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46.66% In MHA with a Pokemon quirk / Chapter 7: 6. A NEW FRIEND? AND MONSTER?


============Red pov:

Hmm...why does my face feel so heavy? Ahh it's so early *sigh*... i try to open my eyes but i suddenly feel that something is LITERALLY on my face!

I panic and i try to pull off whatever is on my face but when my hand reaches up for my face i feel a warm fluffy feeling. ' what the hell is this?! ' i try to say but i can't open my mouth because there is fur on my face. ' when the hell did we get a cat?! ' i finally decide to get up from my bed and with a little growl i feel that whatever was on my face fell on my lap. And when i open my eyes i see... a cute small bear with a white fur body and some blue fur on his head that goes down to his neck with a big line of snot that seems to be frozen.

Just like the snot, i was frozen... i mean... how?! I didn't put an egg down did i ?! Well it doesn't matter i guess. I look at the little guy that was still asleep even when he dropped down from my face and i pick him um by his armpits like a baby ' well he is really cute, but how the hell did he get here? ' the little guy finally decided to wake up and looked at me while putting his paw on his chin...i was waiting for it to do something... maybe attack me.... the tension was thick...and.... HE FELL ASLEEP?!

*sigh* let's see if my [Stats] screen can fill me in on what's going on. I open it and surprisingly it said nothing new but i actually saw a mail icon in the top right, after i put the little guy? girl? down i select the mail icon.



- System


Oh well that's neat, so that's why this little guy is here. Then i guess i can use him as a little sidekick for when i become a hero. While i was thinking about all the possible strategies that training this guy would allow me to do, he woke up and started to look around... but what i didn't expect was for the little bear to speak straight inside of my mind and say " hey! you useless master! hurry and get out of bed so we can train! ".... and then total blank pin drop silence in my mind and in my room. ' well this is interesting ' a big bead of sweat appears on the side of my face.

Red: " well then what is your name little guy?" I say as i lower my face to look at it's face

????: ' why should i tell a weakling like you my name? ' he said while pointing it's paw towards me and then crossing his arms

Red: a tick mark appeared on my head as i thought how much arrogance can be put in such a small body " well then how about i name you then? "

????: ' i suppose that's acceptable ' while doing a little tsundere hmp! pose

Red: damn what a pain this is going to be *sigh* i scratch my head as i think about a good name for this little guy, and yes i say guy because he sounds like an old Japanese guy with a deep voice.

Well i could name him after the main character of my favourite fan-fic Grim.

Red: " what about Grim? Do you like it "

Grim: ' hmp, i guess that's an acceptable name for a higher being such as myself' i see him nod to himself a couple of times. *sigh* he watched a little too much anime and became a little tsundere.

After that i asked Grim some questions about his abilities or what he could do. After some Hmps! and some stuff about some higher being he finally told me that he could use the same abilities i could and that he could also change his form to other pokemon. And he didn't forget to call me a weakling all along because he wasn't pleased with my abilities or the fact that i only had 1 pokemon, and while he talked more and more tick marks appeared on my head and i was holding back all of the thoughts about sending him flying out of the window. *sigh* this little sh#t will get on my nerves all day.

After that i went down to get breakfast with Grim on my head because and i quote " a higher being such as myself can not walk among the peasants" damn i really want to hit him! My mom and my dad looked at Grim for a bit then my father asked me " hey...Red...son...what is that cute animal on your head? " and i replied by saying " i made it with my quirk ".... i could see a shadow on both of my parents faces as they said at the same time " ah... OK " kuku i told you guys i would get you back for that hahahah look at your faces now you old farts!

After getting all fixed up i went to school after leaving Grim with my dad so i wouldn't have to deal with snotty kids asking me if they could pet him.

After a few hours of school my mom brought me back home only to find my dad feeding the little sh*t grapes while conjuring a small fan to blow on his face... my eyebrow twitched at this sight. *sigh* this little guy will bring me more trouble than he's worth.

============= Red pov: outside

Now it's finally training time, i went towards the clearing where i practised yesterday with Grim who was obviously on top of my head.

