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61.16% Into Skyrim, Elder Scrolls 8 Nirn's Beta / Chapter 63: Carriage Ride

Capítulo 63: Carriage Ride

Leaving Solitude, Canary asked me the same question for the 3rd time. "Seriously, did you ask for a custom wagon?"

I rolled my eyes, "Number one, its not a wagon. Number two, Yes I did buy a custom carriage. This is the third time you asked."

Viree shrugged, "To be fair, it is a very nice carriage. I'm glad he bought it. I just want to know when he got it."

Well, I prepared it in secret a while back just before the khajiits caravans arrived. I thought it might be a good idea to have. The war horse was the most expensive part of the carriage, well the horse and its armor. The whole thing costed 2355 gold. "It was cheap, so I asked for some modifications."

Canary tapped on the added roof. "You know they sell roofed carriages."

I laughed, they didn't, at least not in skyrim. You had to order one from Cyrodiil. "You have to order them. That costs some 10k septims and a multiple day wait. Besides those carriages still lack security around the driver's seat. "

My eyes glanced at the road up ahead. "Oh boy, a road block."

Viree peered through the window hatch. "How are we gonna get around it."

Canary clicked her tongue. "It's a set up. That tree was cut down, be aware of bandits."

I laughed, "Canary you are gonna understand why I had this carriage custom made."

I pulled on the reigns and the horse slowed. I said in a low voice, "Use the hatch on the roof on my signal."

I heard them stir behind me, but I watched as several bandits stepped out from the rocks. A breton man smirked, "You seemed to have expected us."

I smiled, "Travelers should always be wary of bandits."

A nord woman sneered, "We prefer opportunists and free spirits."

Back in the old game bandits out-numbered the citizens of skyrim. However the truth was several cities, towns, and villages were abandoned. My smile remained however, I knew the reason for many of the bandits. The legion was drafting soldiers while others were drifting around under the banner of the stormcloaks while not affiliating themselves with the stormcloaks.

"Fair I suppose, so I will ask you then. "Are you imperial draft-dodgers, or stormcloack sympathizers. I mean every free spirit around these parts know that the lunar moon band are secretly selling weapons to the stormcloaks."

I threw out some meaningless words that made the bandits take a step back. The lunar moon band was something I made up on the spot based on the Silent Moons Camp and their lunar forge. It seemed they didn't hear the camps real name, but did know something.

The bandits however still aimed their weapons at me. The breton who spoke earlier asked, "What are you transporting with such a strange carriage?"

I smiled, "Canaries."

He looked at me strangely however Canary understanding my signal burst up from the carriages roof. An arrow went straight through the Breton man's head. The four other Bandits were stunned and before they had the chance to react I jumped from the carriage.

Pulling dawnbreaker out I crashed into one of the silent bandits. To my surprise I got a skill up, but I didn't look what it was. Instead I stabbed dawnbreaker into the bandit's stomach. Looking up Canary had already killed two of the other bandits with arrows. The last one began running toward the fallen log.

Canary was about to shoot them too, but I yelled, "Pin them, They know something I want."

Her arrow was shot and it went straight through the bandits leg making them scream out. I pulled a cloth from my inventory and covered their mouth. "Shhh, I am gonna pull the arrow out."

It was the nord woman from earlier, she was shaking her head. However I yanked the arrow out and she screamed into the cloth stuffed in her mouth. I smiled at her, "You have one chance before I put the arrow back in. What do you know about some lunar weapons."

She nodded, and I smiled. I was glad I took up speechcraft. I pulled the cloth from her mouth and start speaking. "The Silent Moon Camp! It's a little east from here. They only attack at night and their weapons! They burn people unlike any fire I've ever seen. It was like they were enchanted by some greater force. That's all I know! Please spare me! You were right! I ran away form the draft. I don-"

I sliced her throat and she looked at me as if I betrayed her. I sheathed dawnbreaker and turned back to the carriage. Viree had hoped out and was looting one of the bandits. She looked up at me, "What? They have some decent equipment."

I shook my head, "It's not that you aren't looting them right." I grabbed the bandit I just killed. Stripping her of all her clothes and dropping her naked body back on the ground. "The wolves and Sabre cats will clean up the bodies quicker if you strip them. Once they are stripped though you can turn the clothes inside out which empties all the pockets."

Viree looked enlightened and preformed exactly what I explained. Sure enough gold, lockpicks, and what looked to be a flint and steel dropped from the pockets. "It worked!"

Canary looked at me from the carriage still. "You are sick in the head."

I pointed at her, "Says the ex-thalmor inquisitor! Who still works as a torturer of the imperial army!"

