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14.28% I'm Finn Mertens and I've Become a Player! / Chapter 1: Preparations

Capítulo 1: Preparations




Chapter: 1


''I suppose this is the part where you tell me my death was an accident and want to send me to another world as an apology.''


In infinite white space, there were two individuals. One was a tall, slender man wearing baggy clothes, black hair, and brown eyes that narrowed behind frameless square glasses. The other was a Sir with a beard and white hair and wearing a white suit, aka Morgan Freeman.

Mr matched the young man's gaze with a look full of patience.

''Don't you seem surprised to meet me, even though you are an atheist?".

The young man, who appeared to be in his early twenties, said nothing as he took off his glasses and left them on the table where the two individuals were talking.

''... I may be an atheist, but that doesn't mean it can be ignored as the perfect things on earth were created, it doesn't seem to be something natural, but something created by someone. Also known as God, You.'' Said the Young Man calmly.

''Hmm no, I suppose not, tell me, how do you feel about your death?'' The gentleman asked, curiously.

The young man put his glasses back on and looked at the man who claimed to be God with a smile.

"I can't say that I feel anything in particular. It is my understanding that something heavy crushed me while I was on the sidewalk. No use complaining now, what's done is done. Aside from a brief feeling of regret, I have moved on.''

''I see... Then I suppose there's no point in discussing it anymore. Said the Lord, looking at the soothing young man. ''Certainly, his death was not planned, that truck, or Truck-kun, as humans usually call it, was passing by for a different person... So I have come to offer you the opportunity to go to another world as an apology. Are you interested?'

'To say I am not interested would be a lie.'

''Do you wish to choose the world? May I also give you a special power?''

''Can I choose anything?


''Hmm... Let me think for a few seconds.''

''Sure, go ahead, time doesn't flow in here. You can take your time.''

... After thinking for a few minutes, the young man finally decided while ''God'' waited for him patiently.

''Ready?'' Mr asked.

''Yes, I've decided,'' the young man announced.

''For my power, I would like to choose The Gamer. I think it would help me a lot to be able to level up and get stronger just by grinding enemies. Please remove the 'Dungeon ID' and scatter them so that I have to search for them. I would like to be transmigrated to Finn from Adventure Time a week before the start of Cannon.''

''I see... may I know why you chose this power and this world by chance?''

''Hmm... Well, although Adventure Time may seem like a children's cartoon, something that it is not, I could easily end up killed by monsters from that world, Cosmic Entities, many things could easily kill me. That's the reason why I chose 'The Gamer' and the ability [ Gamer's Mind ] that would help me a lot in every situation I find myself in.''

''Besides, I want to get a little stronger before I start the plot.''

''Ah, yes. Could you add a store to the System? Living in a post

the apocalyptic place would certainly make me a little uncomfortable without some things.''

''Will do.''

''Then I pray that you are successful in your new life and good luck completing your goals.''

( Charles 1ª Pov )

The first thing I felt was that it was very tight, my arms felt like they were compressed, it was like I was inside a sardine can.

The room is accessed by a ladder made of boards nailed to the tree trunk. I hoped I wouldn't die falling it.

The jaws of a very large shark hang on the wall above my bed and a nailed mace hangs from the ceiling. The skin of some unknown six-armed animal rests on the floor like a rug. A large tree branch growing across the room has an old table on top of it. There is an insect in a jar under the table.

The room contains a closet, a bookcase, a window, a picture of a ninja, and a gun stuck on the floor. Many peculiar-looking television screens are on the walls.

On the bed where I am, there are many skins of various hairy and scaly evil-looking monsters. Next to the bed is a corner table with what looks like a mug and a rusty muffler being used as a candle holder.

Jake sleeps in an open drawer of a closet, which also holds his viola, a painting of Lady Rainicorn, books, bones, and some of his other personal possessions, such as a mug that appears to hold milk, neckties, and a medallion of a jewel-covered ''J''.

But, it seems that Jake has already woken up because I can't see him.

It was Real, 'God' sent me to Adventure Time!

[ God gave you the special ability: The Gamer. ]

Ah, sweet.