Red: i put Grim down on the ground and i said to him " okay little dude let's see what you can do " i said to him while pointing at a tree. I could practically feel the smug aura leaking from his body as he got closer to the tree

Grim: " all right you puny weakling let this great one show you how it's done!" I hit him with a chop from my transformed arm and told him to get on with it

After some swearing and growling he finally focused, and after a bit he disappeared from my sight and suddenly the whole tree blew to pieces!....WHAT THE HELL DO THEY FEED THIS LITTLE SH#T?!

I looked to my right only to see him standing with his arms crossed doing a pose that basically said " praise me and my power " and even though i hated to admit it, he truly was much more powerful than me even in the first evolution.

Red: " i thought you said that you had the same attack and stats that i do" after my question his smug aura got even more annoying, " tch never mind i'll just figure it out myself" hehe i know your type if i ignore you then....

Grim: ' very well peasant! This higher being has decided to enlighten you with my knowledge! ' bingo! Just as expected kuku

Red: " okay then, what exactly did you do? " i asked the now sitting ball of fluff that still had that smug aura just a bit smaller

Grim: ' it's simple really, i just used all of the strength in my body on a single contact point. I understand that a weakling like you would have trouble being as good as i am, but you should be able to do at least this much if you are going to be my servant! '

Red: *sigh* this little bear really knows how to get on my nerves. " yes yes, whatever you say. So how exactly do i achieve that? "

Grim: after thinking for a bit he said to me ' well for a lower being such as yourself you must practise and focus on achieving this in the shortest amount of time possible if you ever hope to achieve your dream ' he said while looking at me with fire in his eyes at the mention of my dream.

Red: ahh it seems everyone is expectant for me to achieve my dream to reach the top " very well, then what type of practise should i do? "

Grim: ' no idea ' .....

Red: " what? I don't think i heard you right"

Grim: ' *sigh* lower beings really are stupid, how can you not hear right if i'm speaking inside your mind. I said N-O I-D-E-A '

Red: it really did take every single bit of mental strength to not kill this little sh#t right then and there, trust me i truly wanted to end him right there, but i guess it wouldn't really change much.

So i decided to learn for myself, i walked up to a tree and decided to try and get close to whatever he did...' even though i couldn't even see him move '. *sigh* well, he said that he used all of the strength in his body on a single contact point. So first i have to figure out how to draw out all of the power from my body into my fist.

===================Grim pov:

Really getting stuck with such a useless master is the worst luck ever, his stats suck, he hasn't trained his moves at all and he can barely draw on the measly power that he has. He was even amazed at my small display of power that i showed earlier! I mean anyone would be amazed at my great and amazing power of a higher being such as myself, but the fact that he couldn't even do that much is truly pitiful. As i was thinking about how weak my master is and how awesome and cool i am, i hear a small *whoosh* and the origin of that sounds seems to come from...him? I think as i look towards my master... no i'm sure i heard wrong.... i slowly go back to day dreaming about all of the cute women that i will dominate with my great power kuku

And a few hours later i hear it again but louder *whoosh*... i glance at my useless master and i see hime standing is the same spot that he was standing at before, throwing the same punch and doing the same calm and collected face that for some reason bothers me. Oh? He is about to throw a punch again? *sigh* a weakling will always be-*WHOOSH!* nani?! How did he get to this level so fast? I estimated he would take at least a week before he could even attempt to do the basics... but this?!

*sigh* i really must be a good teacher huh? Yes yes, as expected from a higher being such as myself. But even then, it doesn't matter how good of a teacher i am, because even if i guided him with my godly teaching techniques then it should have taken at least 3 to 4 days.

Hmm maybe he's not such a weakling after all..... nah i must be an even better teacher than i thought kukuku.

=================Red pov:

Damn this is really taxing on my stamina *pant* even with my insane amount i'm struggling to keep up. I grit my teeth and i throw another punch *WHOOSH* but i must say, i really love training!, the strain on my arms, the sweat running down my back, the way that i squeeze my body for more power and force it to move and most of all the simplicity of it. It's just me and a goal, no problem or worries and least of all no bothersome things.

Ahh i might become a training maniac if i keep going like this... ah who cares anyways *WHOOSH* i throw another punch and my body drops to the ground as my legs can support me anymore. I guess now is the best time to test out [Rest] and see what effects it has. I focus my energy and think about healing my muscles and restoring my stamina...and i slowly feel sleepy...

