Aboard the Death Star, Yavin 4 star system...
"Salute!" the commissar shouted as the Lord Admiral slowly passed by his troops. The troops, with discipline, saluted like a true soldier as they did the usual salute of the Imperial Guardsmen.
The Lord Admiral just nodded as she saluted back by raising her hand gently. Her entourage was currently travelling to the command room of the Death Star, they're going to take complete and absolute control of this gigantic megastructure.
Her entourage consists of a basic set of people. Her assistant, high ranking staffs, bodyguards consisting of space marines, amd the would be commissar of the Death Star.
At this moment, the earpiece of her assistant suddenly sounded with a notification about a message transmission. As the assistant immediately walked forward and silently whispered the contents of the message on the ear of the Lord Admiral.
"A diplomatic talks? But why? I thought the diplomatic talks with those silly rebels ended a year ago." asked the Lord Admiral in confusion as they slowly get near the door of the elevator that will bring them to the command room of the Death Star.
"It's like this my lord, a rebel general that goes by the name of Dodonna contacted your flagship, requesting a little official talk with whoever was the highest commander of our fleet. This matter has even reached the office of the Prime Lord, and he gave the go signal for the meeting with a few guidelines you should follow." added the assistant as she started telling the Lord Admiral about the absolutely long list of things she should and shouldn't do when the talks has begun.
"Has the Prime Lord, Primarch Roboute Guilliman said anything about the goals and what should I accomplish with this talk?" asked the Lord Admiral as her entourage entered the elevator who then started to move upwards.
"The message has no explicit mention of goals, it only contains that you must get the most benefits for the Imperium and humanity." replied the assistant ashe looked at the message on her hendheld data tablet.
"I see... so humanity first! Very well! I shall accept the burden and accomplish the task with utmost perfection!" said the Lord Admiral proudly as the elevator stopped and the sound of a ting, notifying them that they've reached their destination was heard.
"But first, let's deal with the enemy high command before meeting with them..."
Rebel Alliance base, somewhere on the Yavin 4 star system...
General Dodonna was walking back and forth from his seat to the control panels in front as he can't calm himself down. Who could calm themselves if a fleet with ships tearing through the hulls of a star destroyer like it's nothing but scrap metal was less than a couple million kilometers from your position.
They saw the might of the Imperium firsthand, they saw it with their high tech measuring systems, observation equipments,and many more. No one, absolutely no one in the Rebel Alliance base here on Yavin 4 can deny the effectiveness, brutality, and power that the Imperium possess.
Some of the rebels admired the Imperium, this admiration stemmed out of their desire for a strong protector, someone who can protect them from the dangers the galaxy and ultimately the universe has. Someone who has the power to repel any possible invaders, give them chances to become a completely new citizen, opportunities to grow, and many more.
These people are mostly if not all humans, the species that's not human doesn't really share the sentiment of this type of people. They still believe that with the republic, everything will be fine and no harm will come in their way. A naïve yet understandable way of thinking and viewing things.
The people was only small in number, they believe that the republic is good choice but when it comes to conflict, the Imperium is undoubtedly the better choice. The Imperium has power to protect their planets while the republic has not. They share the sentiment of having the republic work like a autonomous kind of nation that provides tributes on some way to the Imperium for protection. Like those mafias and businesses in worlds controlled by criminals. The mafia offers the protection to the businesses in exchange of tribute in money or products. A good mutual partnership that could benefit both if them in the long run.
"Have they answered now? They should've answered by now, it's more than an hour or so after we gave sent that transmission!" said General Dodonna as his voice was shaking due to stress.
The officer in charge of communication just shook his head but just then, he heard a beep from his communication equipment as he immediately looked at it and read the contents of the message.
"Sir, they agreed!"
Millennium Falcon, somewhere floating on the galaxy...
"Ha you see that Chewbacca? That cool looking TIE fighter got shot down by my great starship!" laughed Han Solo as he looked at Chewbacc who just did some weird noises in agreement.
"Hwoandba" agreed Chewbacca who nodded.
Just then, a large shadow suddenly eclipsed the whole Millennium Falcon as the expression if the two suddenly changed.
They immediately looked at the window only to see a ship of the size eclipsing the whole Millennium Falcon to the point that it created a shadow path in front of the starship.
"Chewbacca, what is that?"
Bruh... my cpu cooler stopped working suddenly.