ok i choose the 3 head
[ding please stay awake]
just then i felt my soul broken and every part of my body make sound like being Chopping and Grinding
after who know how much time finily it end
iam fainting
day later i wake up and find my self back to first order again but i felt my body stronger than ever i can fight any 4th order with ease or that what i think
i look at my spirit i find it the same with the third head it look like the same as human head with two huge horns and has crimson color hair u can say is lucifer from dxd with 2 horns
i can now fell my cultivation 3 time when it was 2
xiaolong"system isnt that fast why u see it will be slow"
[ding as you will need 10 time qi of the people at the same level as you and you need strong body to get nex level or your body will explode]
xiaolong"is there is any advantages of that new spirit"
[you will get davour skill that can davour blood of any beast you kill or human that help you to get strong body ]
xiaolong"so what level i can get now"
[4th order ]
xiaolong"good wait amoment how much time i was here ?"
[day and half]
xiaolong "**** mom will kill me "
Leaving the valley, HuangXiaolong did not take any detours, heading straight to Huang Clan Manor.
By the time he reached Huang Clan Manor, it was already noon. Just as he stepped into his small courtyard, he ran into Huang Min, his little sister who had just stepped out from his small courtyard.
"Big Brother, where did you go?mom was worry to death"
just then i hear my mom voice
when i sow mom i fell shiver she realy mad that time
after long explanation and thanks to the yang fruit and i broke through to frist order that i get arrested in my room for month
and as the same the novel
but thanks to my dragon and devil manoul i get to first order peak
now i want to see the asura ring and the blade
as i want take the blade i hear voice
[ding if host want to use the blade or the system will give you another weapon ]
xiaolong"i want heavy sword"
[ding host get ovarlord sword 2nd weapon]