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28.82% I am reborn in Akame ga KILL / Chapter 49: The Dreadnought

Capítulo 49: The Dreadnought

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It had been a little less than three years since Korra and Katara had asked to be my apprentices. Both girls had learnt hand-to-hand combat, Ice Magic, and a fair amount of water control using Ice Magic, and I had also taught them some life energy healing techniques, plus I had taught Korra some Fire Magic.

Now the girls and I were on the sea... literally, we were training on the sea surface, Korra and Katara could both walk on the water with Water Magic and also freeze ice floes under their feet to walk on, I used that method.

- Hela, I think I'm going to have to travel the world soon, I can take care of myself, so I've had enough of sitting on the South Pole, it's time to become a real Avatar and learn all the other elements. - Korra said, controlling the water currents she used to attack me.

- I'll go with Korra. - Hela said Katara, who was running on water, and attacked me with a water whip, from which I defended myself with an ice shield flying near me, -Hen, we were wondering if you wanted to come with us. We could really use your help on our journey? - The youngest of the sisters asked.

Katara was ten months younger than Korra, and Korra was a month older than me. Korra was already sixteen, I would be sixteen the other day, and Katara would be sixteen in nine months. Both girls looked quite mature, it was obvious now that they were two beauties, and it was too dangerous to let two beauties go alone in a big and very dangerous world.

- Yes Hela, I would really like you to come along with me and my sister on my Avatar journey. - Korra added, and showed that she really is an Avatar and can use fire in addition to water, and with these two elements she attacked me with two hands with powerful streams.

- You know, you didn't have to attack me if you wanted to hear the answer. - I turned the nearest water into a wall of ice, where Korra's attack hit.

- Well, what if you decided to refuse now, and so we give you time to think. - Katara said, towering over the ice wall on a water wave, this all the water she dropped on me, but I was able to instantly vaporise it and turn it into an icy mist that enveloped the two sisters in solid ice.

- So be it, I will go with you, I have taught you a lot, but I am still more experienced in magic than you, and I can win in a fight. There are mages in the world much more experienced than me, if such mages are your opponents, the three of us will have a better chance of defeating them.

- Thank you, we are thinking of going in a week. - Corra said, trying to unfreeze herself, but her attempts to subdue the ice, I levelled, not allowing her to get out of the ice shackles, - Hela, why don't you let us unfreeze the ice? - Korra asked, looking at Katara, who was also unable to get out of the ice.

- I thought that since your training with me is mostly finished, I can finally pay you for your lessons. I want one kiss from each of you, and I'll let you go. - I said with a smile.

- Hee-e-n... - the two girls stretched out unhappily.

- Okay, I'm kidding... well, it's worth a try. - I let go of the two girls and looked up into the sky, where I saw Bing Xi Feng flying towards us.

- Hela, I flew here to eat fruit, and when I came back, I saw a huge floating metal box, you seem to call it a ship, but this ship was very large, and resembled a box, and not those ships that you and I destroyed. - spoke the ice phoenix, landing on my shoulder.

- It's a Fire Nation ship! They've come to attack the Water Tribe again. - Katara said emotionally.

- And it looks like they're better prepared for the attack this time, from the description this ship looks like a Dreadnought - a large, and probably very armoured battleship. How far out is it, Bing? - I asked.

- About halfway from the fruit islands to the South Pole, and that ship is still hours away from that pile of broken ships. - replied Bing.

- Hmm... Korra, it looks like our journey will start early. I don't know if I can destroy that ship, we may have to steer it away from the Southern Tribe somehow.

- Do you have a plan? - Korra asked.

- A rough one. As you know, the Fire Nation destroyed the Air Nomads because they were the ones who were supposed to give birth to the Avatar, and after the Air Nation, the Avatar is reborn as a member of the Water Nation. To put it simply, the Southern Invaders were created to kill all water mages, because the Avatar could appear among them, and that's where you come in. The Southern Invaders are primarily interested in the Avatar, if we show ourselves to them and defiantly go somewhere to the north, the Fire Nation soldiers will leave the south and follow us in pursuit. If they know for sure that the Avatar isn't in the south, they won't be interested in the Southern Water Tribe, there aren't many of you here anyway, and the only danger was you, the new Avatar. I suggest we attack that ship now, we don't even have to destroy it, the main thing is to get their attention and make them chase us. Korra, the two of us will take care of that, while Katara tells your parents everything and gathers all the things you need for the trip. Bing, me and the Avatar need your help, now you have to help Katara get back to our house and then to her village, then you have to take Katara to the island where you and I are picking lychee fruit.

