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11.29% I am Rimuru Tempest (Rewrite Version) / Chapter 3: The Ogres

Capítulo 3: The Ogres

[The following skills have been received: Black Lightning and Shadow step.]

[Mimicry direwolf has evolved into mimicry Tempest Star Wolf.]

[Mimicry goblin and mimicry hobgoblin have been acquired]

As dawn broke over the newly bustling village, a remarkable transformation unfolded among those Rimuru had named. The wolves, already formidable creatures, grew larger, their once brown fur turning into pure black, their forms now embodying the fierce grace of the newly evolved Tempest wolves. 

The goblins experienced their own changes; the males developed into chiseled figures of strength, while the women gained curves that spoke of newfound beauty and power. 

That was with some exceptions, like Gobta, Goose, or Gaspacho. It appeared their names had a bit more of an influence than he had expected. Though their sacrifices would not be in vein, since he now knew he could influence their evolutions with the names he gave them. For example, Goose had grown a larger neck than usual for Hobgoblins. May his sacrifice not be forgotten.

After completing the naming ceremony, Rimuru set about organizing the village's reconstruction and expansion. He had synthesized paper from consumed trees and created green ink from local plants, producing a series of "For Dummies" books to guide the villagers in various tasks.

"You'll be in charge of construction," he directed a group of hobgoblins, handing them blueprints crafted for durability and easy repair. "Use the strongest wood from nearby forests and gather vegetation for thatching."

Turning to another group focused on resource gathering, Rimuru instructed. 

"Be selective in what you collect. Gather only necessary fruits, nuts, and hunt sparingly to maintain our resources. And remember, gather seeds as well—we'll be starting farms soon. Follow the locations marked in your plans for optimal results."

Rimuru's gaze swept across the eager faces before him. 

"And let's not forget about defenses. We're not just building a camp; we're fortifying a village. I want a fence around the perimeter and traps set up at strategic points. We will make this place safe for everyone."

The wolves were not overlooked. 

"Your keen senses are crucial for patrol and security. Work in tandem with the hobgoblins to safeguard our home."

Finally, addressing a select group of hobgoblins and Tempest wolves, Rimuru outlined their diplomatic mission. 

"You will visit the surrounding villages and extend an invitation to join our community. Inform them that I, sent by Veldora the storm dragon, will grant them names and protection if they choose to ally with us."

As Rimuru wrapped up his directives, his voice resonated with a firm yet inspirational tone.

 "We'll optimize every aspect of our work. Remember, this is a team effort, no infighting, just cooperation. Work together, and we'll build something great. I want to see progress when I return, and I know you won't let me down."

His speech ignited a roar of excitement among the assembled hobgoblins and wolves. Shouts and howls filled the air, echoing the newfound sense of purpose they all felt. In just one day, their lives had been transformed, and they were eager to meet the expectations of their new leader.

With the village buzzing with activity, Rimuru turned to his next task. He summoned Ranga, the son of the Alpha wolf he had defeated, who had quickly risen to become the pack's new leader under Rimuru's leadership, and Sir Barksalot, the seasoned wolf with knowledge of the ogre territory.

"Master…" Both wolves bowed respectfully as they approached.

Rimuru noted with interest how Ranga had grown significantly in just a day, now sporting a horn on his head with a star-shaped pattern beneath it.

"Alright, pups, lead the way," Rimuru instructed, casually leaping onto Ranga's back. Though he could transform and run alongside them, the opportunity to relax and enjoy Ranga's soft fur was too tempting to pass up.

Eager to impress, the wolves sprinted forward with remarkable speed. Rimuru, comfortably seated, utilized a skill he had acquired from a spider in Veldora's cave to adhere securely to Ranga's back.

As they raced through the forest, the scenery blurred past them, a rush of greens and browns in a swift-moving panorama. Guided by Sir Barksalot, Rimuru relaxed, letting his mind wander to strategic thoughts.

'Yo, Veldora, you don't mind if I continue to use your name in vain, right?' Rimuru mused internally, a chuckle threatening to break through his composed exterior. 'If you don't mind, just don't say anything.'

As expected, no response came. Veldora remained bound within the unlimited imprisonment skill, and while Great Sage worked tirelessly to decipher it, Rimuru knew it would likely be a long task.

Hours later, as they approached the ogre village visible in the distance, Rimuru remained in his slime form. He didn't want to take the form of a goblin or hobgoblin, a personal preference he had developed after reading some cursed stories in his past. 

