“I’m sorry, sir. I didn’t automatically know that dead bodies disintegrated and went for a walk like that. That never happened in my hunts before.” Anua explained herself to the man she had just met.
They both were heading from the cliff to the complex, since they couldn’t find any trails or trace of orgaion to determine the location of the lizard man.
“Hmph. You need to be wary. Don’t you see? There is a lot of suspicious things. Around here. This case is not new. The clerk said Director Yamashida already hired innumerous poachers to deal with the case, yet the werewolf of Marblechase still persists. Why do you think is that?”
“Mmm… The other poachers couldn’t find it?”
“Idiot. If they didn’t, they wouldn’t have declared the job done and left!”
They were now approaching the entrance of Marblechase.
“Then… They couldn’t make it?”
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