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85.71% In Marvel With The Omnitrix / Chapter 6: Chapter 6: A Not So Fantastic Encounter

Capítulo 6: Chapter 6: A Not So Fantastic Encounter


"Huh?, who's that guy?, and why is he in our home." completely missing the point, making sue facepalm. So she had to spell it out for him, "*sigh* No Ben(The Thing) we're not in our home, we're in his home and his name is Omni."

Being confused as to why they're not in their home, started to concentrate on why. He remembered his fight against the villain and then everyone got knocked out except for him, carrying all of them thanks to his strength and almost getting out of there but unfortunately the ground underneath him was ripped apart, making him fall down while still holding his friends. Seeing that he's falling in fast speed, quickly reaching the ground, thinking fast as to how he'll protect them, he used his body to absorb the impact, then everything went Black.

Finally understanding that this person saved him and his family from dying, so he tried to be a bit more respectful to him, "Oh, sorry for not noticing you, I thank you for helping us in our time of need."

He said a bit embarrassed, but getting a nod from him. Then he sat up from his chair, "I'm going to eat, if you guys want anything just ask my AI , and it'll assist you."

Once again a piece of the ground up from under him, making him go upwards towards the ceiling, and the ceiling opened letting him through.

All the while they were confused as to how that happened, both of them thinking, "(WOW, This place is very advanced.)"

With Sue first to come out of daze, "Ben, I think we should stay with our family until they wake up, to know what we're going to do next." calling his name to also wake him up from his daze.

"Huh?, uh yeah sure thing Sue." still being in a bit of a daze.

Both of them went back to the previous room, waiting for the others to wake up...


POV (Fantastic 4)

Regaining his consciousness after waking up from his coma, he started to slowly open his eyes.

His vision being blurry, slowly getting better only to get blinded by the light, closing his eyes to shield off against the light.

Then opening it again, adjusting to the light. And his vision is getting back to normal.

And instantly seeing his family around him talking with each other, wearing a new set of clothes, confused as they went out wearing their hero outfits.

While thinking about that, he starts to have flashes of what has happened that lead them to get to this scenario in the first place, giving him a slight migraine.

Sitting up from his lying position because of it, his family realized he finally woke up. Gathering around him and the first one who talked to him was Sue, "Take it easy Reed."

Putting her hand on his shoulder while she sat down next to Reed on the bed, "Are you feeling okay?". Asking him worried for his health.

Even though she knows the answer to that question as all of them are fine after getting treatment, she couldn't help but worry for him.

"I feel perfectly fine Sue, how about you... all of you. Are all of you guys alright?".

Worried for his family for what could've happened while he was passed out.

"We're fine, of course it's all thanks to Omni who helped when we were in need." Said Sue, giving Omni (their savior) his credit, respect and appreciation.

While also getting the attention of Reed, interested in who he is. He asked, "And who is this Omni fellow?"

Asking that question made everyone a little surprised, as Reed who only cares about his work is now interested in somebody else. Sure he cares about them but they're exceptions as they are a family.

Sue, being a little surprised, took a second to answer, "Ahh. Well I don't personally know anything about him, other than he saved us from our end but I have spoken to him a little, and from what I gathered he seems like a nice person."

Nodding his head, feeling the weight of worry disappear like that weren't there in the first place. Then suddenly The Thing spoke, "By the way stretch, you wouldn't believe how advanced this place is. It's so futuristic."

Hearing that, Reed starts to look around and the only thing he's seeing is a room with multiple beds, his family and one massive door.

Confused as to what Ben was implying at, as there isn't anything futuristic he looked at Ben, The Thing noticing this nodded his head at the door.

Understanding what Ben meant, he started to immediately stand up from his bed, heading towards the door. All of his family started to worry that he'll mess with the other guy(Omni) stuff without his permission.

Opening it he found what caught his attention instantly is inside of the room being the multiple healing champers, looking as Ben said very 'futuristic' but if you asked him, he'll say it looked a bit Alien.

But he could tell from a mile away, that this room he was in is the most advanced room he set his foot on.

Entranced by it, he came closer to it so he can inspect it, but before he could do that sue grabbed him from behind, "Wait Reed, you can't just barge in here like you own the place and do whatever you want and analyze his tech after he saved our lives from death.", Sue trying to reason with Reed.

Turning his towards her, saying. "Come on Sue. If I can know how this thing functions, we could revolutionize the world by just inspecting this machine for a few minutes."

"I understand that Reed, but we can't do that without his permission." Sue half shouted at him, insisting to him to drop it.

As he was to once again argue with her, she gave him the meanest glare she could, stopping from what he was about to do. "Alright, I'll stop." said with a saddened look.

After giving up, all of his family took a breath of relief, somehow stopping but out of the sudden Reeds face lit up.

"Alright how about this?, let's go and ask Omni if we can study his technology and also give us a rundown on how it works." suggesting to his team.

Making Sue sigh of the mental tiredness with dealing with Reed. "Jeez Reed, you don't give up, do you?" said Johnny Storm aka The Human Torch.

"No, he doesn't." sighing but smiling softly to herself.

"But it's one of the reasons why we follow him, even after what happened to us." The Thing said to all of them to hear, smiling a little.

Making the room quiet, while also making the only family in the room to look at each other, appreciating that they are a part of this family.

"alright since it's decided, let's not waste time." Then he (Reed) started to look around the room, trying to find a door other than the one they came from.

But not finding anything, he became confused, so he asked Sue. "Sue, You wouldn't by any chance see in which direction he went?"

"I have actually, me and Ben, he went up." replied to him, then also pointing upwards.

Confusing him even further, he then looked at where she pointed, then back at her his face full of questions, and one of many was of she was being serious.

And with Sue being with him for many years knew exactly what his face meant, she nodded her head at him.

Understanding as to why she nodded her head, he once again asked a question. "How!?" Only able to utter a single word.

"Well it's a bit tricky to explain but I'll do my best to explain." this time the thing answered.

Then after completely telling what happened after they (Sue and The Thing), all of the confusion has left.

