Julius awoke the following morning, well rested the rigors of the previous day had barely taken their toll on him.
Even the strongest of his opponents the other day was just barely a 90 which for someone such as himself who could become a triple digit power level at a moments notice was merely childs play.
He also got to test out his latest combat skill it was Vesta's Flame, Vesta being the evolution of Goddess Hestia from the Greek's own faith, this flame was a sacred flame one guarding the home hearth and providing warmth to it's inhabitants however with his new skills Vesta's flame could be used in mulitple ways beyond just providing warmth.
By converting the flames into something tangible Julius had created a flame whip one which seared the very soul unleashing the goddess's wrath against those who'd trample on family life, and the sanctity of peace.
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