. "I've been hungry for quite a while. I haven't eaten in days."

"Well can I get you something then?" Martha asked. Noel was about to answer before Ryo beat her to it.

"She's most likely a bit malnourished so we should go with something easy on her stomach." He said. "Bring some light broth and dry bread from the pantry if you can find some. I don't mean fresh loaves but any bread that is slightly hard and stale. And just bring her water for a drink. Wouldn't want her regurgitating it all again because her stomach is still weak."

"Makes sense." Martha said. "Be right back." She walked away to the counter to make the order while Ryo remained with Noel.

Both sat in silence as Noel felt his eyes on her and they took the time to explore one another visually. Noel herself had far more active thoughts about her table companion than Ryo did. She took note of his moonlight pale hair, his blood red eyes and his sharp jawline. The way he sat seemed firmly rooted but also relaxed as well, like he was ready for any misdemeanour to come his way but also didn't consider much around him to be a threat.

He was quite handsome in her opinion...if only he didn't look a little intimidating, in his aura at least. She felt around with her own senses for a bit and she touched upon his own aura, sensing an adamantine grip on his aura's suppression. Whatever the case, Ryo had certainly had a lot of experience hiding his aura. She could sense his spirit nature only because he allowed her to, that much was clear. The trouble was...the nature of his aura was nothing she could make sense of. She couldn't attribute any affinity or element to him. She just knew he was a much higher class spirit than her and he was phenomenally more powerful.

Even if she couldn't sense all of his power, her gut told her she was sitting in front of a living calamity if it were to ever be released in a violent manner. But the substance of his spirit nature was still unidentifiable...just like...just like...

"So you see it too." Ryo said, practically reading the thoughts on her face.


"Don't play dumb." He said. "You saw it too...on Martha's shoulder. I know you can see it."

"...Y-yes. I can." She admitted. "But master, what is it? I've never seen a creature like that before. It felt like a spirit but it looks so horrible!"

"If you think that is horrible then you haven't even begun to see anything just yet." He said. "The reason why you're not scared of it Noel, is because it is an utter weakling. Little more nuisance than crawling larvae. We are a higher form of life Noel. You need not fear it...for yourself or for Martha."

"But master, it's clearly having an effect on Miss Martha." Noel said. "I know failing health when I see it, and she's definitely not well. It's all because of that creature which is feeding off of her. I just know it."

"You are correct Noel." Ryo smiled. "How observant. You will come to learn much more about these creatures the longer you spend with me."

"...Is it because it's the same nature as you?" Noel asked tentatively, prompting to make Ryo give her a questioning stare. "It carries the same strange attribute that you have...but you're more potent, more...dangerous."

"You see what you swore yourself to now?" Ryo smirked as he shrugged. "Well you've already made the pledge so there's no backing out of it. What's you real question Noel, come on, tell me."

"What type of spirit are you Master?" Noel asked after a second pause. "You don't seem to have any particular affinity for elements."

"Because I don't have any." He said. "Not in the way you understand it...I'm a Cursed Spirit Noel."

"A Cursed Spirit?" She raised her brow. "I've never seen one of those before."

"You're looking at one now." Ryo smirked. "I specialise in curses Noel...but this is not the time and place for us to be discussing things of this nature. We will converse on this matter in a more appropriate setting. For now..." Ryo eyed Mosa approaching them with a big platter on which was their food.

She came to their table and placed a bowl of bread and another one with chicken broth in front of Noel. In front of Ryo, she placed a plate of steak cut into smaller pieces for him, a bowl of seasoned sheep entrails and another bowl of broth. Next to it was a cup of the mead he usually ordered during his stay with them.

"Tuck in kids." She said cheerily. "While it's hot!"

"Break the bread into smaller pieces and dip it in the soup." Ryo instructed Noel. "Let it soak in the soup but not too long. Then blow on it and eat it. Be careful not to swallow it right away. Chew it properly and slowly and let the flavours go down your throat slowly. Otherwise you'll just hurl it back up." 