A semi-transparent window appeared as I passed my hand through it, there was not the slightest resistance to the touch.

Of all the abilities I could choose, The Player was the best choice for me. Now that I am in a crazy, godforsaken world.

The [ Player Mind ] would be extremely useful to avoid mental attacks or even to keep me out of situations that would require me to stay calm.

There was an exit button in the corner of the window, so I closed it so that a new one would appear.

Name: Finn Mertens ( Aka Charles )

Title: Hero of the Land of Ooo.


Level: 3 ( Next Level 0.1% )

Hp: 120/120

Mp: 50/50

Strength: 17

Dexterity: 11

Vitality: 12

Intelligence: 5

Wisdom: 5

Luck: 20

Points: 0

Money: 0



The high stats in STR and LUK attributes were expected, Finn won many fights based solely on his luck. The battle against 'The Lich' is the perfect proof.

Now, although I knew more or less how each of the attributes worked, it wouldn't hurt to check them again.

* Ding!

[ A Mission has been Generated! ]

A Beginner's Beginning:

Learn how the basic attributes of the game work. ]

Reward: The Standard Book of Spells: Grade 1

Penalty: None.

Great, But why a Harry Potter book of spells?

The wizard route is always the best of all, I could just spam my spells endlessly.

I think I'd better not decide this for now...

I clicked on the 'Help' button to get an overview and a big list appeared in my view.

[ This is the status page.

It lists all of your character's attributes in numerical order.

HP {Health Points } Indicates the life force in your body and how much damage you can take if it reaches 0 you will die.

MP { Mana Points } Indicates how much magical energy you have in your system.

Strength: Determines how much energy your physical attacks can cause.

Dexterity: Determines how quickly you can perform certain actions.

Vitality: Determines how much energy you have and your physical defense.

Intelligence: Increases your intelligence as well as the amount of mana you have.

Wisdom: Affects your magical control, as well as your decision-making.

Luck: Determines chance encounters with mines, the drop rate, the amount of the drop, and the type of drop.

Points can be used to increase attributes. You get 5 points at each level.

Money indicates how much, the money you currently have.

Shop: Here the player can buy everything in the Multiverse.

The inventory is a personal pocket dimension that you can use to store items The things inside do not pass through time. Currently, you have 13 empty boxes. You can buy boxes later, items of a certain type are stacking. ]

I expected this, in my past life I had read The Gamer comics and other many Fan Fics with the Player System, I at least knew how the attributes of the game worked like the back of my hand.

*Mission Completed!*

Bringing up my Inventory, I took the book given as a reward and another screen appeared.

You have obtained the skill book: [ The standard Spell Book: Grade 1 ]

Will you learn skill this skill? [ Yes ] [ No ]

You cannot learn to skill this: Required INT 10.


I had expected this, but it was a little disappointing that I couldn't learn it right away.

Putting away the Spell Book, the first thing I did was get out of that sardine can and got out of bed.

'Inventory Window.' I only thought of the ability to open a new window for myself.

The new window showed a 3D Diagram of me wearing my current set of clothes. There was a grid with 12 empty boxes and one occupying one of the grids.

I was wearing the white hat that Finn always wore and Finn's red pajamas.

Under this hat, I had long golden hair, and my eyes were a vibrant blue.

I started to look around again, as I had the skill to gain from making continuous observations, and it was a skill that was mandatory for all players.

As I looked around the room I began to think about my next steps in this world, finding dungeons and completing them would be one of the goals I should keep in mind to become stronger quickly.

A Skill was created through a special action.

Created Skill [ Observe ]

( Observe ] ( Active ) Lv 1

Through continuous observation, one was generated to observe objects, situations, and people, allowing the user to collect information quickly.

A nice sound to listen to in the morning, now, I should get out of bed to shower and brush my teeth, as the old Finn did not have good oral hygiene to eat wall and also chew the wall, I do not want to look like a Toothless.

As I went downstairs, I could hear Jake the Magic Dog singing happily.

Brush ~

Brush ~

As soon as I got there, I saw Jake humming, as he got all excited about his song, I saw his name floating above his head and his level.