Arriving at the robust gates of the ogre village, Rimuru and his companions were met by a burly ogre guard with dark, slightly graying hair, who stood defiantly with his katana raised.

"Halt, stop now unless you wish to be attacked by the ogre village," the ogre bellowed, his voice betraying a hint of concern over the formidable presence of the two wolves.

Heeding the warning, Rimuru signaled for Ranga and Sir Barksalot to stop. As they did, tensions rose, and soon, tens of ogre guards emerged from within the village, weapons drawn and ready to defend their home.

Rimuru dismounted from Ranga, gracefully shifting into the impressive form of a Tempest wolf before addressing the gathered ogres. 

"I come here as the chosen of Veldora, the storm dragon," he declared, allowing his voice to carry across the tense air. With those words, he unleashed a massive wave of magicules, his presence commanding and undeniable. "I am a prophet, and I have seen the disaster that is approaching your village. I need to speak to your chief."

His proclamation, enhanced by his ultrasonic wave skill and the skill from the alpha wolf, coercion, caused the ogre guards to reflexively lower their weapons, their expressions shifting from hostility to uncertainty.

The lead guard, after a moment's hesitation, nodded slightly and called out. 

"Just one second, Sir envoy. I will send a message as fast as I can." He quickly instructed another guard to rush the message to their chief.

The air was thick with suspense as they waited. After a few tense minutes, a figure approached from the depths of the village, a medium-sized ogre with fiery red hair, red skin, and two prominent black horns adorning his forehead. It was none other than the ogre who would later be known as Benimaru.

"Follow me, I shall take you to the chief's house," said the red ogre, his tone respectful yet tinged with curiosity as he led the way through the village.

As they walked, Rimuru shifted back into his slime form, drawing curious glances from the villagers. None spoke, their eyes conveying a mix of surprise and caution.

The architecture of the village caught Rimuru's attention. The houses were modest on the outside but inside, they revealed a rich cultural tapestry that spoke volumes about the ogres' heritage. The interiors were designed like traditional Japanese homes, simple yet elegant, a testament to the people the ogres had rescued in their distant past.

Upon entering the chief's house, Rimuru was immediately struck by the traditional setup, a small tatami room with a low table set for discussions. Seated before him was the village chief, whose striking appearance was unexpected yet familiar. 

The village chief was a figure with long, pink hair that reminded Rimuru of Shuna. His skin was cream-colored, and his intense crimson eyes were framed by two black horns rising from his temples.

Behind the chief stood another ogre, exuding an aura of wisdom and vigilance. This was the ogre who would become Hakuro, his white hair and wrinkled skin contrasting with the chief's vibrant appearance. His posture was that of a seasoned warrior, ready to defend his leader without hesitation.

With everyone settled, Rimuru cleared his throat, a polite but unnecessary gesture, and began to speak.

"Thank you for receiving us," he started, his voice calm and diplomatic. Before we begin, could I make a request?"

The chief's eyes narrowed slightly, a hint of suspicion in his gaze. 

"What is it?"

"My current shape is not the best for diplomacy. If possible, could I request an ogre come forth so I can analyze them? It would ease our discussions."

After a brief pause, the chief nodded, signaling to someone outside the room. Moments later, a tall, muscular ogre with blue hair and a prominent white horn entered. This was the ogre who would later become Souei.

Rimuru extended part of his body towards Souei, wrapping around the ogre's arm and gently pinching to draw some blood. 

"Thank you for your cooperation," he said as he began the analysis.

[Analysis complete, new mimicry form has been acquired: Ogre.]

As Rimuru morphed into a young ogre form with light blue hair, he felt a comforting familiarity. Although his slime shape had become second nature, there was still a part of him that yearned for the humanoid form he once possessed.

He looked like a young ogre no older than ten, with a cute and playful appearance. He had two small grey horns emerging from his head surrounded by light-blue hair. His whole apereance put together by striking golden eyes.

Settling onto the floor, Rimuru draped the pelt of the Alpha wolf over his lower body, glad to see that a certain 'unnecessary' part was present.

"Bring him some clothing," the chief commanded. The blue-haired ogre nodded and left, returning moments later with a simple yet dignified robe.

Once appropriately dressed, Rimuru adopted a grave expression. 

"As I said, I am Veldora's chosen one, a prophet who has foreseen the fall of the ogres."