Only to be replaced by amazement and fascination.

"Amazing, utterly amazing. To be able to control the density of a metal by only thinking about it, it's genius." Reed said in a quick succession, so fast that no could understand any more.

Stretching his arm to touch the ceiling, feeling it with his hand, while also putting his other hand on his chin. Thinking about how this is possible.

Johnny starting to get bored by all of this, he yelled "Ok we get it's super advanced and all, but can we just go and meet this guy already?".

Making Reed get his head out the gutter and back to reality. "Of course Johnny, but we just need to figure out how to get over to him."

"It's simple Reed, no need to overcomplicate it, we just need to talk to his AI." said to her family.

"And where would we need to go to talk to it?" Johnny questioned, irritated.

"You do not have to go anywhere." suddenly an unknown voice talked to them out of nowhere.

Making everyone in the room surprised, but one of the members of the fantastic four recognized the unknown voice. "Omni?" Sue, trying to find out if it's really him. As the voice sounded like Omni but different in some way but she couldn't put her finger on it.

But his reply isn't what she hoped, "No, I'm not Omni, but rather his personal AI you may call as X, and it's my duty to help Omni in many ways when he orders it."

It said with it sounding like Omni but more robotic.

"Cool, you're like his personal butler." Johnny rudely said to X, making Sue a bit mad.

"Johnny! That isn't a way to talk to other people." Sue yelling at her little brother's behavior.

Making Johnny massively worried, "W-wait big sis, I didn't mean what I said at all. Really!", so he tried to make an excuse to justify his actions, as usual.

And Sue, knowing her little brother, did not buy it at all. "When we get back, you'll be in big trouble."

Hearing that he looked at his other family members, to try and help him out of the mess he caused. But all of them looked away not wanting to get involved in any shape or form.

As Sue will even rip them a new one if they try to side with Johnny, as he was clearly misbehaving.

And he started to yell and be mad at them for leaving him behind like that (in his mind).

Johnny calms down to deal with the other matter at hand, and swearing to prank them later, but he knows he's still in big trouble, tries to make another excuse. "Besides it's only a robot, it doesn't have feelings or anything like that."

Only to make his grave even bigger as so his sister's glare than before. "probably." he said in a weak and defeated voice.

"That's still not an appropriate way to talk to anyone like that even to an AI, You Hear?". Yelling at Johnny.

With Johnny responding with a weak 'Yes'.

she then cleared her throat with a *ahem* then saying.

"So X, if you so kindly bring us to Omni." in a respectful and kind voice, like what happened earlier didn't even happen.

And X without replying, made a piece of the ground underneath them lift up, lifting all of them upwards towards the ceiling. Then the metallic ceiling became liquidy and opened up to make them pass through without a problem, which made Reed amazed at how it all worked.

As they went through multiple floors and levels, at first when they were going upwards they passed multiple floors which looked the same as the one they were previously in, but then they came across a complete white room that seemed infinite in size.

Reed once again mesmerized by the room, and a bit confused as to why this room is used for, he asked X a question. "X, what's this room used for specifically?"

"This room is used for training exercises for many scenarios with interactive artificial environments, against multiple kinds of robots."

"Now This is my kind of room, I can clobber as many robots until I'm satisfied." said The Thing.

"You said it, This place is awesome, even more so than the Baxter building. I'm Sooo gonna live here." Said with his eyes and smile wide open like a kid in a candy store.

Eventually they passed through the Fourth level, and went to the Third level.

And immediately got attacked by the level's smell, as it houses different kinds of vegetables, fruits and animals such as cow's, deer, chicken, fish and so on.

As Sue was the most one impressed by this room, as when they went to outer space everyone had a role and she was in the biological side of it. As she provided them on how to have oxygen, water, food and many other things. But she needed quality goods to make it happen.

And this place is full of it, "(Maybe i should also ask him questions, hopefully he doesn't get mad at me.)" Feeling a bit nervous and not knowing why.

Then they went to the other level (Second level) and the room was full of doors, all having names of sports and places. Not knowing fully as to why. But they continued on.

Then they finally arrived at their desired destination, And what they saw was something they had never seen before in their lives.

The first they couldn't help but notice was on this level that it housed mansions bigger and more beautiful than any other mansion they ever seen, it looked modern, futuristic and homey all at the same time making you to never get bored by looking at it, plus all of the mansions look different but still had the same style to not make you confused with the others.

And all of The mansions are far away from each other, but having a street connecting all of them, and a sidewalk with some grass and flowers. And also for the transportation, all of the mansions have a total of five super cars that can go at high speeds within seconds, and having safety features on this level is that if you were about to hit a car, both of the cars will immediately stop.

Effectively stopping it from happening in the first place.

"Wait a sec, when did we come back to the surface?" asked The Thing as he looked up to notice the sky, clouds and the sun.

His comment made all of his family members confused, only to look up and finally notice what The Thing had noticed.

Reed being the most confused out of all of them.

At first he thought they're on the surface, because he could feel the sun's rays on his skin.

Then he started to calculate in his brilliant mind the speed on the piece of the metal he was standing on, how long it took him to reach this level and from what Sue told him. They were thousands of feet underground, reaching to a conclusion it wasn't possible for them to reach the surface, making him even more confused than previously.

"No, from what Sue and Ben told us and from my estimation we're still thousands of feet underground, so I don't understand how we are still thousands of feet underground yet be on the surface?" with him very agitated at how someone this magnificently brilliant and making all of this went under his radar, scratch that under the world's radar!.

He started to think about all the hypothetical answers that could work in logic.

While Reed was thinking Sue started to walk away from her family, towards a group of flowers with their multitude of flowers. Kneeling down, taking a deep breath, smelling them, smiling at how wonderful they smelled.

Then she swiftly moved on, she stood but still keeping her gaze towards the flowers. "Ok everyone, yes it's all very wonderful and brilliant but we shouldn't get distracted. We still need to meet Omni and get back home."

Saying it in a stern voice, making all of them get out of their daze, setting them back on course.

