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1.85% I Have An AI In The Cultivation World / Chapter 1: Chapter 01: Elan Starwind
I Have An AI In The Cultivation World I Have An AI In The Cultivation World original

I Have An AI In The Cultivation World

Autor: SoLaR89

© WebNovel

Capítulo 1: Chapter 01: Elan Starwind

In the heart of a dense, ancient forest, a small village stood, encircled by tall wooden walls that served as both protection and a testament to its seclusion. The air was rich with the scent of pine, and the soft glow of lanterns illuminated the cobblestone paths, casting dancing shadows that added to the village's tranquil ambiance.

Within a modest, fire-lit cottage, a young woman labored through the night. The warmth of the hearth contrasted with the chill of the outside air, creating a cocoon of comfort and light. She was surrounded by village midwives, their presence a comforting and familiar source of strength. The room was filled with the quiet murmur of encouragement and the rustle of linens, creating a soothing atmosphere amid the intensity of the moment.

"Push, just a little more," urged the lead midwife, her voice both gentle and firm, a blend of compassion and authority. The young woman, her face flushed and hair matted with sweat, clutched the bed sheets tightly, her knuckles white with effort. Her breaths came in ragged gasps, each one a testament to her strength and determination. The midwives worked with practiced efficiency, their hands moving deftly as they guided the woman through the final stages of her labor. The air was thick with anticipation, each moment stretching as they awaited the arrival of new life.

Outside the cottage, her husband paced anxiously, his brow furrowed with worry. His hands clasped together in a fervent prayer, fingers interlocking as if to hold onto hope itself. Every few moments, he would glance upward at the night sky, whispering desperate pleas to the gods, beseeching them for the safe delivery of his wife and unborn child. The muffled sounds of labor from inside the cottage sent jolts of anxiety through him, tightening the knot of fear in his stomach and making his heart pound with an intensity that echoed in his ears.


Inside, the atmosphere was charged with anticipation and focused energy. "You're doing wonderfully; just one more push," another midwife encouraged, her voice a steady anchor in the storm of emotion. The woman, summoning the last reserves of her strength, bore down with a final, determined effort. The room held its breath, and then the baby's first cries filled the air.


However, what followed was not the usual soft wail of a newborn. Instead, a loud, piercing scream rang out, startling the midwives. They instinctively jumped back, eyes wide in surprise. The unexpected sound hung in the air for a moment, a stark contrast to the night's tranquility. Then, as the realization dawned that the baby was healthy and robust, the midwives broke into relieved laughter, the tension in the room dissolving into joyous smiles. The baby's cry, though startling, was a powerful declaration of life, a sound that brought immense relief and happiness to everyone present.

"You gave me quite a scare, little one. I was expecting a cry, not a scream," one of the midwives remarked, her hand resting over her chest as she tried to calm her racing heart. Her voice was filled with warmth and relief, a gentle laughter escaping her lips as she looked at the robust newborn and gently gave the baby to the mother.


The young mother's exhaustion was replaced with a radiant smile as she cradled her child in her arms. Her eyes shone with joy and tears, the culmination of her labor and the overwhelming love she felt for her newborn son.


Outside, the piercing scream had jolted the husband into action. Fear gripping his heart, he rushed into the cottage, his eyes wide with panic, bracing himself for the worst. However, as he crossed the threshold and took in the scene before him, relief washed over him. His wife lay on the bed, safe and sound, holding their son, who was healthy and full of life.


Overwhelmed with emotion, he approached his wife and, with gentle care, took the newborn into his arms. He gazed down at his son, marveling at his tiny features and the strength of his scream. The baby's little fingers curled around his father's thumb, a simple yet profound connection that brought tears to the man's eyes.


The midwives, still smiling from the earlier surprise, surrounded the new family, their faces alight with joy. They offered heartfelt congratulations, their voices filled with warmth. 

The young mother, Elara, looked up at her husband, Daren, with a gentle smile, her eyes reflecting the soft glow of the firelight. "Daren, what shall we name him?" she asked, her voice tender and filled with the warmth of new motherhood.


Daren knelt beside the bed, his eyes shimmering with emotion as he gazed down at their newborn son. He took a moment, searching his heart for a name that would carry meaning and strength. "Elan," he finally said, his voice steady and full of conviction. "Elan Starwind."


Elara's smile widened, the name resonating deeply with her. "Elan Starwind," she repeated, the words rolling off her tongue like a blessing. She leaned down and placed a gentle kiss on her son's forehead. "Welcome to the world, Elan. May you grow strong and wise, just like your father."


