"I-i want to..."
Klaus's eyes widened in happiness and he kept looking at Rin's face with excitement and finally he got the words he was so excited to hear
"I want to become your daughter, will you love me if I do that? You won't ignore me right?"
Rin's face was filled with tears, at the end she was just a child with soft soul and broken heart
She will grab every opportunity she can get to not hurt herself from inside anymore, and Klaus did that
Klaus grinned and picked her up in excitement and tossed her in air and said
"I won't ignore you kiddo and now no one will be able to ignore you anymore in the world!"
Rin was still crying but there was a wide smile on her face, Klaus kept tossing her in air and next moment the bluish thread of fate turned into a golden thread covered in star dust
Watching this Elena who had her jaws dropped to ground just like the fairies looked at Klaus and Rin with saliva and wine leaking from their faces
"That easy!?"
"What just happened here..."
"Didn't they just meet a few hours ago?"
The news of this spread like a wild fire all over the place within a few hours whole world got the news of this
And now Klaus was standing in front of Ashia along with Rin, both a new pair of father and daughter looked like babies in front of Ashia who was standing there coldly
Other main subordinates of Klaus were also there looking at Klaus with worry and finally after few minutes Ashia also sighed and said
"Why do you just keep increasing the work load again and again, the Whiteblood family had already started their celebrations you know...
And just think of the situation here, the first son of Whiteblood family isn't even married and here second one already got a daughter and she is already even older than the father himself..."
Klaus and Rin looked at each other and somehow both have gained absurd level of understanding even after only knowing each other for mere hours
"I-I'm just 9 year old!"
"Yeah! Look at her face, she is just a kid you know!"
Ashia looked at both their faces and gave up and said "The news had already spread all over the place, let's finish it officially since it's already like this..."
As Ashia said that few maids brought some offical papers there and some materials too
"Both sign the documents here..."
As Ashia said that both Klaus and Rin gave each other a fist bump and started doing the work
And after few signs both imprinted there hand prints over the last paper with bright look over their faces which was taken there with magic
"And now you just need to mix your blood for the last ritual according to the Empire for adoption, the oath of blood..."
Klaus and Rin both grinned and Rin immediately took out her dagger and directly slashed her palm in excitement
Klaus saw this and became panicked, he immediately changed his bracelet to a dagger and did same thing with his palm and immediately joined his bleeding hands with Rin and shouted
"Don't do it again you silly fool!"
Rin's injuries immediately started healing and meanwhile Klaus's injury and blood had already been wiped out
Ashia shook her head with a heavy sigh and announced with a smile "You two are officially father and daughter now! Rin had been officially adopted in Brahm Duke Family and declared as the second member of the family after the Lord!"
Both Klaus and Rin grinned in excitement and Rin hugged Klaus's legs tightly with bright face
And at same time a notification rang in mind of Rin who was lost in happiness
{Congratulations! You have been adopted as the daughter of Duke Klaus De Brahm!}
{You have acquired the title of 'Duke's Daughter!}
As that happened there was no end to her happiness but there were also few notifications that had been hidden even by the voice of world
{{{Congratulations on being adopted by a 'True God' and 'God of Existence _ Klaus!'}}}
{{{You have acquired the title of 'God's Child!'}}}
{{{You have acquired the title of 'Loved by Existence'}}}
{{{You have been promoted to be 'Divine Existence'}}}
{{{The blood of True God had been mixed with you perfectly!}}}
{{{You have acquired the title 'God's Kin!'}}}
{{{The race had been changed to 'True Celestial Divine Draconite'}}}
{{{The True Gods are showing joy!}}}
{{{The Supreme God shows great satisfaction and joy}}}
These titles will be revealed to her far in future but for now it is time for the little one to live the life she couldn't live
But even then one thing couldn't be hidden no matter what, Klaus also noticed the change in space there and immediately took action
The whole mansion and area around the place got covered in Klaus's mana barrier, it was almost like sealing the whole dimension right there
The time and space had stopped there for everyone except Klaus, Rin and the beings from the outside of space that were coming here
Klaus and Rin's gaze moved outside and noticed the dragons coming out from the cracks in top of Klaus's mansion and yard
The first bluish dragon was the same as the one who came out in Dark Nova Tower but along with him were about 7 more Dragons there
All had different presence but one thing was clear that they were strong
"These are all my contacted dragons, why are they coming out suddenly..."
Rin was surprised just like others and next she shouted "Tron! What happened?"