Making Sue seem like the leader of the family, which made Reed put his hand in front of his mouth while making a fist, "*Cough* Sue's Right, we should continue, X in which house is Omni currently in?" said, with him feeling a bit embarrassed, but can't help himself. As this place is a technological wonder and with him wanting to inspect every spec of this place.

"The one in front of you." referring to the biggest and arguably the prettiest mansion on the level.

Walking towards the front gate, it began to open automatically letting The Fantastic 4 inside the front yard.

"The front door is opened, and you'll find Omni in the main dining hall, you may sit down with him then after exactly 8 minutes and 33 seconds we'll serve the appetizers, hopefully it will be to your taste."

Walking towards the main door of the mansion, finding it open they walked through, "Umm X, where is Omni?" Sue asked not knowing exactly where he's in this enormous place.

"Just walk down the hallway and take the first right, you'll find yourselves at The Dining Hall." Thanking him, they did exactly what X said, and with every step each one took they could feel their emotions grow.





All of these emotions grew with each step they took, "Remember Reed, be very mindful of him, we don't want to be kicked out." Sue said as she put her hand on Reed's shoulder, eventually finding themselves In Front of the door. Reed, calming down his excitement, knocked on the door three times.

"Hello, may we come in?" Reed, trying to be as respectful as possible, because this place isn't your typical headquarters he went through like SHIELD or Tony's place. No, this is way more advanced than any of them, who knows what could happen next.

Then after a few seconds, the door automatically opened, revealing a Hall for dining that could be said to be only for the top of the world to eat in.

The hall is big and wide, Looking modern but it makes anyone feel comfortable and relaxed, and the table is very wide to give people space while eating and also being tall that it can hold 60 people at the same time, 30 at each side.

And Omni who is sitting at the head of the table, sitting comfortably on his chair, waiting for his food, Omni being far away from them, they came closer to him eventually reaching close to him.

"You may sit." Omni told them in a polite way, with a presence that ordered respect.

But let's see how Omni reacted a couple minutes ago.


Change POV (Omni)

A Couple Of Minutes Ago.

"Sir, The group of strangers who are In our base known as The Fantastic Four, are currently making their way towards your current location."

"Well, if they're heading towards me, why not make some food as well, and give the Thing a bigger portion size appropriate to him." He suggested.

"Consider it done, sir."

"Thank you, X." appreciating his AI.

"It's my pleasure, sir."

After X has done talking to Omni and went to do what he's programmed to do, Omni let out a big sigh of exhaustion.

"So now they're coming here, well no matter, but why didn't I just heal them and then put them on the surface afterwards?!"

"Of course, I can't even eat in peace anymore, and it would be rude if I ate by myself in front of them. It doesn't matter if I hate humanity or not, and it also doesn't mean that I should be as evil as them." As Omni started to talk to himself.

If this was Omni at the beginning, he would heal them and throw them outside his base of operations, without batting an eye.

But now it's different, it may be because of Ben Tennyson's body which has a hero's heart, or it may be something else.

It doesn't matter now anyways, it's behind him now.

He then sat in silence, waiting for their arrival, after waiting for a bit he started to hear footsteps, eventually someone knocked at the door, saying "Hello, may we come in?".


The Present.

The Fantastic 4 started looking at each other then nodding their heads to each other and decided two of them shall sit on each side, on the right side of Omni being Reed and Sue, and his left side as you could have guessed being The Thing and Johnny.

A few moments went by with neither party saying anything that made the room deathly quiet, making Reed take the first move, "First off mister Omni, we all are very grateful for what you've done for us, saving us from certain death." he said very seriously.

Omni, in response, lifted his hand then said, "Think nothing of it." putting his hand down again. The room became quiet once again.

Reed this time not knowing what to do,he started to look at Sue pleading her to do something, getting the memo she quickly thought of something.

"How about we introduce ourselves, with all of the things that happened to us we completely forgot. I'll go first. My name is Susan Storm but you may call me Sue, and my hero name is Invisible Girl."

Reed caught on and thankful for her quick thinking, continued. "And my name is Reed Richards, and my hero name is Mister Fantastic."

"And I'm called The Thing. Nice to meet ya"

"And you probably know about me, cause I'm famous but I'm gonna tell anyway, The name is Johnny Storm, The Human Torch." Smirking while also putting his hands behind his head in a relaxed manner.

That made Sue glare at him, noticing it he straightened his back into a proper position, and understanding what it meant in the lines of, 'When we get back home, you're gonna be in even more trouble than before.'

Accepting his fate, the only thought that crossed his mind was, "(Oh boy.)"

Dejected, he lowered his head. After they introduced themselves, Omni said.

"Yeah, I know." embarrassing all of them except Johnny, making him forget he was dejected a seconds ago, smiling even proud that he was right, but his sister gave him an even more dangerous glare than before, putting him back in his dejected state.

"So, are you like a superhero?" The Thing asked, wanting to know about this Omni fellow.


"Then do you have any superpower or something?"

"No." Omni once again replied without any interest, which made an awkward atmosphere in the room.

Reed, feeling the awkwardness in the air, tried to think about something to talk about to get rid of the awkwardness, but couldn't think of anything.

Surprisingly Omni took the initiative and spoke, "How about after a little bit, could I take you guys to the training room?, so I could take some tests to confirm that the healing tubes work as intended." asked in a calm manner.

Hearing what he said, Reed became cautious and curious, thinking about what he said, "Are there some side effects that you didn't anticipate?"

"From my calculations, there should be zero percent probability of there being any on a normal human being, and you guys are in no way normal plus being one of first people to get healed by it, but it should also be zero percent. I'm just being sure, that's all.". He said leaving no room for argument.

Reed, hearing this, looked at his family for their opinions, all nodding their heads, leaving only one obvious answer, "of course, just take it easy on us." said with a small smile on his face.

"I make no promises." said, that lightened up the mood.

"Now that's out of the way, our food should be coming any minute now," said casually.

Sue, hearing the word 'Our' being asked him a question, "Umm, mister Omni--" before she could finish her question, Omni cut her off.