She shrugged, she looked at the carriage and sighed, "I'll admit you thought this carriage out. Did you know these bandits were here or did you plan this carriage for something else."

I had actually prepared it for something else. However the people in Solitude weren't skilled enough to complete my designs. Canary interrupted my thoughts. "What was that about Lunar bandits?"

I debated about how to explain the lunar forge. I decided to not speculate. "A bunch of bandits found an ancient forge. The forge if used at night puts an enchantment on the tools. Even if the user doesn't have any enchanting skills."

She raised an eyebrow, "Really? That's pretty interesting. Is it nord made?"

I nodded, "Yeah, built into a small bastion that collapsed on itself. It was likely used to create lunar weapons that could be used to invade the dark caves of the dwemer. Though they likely failed to create anything worth while. I wanted to study the forge though. So if we have time, I will leave Whiterun for a day and head to it."

Canary nodded, "Understood. I'll relax in whatever Inn they have."

Viree came up behind me, "I'll come with, if its about the moon it could be interesting."

Canary gave Viree a look before ducking back into the carriage. I opened my map, these bandits that attacked us should be working with the ones up ahead. A camp called Robber's Gorge should be directly up ahead.

I looked at the area and rubbed my chin. It seems they set up a minor trap here while the main set of their forces was facing Whiterun. It was a little odd since Solitude receives shipments by sea and transports them to other cities. Why would they have the main force facing Whiterun.

It didn't take me long to put it together. The Khajiit! They would have taken this road. Most times the bandits don't attack the Khajiit. However there was a quest related to the caravan for a follower. Due to me the caravan has been traveling to Solitude. My actions might have accidentally caused a change.

Well I wouldn't mind wiping out some more bandits. If they have already attacked the caravan it works for me. If they hadn't I prevent it before it happens. Canary popped out of the carriage again. "What's up?"

I looked at her, "Some more bandits up ahead. I believe they set a trap facing Whiterun to ambush a Khajiit Caravan. I'm friends with the caravan so I figured it would be best to investigate."

Viree asked, "Are we leaving the carriage?"

I looked at Canary, "Can you drive the carriage?"

Canary sighed, "Sure."

I smiled, "Take good care of Philip then."

Viree raised an eyebrow, "You named it Philip? Isn't it a girl?"

I nodded, "Well yeah, the stables don't sell Stallions as War Horses."

The two women both asked. "A war horse?"

I nodded, "Of course, they are stronger, used to armor, and the breed I bought can fight. Likely because it is predatory."

Viree stuttered, "Pr-Predatory?"

Canary just blinked looked at the horse for a while. Her jaw lowered in stunned silence. When she finally broke free from her shock she asked. "How? How is that possible?"

I looked back at Philip and she stared at me. Her front facing eyes were unblinking. I had also previously looked at her teeth. Sure enough her teeth were closer to a carnivores teeth than herbivore. Philip was 100% a omnivore, I had no doubt about that.

"Anyway! Viree let's sneak up to the Bandit camp." They both looked back at me.

They both spoke with some variation. "You can't just change the conversation like that!"

I sighed, "Most horses of skyrim have front facing eyes, and have the teeth of an omnivore. So the horses bred in skyrim have these traits. Riften is the only place in skyrim is likely the only place that have normal colovian horses. The predatory traits are likely something passed down through cross-breeding. Daedric horses are predatory and the Frostbane horses used in..."

I paused for a second and settled on what I was thinking about. "Huh, Frostbane horses. They were raised to eat awoken draugr. That's most likely where the traits come from."

Canary stared at me, and Viree gave up. "Let's just go kill more bandits."

"That would be for the best. You guys kind of got me side-tracked." I rubbed the back of my neck as I began walking up the path toward Robber's Gorge.

Canary climbed out the carriage and grabbed Philip's reigns. Viree followed behind me up the path toward Robber's Gorge. 

The trail led straight to the camp. Four bandits were set up aiming at the road. Really was too many of bandits in this world. There should be still another three in the camp. After all none of these guys looked like bandit chiefs. 

They had set a couple of wire traps. i motioned to viree to step over the wire and we snuck along the edge. Creeping slowly along the shade we made it to right underneath two of the bandits. I pointed to the other two. They were further up however they were standing on the road.

I motioned to Viree and she moved reading her mace. With her in position I took out my fishing rod, I pulled the line out. Giving the signal for Viree to attack the other two. I threw the line around the two bandits. The bandits panicked. "Huh, What the!"

I yanked and they were pulled backwards into their makeshift railing. They crashed into it and surprisingly it held up. They however tumbled over it, drawing dawnbreaker I slashed through one. It seemed to be a critical hit as I tore through them completely. The second slammed into the ground and I drove my sword into him.