"Yes Master Ryo." Noel said. It was a simple thing to do, and she executed his command to the letter. She was clearly quite obedient.

Mosa nodded in approval of his instructions.

"Chicken broth has plenty of nutrients but is soft on a weak stomach." She said. "And dry bread as a dry food would also be easy on her as well. You have much experience dealing with people like that with the same consideration Ryo?"

"More than I'd like to admit." Ryo said as he picked up a piece of steak and savoured the flavour. "Your cooking is impeccable as ever Mosa. Another one of your secret recipes?"

"You know it." Mosa smiled. "You'll have to marry my daughter if you want to learn it though."

"Don't you start as well." He said to her. But he still decided to look across the room and watch Martha handling other guests. She did it with much focus and commitment sometimes that even the rougher characters would dial down their misbehaviour just to make things easier for her. "But I have to say, you have a very hard-working daughter."

"I know." Mosa sighed as she held her platter by her hip and stared wistfully and proudly at her daughter. "I can tell her heart is not fully into continuing the Inn. Which is a shame, since her father went through so much trouble opening it before he left this world. I've been pushing her for some time to go and work somewhere else for a change."

"You have?" Ryo raised a surprised brow.

"Yes. I had a feeling that being raised in this Inn has not really given her a sense of appreciation for it. Being able to just inherit a steady business like this is a luxury and a privilege when she didn't have to build it. So I thought making her work elsewhere, away from the comfort zone of home would teach her a lesson or two. She's blessed compared to what I had to do at her age."

"Mind if I ask what you were doing?"

"Not at all." Mosa smiled at him. "I had two jobs. Cleaning out my father's stables, and then having to carry heavy baskets of fruit back and forth from market to farm and back. Sometimes in a single day, I had to make the trip six times because we couldn't afford a new wagon or we couldn't loan another donkey let alone a horse. Of course, I'd like to do as much as possible to protect Martha from that life if I can help it. But I figured working for someone else will make her appreciate this place more. Not to mention, the extra income would help us improve this inn more."

"How would you cope with the extra workload?"

"I've been running this inn since even before Martha was born." Mosa smiled. "I was 15 when I married, and for three years my husband and I poured our hearts and souls into this place. I'm perfectly capable of handling the inn by myself and the hands we already have here."

"In that case..." Ryo smiled as an idea formed in her head. "...why don't you give her to me?"

"...So you do want to marry her after all?" Mosa smirked.

"You know what I mean."

"I know what you didn't mean." The portly woman laughed. "But I'm sorry, I don't know what you mean exactly."

"I came to Orario to open a restaurant." Ryo said. "The past two weeks, I've been preparing stock and renovations. I've already bought a property to set up. And in this city, good waitresses will be good for business. And your daughter already has a lot of experience working in the inn. She'd be perfect to wait the tables."

"Hmm." Mosa tapped her chin. "And what would the pay be like?"

"As of right now, 4000 in total for the month is my offer." Ryo said. "If she does well, I reward hard work. I'll give her a raise. And if she's interested in some higher position at some point, maybe something managerial, then obviously the pay will be higher."

"And you'd treat her well?"

Ryo understood the underlying message.

"Naturally if she doesn't obstruct business. And I will go out of my way to make sure that she is treated well by the customers as well. Indecency will have no place in my establishment."

"...You seem to have high hopes, judging by the energy in your voice." Mosa remarked.

"I am positive even Mia Grand will find herself with equal competition before long." He smirked.

"Mia Grand!" Mosa's brows almost disappeared into her hair before she laughed. "I figured you'd be an ambitious one in whatever you do...but Mia? Do you have any idea who that woman is? You think you can outdo her when she already has this particular market in Orario by the throat...sometimes literally might I add?"