"Call me Omni." Thinking how mister Omni sounded stupid and why would anyone use the word mister before a Superhero nickname.

"Right, Omni... what do you mean when you say 'our food' ?"

"Isn't it obvious? There'll be food for you guys as well."

Making Them Thing and Johnny excited as of what type of food may come out

"Agh, We really don't want to impose. And we're not that hungry either." Caught surprised as well as shocked by his generosity.

Hearing what she said, he countered with "But you haven't eaten anything in the last 24 hours at the least, and even if you don't feel the hunger, your body still needs nutrients."

Defeated she sighed, accepting her defeat she said "We appreciate your hospitality." making Johnny excited.

"Ohhh Yeahhh!, I can't wait." said with excitement evident in his voice.

Omni replayed with a nod.

The room becomes silent, but instead the air of awkwardness has gone, replaced with a calm and relaxed tranquility.

"(Now is a good time to ask him about his technology, and how he exactly made it.)" Reed thought.

He made a fake Cough to get Omni's attention, "Now, Omni if you wouldn't mind if I asked a few questions?" When he asked this question, all of his family members knew exactly what's about to happen.

Johnny rolling his eyes. The Thing making a gruff sound. Sue covered her face with her hand.

Even though they agreed to let him ask him if he could study his technology, it didn't mean it wasn't annoying.

"Could I analyze your technology?" getting straight to the point.

Within a few seconds of silence he replied with a question. "Why?"

Seeing this as his chance, he continued "Well, quite frankly your technology and headquarters are the most advanced thing I've ever seen in my life, I'm sure... no I'm certain that if you let me analyze it, I could make many breakthroughs in all scientific fields."

Hearing what he said, he took it all in, then responded "What you said is true, with my tech you could make all kinds of marvelous machinery that no one had thought possible before, for example planetary travel, low cost robots and whatnot." Omni replied.

"Exactly, it's wonderful you know wher..." Mister Fantastic was saying But Omni once again cut off another member of the Fantastic Four.

"But, my answer is No." he calmly answered.

Mister Fantastic not understanding why he bluntly refused. Omni, seeing this, he continued.

"Seeing the expression on your face, you're probably wondering as to why I refused, correct?"

Reed, nodding his head. "It's because of what comes after, with all the good you could do with studying my technology, The Bad will also come from it, for example weapons with devastating effects that can blow up cities or even an entire country and those weapons will be the size of a baseball."

He said, silencing the room, so he continued. "And eventually people will start to notice this weapon and go after it, then more and more people will want to take it for themselves."

"Millions will die, and it could lead to humanity's extinction as we know it." Omni said with a grim tone.

Informing them of what would come if he analyzed his tech. Thinking he ended the topic, he stopped talking and waited for the food.

"(I may hate humans, but I won't be the one to end it either.)" he thought.

But Reed was more stubborn than he anticipated. "I get what you mean...but, what if you let me analyze only the healing tubes you have." he said

Making Omni look at him, annoyed. But with him wearing a mask, it didn't show.

Reed Sees Omni look at him in silence, waiting for his explanation. "This way, it won't make any power hungry people interested in it, therefore avoiding the problem."

"My answer is still No." he denied once again.

"Why!? with your tech we can heal many people from all over the world, many people who have permanent injury can get cured and finally rest." he insisted, getting up from his comfortable chair, still trying to argue. Having a frown on his face.

But this time Omni didn't respond, he stayed silent, the room having a tense atmosphere.

"Reed, please." Sue, trying to calm Reed down. put her hand on his shoulder.

Reed, seeing this he looked at his other family members, Johnny having an uncomfortable look and The Thing a somber look.

Reed, still not convinced, sat down in silence.

Eventually the food came, even though it didn't take a full minute for the appetizers to come, for the Fantastic Four it felt like an eternity.

Eating a full course meal, tasting like heaven, but with the tense atmosphere made it harder for them to enjoy it.


Location: Training Room.

Level: Four

Coming through from the ceiling, landing on the white ground looking as if they're floating in the middle of nowhere, but still feeling the ground underneath them.

"We'll start with normal robots, that won't be difficult in the least, but strong enough for a warm up." Omni said to the group, while looking at them.

All of which, nodded their heads at, as a form of response.

"Alright, but before I commence, the simulation will be as real as the real world. Remember that."

He said confusing them, as of what he meant.

He then brought forth a holographic keyboard in front of himself, pressing some keys, the white room became the City of New York, with its tall buildings and streets full of parked vehicles.

At first it made the group of heros dazed, calming down the hero's daze became amazement.

"(Let's just use the normal robots with a higher physical characteristics, but not by much.)" He thought, choosing what type of robots for the warm-up.

"Get ready." Omni yelled, getting them out of their amazement.

Getting in battle formations, ready for the battle that's about to commence.

Parts of the ground started to open up, bringing up faceless robots with no defining features to any of them, having a green, black and white color scheme, each one of them will have the same height and body weight.

Seeing the robots, The Thing yelled "It's Clobberin' Time!" at the front, bulldozing through them effortlessly, Sue becoming invisible going somewhere unknown, Reed staying behind, Johnny yelling "Flame On!" engulfing his body with flames, flying through the air, leaving a trail of fire behind him.

With The Thing fighting off multiple robots on the ground by punching, shoulder tackling, grabbing one of the robots heads and then crushing it with his bare hands.

But that didn't mean the robots weren't putting on a fight, with their smart AI they knew they didn't stand a chance against him 1v1 so they fought him in groups, trying to overwhelm him with numbers.

"H-hey, stop that!" starting to feel overwhelmed.

The Thing, trying to find a way out of this situation, getting an idea. He stomped the ground, which made the robots stumble giving him some breathing room.

Getting away from them, finding the nearest car, grabbing it over his head. "Hopefully my plan works." Shouted, as he threw the car at the robots causing a chain reaction which made an explosion.

Filling the air with smoke and scraps of the robots remains.

"Not bad, if I do say so myself." feeling proud of himself.