- So my help would be to work as a flying transport, right? Are you aware that I'm a powerful ice spirit that's tens of thousands of years old? - Bing asked.

- Name your price already. - I looked at the phoenix.

- Two thousand fruits, and if you pay me that much every day, I will be so kind as to be able to drive the Avatar and her sister anywhere. - replied this corrupt fruit-loving ice spirit.

- Your prices are too high, Bing, I'll pay once because I have to hurry and I just can't break in two, but then I'll make do with what I can. - I swung my hand, and created an ice track on the water, ending in a springboard. I created a two-seat ice hang glider, which Korra and I will use to fly to the ship, I will work here as a jet engine, and at the same time I will control the glider, changing the geometry of its wings, with the help of Ice Magic.

- All right, a hundred fruits a day, and I'll carry you around on my back. - Bing Xi Feng grudgingly said, realising that I could do without her.

- It's still expensive, but it's acceptable. Okay, Katara, I told you what to do, and Korra and I flew to intercept the ship, the further it will be from the south pole, the safer for your tribe. Korra, get in the ice chair. - I pointed out to the girl her seat, and also took my own seat, I had to lie down to release the jet stream with my legs.

- Is it even safe to fly on this thing? - Korra asked, hesitantly getting on the ice hang glider, Katara had already saddled Bing Si Feng, and was flying above us, wanting to watch us fly away on the hang glider.

- Don't worry, if anything, we'll fall into the water. - I replied as I settled into my seat.

- That's very reassuring. - Korra said. I got the glider to roll along the track, and when I started releasing fire jets with my feet, our air transport accelerated noticeably until it reached the ramp and flew into the air.

- I told you it would be fine. - I slightly modified the hang glider to equalise the imbalance caused by the passenger, I hadn't carried anyone like this before, so the originally created hang glider had to be corrected right in the air, which with Ice Magic was a bit of a problem.

- Are we really flying, and how long can we fly like this, Hela? - Korra asked.

- It depends on the speed, if it's very fast, it won't last long, but if it's like a bird, it can go as long as you want. - My speed was only about two hundred kilometres an hour, I can keep it up all the time, but now I was speeding up to get to the ship, it took a couple of hours before we spotted it.

This dreadnought was over two hundred and fifty metres long, it was the largest and longest ship I had seen from the Fire Nation. The ship was designed to take away all the vulnerabilities I had previously used to quickly disable frigates and battleships. The dreadnought had a shell of thick armour instead of the usual deck, the deckhouse was right in the middle, and there were no large chimneys at all. I couldn't just throw a fireball down the chimney and destroy the boiler, I had to get inside the ship, but the dreadnought was full of soldiers, fire mages, and archers that were constantly patrolling and guarding the ship.

- And this time they are really steamed up, and well prepared for the attack. - I was impressed with the dreadnought.

- You won't be able to stop this ship like the others? - Korra asked. We disguised ourselves as an iceberg, inside of which we kept an eye on the ship, there were sometimes ice floes floating around, so we weren't a particularly suspicious iceberg.

- I used to blow the boilers up through the chimneys, but now they've just removed that vulnerability. But I know of another vulnerability I can exploit now that I've trained with Metal Magic. Underwater, the ship has propellers that spin to turn the water and create a thrust that pushes the ship forward. I never learnt how to manipulate the metal, but I did learn how to melt it quickly. By destroying the propellers, I'll immobilise this ship so it can't go anywhere. After that, we can show them the Avatar's ship, and then fly away from them, leaving those losers dangling in the sea... we can make a few more holes in the bottom of the ship, it won't sink it, just flood a few compartments, but it will cause them more problems. - I said, looking at the dreadnought. Even in my world it would be very expensive to build such a ship, here the technology is less developed, although there is magic instead, but in any case it took a lot of money, material and time to build this huge ship, and I can disable it in a dozen minutes.

- You know a lot about Fire Nation ships,' Korra looked at me suspiciously, 'You didn't waste your time studying that Ghost Ship. - Korra and Katara still don't know anything about me besides my name.

- Yeah, I'm pretty good at complicated stuff. Anyway, wait until the soldiers start panicking and running around the ship, then we can attack them together to introduce them to the new Avatar Korra. - I began to undress.

- Why you? - Korra pointed her finger at me.

- I'm going to work underwater now, I don't want to do it in wet clothes. - I left only my trousers on, and then I jumped into the water and swam to the bottom of the dreadnought.