As she said that the blue dragon looked at Rin and then pointed towards the sky with dazed look on face
Rin and Klaus looked upwards and next moment they noticed a huge white dragon with golden lines covering the whole mansion with its wings coming out from the space
As it came down it suddenly transformed into a beautiful woman and knelt in front of Rin with calm look on face
"I, Ivory the Divine Beast of Swords greet the master"
Rin was confused as she looked at Klaus who was just smiling with a look of happiness over his face
Next moment Bucky walked near Klaus and looked at Rin and the Dragon Lady there
Rin didn't need more words to understand the situation and she just moved her hands forward and suddenly dozens of threads of mana connected between both her and the woman there
{Congratulations on forming a contract with Divine Beast of Swords _ Ivory!}
Just like that the crazy day ended somehow but the real chaos was starting from next day
By next day the effects of this adoption had started showing effects, Sol was quite surprised by the news but she was not sad or angry because of that
Just a little surprise to her, she was still struggling in her mind on how to react after that and now only a few months had been remained for the her graduation
The Whiteblood family had also added Rin in their family tree, some preparations had already been started there
In Golden Turtle Organisation a whole new section had been built specifically for designing things for Rin here
And Rin had been taken under custody of Ashia and maids for the whole day just to get her physical and psychological condition recorded and create a full proof plan to start her noble training
But before that hell could start Klaus took her out while taking selections of new members of new order as the excuse
"They look so serious..."
"I know right..."
Both Klaus and Rin sat on top of building while hundreds of knights and warriors were standing on ground in front of them
And Marshall and Lilith were the ones who stood there as selectors for their new Orders, Klaus's few other subordinates were also there watching all that openly on the ground
"But why are we hiding?"
Rin asked Klaus while chewing her chocolate ball, Klaus pointed at the crowd and said
"It is very uncomfortable to have all the attention over you all the time, lets just take it easy from sidelines..."
Rin looked there and nodded and the attention changed back to the people there, first it was the turn of Marshall
And after choosing out there were only about 5240 knights who met Marshall's condition and needs which Marshall personally stated
And the number of Knights that are needed in the Order of Fallen Sword were merely just 300 which will be chosen out by Marshall personally
Marshall grinned and grabbed his sword and directly went in front of all knights and said
"There are about 5000 of you hmm, well I guess more than I expected but the ones to be selected in here are only 300
We don't have much time to test all of you with proper methods one by one so we will do it in my way...
All of you... Come at me..."
Join the discord guys, I really need a lot of suggestions from you all~ ^+^
"There are about 5000 of you hmm, well I guess more than I expected but the ones to be selected in here are only 300
We don't have much time to test all of you with proper methods one by one so we will do it my way...
All of you... Come at me..."
As Marshall said that everyone present on ground sucked in cold breath and looked at Marshall with surprise
Each knight present there was at least Tier 6, and challenging them all alone was not a wise choice for even a Sword God
"Challenging more than 5000 knights all at once, that's some serious guts..."
Rin muttered with interested look, Klaus nodded with calm look over his face and said
"Just keep watching kiddo... That man standing there is really a man that even Gods admire, at least I do..."
As Klaus said that all attention gathered over Marshall, and suddenly Seraphim also appeared behind Klaus and Rin
"Having fun alone..."
Klaus and Rin turned back to look an Seraphim for a moment and Klaus gave a simple reply
"Not like we had stopped you from coming here"
Seraphim didn't replied to Klaus but just silently sat besides Rin with interested look over her face
"That man... Just how did you get him..."
Klaus also didn't replied to Seraphim's curiosity and just grinned while looking ahead
Marshall just took out his sword from the back and commanded the others
"Then begin ..."
As Marshall commanded none of knights showed any hesitation in their movements, they also knew who their opponent was
Just being a Tier 9 being holds a lot of authority and this man in front of them was clearly above average even among the men
All knights rushed at Marshall all at once some from left while some from right, there were many who decided to use sky as their stage and jumped directly on top of Marshall from the top
Marshall was completely surrounded by thousands of strong men but instead of getting much serious he just took his sword in casual manner and a grin appeared over his face
As if he was dealing with an attack on a bunch of toddlers while he himself was the veteran babysitter in this situation
His sword finally moved, and as soon as Marshall started the eyes of Klaus, Elena, Seraphim and Lilith immediately shone in surprise
The hands of Marshall seemed to be clearly visible to naked eyes which was quite abnormal behaviour for someone of his standards
But not a single man who was attacking Marshall managed to get even a glance of Marshall's sword
The golden dot in Klaus's eyes was shining brightly at that time, Klaus had also placed his hands over Rin's head
A golden dot was also shining inside her eyes too, both watched Marshall's sword in a little slowed motion
Rin observed Marshall's sword moving like an unpredictable flow of water
Marshall's sword touched the swords of other knights and immediately turned to another direction just like a wave
But the other swords that had been touched by Marshall no longer remained in same place again
Practically what Marshall was doing could only be called as defence or deflecting or even a possible fake move but
The men whose sword had been touched by Marshall immediately got tossed dozens of meters away as if they were balls of cotton thrown away just by a simple wave
Rin saw all that and only word that could come out of her mouth was
"Water wave..."