With Johnny flying through the air, while simultaneously shooting out fire from his hands towards the robots, causing explosions

"Haha, this is so easy, it's not even a warm-up." as he continued attacking from the sky.

The robots adapted, made a group of two, one to distract the human torch while the other group started to climb the buildings on his Blindspot by digging their fingers into the building, giving them leverage to climb on.

And their plan is working perfectly, "Where do you think you're going," seeing a robot running away.

He started to give chase, "What's the matter? Starting to feel the heat." eventually destroying it, he then started to have a celebration by making puns and jokes. But his celebration was cut short, by a robot tackling him in the air.

Normally for Johnny, a singular robot tackling him on the air was barely problematic for him. If anything it was more of an annoyance than a problem.

But this problem grew as in the number of robots, as the number of robots grew and grew, each robot grabbing a different body part or a robot hanging on a different robot, using the weight to drag The Human Torch down, until finally knocking him down from the sky.

Piling up on The Human Torch, drowning him in their numbers, extinguishing his fire. So much so that you couldn't see him anymore.

Suddenly, Johnny was lifted into mid-air, having an invisible force shield around him, with him looking battered. But that didn't mean the robots stopped attacking, on the contrary the robots did everything they could to break through it.

Surprisingly though, one of the robots spontaneously exploded, one after another, devastating the area.

Sue, revealing herself after destroying the robots, having a hand on her hip while the other stretched forwards and a smirk on her face.

"Thanks Sue." Johnny thanked his sister, with tiredness obvious in his voice.

"Just how much do I have to save you until you learn your lesson?" said in a scolding manner.

"But when you guys are with me, there's nothing to worry about." said with a carefree tone.

"Well it won't always be that way, the earlier you learn that the better." Sue said, trying to make him learn this lesson.

And all he said was "Yeah yeah." becoming uninterested about the topic.

Sue, sighing in annoyance. "(What I'm going to do with this boy?)" worried for her brother.

All of a sudden, Johnny yelled at his sister "Watch out sis!, Behind You!" panic evident in his voice. While turning on fire.

Quickly turning around, seeing a robot right in front of her, closing her eyes, anticipating to be hit and hurt, after a few seconds but not feeling any pain, She opened her eyes.

Seeing the robot that was about to hit her, trapped underneath Mister Fantastic's stretchy body.

"Are you alright, Sue?" Reed said, concerned about her health.

Sue, feeling happy as Reed is worried for health, she said "Yeah, I'm alright." assuring him. Both of them were staring at each other's eyes.

"Well, that's good..."

Reed being the first break out of it. And then coughing.

Remembering that there's a robot, crushing it by squeezing, shutting it down for good.

"Well, that wraps things up." Johnny jokes, with Sue and Reed just staring at him in silence.

"You know, with how Reed wrapped around the robot." Trying to explain his joke to them, but they stayed quiet.

"O-oh, how about this one?, I guess that robot just couldn't handle the pressure." After saying this, Sue and Reed looked at each other.


Johnny asked, both of them then looked at him, answering his question with them shaking their heads. Obviously answering with a No.

"Alright, I'll stop." giving up, becoming a bit saddened.

After finishing up, X suddenly said "Nice work gentlemen and lady. Omni is currently waiting for you at the same place you were at, at the start of the simulation." informing them.


All of The Fantastic Four, walking towards Omni who has not moved from an inch since the start of the simulation, and is currently looking towards a holographic screen then started to type on the holographic keyboard.

"Dude, just how many robots do you have? there's an entire army of them!" Johnny said, astounded as this was the biggest amount of robots he has seen in one place. Even more than Dr.Doom he thought.

Omni, not replying at Johnny said but he continued typing at the holographic keyboard, making Johnny *sigh* for being ignored.

[Tests Results...

Physical anomalies: None detected.

Physical status: Healthy.

Mental status: Healthy.

DNA mutations: Damage Detected.]

Reading the results, "(Everything seems alright, everyone's healthy and well, it also seems that that DNA mutation is the source of their power. It does make since they were hit by a cosmic storm when they went to outer space.)"

Getting rid of the holographic interface, Then he said "Ok good news, it seems that there's not any side effects.", he stated.

Bringing smiles to The Fantastic Four. They started to hug each other in happiness.

"(Now the problem is how could I get them to New York, I can get them on a teleporter and get them there instantly, but by doing that it'll reveal the location of one of my teleporters, it'll be a pain if I have to relocate it somewhere else.)" He thought annoyed at the problem at hand.

"(No choice but to get them to travel on one of my ships. Ugh, what a pain.)" accepting his fate, wanting to get it over and done with as quickly as possible.

Looking at their location, still seeing them hugging each other. "Must be nice..." he said unconsciously in a low tone voice.




Waiting for them to stop hugging, but it doesn't look like it will be anytime soon, so he interrupted them...

"Ok, since that's out of the way, let's--" said, getting them out of the group hug, and started paying attention to him.

"Wait, before that..." Sue, this time cutting him off mid sentence.

"All of us would like to thank you once more for saving us from death," Sue said.

"And don't forget about the food, it's the best meal I've ever eaten. Even though it was a bit awkward at the beginning." Johnny said and joked.

"For caring enough to check up on us, even though you didn't have to." The Thing said in a kind tone.

"And for protecting my family when I was knocked out, incapable of helping. I truly can not thank you enough." said Reed Richards, his voice full of respect.

And Omni is just standing there, it's as if he's rooted into the ground, just staring at them.

Of course with him having a mask on his face, nobody can see the expression on his face. After a few seconds he said "Yeah, don't worry about it." not really acknowledging their appreciation that they showed. But they detected that his voice became a little bit softer, bringing them a smile on their faces as he just swiftly moved on.

"X, bring me the Proto-TRUK, the latest model to be precise." ordered as his voice became stern as usual.

"Right away, sir." complying with the order without any issue.

After a little bit of time, the ground in front of Omni Opened up making the fantastic four wait in anticipation, finally letting the vehicle come up and reveal itself to be a... normal truck. With a green, black and white color scheme.