I wake up and i feel refreshed as if i ate some ice-cream on a hot day, it really did feel pleasing. I stand up and much to my surprise my body is barely sore. i look towards Grim and i ask him how long i was asleep and he told me about...5 minutes?!... that was it? Going from no stamina and hurting muscles to feeling as if i went for a small run, in only 5 MINUTES?!.*sigh* pokemon logic still baffles me.

Well now that i'm almost in tip top shape i might as well train my ice powers, i haven't really tried to replicate any moves i just used [Hail] and didn't try anything else. Ok then that's my next focus, i sit down and i use hail one more time just to see what exactly happens in my body when i use it. Hmm so the energy basically takes on the ice property and then gets released into the cloud above so after i command it to come down it already becomes ice, neat! , so that means if i tell the energy to take on the ice property and let's say move towards my mouth then, i feel the energy do exactly as i say and a small ball of light blue energy collects in front of my mouth.

Once i feel the energy build up to a good amount of power i look at a tree and release my hold over it. When i do i see a strong beam of ice energy freeze the grass below and shoot towards the tree, and within seconds the whole tree becomes encased in ice and even the area around it suddenly becomes snowy and cold. Hoh?


User has learnt the move = [Ice Beam 0/10]


Nice! I knew testing this would pay off in the end. Okay so that's one move that i remember...hmm then how about? I do the same process but this time i will the energy to solidify and i see an icicle form in front of my mouth, oh? this is easier that i thought, i shoot it towards the same frozen tree and i see how a second one forms right after the first one and another one and another one. Right up until 5 are flying through the air towards the tree at the speed of a subsonic bullet, that is by no means slow, and right when they make contact with the tree they seem to pierce and then explode. The poor tree didn't stand a chance and got blown to shards of ice that sparkled in the sun light.


User has learnt the move = [Icicle Spear 0/10]


If i'm not mistaken this move has a chance of shooting from 2 to 5 icicles each time i use it, i tested my theory by using the move a couple of more times and it seems i always shoot 5 icicles. Ohh it must be because of my third wish! that was an unexpected boon to my abilities.

Well then time to move on to other moves, another one that comes to mind is... i gather some ice energy in my fist and i move closer to a tree and stand a bit wider than i usually would so i can brace for the impact that may happen. And after i'm sure i'm well grounded i trow my fist right towards the tree, and just like that the whole floor and tree trembled because of the impact, not only did the tree almost split in half just by the sheer force of my punch but it also froze the second my fist made contact with it. I took a few steps back to admire the damage and saw that even when i was not using or willing my energy to do anything the ice was spreading by itself like it was alive i guess that might be the [Freezing] status effect taking place on the poor old tree.


User has learnt the move = [Ice Punch 0/10]


Damn progress really feels amazing no matter how big or small, now i wonder... what would happen if i use the energy without giving it a property? I look towards a rock this time because i want the trees to feel fear about who is going to heaven next, i get close to the rock and i draw the energy towards my fist but this time i don't give it the ice property. I pull my arm back and i throw the same punch that i was throwing before but this time the speed is insane! Like the air around my arm is not pushing back at all, just a clean straight punch that has my body weight behind it plus the energy. *SWISH* my arm becomes a blur and i feel it make contact with the unsuspecting rock that suddenly explodes upon contact with my fist...ah so that's how the little dude pulled it off.


User has leant the move = [Mega Punch 1/10]


Oh it seems my previous training made the proficiency go up by 1, wait if this is the result of infusing my energy in my fist then... i look towards a tree and focus some energy on my right leg this time. I do a basic kick stance and bring my leg back while infusing my leg with energy, and i suddenly release it towards the tree. And the results are even more impressive than my [Mega Punch] because the tree got basically disintegrated into little wood splinters.


User has learnt the move = [Mega Kick 0/10]


Ahh i'm definitely going to train my butt off to master all of these haha.

=============================Grim pov:


Ivan_The_Terrible Ivan_The_Terrible

Hello hello~ i’m going to start writing longer chapters so tell me what you think. And also let me know what you guys think about Grim

next chapter
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