Klaus shook his head over Rin's comment, Klaus could even sense the force and pressure exerted at that tiny moment of contact between the swords
Marshall's sword aura was literally exploding after being in contact with other swords in just a moment
"Na kiddo... That's a whole tsunami..."
Rin heard Klaus and the golden dot in her eyes suddenly widened a little, next moment all four who could possibly see the movements of sword noticed Marshall's moves
The knights by now have noticed the situation and they knew the real situation here
It was not Marshall who was being prey of a bunch of wolves here, it was the wolves who were the prey of the lion in here
The knights who were thrown back stood back again and those who were rushing at Marshall changed their strategy
Now there was a sudden synergy and sync on their moves, all knights moved over certain directions
Some made fake moves to disturb Marshall's gaze from others
But there was one thing that was weird in here, normally while selecting the men the men will try to stand out and be the centre of attention
It was to show they are competent and deserving but this disrupted whole condition and strategy of the team itself
But what was going on in here was just an absolutely perfect team work, complete trust over each comrade
None of those knights were trying to stand out or make others look in dark for getting position in new knight order
It wasn't like they didn't want to be in that new order which will give them a lot of advantages and reputation
But it was just how they were from their basic fundamentals, what they concentrated was what their goal was
Their goal on current situation wasn't taking a place in new knight order, their goal was to defeat Marshall
And there was one more special condition here in the test, none out of 5000 knights knew even the basic conditions given by Marshall for them to be here
Marshall watched all knights forming position and next moment what everyone noticed was
Marshall was surrounded by all sides by knights and all knight were standing in shape of a snake with sharp eyes ready to reap the soul of Marshall right there
Seeing this Marshall suddenly started grinning with happiness
"Good! The 'Goal of Sword'!!! First condition fulfilled!!!"
Next all knights got even more fired up and using their strategies the knights from the sides attacked Marshall first
Marshall noticed it easily but as he was going to move this sword other knights from front and back also made their moves
But that's where they got fooled by experience of Marshall, what Marshall held was a giant sword that was almost as big and broad as his body itself
Marshall moved his wrist and placed his sword in front of his body like a shield and suddenly started making a curve with sword stabbed to ground
The ground started forming cracks and next moment whole ground shattered as Marshall dragged his sword which was stabbed in ground forming a round circle there
All knights in formation were tossed away because of exploded ground, Marshall took opportunity and dashed at the nearest knight in front of him
Marshall slashed his sword the knight in horizontal position, the tip of his sword reached the gap left for eyes in the helmet of that knight
The naked sword of Marshall passed only about 1 mm away from the eyes of a knight, he had eyes widened in shock and legs trembling but he didn't blinked
He had a deep trust over his comrade, next moment other three knights nearby slashed their blades towards Marshall's chest forcing him to retreat back
"Excellent! Second condition fulfilled! 'A trusted Sword!'!!!"
Rin was absolutely baffled in current condition after watching what just happened right in front of her
"Did those knight... Just denied their physical body reflex..."
Klaus was also more interested as he continued watching it, Lilith on the ground saw that and muttered
"This guy of going to snatch the good ones right in front of my eyes like this..."
The knights had suddenly turned into fury blades under a certain order and kept their moves in full offence while giving the others time to make better preparations
They kept making slashes and stabs towards Marshall forcing him you retreat
Marshall also didn't seemed to be in hurry, rather he was also curious over their next move and just then Marshall noticed there hidden card in here
Marshall suddenly noticed the presence of a female black haired female knight with sword rushing towards Marshall's waist from the back in stabbing position
'Got him!!!'
But that was just the thought of the female knight right there, Marshall easily flipped over in air and landed at ground right on her back
The girl looked back in shock but by then Marshall's cold heavy sword was already right on top of her head and few hairs of hers were slowly falling to ground
All knights stopped on their tracks as they noticed Marshall's blade and trembling girl under that blade
"That was actually quite good lady, it was really a great idea to come up with something so unexpected...
Hiding while knowing your shortcomings in frontal battle and waiting for timing to show your worth at right time
This fulfills my third and last basic condition... 'Creation of Sword'...
Well since we are done with warm up lets get the test officially started..."
Join the discord guys, I really need a lot of suggestions from you all~ ^+^
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