As all of them Felt underwhelmed, especially Johnny as he's the most enthusiast about cars, they thought that it would be the most advanced vehicle they would ever see... But all of it went down the drain.

"Uhmm, I don't know what I was expecting, but it wasn't this." Johnny said what was in his mind that could cause to be in trouble by Sue, but this time she couldn't help but agree.

Then a robot came to Omni, handing him the key to the vehicle. Omni pressing a button on it, making the Proto-TRUK *beep* twice in response.

After the second *beep* it suddenly started to transform itself into a different type of a vehicle.

The sides of the Truck coming out upwards transforming itself into wings, the wheels disappearing upwards tucking itself inside the truck making the vehicle stand without any wheels, with the head of it also disappearing but this time downwards making it look like a full glass outerior.

Putting shocked faces onto The Fantastic Four, making both Reed and Johnny excited and full of questions about the vehicle.

As Reed was about to ask a question, but to his dismay Johnny beat him to it, surprising his hero team, as he's by far the laziest one in the family "Dude that's sick! how did you even build something this Awesome!?"

Omni, turning around facing him then opening his hand to make a holographic 3d image of the device. "It's called a nano-shift transformer, with this it can essentially transform any vehicle that it can attach itself onto to a spaceship at will."

Omni explained, impressing them at how it worked, "Dude that's awesome, can I get me one of those, with it all the girls in the world will wish to become my girlfriend!" he said, then getting smacked on the back of his head by Susan.

"Ow, what was that for?!" putting his hand behind his head, to rub the pain away while he asked in annoyance, but was met once more with an angry glare from Sue. Shutting him up.

Omni having enough of this, completely ruining the moment "This is fun and all, but let's get out of here. The Thing as you're the largest member, you'll sit in the back, as it's the only place on the vehicle that you can fit on." he said with his usual stern voice but they could hear some annoyance in his voice, making them feel sorry and bad.

After one has taken their seats, Omni, Reed, Sue and Johnny obviously being on the front-seats as there are no back-seats, and The Thing is sitting on the floor, being inside the cargo area.

Omni, starting the engine by putting his hand on the wheel and a camera coming out of nowhere that started to scan his entire body. "Confirmed, Welcome Omni to the Proto-TRUK." and he replied with a nod.

"Get ready, we're ready for take off." Said Omni, making them get ready.

The Proto-TRUK started to hover away from the ground, then shifted the vehicle upwards towards the white ceiling. "X, give us an exit."

X, Doing what he was ordered without replying, opening a hole large enough for the Proto-TRUK to go through.

Slamming his foot on the accelerator with speed never achieved before on a vehicle or any jet and with more mobility than any other vehicle, that you can drive with ease.

As he's driving with immense speed, you would expect it to be a bumpy ride but it's actually very smooth, like you weren't at top speeds at all, and it's so fast that no human eye can keep up with it.

Omni then flew out of his headquarters, making the blue sky and bright sun visible.

But oddly The Fantastic Four barely felt absent after seeing it, but they did smile after seeing it either way. But it does come to show that Omni's headquarters is a one of a kind experience for anybody.


After A Few Minutes

New York, the city of the unordinary and the extraordinary. And now the heros riding the Proto-TRUK can see the entire city with all its glory high up in the sky, and Reed being very impressed at how fast this vehicle is, yet be smooth and comfortable when driving.

"Ohhh yeah!, we're back in New York! And we're also bringing the coolest guy ever with us." Johnny is happy to be back in his home city.

Sue then voiced out a question that concerned her, "Wouldn't it attract a lot of attention when suddenly a flying vehicle flew into one of the most populated cities in the entire world?" She worried about Omni, not wanting to bring him even more trouble.

"Do not worry, my vehicle has the best cloaking tech, nothing on the planet could detect it. Not even S.H.I.E.L.D or Stark." reassuring them that no trouble will befall him.

Sue, nodding her head in reassurance, but still felt bad with all the trouble they caused.

Now flying above the city, Omni looked in all directions, trying to find the Baxter building, while trying to do so an explosion erupted.


Getting all of their attention as they heard, saw and felt it go off, filling the air with smoke as The Thing was the first person to speak after it went off "What the hell was that?" not particularly asking someone.

Upon closer examination the explosion had happened in one of the skyscrapers, but it wasn't just any skyscraper, it was... "Hey! Isn't That Our Home?!" Johnny yelled out, worried and angry about what had just happened.

Then after Reed caught his thoughts, he spoke "Omni, please hurry there are definitely people in trouble!'' he spoke quickly but clearly. With him being very worried for the people who live close to them.

Omni doing what he's without outwardly complaining as he thought why he even came and of course why wouldn't there be an incident that would happen at the first minute he came into the city.

Flying towards the area of the explosion and Omni finding an alleyway devoid of any people then landing on it. The Fantastic Four quickly getting out out of the truck, they sprinted(minus Johnny who flew there) towards the skyscraper but what they found wasn't pleasant in the least, located Infront of the Baxter building they found the streets filled with worried people, civilians trying to run away, trying to get as far away as possible. people tripping and falling down, while the others ignore them leaving them behind not even paying to them. As Omni watches all of this happen only thinking of them as selfish and greedy humans who are not worth the trouble, making him think as to why he's even here to begin with.

"Is Everyone Alright? Does Anyone Need Medical Attention?" Sue yelled, trying to help anyone who needed help. Unfortunately her screams fell in deaf ears, as nobody paid attention to her.

Eventually the area was deserted, devoid of any people, then The Human Torch landed next to them saying "I've searched the area and there wasn't anybody in sight who could've caused the explosion."

"That's weird, if that's the case then it seems that the explosion happened by accident." Reed analyzed while putting his hand on his chin.

While Reed was doing what he usually(mostly) does, Omni noticed a humanoid figure falling a couple of feet Infront of them, but before he landed the Omnitrix suddenly spoke "New life identified. Begging acquisition, acquisition complete.'' The Omnitrix then acquired some new DNA. As Omni completely forgot about this mode.