The ship had four propellers at once, each more than five metres in diameter, to make one such propeller, you need tonnes of fifteen tonnes of metal. The propellers were spinning at a decent speed, before melting them I needed to stop them from spinning, which I achieved with Ice Magic. While the blades were blocked, I was able to melt the hub, causing the propeller to just fall off and start sinking to the bottom. It takes quite a bit of energy to melt metal, but I replenished it from the surrounding water. The ship slowed down after losing one propeller, and began to turn left as I destroyed the propeller on the left. With the remaining propellers I repeated the procedure, and after I cut off the last propeller, the ship travelled on inertia for a little longer before coming to a complete stop.

The captain of the ship now probably couldn't understand why their ship had stopped if all systems were working normally. And to mess with the ship, I started melting holes in the bottom of the ship. The thickness of the hull was about thirty centimetres of steel, such armour could hardly be penetrated by any local mages, but I was not penetrating it now, but melting it. A couple of minutes and there was a huge hole in the ship, where the water began to pour in, another ten minutes and there were six holes in the ship in different places.

When I ducked out for a breath of air, I heard the sounds of battle, which meant Korra had already attacked the ship and I had to go help her. Before appearing in front of the Fire Nation soldiers, I created a horned blue ice mask on my face, it's unlikely that anyone will recognise me, but I don't want to shine my face in front of the Fire Nation soldiers.

- She's the Avatar! Kill her! - shouted some Fire Nation officer, and the archers fired a volley of arrows at Korra and the fire mages fired fireballs at her.

- You were a little hasty. - I popped up on the deck next to Korra, she intercepted the arrows with an ice shield, and I took control of the fire and redirected it back at the mages.

- Why are you wearing a mask? - Korra glimpsed me.

- I'm just being modest, and I don't want my face next to yours on every noticeboard. All right, we'll kick their arses. - I said, and I got into a fighting stance.

- We will. - Korra also got into a fighting stance.

- With the Firebender Avatar! Kill the traitor! - The officer continued shouting until he was silenced by Korra's ice block to the head.

Somebody else wanted to shout something, but Korra and I started to attack actively, we worked together quite well, if necessary Korra covered me or I covered her, sometimes we could combine our forces for one attack. We tried not to kill anyone, only to maim and wound, but surely there would be some dead among the soldiers.... only a saint would worry about dead soldiers coming to kill you. or an idiot.

The Avatar is the Guardian of Harmony and Balance, and to preserve Harmony and Balance, the Avatar can safely kill people, they will be reborn anyway, but at the moment they are violating Harmony... and Balance.... and Balance.

There were about fifteen hundred soldiers on the dreadnought, about a couple of hundred of them were mages, another hundred were very good archers, and the rest were just trained warriors. It was the archers who caused the most trouble, Korra and I could easily defend ourselves against Fire Magic, especially since there were no really strong mages there, the ordinary soldiers were disarmed by ice, because they had to come at us in close combat, but the archers could sit somewhere and shoot at us from cover, waiting for us to open up.

Korra was caught, but at the last moment I was able to push her away, and an arrow hit me in the heart, and another archer took advantage of the delay and fired a decisive shot at my head, which sent me crashing to the deck. When Korra saw all this, she became very angry, her eyes began to glow and a strange glowing ornament appeared on her chest.

It seemed to be called the Avatar State, where the spirit of Rava gives its owner access to its power. Korra silently waved her hands, and a huge wave rose from the sea, covering almost the entire ship, another wave, and all that water turned into ice, within which were frozen almost all the soldiers of the Fire Nation.

- Shit. - I pulled the arrow out of my head, the ice mask helped to stop the arrow, so the tip only scratched the skin on my forehead, but the second arrow, pierced my heart, but luckily, I still have a lot of life energy to quickly heal such a wound, it was only necessary to pull the arrow out of the chest, - Korra, stop it, help me better pull out the arrow, or it pierced me through. - I put my hand on the girl's shoulder and she came to her senses, her eyes went out and the glowing ornament on her chest disappeared.

- Hela, you're alive! - Corra rejoiced.

- Yes, yes, break off the arrowhead. - I turned my back to the girl, and she did as I asked. Taking out the arrow, I was able to repair the damage quickly, and when the wound was gone, Korra stroked the spot where it had just been.

- Did it hurt you? - Korra inquired.

- I wouldn't call it pleasant, but you clearly hurt the soldiers a dozen times worse. If we don't want them all to die, we need to free them from the ice. - I looked at Korra, if she wants them all dead, I won't object.

- Alright, let's free them. - Corra replied and together we started to turn the ice back into water. All the soldiers fainted from the freezing, some of them probably died from it, but that's their problem.

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