The long staircase leading up to the Royal palace was certainly a long walk to take.
Our ascending small army was determined and focuses but every now and again they could be seen turning their heads to gaze round at the illuminated city as fires began to spread while the chaos deepened.
"The means justify the ends?" <Serena>
"Can we really say that here? Sure a revolt has happened but it would have even if we weren't here, you saw that for yourself, Rashok and his men went to far, their coup could've been a blessing if they rallied the common people behind their banner, but instead they took advantage of and terrorized them till this became their only choice other than to just lay down and die." <Julius>
"Mmmm i just wish my father could've been one of those people who got to live to see what is to come." <Serena>
"Well he is still watching so you'll just have to show him yourself what it is you want him to see." <Julius>