Finally, the humanoid figure landed on the street making cracks on the ground, as some rubble flew in the air and smoke covered the person who landed.

Then Omni suddenly heard a voice that was quiet as a whisper. As soon as the unknown person landed on the ground, he focused more on the voice, trying to hear it more clearly, fortunately the voice was becoming louder and louder. Omni started to enter a trance state.

Then the smoke started to disappear, revealing the person in question, the first you realize is that he has green skin, Large pointed ears, furrowed chin and wearing a black and purple outfit.

"A Skrull? What's one doing here?" Reed questioned.

"I don't know, but what I do know is that he's here for trouble." The Thing said. Getting ready for a fight.

"Attention Fantastic Four, My name is Kl'rt and I've come on the behalf of the queen to come to this planet and conquer this world for the Skrull empire. Give up and humanity won't go extinct." The Skrull known as Kl'rt ordered in a threateningly yet condescending tone.

"The only thing you're getting is some bruises. You green skinned weirdo!" The Thing yelled out, as he ran forward towards the elf eared alien.

Charging at Kl'rt attending to clobber him till next Tuesday, Kl'rt standing still not moving a finger, but before The Thing could even get close to him, the green skinned alien vanished.

Making The Thing yelp in surprise "Where did he go?" he said while looking around trying to find him.

Sue then yelled in concern "Watch your back!" the Thing turned around to see a rocky fist with the rocks having the same color as his body. Hitting square on his face, flying him in the sky, crashing him through a building that made a large hole and rubble made of rocks fly out. Shocking the rest of them(Minus Omni), and the Skrull didn't look impressed.

"And we've got all of your powers." Kl'rt said.

Johnny gets out his shocked state, yelling Flame On, flying through the sky as a blaze of fire, as he shoots fireballs towards the enemy but the fireballs hit an invisible wall stopping them from hitting Kl'rt. Johnny was shocked at what happened.

Kl'rt, pointing his arm towards The Human Torch with an open hand, creating an invisible barrier that has a bubble shape with Johnny inside of it, closing off his oxygen. Snuffing him out.

"Two down, Two to go."

"Johnny!" Sue yelled worriedly.

Her worriedness became anger, focusing it solely on the super Skrull, but Kl'rt still having a neutral look. Not even acknowledging it.

Sue then attacked her enemy, by using her force shields as shock waves, the Skrull reacted by making his own shield, protecting him from the attack. He smirked seeing the hate in her eyes, being satisfied by it.

He then encased his body with fire, flying towards Invisible girl at high speeds turning his hand into orange colored rock, Sue seeing made her own shield, protecting herself, Reed and Omni. Kl'rt swinging his arm at her with full force making a *BOOM* sound.

The shield held up, successfully protecting them from harm. Then a couple drops of blood hit the ground making *DRIP* *DRIP sound that could clearly be heard from her allies and enemy.

Sue clearly was in alot of pain, as seen on her face, but still kept her hate expression on her face. Not caring about the bleeding from her nose.

The Skrull smirking at her condition, as he's savoring the moment.

Bringing his arm back, readying it for another punch with The Thing for strength and durability and Human Torch for speed and high temperature.

Swinging once more unfortunately broke the shield that was not durable enough to protect her from the second hit.

Having a massive headache that made her have a nosebleed and after Kl'rt destroyed the shield the pain has spiked. So much so it made her unconscious.

Making Reed yell out in worry, grabbing her before she could hit the ground, holding her gently as he checked up on her.

Reed then looked at Omni as his only hope, but when he stared at him, Omni was standing still, not moving an inch since the villain landed on the ground.

The Super Skrull then looked in the direction of where Mister Fantastic was looking, finally seeing that there's someone else other than The Fantastic Four. Not expecting that there's another person here, but he didn't acknowledge him as a threat. "I did not expect someone else to be here, but since you're already here, I'll make an example out of you. So no other human will dare to resist against the Skrull Empire."

Kl'rt said as he walked past Invisible Girl and Mister Fantastic, Reed was about to get up and attack the Super Skrull, knowing that he doesn't have a chance, but he couldn't just stay still when the Skrull was about to attack the one who saved them. But surprisingly Omni lifted his arm up. Signaling him to stop from what he was about to.

The Skrull seeing this smiled, thinking that the human Infront of him gave up, making his way to him, just a couple of inches apart from each other. "I'm surprised that there are human who understand their worth." Kl'rt said mockingly, right Infront of Omni's face.

Then a brilliant flash of green that caused both the Super Skrull and Reed to be momentarily blinded. The Super Skrull then took a couple of steps backwards. Omni's body started to morph, growing bigger and stronger! with his skin turning red! and a pair of arms that grew out of body! directly below the first pair.

As the light faded, both Kl'rt and Mister Fantastic regained their sight, but what they saw wasn't what neither of them expected. It also shocked them to their core, as the figure of Omni is no more.

With him growing in height approximately 16 feet tall and having well-developed muscles, two pairs of four-fingered arms, and red skin. A black stripe goes from his chin to his lower lip, and he has four eyes: a main pair and a smaller pair below them, while he lacks ears or nose. He has whisker-like spikes on each forearm.

With him also wearing a gold wrist and ankle bands, a pair of black pants that has a gold waistband, as well as two golden sashes that went across his chest. His eyes were colored green, and he had a black ponytail, with the Omnitrix located in the middle of his chest.

(Four arms appearance is similar to the Heroes United version, but without the tattoos)

"Four Arms!" his voice becoming a growling rasp. Shocking both of them

The now named Four arms taking his chance as Kl'rt too shocked to even react.

He charged forward, preparing his punch while doing so, punching him with so much force that it could tear steel with ease.

It also made a *BOOM* that could be heard from miles away.

Making Kl'rt crash through multiple buildings and walls.

Reed was shocked, his eyes almost coming out from his sockets thinking how this is possible.

Kl'rt getting up from the ground with pain that made him involuntary groan. Shaking it off, him becoming pissed at the person who did this to him.