"It will work out." Ryo said. "She's good...but I'm better. I have valuable experience that even she can't compete against. And I already have competent and well accomplished workers on board. All that's left are waitresses of which your daughter is the first if you would give her to me."

Mosa stared at him a bit longer before her smile reappeared.

"I understand Martha invited you to her birthday tomorrow night, correct?"

"That she did."

"And you haven't thought of a present I presume."

"Wouldn't even know where to begin really. But what has that got anything to do with this?"

"I'm just a mother looking out for what I'm sending my daughter into." Mosa said. "If you can make something really good for the party dinner tomorrow, and she likes it. I will hand her and her bags to you then and there. After all, tomorrow night is when you're leaving correct?"


"Then if you're as good as you say you are, you can consider that dinner as her present." Mosa smiled. "I know what my daughter is worth as an employee. I won't give her up that easily, even with your promise and your pay."

"...I have to say, I've never been on the end of having to prove myself to get an employee. I've had to do it plenty at job interviews." Ryo smiled wider. "But I never back down from challenge. You have yourself a deal."

"Good." Mosa said as she began to turn away. "Oh and if you're looking for more waitresses, I suggest asking Martha's friends. They'll be at her party tomorrow, and every one of them is looking for a job at the moment. It might be worth checking them out as well since they too have experience like Martha. A couple of them have even worked in this place before as well."

"Duly noted." Ryo said. "Thank you Mosa."

"No problem. Now don't let me keep you from your food. Eat it before it goes cold." The woman said with a last wave as she returned to the kitchens.

Following her advice, Ryo tucked into his meal. If nothing else, Mosa was a good cook and it would be a devastating loss to not eat it at its best.

"Master?" Noel asked tentatively.


"Am...Am I going to be working at the restaurant too?" Noel asked him before adding hurriedly. "I will if you tell me to."

"Do you want to?"

"Yes." Noel said. "But...where would I live though? You're moving out here."

"Above the restaurant." Ryo said. "I plan to make accommodations and living spaces there as well. You can live there and you can eat from what we don't sell. Work well enough and you will also get an allowance as well."

"Th-thank you Master." Noel said as she nibbled on her bread. He noticed a glassy look in her eye.

"Noel." He said, prompting her too look up. "I'm not a good person, let me make that straight. But I'm not cruel to people who make life better for me. You need not fear me if you don't plan to harm me, not that you could anyway. But as long as I am responsible for you, I will take care of you. Beyond that, I will also nurture your powers seeing as you have trouble with them. I'm going to protect you Noel...that is a promise and my end which I will uphold as long as you uphold your vow. Understand?"

"Yes Master."

"Good girl. Now coming back to the subject of your powers tonight, I will introduce you to someone who can help you with that. She's quite good with ice powers as well. I've no doubt you'll learn well from her."

"Really?" Noel tilted her head. "Who?"

"My other servant." Ryo said. "You may consider her an older sister if you like, though I'm not sure how she'll respond to the sentiment. Anyways, she's gifted with ice magic I suppose you can say. She'll help you temper your powers and control them. But just for note, what can you do with your ice powers? What's the most you can do?"

"I-I can make a spear of ice and shoot it." Noel said. "It's not really that good though."

"It's a start. Something which is far better than nothing." 

"What's the best that you..." Noel shook her head. "No, I shouldn't be asking things like that. It's not appropriate."

"Maybe not." Ryo placed another piece of steak in his mouth. "But you've started." He said pointedly.

"What...what's the best you can do with your powers?"

"The best I can do?" Ryo wiped his mouth with a napkin. "Well...let's just say, only the cockroaches would probably be the only living things left on the planet if I ever decided to push things to the limit."

"Huh?" Noel tilted her head again, confused, before she turned up her nose. "I hate roaches."

"As do I." Ryo said as he stood up and looked around at the other guests of the inn. "And I hate having to eat around so many of them. I'll be waiting in my room. Number 4. Come meet me there when you're done with your food."

"Yes master." 


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