"So then comes the final problem, the royal lineage your younger brother presently sits as king, he's been led to believe you'll take over which isn't surprising, mixed with the loss of your ring the king probably cannot access the royal treasury any longer which is also putting enormous strain on him as it's like his own castle is telling him he doesn't deserve to be king." <Julius>
"Ah yes... the ring" <Yuri>
clasping her hands together and she rubbed the finger which thanks to Julius had regrown but the feeling of loss at having severed it once before to be rid of the imperial ring still remained a fresh trauma in her mind.
"So we have a few different ways we can do this, but the one you want is obviously going to be the one with the least amount of bloodshed yes?" <Julius>
"That goes without saying" <Yuri>
"So with that being said here's the plan..." <Julius>
* * Roserun Kingdom POV * *
"Your Majesty!" <Noble>