Looking back at Viree she had clobbered one's head in. However the other had a shield and she couldn't get a good hit off on the guy. I picked up a iron dagger and threw it at the man. I wasn't very accurate. It flew past his head, but he turned to look at me. 

That was his mistake though as Viree brought Pendulum down on his head. I winced as it reminded me of a watermelon. I seemed way to natural at this. Was other players like this? It made me wonder.

Not much time to think though I heard more bandits. I quickly pulled more line from my fishing rod and threw it to Viree. She understood what I wanted and ran to the other side of the wall. It wasn't long until two more bandits came around the corner.

One of them spoke, "Look there's blood!"

The other sighed, "They are dead! Be careful, looks like an assassin."

They creeped up to the corner. I leaned backwards a little until the first bandit pulled against the line. He fell forward and I dropped the line. I charged toward the bandit who didn't trip. He raised his sword just as I slashed at him. I smirked and with my free hand aimed directly for his head. A beam of ice froze his head solid and he fell backwards.

I stabbed him just to make sure and looked over at the tripped bandit. Viree had bludgeoned the man since it was actually an Orc. Seems he took some extra hits. With these two dead I finally spoke. "The chief is like up in that wood cabin. You check the rest of the camp, I'll handle him."

Viree nodded, "You got it boss."

She slunk forward as I turned toward the cabin. I heard the chief call out, "What was the disturbance? Was it a good haul?"

I paused for a second and shrugged, "Yeah! Someone in full plated armor sir! Dumb bastard never had a chance against the traps."

The chief seemed to be doing something. "Aye, that's good. Bring it over, I wanna complete my set."

So he had plated armor. I walked towards the cabin, using my third spell slot I readied Frostflesh. My mana would be low afterward so I prepared the lock spell. If he was in plated armor it should work against him.

As I stepped into the cabin he was sitting down eating. His eyes went wide as he saw me. I sprinted forward as he jumped up to attention. I slashed froward, dawnbreaker made a clear cut in his armor as sparks sputtered to the ground. He threw his soup at me and I dodged. A blizzard of ice was summoned from my being and I felt colder.

He managed to grab his sword and swung it into me. It bounced against me however and he stumbled. "Wh-What? Who are you!"

I had my helmet down, but he could hear the truth in my words. "I killed your men, and I am gonna kill you too!"

He raised his sword, but dawnbreaker sliced right through the steel sword. He managed to step back from the table and grab an orcish warhammer off the wall. He swung toward me. I didn't want to test the limits of Frostflesh just yet. So I blocked with my arm and winced as it bounced off me. I casted lock on him and I heard a click. His leggings locked in place and he was locked in place. He swung the hammer widely.

I slashed at him however between each swing. He groaned, "You son of a bitch! I'll kill you."

He tore his leggings off and broke free. He swung for my head and I ducked. He swung again this time and instead of dodging I caught it. This time I lunged forward and struck down at his leg. Cutting through his leg, he screamed out. I pulled the hammer from his hands. 

"You bastard! You are a monster!" I smirked at him.

"Eh, maybe I am. However..." I sliced through his other leg, and he screamed. "ARGH! Fuck you! Just kill me!"

I pointed dawnbreaker at his throat, "Maybe... If you tell me about any Khajiit you robbed."

He blinked, "Is that what this is about. Did that coward of a cat the ran send you!"

So they had robbed the khajiit. "So only one ran? Where is the rest?"

He sneered, "Skinned and sold! Many merchants pay a pretty penny for Khajiit fur!"

I rolled my eyes and sliced through the man's neck. I knew this place should have a secret cave connected to it. before I wander off though, I grabbed a book off the table. Black arrow v2, it was a skill book. I would read it later. Second thing to do, "Viree? Find anything?"

She shouted back, "Yeah! Canary brought the Carraige up! Should we start loading stuff onto it?"

I shouted back, "Yeah! Got some stuff over here too. The bandit chief had a hatch going somewhere, I am gonna explore it."

She responded in the affirmative, "I gotcha!"

With that I paused, checking the large chest in the small bedroom the chief had. Some gold, a bunch of silver and a small white amulet. This was Kharjo's moon amulet, so the khajiit must still be here.

I grabbed a key off a shelf and moved toward the hatch. Dropping down the ladder I landed on some muddy ground. Several barrels lined the walls. Cracking one open it was filled with food. I heard someone call out.

"Hello? Is anyone there?" The voice came from near the water of the cave. I stepped forward picking the Bandit's chief journal. I flicked through it and found nothing important. I tossed the journal to the ground. The view in the cave was rather nice, but it was just a cave.

