So I told you hiatus and now I am telling you its dropped, so its dropped if you dont want to waste more of your time.
Most of you saw this coming a mile away probably but I didn't. I am pretty much gonna write something similar to what I wrote in my other novel because the reasons apply to both novels.
Basically I am a lazy procrastinator who led you guys on for a while saying I was gonna publish or continue after I finish my dragon ball novel which I also procrastinated on. I am a bad author or the standard, no worse than the standard of this site.
Although I thought I was gonna at least finish this novel or give a satisfactory ending it ended up the same as half the fanfictions, unfinished.
As I said in my other novel I am not going to tell you what happens as I don't want to waste more of your time thinking what could have been, which now that I am thinking about it my writing is sub par so you wouldn't have thought that anyway, and just let you forget about this, or curse me or curse my novel.
I am very sorry for what I've done and failed to do (now this sounds like church) and I am officially finished with wasting your time.
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