"Aww, don't tell me you're giving up already, I've barely started." Said a shrill raspy voice unfamiliar to him.

Looking at the direction of the voice, a creature that resembles a semi-armored Velociraptor. He has black orbs on his feet, a black tail with four blue stripes, and bulky claws on his 3 fingers that can only open and close. He wears a black cone-like helmet with a protective visor that slides over his face.

When the visor is lifted, one can see his blue face, green eyes, black lips, and stripes running under and in between his eyes and wears a black bodysuit and turtleneck-like shirt with a green stripe on the center.

Not recognizing the creature, he saw the Omnitrix on his chest, being the same as the four armed creature.

"You are a Shapeshifter!" his eyes becoming blood red.

"You got it in your first try, congratulations Skrull scum!" Xlr8 said, mocking him.

Making him even more angry than before, him just wanting to rip into shreds.

Stretching both his arms that are made of rocks and fire at Xlr8, but it completely missed him as Xlr8 used his enhanced speed to easily dodge it.

Then he appeared behind him "What are you trying to hit?" Kl'rt turned around quickly while swinging his arm. Trying to hit him.

The only thing he hit was air, "Woah, is there a fly? it seems like it's bothering you" once again reappearing right behind him.

Kl'rt looked behind him, but he didn't see the owner of the annoying voice. "Oh yeah! I haven't introduced myself, my name is Xlr8." he said as he kept popping up from behind, as the same thing is happening multiple times, annoying the Super Skrull to no end.

Xlr8 then sped even more at Kl'rt, slamming his body at him, destroying the ground upon the force of the impact and creating a cloud of smoke.

Then the body of Kl'rt flew out of it, skipping on the ground and finally hitting a wall that stopped him dead in his tracks.

Groaning In pain, then he heard a *BURP*, a second later and a green ball exploded in his face.

The one who caused it looked like a vaguely humanoid amoeba-like creature with green skin, six sprout-like growths on the back of his head, a dark-green patch of skin on his head, light-green skin on his face and belly and a crooked teeth overbite. He has whisker-like lines on his face, and a green tail.

Perk Upchuck had green eyes and wore a black open-front suit with white over-sleeves and white bands around his legs and white padding under his three-toed feet. He wore The Omnitrix symbol on his left hand.

"Whoops, did I spit on your face?" said the new creature.

"The name's Upchuck, please. Take this as a form of compensation!" as fired an energy ball from his mouth upon release it made *BURP* sound.

Kl'rt reacted by creating an invisible shield, protecting him from the attack. He then put his fingers through the ground, getting a big chunk of the floor as he threw at Upchuck. Surprisingly, Upchuck opened his mouth releasing four prehensile tongues to grab the chunk of rocks. Then he ate all of it at once.

Kl'rt showed a surprised expression, as he had never seen something like this in his life.

After Upchuck ate the chunk of rocks his stomach began to glow green "Thanks for the snack, you really shouldn't have done it." he said smiling.

*BURP*X3 firing three energy balls at the super Skrull, destroying his invisible barrier, Kl'rt decided to attack instead of defending, firing a torrent of flames. But once again he ate them like it was nothing, as the Super Skrull couldn't believe this was happening.

Upchuck used his tongues to grab Kl'rt, picking him from the ground and he started spinning around, he then threw hard onto the ground.

His eyes closed as he's in a lot of pain, he then heard the same sound when he transforms, opening his eyes slightly. What he saw made him open his eyes fully in worry.

What he saw was Four arms dropping at him from high up in the air, at ridiculous speeds "nighty night!" as that was the last thing he heard before everything turned to black.


POV: Reed

As he was still laying down, doing everything he can to check on Sue and Johnny, making sure they're okay. He then heard footsteps, turning his head towards it only to see his friend The Thing.

The Thing getting beside Reed, he asked in worry "Are they alright?"

"They're fine, a couple days of rest and they will be back at full health." Reed said, lifting off the worry of The Thing.

Reed then asked in concern "Are you alright?"

"Yeah, I'm alright. He just took me by surprise, that's all." The Thing answered nonchalantly.

Then his eyes became furious at the person who caused all of this "Just tell me where he'd gone off to, and I'll make him regret it!"

Before Reed could respond to him, both of them heard heavy footsteps, all of them getting ready for a fight. This person being familiar to one of them and the other being unfamiliar to the other person.

This being a 16 feet, two armed with red skin, easily towering over both of them, as he also was holding up Kl'rt.

The Super Skrull is currently unconscious, dropping him on the floor with little to no care at all. Seeing this Reed relaxed while The Thing was still being on the defensive.

Four arms, seeing this he then pressed the green hourglass symbol on his chest that made a green flash. Reverting Omni to his human form, making The Thing fully open his mouth in shock.

"Yeah, I know." Omni said, pulling The Thing out of his shock.

"Now that you heroes have everything under control, I'm going back to my headquarters." he said, ignoring their shouts as he just disappeared in a flash of green.




. . . "What the hell just happened?" confused as to what happened. Getting a shrug from Reed, as he didn't even know.

But this whole thing was recorded by security cameras that were located in multiple locations.

Putting Omni into people's radar, as they won't stop till they know exactly who this person is...


POV: Omni

Location: Omni Headquarters

Omni teleports himself and his ship back into his base, feeling mentally exhausted as this was the first time in months since he talked to people.

Only wanting to get into his bed and watch something on TV while eating at the time.

"X, prepare some food." he said, tired.

"Immediately sir."

"Hopefully I don't need to save some heroes."

Then a voice sounded in his head "{Why though? you have power that could save millions of people.}"

"You know, even though I liked you as a character, you'll be very annoying... Ben Tennyson."



Finally I've finished this chapter, it has taken months to type and think of what I should do in this chapter, and how I could progress the story, and a way to make more of a hero.

As he's not a hero or an anti-hero, he's just a guy who has the power of the Omnitrix.

Hopefully you guys enjoyed this chapter, and please give some feedback, tell me if there's something I could approve upon and could do better.

It makes my day better.

And I'll see guys later.


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