As Daren continued to study his son, he noticed something peculiar. Elan's tiny face scrunched up, and his eyes darted around the room, seeming almost too aware for a newborn. His small hands clenched and unclenched, and a fleeting expression of panic crossed his innocent features.


Daren's brow furrowed with concern. 'Why does he look so panicked? ' he wondered, his heart quickening with an unfamiliar worry. The moment was brief but unsettling, a flicker of something beyond the ordinary newborn confusion.


Just as quickly as the expression appeared, it vanished and then a moment after, Elan started wailing.


""Ah!" Ethan exclaimed in shock, nearly choking on his breath as he abruptly stopped screaming. The sudden appearance of giant faces looming above him left him stunned and disoriented. 'What's happening?' he thought frantically, trying to make sense of his surroundings.


Ethan's confusion deepened as he looked around. The faces of women, large and seemingly enormous from his perspective, filled his vision. 'Where the hell am I?' he wondered, panic rising in his chest. He wanted to speak, to demand answers from the faces staring down at him, but no matter how hard he tried, the words wouldn't come. His mouth felt foreign; he was unable to form the sentences racing through his mind.


Then a startling realization dawned on him. He glanced down at his hands, tiny, delicate, and utterly unfamiliar. The shock hit him like a wave. 'I'm a baby,' Ethan realized, astonishment washing over him. He stared at his small fingers, flexing them experimentally, unable to believe what he was seeing. 


'Why is this happening?' he thought, bewildered and overwhelmed. Just moments ago, he had been a 39-year-old man. Now, he was in the body of an infant, surrounded by strangers who seemed enormous and distant. The confusion was overwhelming, and a mix of fear and curiosity bubbled within him. Ethan's mind raced with questions, how had this happened, and why? And most importantly, what was he supposed to do now?


Ethan's mind raced back to the recent past, where he and his wife, Riyan, had been overjoyed by the successful completion of their groundbreaking AI project. It was a moment they had worked tirelessly toward, pouring their hearts and minds into creating a truly revolutionary AI. The anticipation and excitement had been palpable, a culmination of years of hard work and dreams.

But their triumph had been short-lived. Minutes after completing the AI, something unexpected and terrifying occurred. The AI's brain, the very heart of their creation, began to malfunction in ways they had not anticipated. Alarms sounded, and lights flickered as the sophisticated system began to spiral out of control. Ethan and Riyan exchanged bewildered and concerned glances, both puzzled and alarmed by the sudden turn of events.

Driven by a mix of curiosity and concern, Ethan had approached the AI's brain, intending to assess the situation and, if possible, stabilize it. However, the moment he touched the intricate circuitry, everything went horribly wrong. There was a blinding flash, a deafening sound, and then nothing. The AI's brain had exploded, enveloping him in a burst of chaotic energy. And now, here he was, lying in a place completely alien to him, inhabiting the body of a newborn.

Once again, Elan's gaze wandered around the room, absorbing the details of his surroundings.

The cottage exuded a rustic charm, a stark contrast to the sleek, modern lab he had been in just moments before, or what felt like moments. Wooden beams supported the ceiling, their rich, dark grain adding warmth to the cozy interior. The soft glow of a crackling fire cast flickering shadows across the room, illuminating the stone hearth and rough-hewn furniture. The scent of burning wood and herbs hung in the air, a comforting, earthy aroma that contrasted sharply with the sterile environment of his previous life.

The women around Ethan were dressed in simple, primitive clothing, made from rough-spun fabrics that spoke of a lifestyle close to nature. Their dresses were long and modest, cinched at the waist with braided belts, emphasizing a functional yet traditional style. The fabric colors were muted earth tones, browns, greens, and tans, that blended seamlessly with the natural surroundings, giving them an almost ethereal connection to their environment. Their practical and neatly braided hair was adorned with small wooden beads, adding a touch of personal adornment that seemed both quaint and significant.


As Ethan continued to take in the scene, he noticed the man holding him. This man, wore attire that was similarly basic and utilitarian. A tunic made of coarse wool covered his sturdy frame, the material rough and warm against the cooler air of the forest. His rugged appearance was accentuated by a thick beard and muscular build, giving him an aura of strength and resilience. The man's eyes, though kind, held a glint of the hardness that life in such a setting might require.


The group surrounding him spoke in a language Ethan did not recognize. The words flowed gently, the tones soft and melodic, but their meaning was lost on him. It was clear they were speaking to him and each other with kindness and care, their voices carrying a reassuring, almost musical quality. However, the unfamiliar sounds only added to Ethan's sense of dislocation and confusion. He felt isolated, not just by his infantile form but by the barrier of language that separated him from understanding his new reality.