A khajiit called out to me, "Hey! Are you a bandit? You don't look like one of them."

Another khajiit kicked the other, "Shut up, Kharjo."

I looked between the three khajiit that were tied up. I recognized two of them, one was Kharjo the khajiit follower. Another was his boss was Ahkari, who was the one who told him to shut up. The last one had a gag in their mouth. I think she was Zaynabi?

I raised my face plate, "I am a friend of the caravan. Ri'saad is helping me set up a trade route in Solitude."

Ahkari eyes blinked, "Ah, you are the strange man from another place."

I nodded, "Yeah, I am from Atmora. Do you need to be cut lose?"

Kharjo shook his head and seemingly with his claws cut straight through his bindings. "We could always break free from the bindings."

Ahkari spoke as Kharjo freed her and Zaynabi. "Dro'marash escaped, so we wanted to wait for them to come back. We have deals with most Bandit camps. Those who break this deal..."

I nodded, "They must be dealt with. Speaking of, this was in a chest."

I tossed the Moon amulet to Kharjo and he caught it. "My amulet! You have my thanks! Not only for killing the bandits for us, but returning my amulet. I was scared I might lose it."

Ahkari nodded, "It was a heirloom of my sister. I will reward you gold for helping us, and..."

Zaynabi cut in, "If you need a fence I will be able to assist you."

I nodded, I wondered how the caravan was gonna deal with the Bandits who robbed them. I imagined they normally pay a tithe to bandits they cross. However obviously not every bandit is willing to accept such deals.

I paused and went back over to where I tossed the bandit chief's journal. "I think I know why they robbed you."

I tossed the book to Ahkari and she flicked through the pages. "Ah, the chief wanted to leave skyrim. Many have become bandits due to the civil war and those that do not come from skyrim come here for the freedom."

Ahkari was right, Bandits were less of a problem in other provinces of Tamriel. "The security of Skyrim is rather lacking. By the way, are these your supplies?"

I pointed to the barrels behind me, Zaynabi shook her head. "No, we carry all what we sell on our person. Some of it is, but not all of it. That chicken of a chief stripped us of our things and stuffed them away."

Kharjo shook his head, "He even took my armor and wore it for himself."

Oh, that was his armor? Eh, I'm sure its fine. "Let's get out of here then shall we?"

Zaynabi frowned, "Where is the chief? I want to defile his corpse!"

I raised an eyebrow and pointed to the ladder behind me. "Up the ladder, I left him there for my companions to loot."

Zaynabi nodded and marched up the ladder. I turned to the other two, "What was that about?"

Kharjo just sighed, "I will attempt to calm her."

Ahkari nodded and turned to me with a hushed voice. "The chief threatened to skin Zaynabi of her fur after he... Ahem, well. I am sure you understand. It is rare, however some tend to take khajiit for slaves or pets. Eventually skinning them of fur and lining their armor or clothes with it. Zaynabi once had a brother, but he his no longer with us."

I frowned at that information, "So she is sensitive to such threats? I can understand that."

I rubbed my chin in some thought. "Have you encountered many Khajiit Fur collectors?"

Ahkari shook her head, "No, just the one. We gutted her and strung her up in the trees. Made it look like spriggans. These things happen, though I am glad to see some understand the khajiit like you."

I gave a shrug, "You guys are good allies. I wish to set up a information guild, and as you can imagine. The caravan would be important for the collection of information."

Ahkari nodded, "You are set up in Solitude?"

I gave a nod of my own. "Yes I am."

Ahkari flicked her tail around, "I will began to keep a log book, you will buy what information and rumors I collect. I will sell it fairly based on the date of the collection and how valuable it might be. I can schedule a drop off when we travel from Dawnstar to Markarth."

I smiled, and held out my hand. "I would love that!"

Ahkari nodded, "You are friend of the caravan. It is only right."

Ahkari moved to the ladder, "I am going to overview what the bandits have. I will buy what the caravan might want from you."

I gave a nod and Ahkari left the cave. This was a lucky coincidence for me. Although I knew I technically caused it. Since Ahkari, likely took over a bit of Ri'saad's trade route while he was helping me in Solitude. Ahkari likely knew that by some effect I had caused their capture.

I have a feeling my speechcraft prevented any negative effects. To be honest I likely could seduce people with my speechcraft as if I was selling them jewelry. I nodded, deciding that it would be for the best to not doing something like that. Not unless I need to that is.

I sighed, I would need to get everything out of this cave. 

-----Long chapter! Oh boy, took me a while.-----

next chapter
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