He turned to me and upon seeing me he was surprised. "Are you awake yet, buddy? After yesterday's beating, I didn't think you'd be up so early, even Princess Bubblegum was worried about you.''

He spoke as he raised his eyebrows teasingly.

I pretended to be embarrassed so that he wouldn't think me strange and end up involving us in some strange adventure.

''I'm feeling so full of energy that I could bite a dragon's butt.''

''Haha! Come, join me at this party!''

Doing just that, I took the red toothbrush and started brushing my teeth to avoid cavities in the future, as well as a hole full of ants and giant worms.

Brush ~

Brush ~

Brush ~

Brush ~

I started singing along with Jake the brushing song and even unlocked a skill from [Singing ].

If it were in my old life, at this very moment when I was singing, I would probably be practicing my fencing.

I wonder if I can find a Rapier in the treasure? I thought. Since I knew there were a lot of gold coins lying around the entrance to the house, as well as some weapons, I might end up finding a Rapier as well.

Location - Kitchen

Time: -

We quickly finished brushing our teeth. Jake and I went down to the kitchen and Jake started preparing breakfast while I joined him, again easily unlocking the [ Cooking ] skill. Gives me a general understanding of how to improve my cooking.

Knowing that the skill of [ Cooking ) was a must as the buffs I could get from food alone would be great.

''Breakfast is ready, buddy!'' said Jake as he placed a plate of pancakes, ice cream, and bacon on the table.

Meanwhile, I had quickly gone downstairs to see if there was a Rapier in the piles of gold coins and gems if there was one.

Even if it was all chipped up, but, if I learned the 'Grade 1 Standard Spell book', I could get the 'Repair' skill and make it brand new, until then I could keep using Scarlet.

[ Rapier - Rank: Trash ]

[ Rusted and chipped beyond use, possibly caused tetanus. ]

''Going up.''

I quickly got to the top floor, and we started eating.

I still haven't seen BMO, that cute little robot.

Location - Backyard

Jake had to go out to meet his girlfriend Lady Rainicorn. In the end, not wanting to waste time staying inside the Tree House, I ended up leaving the house with Scarlet in hand.

The more passives I gained this early in the game, the better it would be, plus I had already gained 3 points in WIS.

When I decided to watch things to get the skill [ Observe ], I offered to help Jake when making breakfast, and now when I went out into the backyard to practice with the sword.

I was also wondering which route to take.

A Warrior, probably a Duelist or a Berserker, for their fighting options that would be considered Dueling and Rage Berserker.

A Mage, any specialization would suit me. Fire, Water, Earth, and Lightning. Al

specializations would be of great help.

With Scarlet in hand, I began to swing her from top to bottom with standard fencing moves.

I would stop only after receiving [ Sword Mastery ] another indispensable Passive skill.

10 Blows...

20 Blows...

My body started to get surprisingly heavy.

70 Blows...

My hands were burning as I struck all these repetitive movements with the sword.

100 Blows...

It seems that in the end, I could not gain the skill that way.

Giving one last blow with the sword, I heard the sound of notification, in my ears, it seemed to be the best music ever created.

A Skill was Created through a Special Action.

Created Skill [ Sword Mastery. ]

[ Sword Mastery. ] ( Passive ) Lv 1 EXP: 0,0%

Info: A Skill that the to handle swords freely.

Increase Sword and Blade damage by 5%.


"Hahaha... Finally!''

I celebrated and looked at the open window.

I think I'm doing pretty well for my first day in this world.


His current stats:

Name: Finn Mertens ( Aka Charles )

Title: Hero of the Land of Ooo.


Level: 3 ( Next Level 0.1% )

Hp: 120/120

Mp: 50/50

Strength: 17

Dexterity: 11

Vitality: 12

Intelligence: 5

Wisdom: 8

Luck: 20

Points: 0

Money: 0




1) [ Player Mind ] ( Passive ) Lv MAX.

2) [ Player Body ] ( Passive ) Lv MAX

3) [ Observe ] ( Active ) Lv 1 EXP: 0,0%

4) [ Sword Mastery ] (Passive) Lv 1 EXP: 0,0%

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