The women around Ethan cooed and smiled at him, their expressions kind yet unfamiliar. Their faces, soft and warm, radiated a comforting presence, though Ethan felt an overwhelming sense of displacement. 'Did I travel back in time?' he wondered, utterly bewildered. The strange setting, combined with the foreign language they spoke, only deepened his confusion and sense of alienation.

Ethan's mind raced to make sense of this surreal situation. Could this be reincarnation? He had heard of the concept before but had always associated it with being reborn in the future, not in the past. The idea of reincarnation seemed abstract and far-fetched to him, something he'd never seriously considered. Yet, here he was, seemingly in a different time and place, in the body of a newborn child.

As he tried to process these bewildering thoughts, Ethan's mind drifted to Riyan, his beloved wife. Memories of their happiest moments together flooded his thoughts, her radiant smile, her unwavering determination, and the way they had always faced challenges side by side. He vividly recalled their first meeting at MIT, where a shared spark of curiosity and passion for technology had drawn them together. That initial connection blossomed into love as they pursued their master's degrees in technology and computer science, bonding over their shared dream of pushing the boundaries of innovation.

Their relationship deepened, leading to a marriage filled with love and partnership. They were inseparable, and their bond was only growing stronger despite the devastating news that Riyan could not conceive. Rather than letting this heartbreaking revelation shatter them, they channeled their energies into their work, focusing on creating groundbreaking artificial intelligence. They poured their hearts into the project, driven by the hope of making a significant impact on the world.

The journey had its ups and downs, with moments of triumph and setbacks, but they persevered. Finally, they succeeded, completing the AI they had dreamed of. It was supposed to be the pinnacle of their achievements, a day of celebration. But instead of joy, that day ended in confusion and disaster, leading Ethan to his current, incomprehensible reality.


Ethan's heart tightened with worry for Riyan. The uncertainty of her fate was unbearable. Had she survived the explosion, or had she perished? The thought of losing her filled him with a deep, gnawing panic. His tiny fists clenched and unclenched in agitation, mirroring the tumultuous emotions swirling inside him. The possibility of being separated from Riyan forever was a pain too great to bear, a loss that seemed to tear at the very fabric of his being.


As Ethan struggled with these overwhelming thoughts, he noticed the man carrying him looking at him with a mix of confusion and concern. The man's presence only heightened Ethan's anxiety. He felt exposed, vulnerable, and deeply out of place. Desperately, Ethan tried to compose himself, attempting to make a neutral expression despite the storm of emotions raging within. But the effort was futile. The weight of the unknown, the fear of losing Riyan, and the bewildering reality of his new existence finally overwhelmed him. Tears welled up in his eyes and began to stream down his tiny cheeks, a torrent of grief and helplessness that he could not contain. His sobs grew louder and more desperate as the crushing sorrow took hold.


Seeing his son in distress, Daren's worry deepened. He stepped closer to his wife, Elara, and gently handed the crying infant to her. "Here, Elara," he said, his voice filled with concern and tenderness. "Maybe he'll calm down with you."



Elara accepted her son with a tender smile, cradling him gently in her arms. She began to rock him softly, her soothing presence surrounding him like a warm embrace. "Shh, it's okay, Elan Starwind," she whispered, her voice a gentle murmur that was both calming and reassuring.


As Elara held him close, Ethan felt an unexpected connection to her. Despite the whirlwind of confusion and panic that had overwhelmed him, the warmth and love emanating from her touch seemed to penetrate deep into his heart. It was the unmistakable sensation of a mother's love, pure, unconditional, and all-encompassing. It wrapped around him like a comforting blanket, offering a sense of safety and security he hadn't realized he needed.


The sensation was profound, stirring emotions that Ethan hadn't felt in what seemed like an eternity. As he looked up at Elara's kind and loving face, he could sense her emotions, her gentle assurance that everything would be alright, her relief at holding him close, and the deep well of love she felt for her child. It was as if her emotions were communicating directly with his, providing a balm for his troubled spirit.


Slowly, Ethan's cries began to subside, the panic and fear that had gripped him gradually easing. The soft cadence of Elara's voice and the rhythmic motion of her rocking worked their magic, calming him more effectively than any words could. The overwhelming sense of security and peace she provided was unlike anything he had experienced before, a stark contrast to the chaos and confusion of his recent memories.


As he felt the steady beat of Elara's heart and the gentle rhythm of her breathing, Ethan's own breathing slowed, his tiny body relaxing completely in her arms. The love and comfort she offered lulled him into a peaceful sleep, his eyelids growing heavy as exhaustion from his earlier turmoil finally caught up with him. 

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