The chief's eyes narrowed, skepticism evident. 

"You claim to be Veldora's chosen, yet do you have any proof other than your strange ability to change forms?"

With a calm smile, Rimuru turned his gaze to the blue-haired ogre next to him. 

"Your name is now Souei," he declared, then shifting his attention to the elder behind the chief, "And your name is now Hakuro."

These declarations elicited shocked gasps from all present. Rimuru, unfazed, casually sipped from a teacup in front of him.

"I saw an army of tens of thousands of orcs, all headed in this direction, led by an orc lord. In my vision, only six ogres survived. As Veldora's chosen, I, Rimuru Tempest, have been summoned to unify our great forest. I swear this on the storm dragon's name, and if I am lying, may he strike me down."

The room tensed at his declaration. To swear on the name of a true dragon was a profound and dangerous oath.

"For this reason, I extend an invitation. Become my subordinates and join the city I am creating. I will grant you names and safety."

The village leader's expression turned grave. He gestured for Hakuro to join the discussion table as an advisor.

"What do you think about this situation?" he asked. "I know our people are strong. But even if we are stronger than orcs, our village can't withstand a direct assault from more than 3,000 orcs at maximum, let alone tens of thousands led by an orc lord."

After a pause, the chief reflected on the casual yet significant act of naming by Rimuru, still reeling from its implications.

"My friend, Hakuro, your skill in discerning character is unparalleled. Can we trust this envoy? A decision like this cannot be taken lightly. It would mean abandoning our homes."

The room fell silent, awaiting Hakuro's judgment, the weight of their collective future hanging in the balance.

Hakuro's wise eyes met Rimuru's golden ones, his gaze sharp and questioning.

"If we deny your invitation, what will happen then? We have been warned about the army headed our way, and we have been given names that will increase our strength. Our chances of winning are still low, but not zero."

Rimuru's smile didn't waver, his eyes gleaming with a cold, calculating light.

"One cannot save those who do not wish to be saved," he began, his voice smooth and untroubled. "If you choose to stand alone, then I will depart. However, I must be clear: the bloodshed that follows will be on your hands, not mine. And make no mistake, there will be blood."

To be honest, he was probably going to step in and save them either way. The loss of so many potential Kijin would really be too much to throw away so simply, but he couldn't let them know that. It would become a problem if they thought they could use him for their benefit without being under his rule.

His words hung in the air, heavy with the ominous promise of violence and destruction. Rimuru's demeanor remained calm and composed, but the underlying threat was palpable. He was not merely a prophet or a savior; he was an emperor in the making, and his offer was as much a warning as it was an opportunity.

The ogre chieftain's brow furrowed, the weight of the decision pressing down on him. Around him, the air was tense, filled with the silent fears and hopes of his people. Hakuro remained stoic, yet the slight tightening of his jaw betrayed his concern.

The chief glanced back at Rimuru, then at his people, his voice resolute yet heavy with the burden of leadership. 

"And if we accept? What guarantee do we have that your empire will be any different from the tyranny of an orc lord?"

Rimuru's answer was quick, his confidence unshaken. 

"You have my word as Veldora's chosen. Under my rule, you will find safety and strength in numbers. Alone, you face annihilation. With me, you gain the protection of an empire. Right now, it is your chance to join it when it has only just begun. A chance to cement yourself in its foundations."

As the room fell into a tense silence, pondering the grave choices laid before them, Rimuru sensed the moment was ripe to fortify his position. 

"I am an otherworlder, chosen specifically by Veldora, the guardian of the forest, to unite it," he declared, his voice resonating with authority and an undercurrent of power. "You all know of the summoning that brings people from other worlds, right? Imagine what a person summoned by Veldora himself can become." With that, Rimuru released a visible surge of magicules, a deliberate show of strength to underline his words.

The spectacle left the room quiet once more, the ogres visibly unnerved by the demonstration. The chief, caught between awe and caution, finally broke the silence.

"Sir Rimuru… Could you give us just one night to consider?" he asked, his voice betraying a mix of respect and reluctance.

"Of course." Rimuru answered with a friendly smile.

The tension in the room lowered as Rimuru answered, causing the chief to nod.

"I thank you for your patience and for naming not only my servant but also my closest friend," the chief said, bowing deeply as a sign of respect. He then turned to the blue haired ogre, signaling him to take care of their distinguished guest.

"Please, show him a room where he can stay."

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