/ Book&Literature / HP : The New Addition

HP : The New Addition Original

HP : The New Addition

Book&Literature 7 Capítulos 102.2K Modos de exibição

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A 20 year old man on Earth dies and is reborn in the world of Harry Potter as the elder brother of Luna Lovegood and is in the same year as the golden trio.

How will things go with this new addition?
Will they change drastically or the fates of the characters will remain the same?
Will Luna be bullied again?
What is the secret of those purple eyes of the Lovegood family?

Keep reading to find out............................

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  1. Thoughts_of_a_soul
    Thoughts_of_a_soul Contribuído 10
  2. ChaoticPlayer
    ChaoticPlayer Contribuído 7
  3. ub_0071
    ub_0071 Contribuído 6

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